Ye must be born again !


Well-known member
John 3:7

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

When Jesus told Nicodemus that except a man be born again he cannot see [perceive] the Kingdom of God as per vs 3

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

In essence, what Jesus meant, except ye are of that seed in Me, by being Chosen in Him before the foundation of the World [Eph 1:4] ye cannot see or understand the Kingdom of God, which is to include it's Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom or of the Kingdom of God. Matt 24:14

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Mark 1:14

Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

Which are also the Kingdom Mysteries Luke 8:10

And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

Now, even though Jesus was giving a condition " except ye be born again ", yet He was not giving a imperative or duty for one to perform to become born again; because there is nothing a person can do to be born; even if it was for us to go back into our mothers womb, [ which its not] how could we accomplish that ? Could we make ourselves fetuses again ? Would that be in our ability ?

But nevertheless, Christ meant what He said in stating that 'Ye must be born Again " !

Jesus spoke of a waxed gross heart. He said those whose hearts were waxed gross were not given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom.

These were everyone who Jesus encountered except His disciples. (re. Matthews: 13 verses: 10 to 16)

What is a waxed gross heart and how is this related to being 'born again'?

This seems important because one must be given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom before one can actually know the mysteries of God's kingdom. And one need to know the mysteries of God's kingdom in order to be saved and delivered.​


Well-known member

Jesus spoke of a waxed gross heart. He said those whose hearts were waxed gross were not given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom.

These were everyone who Jesus encountered except His disciples. (re. Matthews: 13 verses: 10 to 16)

What is a waxed gross heart and how is this related to being 'born again'?

This seems important because one must be given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom before one can actually know the mysteries of God's kingdom. And one need to know the mysteries of God's kingdom in order to be saved and delivered.​

Read the Thread !


Well-known member
John 3:7

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

When Jesus told Nicodemus that except a man be born again he cannot see [perceive] the Kingdom of God as per vs 3

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

In essence, what Jesus meant, except ye are of that seed in Me, by being Chosen in Him before the foundation of the World [Eph 1:4] ye cannot see or understand the Kingdom of God, which is to include it's Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom or of the Kingdom of God. Matt 24:14

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

The gospel of the kingdom of God is nothing in the O.T. and a very small amount of the things in the KJV N.T.

The gospel of the kingdom of God is seriously mistake to be the entire Bible. It is really only the gospel of un-circumcision which was committed only onto Paul.

When Jesus was physically on earth, it was given for only his disciples to know the mysteries of God's kingdom. If at all, at that time, these mysteries were delivered, they were delivered only to His disciples in very private session among only them and not delivered to anyone else (re. Matthews: 13 verses: 10 to 30)

It seem that (at the end of it all) only Paul received this gospel, directly from the Spirit of Jesus through his own heart or spirit and not in physically spoken or physically written words.

After Jesus physically left those precincts, Paul had communion with the regenerated the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Jesus and this Spirit revealed the Gospel of un-circumcision to him through his own heart or spirit. This was the first revelation of the Gospel of un-circumcision to anyone in that area of earth and to anyone who has come up through the Moses-ian path way.

This gospel was committed onto only Paul. This is founded on righteousness of God without the law.

This is the gospel which must be published and made know in accuracy, totality and clarity in all land. This is the gospel of un-circumcision. It is not the entire Bible. It is the Bible freed of parables and free of guidance for the unaware and freed of Moses-ism whether original or revised. It is the purified Bible. The Gospel of God's kingdom of heaven is Truth and only Truth, in totality, accuracy and clarity.

I am called to this purpose, by God, in the body of Christ. Those who empower me will be among the chosen few.

Access to this gospel is gained only when one's hearts is not or no longer waxed gross (re. Matthews: 13 verses: 10 to 30).

