Woman in Germany dragged into Subway by crowd of Muslims and brutally raped.


New member
Check again ... and then tell me how it's different.


Well OK, it's "loosely based" (whatever that means) on an actual incident. Some stark differences are that those men were arrested, prosecuted, and found guilty, whereas the Muslims are NOT arrested, NOT prosecuted, and even protected on the grounds of political correctness. That seems like a pretty big difference.


Hall of Fame
The difference is one group has a religion giving them cart blanche with the women their "right hands" possess.

I personally find the one with a permissive religion to be more frightening.

I wouldn't accept any form of religious or non religious reasoning as being a legitimate excuse for barbaric lowlifes to rape women ... or children ... or men.

Yes, the Muslims in question are scum of the earth. IF the earth were to open up and swallow them as well as all other rapists, I would not mourn them.


No. Same difference as a news cast and a snuff film, I think you know exactly what the difference is.


I am a Jew and I like the fact that I can use the holocaust, when necessary, for my own political agenda. Stories like this, however, actually run quite contrary to my political agenda; therefore, I wish to discredit it
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New member
...and Germans gangs are attacking people who look to be from the Mid East. Your point is?

What do you think is going to happen when your own government brings in a huge menace and absolutely refuses to protect you, or even grant that your sufferings are real? Was a retaliation really unexpected? Do they not have cause?


Hall of Fame
Well OK, it's "loosely based" (whatever that means) on an actual incident. Some stark difference are that those men were arrested, prosecuted, and found guilty, whereas the Muslims are NOT arrested, NOT prosecuted, and even protected on the grounds of political correctness. That seems like a pretty big difference.

As I stated, I expect more from OUR culture then their culture. In the real case, the victim was blamed for her rape.

THAT is exactly what Muslims do ... they blame the victims for their actions.

To be clear, I have no love for any low life who participates in rape. Muslims included.


New member
Hall of Fame
Now you are equivocating and implying it would be okay to watch the video in the OP if it was presented in a news story. You're just too much.

There's a difference between folks documenting a crime after the fact, or reporting on it, and someone committing a crime on film for its own sake. Even you can see the distinction, I would think.


Well-known member
Go find some that depict gangs of white male immigrants raping women of color and justifying the act with religious texts and making a game of it. I'll wait.

Still nothing? Huh. Okay, well, I have to leave now. Let me know if you find something like that.



Well-known member
There's a difference between folks documenting a crime after the fact, or reporting on it, and someone committing a crime on film for its own sake. Even you can see the distinction, I would think.

If that video in the OP had been part of a CNN segment, showing the exact same footage, you would have to claim it was acceptable to view based on your logic.



New member
Hall of Fame
If that video in the OP had been part of a CNN segment, showing the exact same footage, you would have to claim it was acceptable to view based on your logic.


Well no, not really. I don't think this filth has any place anywhere. (That hypothetical Holocaust footage I mentioned deserves to be destroyed, not kept around like some keepsake.) That's the whole point. Instead, any grinning cretin in the world gets to watch it whenever they want. Isn't that charming.

If you Christians are comfortable watching a sexual assault in the name of being "informed" don't bother with the pretense of any kind of moral high ground. It'd be doing us all a favor.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Well no, not really. I don't think this filth has any place anywhere. (That hypothetical Holocaust footage I mentioned deserves to be destroyed, not kept around like some keepsake.) That's the whole point. Instead, any grinning cretin in the world gets to watch it whenever they want. Isn't that charming.

Granite is a historical revisionists dream citizen. :chuckle:

I'll bet Trad. agrees with you 100%


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
No, I'm the son of a Jewish woman, and you're beneath my contempt.

Sorry Granite, you're going to have to jump higher than that you, obnoxious, sanctimonious, pissant. :yawn:

....But you go on and hide behind that skirt.



New member
Hall of Fame
You just implied I was no better than the people who murdered members of my family. Quit while you're ahead.


Well-known member
(That hypothetical Holocaust footage I mentioned deserves to be destroyed, not kept around like some keepsake.) That's the whole point.

“For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” ― Elie Wiesel

“If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example.” ― Anne Frank


Well-known member
You just implied I was no better than the people who murdered members of my family. Quit while you're ahead.

You were implying that I participated in the extermination of my family members by viewing images of the holocaust. Next time quit before you come across like a hypocrite.


New member
Hall of Fame
You were implying that I participated in the extermination of my family members by viewing images of the holocaust. Next time quit before you come across like a hypocrite.

Then your reading comprehension's as lousy as your judgment.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
You just implied I was no better than the people who murdered members of my family. Quit while you're ahead.

:rolleyes: Granite....Take a hike...You trot that out whenever you get the opportunity thinking it's going to silence your opposition. I'm not impressed.

If you don't want to be compared to the murderous thugs; then don't do their work for them....And yes, you self-righteous dink, advocating for the destruction of the evidence of ANY atrocity is DOING THEIR WORK FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!