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  • God cannot be measured or counted. That then necessitates avoidance of any form of Semi-/Full Sabellianism, whether dynamic, sequential, modal, or otherwise. And it necessitates the preclusion of any creative economy for the Son, whether at procession or conception. There is only one answer, and it lies in knowing what God's Rhema is. The Father is not the Son is not the Father (are not the Holy Spirit). But they cannot be distinct as hypostases, especially since the alleged multiple hypostases must be both quantitatively AND qualitatively distinct. (Father unbegotten, Son eternally begotten, HS eternally proceeding.). The eternality of the Son is the eternality of the Logos. They're coterminous.
    You seem to be even more gun-shy and defensive than I. My reasonable concern of you being condescending has been eradicated by your explanation to the contrary. Why not take the opportunity to communicate about that which you introduced? There's certainly nothing else worthwhile happening in that thread with all the Christ-deity detractors taking it over. My biggest concern is explicit use of terminology with exacting definitions. Then comes the emphasis that the transcendent God cannot be quantified in any cardinal number sense. Multiple hypostases is "parts" for/as God, even with perichoresis. (Continued...)
    What about Kierkegaard's claim that Christendom was false and against Christ?
    I am coming from a very different background than you are. (academic philosophy/Christian existentialism)
    Isn't my coming here part of assembling with others? Am I not placed under your own guidance?

    Why is my posting against same sex marriage - an urgent issue of our times - offensive on a Christian forum?

    I am trying to be more temperant and respectful (except to aCW, for obvious reasons).

    It is troubling that I have to keep putting his new avatars and usernames on iggy everytime he does it :(
    I guess it is the way I was raised : You don't attend church. I am more of a Kierkegaardian Christian. Do all Christians attend church?
    He is a pastor where my mother-in-law and son go. I attend only sporadically. Yes, I told him my therapist had spoken about the need for an increase.
    I was following up because this study was being hailed as a game changer. As this is my topic of expertise, I of course posted it.

    The Pastor I sought counseling from is an Episcopal. He believes posting on same sex marriage is alright because it is a huge issue at present and effects culture and social policy. However, he did suggest continuing with antidepressants (he actually advised upping them -and talk therapy as well). What more do you want from me? :idunno: Its very humiliating :nono:
    I'll just bow out and let you guys do what you do. The thread has already devolved to a slug-fest over the Deity of Christ; and few professing "normative" Trinitarians have much to contribute. Been there, done that.

    My primary concern is that others represent the historical Trinity doctrine for/as exactly what it is by meticulous formulaic, and understanding the terms and their usage. Unless/until that is reality, any disaffirmations of minutiae can't even be examined.

    As for AMR, his own contributions have been a conflict with historical terminology, with an exhibited stubborn refusal to admit that referring to the Holy Spirit as a "being" is unacceptable, among other points.

    It's difficult to take seriously those who are condescending and insist I'm condescending. So you guys pat each other on the backs and I'll exit. Thee are plenty of hungry Believers who want live teaching of the truth without dogma and it's misrepresentation.

    G'day, gentlemen.
    Yeah, thanks. I don't know to what extent you have been following the thread but when he came on the whole atmosphere changed. I, e.g., did an about switch from being the one who was challenging others to consider what they were saying to then the one who was defending them. He popped off a string of Greekisms and said they were unintelligible in English to which I translated them without difficulty. He had nothing to say about that but criticized me for making light of it all, that time to which I was partly to blame. Thatnotwithstanding, he too could have interpreted the terms for us and perhaps have had something a value to offer the thread; instead he was content to make us all feel stupid and grossly inferior to him. Enough said. I challenged him to unpack his terminology for us. That was the last I've heard of him.
    The odd thing is, before he went off in the one thread we'd had one or two pleasant, quick words and, literally, nothing else. But with "Other" it's frequently a box of mental disorder chocolates, so there's no point worrying after it.
    patrick jane is getting clearer by the second...other...he took a sudden turn on me without any discourse between us or taking a particular issue. Looked him up and saw that he was a friend of Dread. Then I hoisted him on his own petard after the silly evasive lawyer bit. Sometimes just looking across a few posts can give you all you need to set a particular poster in sharp enough relief.
    Oh, I am near positive it does not have Bluetooth, the model is HP Stream 13 Laptop
    That may work for this computer, which is near dead, but the one I bought has HDMI, what It does not have is a Ethernet plug in, so, I would have to use a decide where one plugs the Ethernet cable into a WiFi device
    The wife has a minor heart attack (that in itself is an odd construction) and a visit with the cardiologist next week is planned. Your prayers are solicited and appreciated. This accounts for my more than usual stridency in some posts directed toward the unwitting as I "shake my fist" in dismay at my Lord. I am an unprofitable servant. Sigh.
    Odd...why would the TOL leaderboard be a gold and above only area? :think: Seems contrary to the point. Peculiar.
    I'll never make fun of another crimson colored luxury car again. :plain: :chuckle: Could have been worse. He could have been a Washington fan.
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