Moving from having a heart that is waxed gross to having a heart that is not waxed gross is the act of becoming 'born again'. This is the act of awakening to (or becoming aware of) one's own heart or spirit. Then one can search one's heart or spirit to discern the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth which God sent into one's own heart or spirit (re. Galatians: 4 verses: 5 & 6), as Paul did. This Spirit passes all Truth, intuitively, privately and directly from within one's own heart or spirit and not through the physically spoken and physically written scriptures. The physically spoken and physically written scriptures does not deliver All Truth.​
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New member

The gospel of the kingdom of God is nothing in the O.T. and a very small amount of the things in the KJV N.T.

The gospel of the kingdom of God is seriously mistake to be the entire Bible. It is really only the gospel of un-circumcision which was committed only onto Paul.

When Jesus was physically on earth, it was given for only his disciples to know the mysteries of God's kingdom. If at all, at that time, these mysteries were delivered, they were delivered only to His disciples in very private session among only them and not delivered to anyone else (re. Matthews: 13 verses: 10 to 30)

It seem that (at the end of it all) only Paul received this gospel, directly from the Spirit of Jesus through his own heart or spirit and not in physically spoken or physically written words.

After Jesus physically left those precincts, Paul had communion with the regenerated the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Jesus and this Spirit revealed the Gospel of un-circumcision to him through his own heart or spirit. This was the first revelation of the Gospel of un-circumcision to anyone in that area of earth and to anyone who has come up through the Moses-ian path way.

This gospel was committed onto only Paul. This is founded on righteousness of God without the law.

This is the gospel which must be published and made know in accuracy, totality and clarity in all land. This is the gospel of un-circumcision. It is not the entire Bible. It is the Bible freed of parables and free of guidance for the unaware and freed of Moses-ism whether original or revised. It is the purified Bible. The Gospel of God's kingdom of heaven is Truth and only Truth, in totality, accuracy and clarity.

I am called to this purpose, by God, in the body of Christ. Those who empower me will be among the chosen few.

Access to this gospel is gained only when one's hearts is not or no longer waxed gross (re. Matthews: 13 verses: 10 to 30).

Moving from having a heart that is waxed gross to having a heart that is not waxed gross is the act of becoming 'born again'. This is the act of awakening to (or becoming aware of) one's own heart or spirit. Then one can search one's heart or spirit to discern the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth which God sent into one's own heart or spirit (re. Galatians: 4 verses: 5 & 6), as Paul did. This Spirit passes all Truth, intuitively, privately and directly from within one's own heart or spirit and not through the physically spoken and physically written scriptures. The physically spoken and physically written scriptures does not deliver All Truth.​

Do you ever write anything that doesn't have to do with getting rid of the Scriptures?


Well-known member

The gospel of the kingdom of God is nothing in the O.T. and a very small amount of the things in the KJV N.T.

Do you understand the essence of what I am saying in the quote ? Please explain what I am saying !


Well-known member
Do you understand the essence of what I am saying in the quote ? Please explain what I am saying !

I perceived that post # 65 was spot on.

You quoted: "if one is not 'born again one cannot see the kingdom of God."

I agree with the above, it is scriptural.

You also quoted: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world."

I also agree with the above, it is scriptural.

Being satisfied that those statement were scriptural, I then sought to address the common misunderstanding that people have about what is the Gospel of the kingdom of heaven by providing the exact verses in the KJV N.T. where it was identified and described.

I also sought to address the common misunderstanding that people have about what is to be 'born again' by giving the revelation in the KJV N.T. which confirms what it means to be 'born again.

It is no point enunciating that "if one is not 'born again one cannot see the kingdom of God." and "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world." if one's ideas about what is that Gospel is wrong and one is also misinform about what it means to be 'born again.

Isn't this, which is the essence of my post # 65, also the essence of your post.

You are making the point and supporting it with revelations from the KJV N.T., that one must be 'born again', in order see the kingdom of God. You are spot on with those guidance.

The underlying Truth is that the mysteries of God's kingdom cannot be delivered through physically spoken and physically written words. Any preaching of the Gospel of God's kingdom is simply to convey that one must become 'born again' and seek the mysteries of God's kingdom directly and intuitively from the Spirit through one's own heart or spirit. This is the only path to salvation and deliverance.

