Woman in Germany dragged into Subway by crowd of Muslims and brutally raped.


New member
I disagree my good man.
There is nothing anti-Semitic in wanting Israel to end their apartheid government
and do the right thing. I haven't witnessed any hate orgy within the BDS movement,
only concern for the people that are oppressed by the zionists in charge.
If the Jews wanted peace (they don't, they want someone else's real estate)
they would either give the Occupied Territories back to the Arabs they stole it from (Two State Solution)
or integrate them into their society, giving them full rights as equals (One State Solution).
Look, considerable international pressure was directed at S. Africa to end
their apartheid government and it happened, without anyone being labeled anti-white,
though plenty of blacks had reason to feel hatred. I think the same could happen
with Israel if the US and GB would just get on board.

You are completely mistaken as the recent historical record shows.

The Israelis DE-occupied Gaza, and immediately terrorist groups took over,
and HAMAS have been murdering Palestinians and self-policing the area ever since.

And the Israelis don't want GAZA back.

They'd just like Hamas or whoever wants to be in charge there to stop shooting missiles,
and stop digging tunnels to attack Israel.
Nobody in Israel wants the Gaza Strip. Its a filthy hell-hole full of murderous creeps.

The kindest thing that could be done for the Palestinians in Gaza would be
a mass sterilization program
until they are mature enough to have children
and not use them as targets, suicide-bombs, or human shields.

No one wants either the Palestinians OR their land. Its crap.

Even the Jordanians, the Saudis, and the Egyptians don't want ANY 'refugees'
from Gaza or the West Bank.

The wisest thing would be to empty the West Bank of all people (its a desert),
and use it as a buffer-zone in case of invasions from Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I know dreadful it means that only 662 Germans were murder last year rather than the 12,000+ Americans.

Adjust that its 2400 for equivalent populations.

and before you go there its rape rate is 1/3 of the US also.

The facts don't give us an answer to this problem in Germany but widespread gun ownership is a much worse problem, with much more dreadful consequences.

You may find it hard to believe but I couldn't care less what you do in the Old World. This is your problem not mine. Enjoy your immigrants and empty hands. :e4e:


Do you really, considering all the rapes that are being perpetrated by refugees?

Are you familiar with the My Lai Massacre?

In Vietnam, 26 American soldiers were charged with gang raping, and then killing dozens of women.

Not only did they gang rape the women, they mutilated their bodies before they killed them, and then they killed a total of around 400 men, women, children, and infants from the village.

During WWII 10,000 Okinawan women reported being raped by American soldiers.

A total of 14,000 civilian women in England, France and Germany were raped by American GIs during World War II.

Rape exists, it always had, and it always will.


New member
The video is a fake.

It's from Egypt, not Germany.

It was recorded in Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt in 2013.

Yeah thats why the Signs are in ENGLISH,
and the graffiti is in Arabic.....

There's a hell of a lot of Subways / 'Tubes' in Egypt, at sea-level.


Seems so. Thanks for pointing that out.

I can't believe no one checked.

Right off the bat, there are two signs at the entrance of the subway. One in English, and the other in Arabic. Nothing in German.

All the men have short sleeve shirts on. It's cold in Cologne this time of the year.

Lastly, I'm not 100% positive, but I don't think Cologne has an underground subway system. I think their's is all above ground.


Yeah thats why the Signs are in ENGLISH,


They don't have NO SMOKING signs written in English in Cologne, Germany, they're written in German.

There's a hell of a lot of Subways / 'Tubes' in Egypt, at sea-level.

Cairo, Metro

From Wikipedia:

"Cairo Metro has the first tunnel under the Nile River in history, as the line 2 extends under the river"


New member

They don't have NO SMOKING signs in English in Cologne, Germany, they're in German.

Nice quick editing:

But here, these are all in Germany:






But here, these are all in Germany:


Boy, are you embarrassing yourself.

This sign is from a website about "Funny Signs". The sign isn't from Germany.

You should really stop embarrassing yourself with videos and signs that aren't from Germany, and claiming they are from Germany.

Not to mention how you embarrassed yourself regarding the Cairo Metro.


New member
I can't believe no one checked.

Right off the bat, there are two signs at the entrance of the subway. One in English, and the other in Arabic. Nothing in German.

All the men have short sleeve shirts on. It's cold in Cologne this time of the year.

Lastly, I'm not 100% positive, but I don't think Cologne has an underground subway system. I think their's is all above ground.

It's really from Egypt, but that doesn't make it less horrific or mitigating for Muslims considering the history of the actual incident in Cairo, which was terrorism of women by Muslim rapists.



New member
Are you familiar with the My Lai Massacre?

In Vietnam, 26 American soldiers were charged with gang raping, and then killing dozens of women.

Not only did they gang rape the women, they mutilated their bodies before they killed them, and then they killed a total of around 400 men, women, children, and infants from the village.

During WWII 10,000 Okinawan women reported being raped by American soldiers.

A total of 14,000 civilian women in England, France and Germany were raped by American GIs during World War II.

Rape exists, it always had, and it always will.

Hey, I never said otherwise.

So are you saying that Muslim immigrants are acting like they are in a war? I can buy that.