No. If you allow acceptance of Nazaroo's constant rewriting of reality, you can't address the real problems that are buried within the insanity.
Yes, it's horrific that a reporter was gang-raped in Cairo. Yes, it's horrific that there are cultures of rape. But Nazaroo should be pummeled vigilantly over his distortions and lies, whether or not there may be shards of realty buried in his distortions and lies.
Excuse me. I didn't misname the post. I only posted what I found.
Ultimately it makes no difference because its a real scene of a real rape by Muslims.
The end result is the same. Muslim culture is rape culture.
I mistakenly assumed it was Germany but it makes absolutely no difference.
The organized gang rapes are as real as the one in this video.
Had I posted a different video from Germany portraying the same thing
or a different scene with the same crime of rape the message is the same.
Muslim culture doesn't assimilate, doesn't embrace modern civilization,
is a criminal subculture validated by a fake paramilitary cult pretending to religion.
With the freakshows like Nazaroo or aCW posting their
(1) fake photographs and their
(2) made-up stories,
(3) misrepresenting facts,
(4) rewriting history,
(5) cherry picking statistics or
(6) using them out of context,
(7) presenting videos as being one thing when they're actually something else,
they toss aside reality, and by doing so, they make things meaningless.
Guilt by association.
Followed by SEVEN unsubstantiated claims.
But posters on both sides or all sides are doing all of these things
in a common enough frequency to equal anything I have done by accident,
or with obvious hyperbole or sarcasm.
The only persons misled by the latter two are simply people who don't know how to read.
For example, Telestai just finished claiming that 10,000 Japanese women reported
themselves raped at Okanawa in WW2. An IMPOSSIBLE claim without any foundation,
because there were less than 8,000 survivors on Okanawa after its taking by navy shelling,
with probably less than 3,000 total female survivors.
Nazaroo consistently, relentlessly lies and distorts reality and by doing so, he dismantles reality, again, whether or not there are shards of reality buried in his posts. In a way, that there might be pieces of reality buried in his insanity maybe makes it even worse, because when reality is framed within distortions and lies, it makes it impossible to speak to it rationally. How can you have a real conversation about a topic when that topic is buried within a framework of lies?
From what we have seen, the typical NON-CHristian TROLLS who come here to
mock, attempt to 'destroy' or 'de-faith' Christians with their own secular humanist
liberal libertarian/anarchist/atheist agendas never do speak rationally,
or when they do, they alternate between that and open insults.
You give me far too much credit, clown.
I had no hand in the dysfunctional upbringing and education/brainwashing of
most of the non-Christian "guests" who invite themselves to spam Christian threads.
The people who say "well, it doesn't matter if that's not true because it could be, or because it happened somewhere else" are a part of the problem, because once you allow acceptance of misinformation into a conversation, on whatever level, what's real doesn't matter any longer.
We live in a post-media world where there are many many avenues of information,
and at the same time an absolute need to do your own quality-control, vetting,
fact-checking, search for alternate opinions.
Mainstream media may have always been controlled, but now people KNOW it is.
Alternate media may be as flakey as ever, but its a necessary independent set of sources,
for exposing government fraud, delusional thinking, and propaganda.
Don't cry because everyone now has to do their own fact-checking.
That was a responsibility LONG OVERDUE.
And don't blame reporters for getting it wrong. Thats still a hell of a lot better than
not getting any information at all, which was the state of affairs a mere 50 years ago.
Welcome to the Information Age, Buyer beware.
In one thread, Nazaroo posts about how Sandy Hook shootings of schoolchildren are fake. In another he posts fake stories about gang rape in Germany. In another, he posts about how the moon landing was faked. It's an avalanche of misinformation and outright insanity. He and those folks like him are a scourge.
More baby-whining.
Sandy Hook - faked by government Intel workers for Gun control agenda.
Show me photos of the crime scene. Show me how the same kids can appear
at a sports event after they are dead.
Gang Rapes in Germany - REAL. If you're denying that, you're a leftist disinformant.
By this week, a reported 739 victims – mostly women – had come forward claiming they were attacked or robbed that night. Of these 430 were allegedly sexually assaulted.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the prospect of women being "defenceless" is "personally unbearable". Photo: Bloomberg
Moon Landing - Who cares? the best evidence for a real moon landing is the claim itself:
They blew 40 Billion dollars so a dozen privileged white goofs could play golf on the moon, and bring back no intelligent data. Thats clinching proof it must have happened,
cause only rich corporate goofballs could do something that stupid.
The one saving grace that I find is that ultimately, he becomes such an epic freakshow that he winds up marginalizing himself. In his role at TOL (along with a rapidly expanding crew), he winds up marginalizing the evangelical right.
What a clown you are.
There is no "evangelical right". There may be a handful of TV-watching supporters of
100 Huntley street or 700 Club, but that era died in the 80s and 90s when every
major televangelist was exposed, outed, arrested, and did hard time,
by the work of real investigative reporters 30 years before your late arrival to warn us.
What a marroon. What an Imbassil. What a ninCowpoop.
Bugs Bunny runs rings around people like you who are so many decades out of date
that all you have left is the Westboro Baptist Church to beat up,
cause all the mainstream churches went homosexual-owned and operated decades ago.
There are just no more causes worth fighting for in the 21st century, you loser.
Even feminism has become a caricature of itself, in much the same way that
Hugh Hefner is a caricature of himself, having more nurses than call-girls.
Sorry there's such slim pickins for ya. Somebody already scraped the bottom of the barrel
while Lennon was still alive and trying to pose as relevant by writing "Imagine",
while wacking himself up with heroin.
What disturbs me most about Nazaroo isn't Nazaroo, it's that some people will actually sidle up with him if they find some scrap of ideology they might agree with buried in his insanity, despite that otherwise, they're aware that he's a madman. Manson also probably has some accurate observations about culture, but to use him as a source is as insane as using Nazaroo or aCW as a source.
oh noooeees!
Some innocent lurker might take something Nazaroo says seriously.
You must stay awake at night freaking out over that.
Because thats what disturbs you.
That maybe some hillbilly with internets from the Ozarks might get something wrong
by trauling one of my threads for a kick while he waits for a welfare check.
I'd be more worried that he didn't have enough vocab or comprehension to even
understand what I was misinforming him on. Do you really think the average readers
here pick up all the nuances, sarcasm, innuendo or joking? I doubt it.
But don't worry: If by some freak of fate I ended up with 3 or 4 followers from Oaklahoma, I doubt they could get up the bus-fare to meet up with me here in
a sea of Muslim terrorists in Toronto GTA.
Never, never let his crazed avalanche of misinformation slide because one afternoon you find something you agree with buried inside it. By doing so, you do reality a disservice.
Look out! Another Avalanche! I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Is zoo22 another fake account from Chair?
You decide.