These can be and must be, obtained only intuitively and directly from the Spirit of Jesus through one's own heart or spirit. Fact is one must be born again in order to have access to one's own spirit and the Spirit of Truth within one's own spirit.

Being 'born again' is not about acquiring the Spirit as one's own spirit. It is about being led by this Spirit. It is not about loosing the essential identity of one's own spirit and replacing it with the Spirit. Becoming 'born again' is simply about become aware of one's own spirit so that one can then search one's own heart or spirit to discern precisely what the Spirit has in mind for one to pray fro, say and do and be led into all of one's works by that. This is to be Christian. This is how to be saved and delivered into God's kingdom of heaven.

May be I pedal my point too aggressively. I do apologize if you find that is so. However it will take a lot of effort to communicate these ideas which are at the very root of Truth which saves and delivers humans and which are not held or known in traditional Christianity.

Establishing these points seem to to be essentially to the base of your central point which is that, becoming 'born again' is something totally out side of one's control.

I cannot disagree with your central point if these basic things are not established in common grounding.

Fact is one is told by revelations in the KJV N.T., to search one's own heart to know what the Spirit has in mind for one to pray for say and so. This indicates the work that is related to being 'born again'.

There is something that one must do, as prescribed in the KJV N.T., in order to open the path way for becoming 'born again'.

Being 'born again' is necessary or related, to being given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom.

How does one become given to know the mysteries of God's kingdom? Matthews: 13 verses: 10 to 16 is a good place to start.

Do you perceive that 'God's kingdom' and 'the kingdom of heaven' is the same thing and why?

Another revelations which adds light is John: 16 verses: 7 to 14. It is the Spirit which delivers All Truth. This is where Paul got it.​
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Well-known member

I perceived that post # 65 was spot on.

If you wanna comment on what I am saying, please reveiw posts 54,55, and 60 and then explain what my point is that you perceive, regardless if you agree with it. But you should be able to follow my reasoning !


Well-known member
Jn 3:8

7Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

To be born again is not a command for people to go out and try to make themselves born again, by things they must do, for that is not what Jesus is Talking about. What Jesus is saying is that another you must be born again, a whole New Creation apart from Being born of the Flesh, or natural Childbirth. The you that we are by Nature, is not changed or altered, but an additional you, from another source must be born. You see, we must be born out of an incorruptible seed. The life we [The Elect] were given in Adam was out of an corruptible seed 1 Pet 1:23

23Being born again, not of corruptible seed[Adam], but of incorruptible[Christ], by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

However, in order to be born again there must be a Life that we already have in the Incorruptible Seed, which is The Word of God, or the Logos of God, who is Jesus Christ, the Seed Gal 3:16

16Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

We must have had a seed substance Life or existence in Christ, as we had in Adam, to be born again of the Spirit. So Jesus in His conversation with Nicodemus was informing him, unless a man has a seminal[Spiritual] existence in the incorruptible seed [Christ], they shall not see or enter the kingdom of God. Folks the Spiritual Birth that John writes of in Jn 3, is in no way related to the flesh, its origin is out of a whole different realm Jn 3:6a

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

And what is really insane today is the false teaching that a Spiritual New Birth is a product of the flesh, the natural mans faith or his freewill or his decision causes it, in total contradiction to Jn 1:12-13

12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

They are teaching that the right to become a Child of God was by the will of the flesh, but that right was not because of the will of the flesh or of man, but it was out of the Will of God ! The fact of the matter is this, we had no choice or say so in being born physically out of adam, nor out of Christ, if we belong to Christ !

Your conclusions seem confused.

If I simply take your first quote: Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Your opening point seem to be that this not a commandment from Jesus.

It is at least a declaration of fact.

A few verses down Jesus added to that first confirmation: "Except a man be born of water and of Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven."

This seems to suggest that first one is born of water (most of man's physical body is water). Then one must have a second birth where the body of this second birth is the fabric of Spirit.

Our first body is our natural body or physical body. Our spirit is our second body or inward man. We have both, always.

After physical birth one does not loose awareness of one's natural man.

However one can remain unaware of one's inward man which is also called our heart or spirit. This state where one is not aware of one's own inward man or spirit or heart is described as having a heart that is waxed gross (i.e. covered). It is also called being dead within. It is also called being 'the dead'.

The message is that our inward man or spirit is from heaven.

Our spirit or inward man conforms to precisely what the Spirit has in mind for us to pray for, say and do, in our life on earth, as discern within this very spirit or inward man.

This state of not being 'born again' is described every were in the KJV N.T. with the word 'dead'.

Jesus has also revealed things that killeth.

Therefore becoming 'born again' requires works for those who are not 'born again'. They must avoid or drop those things which killeth!​


Well-known member

Your conclusions seem confused.

If I simply take your first quote: Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Your opening point seem to be that this not a commandment from Jesus.

It is at least a declaration of fact.

You have failed to prove that you understand what I am saying within my posts, you give no analysis of the components the posts, you are too much in a hurry to give your opinion on things. Until you do that, I have nothing else for you, since you do not seem to grasp what's being said as to why one is Born Again ! I spent a lot of time showing that !


Well-known member

You have failed to prove that you understand what I am saying within my posts, you give no analysis of the components the posts, you are too much in a hurry to give your opinion on things. Until you do that, I have nothing else for you, since you do not seem to grasp what's being said as to why one is Born Again ! I spent a lot of time showing that !

Why go though all of that?

Why not simply say in simple words why one is 'born again'?

Then you can provide the KJV N.T. support if necessary.

Letters discernment kills my intuitive discernment.


New member

Why go though all of that?

Why not simply say in simple words why one is 'born again'?

Then you can provide the KJV N.T. support if necessary.

Letters discernment kills my intuitive discernment.

You are ridiculous. Intuitive discernment?


Well-known member

Bottom line is that, to be 'born again' is to be no longer 'dead'.

Becoming 'born again' requires works from those who are not 'born again'.

They must avoid or drop those things which killeth! They must also drop those things which does not give life. Jesus identified those things.

Jesus also identified what delivers All Truth. Those who seek to be 'born again' must seek out that thing which delivers All Truth.

Jesus also identified what giveth life. It is the seam thing that delivers All Truth.
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Well-known member
I beg your pardon, I went through all of that to put there to make a point !


State your point clearly then provide the proof.

To hide or even put, your point in a maze of letters, is to effectively kill any possibility of awakening anyone with your point.

This is precisely how the letter killeth. Your appraoch will effectively keep those who dwell on your letter 'un-born-again'

At this point in time, if you want to say things to those who are seeking to be born again, you must deliver accurately, totally and clearly.​
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
John 3:7

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

When Jesus told Nicodemus that except a man be born again he cannot see [perceive] the Kingdom of God as per vs 3

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

In essence, what Jesus meant, except ye are of that seed in Me, by being Chosen in Him before the foundation of the World [Eph 1:4] ye cannot see or understand the Kingdom of God, which is to include it's Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom or of the Kingdom of God. Matt 24:14

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Mark 1:14

Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

Which are also the Kingdom Mysteries Luke 8:10

And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

Now, even though Jesus was giving a condition " except ye be born again ", yet He was not giving a imperative or duty for one to perform to become born again; because there is nothing a person can do to be born; even if it was for us to go back into our mothers womb, [ which its not] how could we accomplish that ? Could we make ourselves fetuses again ? Would that be in our ability ?

But nevertheless, Christ meant what He said in stating that 'Ye must be born Again " !

In order for someone to become "born again" they must place all their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior, be convicted, indwelt, and sealed, then placed into the "body of Christ" by the Holy Spirit......


Well-known member

In order for someone to become "born again" they must place all their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior,

Thats a Lie and its works, and it is something the Natural Man cannot do !