Why would God need a hell?

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New member
No, he turned to God, repentant. All others are lost, due to pride. For hell to not exist, Christ has to be a liar.

I think it requires more pride to believe in hell, than it does not to believe in God. To believe in hell, the believer in it must subtract from God; they must subtract grace, forgiveness, love, patience, mercy, redemption, renewal, and the sacrifice of Christ; all the things that are powerful enough to erase the Christian hell must be reduced in order to factor out unbelievers.


Well-known member
Okay, let's reduce this to basics somewhat. If the pair of you had designed something whereby I or someone was either going to drown or some such suffering fate merely by our happening to 'be' then I'd hardly call either of you altruists by happening to throw us a raft or something that would allow us to escape. You set the thing up with impossible - or at the very least - exceptionally difficult parameters in the first place.
Let's go back, the captain of the Titanic was able. There was certainly every indication that the ship was unsinkable, but there was also every indication that if a large iceberg was hit, the ship was going down. As the ship-line owner, I'm responsible, and I knew all this going in.

If the 'good news' is merely: "Hey, you've been born, you're aware and therefore you're alive and as such headed to "hell" cos you ain't perfect but here's a ticket out of it!"...then what exactly is actually "good" about that?
"Inevitability, Fatalism" these are the words. Does it mean these by necessity? :nono: In some ways, the Open Theist's assertion that God is an able chess-player is not all bad, for the example it gives, the largest difference between them and the rest of us, is that we believe God knows/knew all things. In the end, it is God on trial, with man making assertions, but I definitely, as bright as I may be, am not capable of bringing that charge. The God of the universe has told me that He is Good, that there is no darkness (not even a little bit) in Him. I will not bring this charge, regardless of what it looks like on paper. It, for me, is a trust issue (with a tad bit of what I think is no-brainer logic as well). I'm not 'concerned' with the same thing you are. Why? Because, good/bad, doesn't matter if He is God. He wouldn't even have to say He was good to coax us, if He weren't good--Being all powerful, what chance have I got? You? :nono: None at all, and therefore, imho, it is a fool's errand. It only makes logical sense that God is all good because, being all-powerful, He has no reason to lie. Why? Because you and are powerless regardless.

Rather like a fireman starting a fire and then giving the 'gift' of a rope ladder to those trapped in a building he set alight in the first place and shouting "Good news folks, here's your escape!"
Er, and I can think of a few scenarios where that wouldn't be a 'bad' thing by any necessity. Again, this is a charge against God based on our incredibly limited view. It has EVERY earmark of a witness who didn't see the whole thing, but then somehow sits as judge.


New member
No, he turned to God, repentant. All others are lost, due to pride. For hell to not exist, Christ has to be a liar.

IMO, Christ is not a liar. The personality is. Hell is perceived separation from God. It only exists as a construct in the mind because it comes from a belief. Beliefs are repetitive thoughts which the personality uses as props to keep it from feeling a sense of deficient lack if it were to let go. Here lies the personality's lack of self-worth and the resulting self-hatred which slowly turns into perceived separation. The personality doesn't feel it is good enough to survive without its beliefs. It convinces us we are worthless without them when it's just the opposite. Remember the famous quote by Rene Descartes? I think he had it in reverse.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let's go back, the captain of the Titanic was able. There was certainly every indication that the ship was unsinkable, but there was also every indication that if a large iceberg was hit, the ship was going down. As the ship-line owner, I'm responsible, and I knew all this going in.

Well, that's rather contradictory isn't it? If there was every indication that hitting a large iceberg would sink a ship then there'd be no reason to claim it could be unsinkable in the first place. If you were to know all of this going in then claiming such a vessel was impervious would be nothing short of a lie. Not really sure what point you're trying to make here as the analogy doesn't really hold up.

"Inevitability, Fatalism" these are the words. Does it mean these by necessity? :nono: In some ways, the Open Theist's assertion that God is an able chess-player is not all bad, for the example it gives, the largest difference between them and the rest of us, is that we believe God knows/knew all things. In the end, it is God on trial, with man making assertions, but I definitely, as bright as I may be, am not capable of bringing that charge. The God of the universe has told me that He is Good, that there is no darkness (not even a little bit) in Him. I will not bring this charge, regardless of what it looks like on paper. It, for me, is a trust issue (with a tad bit of what I think is no-brainer logic as well). I'm not 'concerned' with the same thing you are. Why? Because, good/bad, doesn't matter if He is God. He wouldn't even have to say He was good to coax us, if He weren't good--Being all powerful, what chance have I got? You? :nono: None at all, and therefore, imho, it is a fool's errand. It only makes logical sense that God is all good because, being all-powerful, He has no reason to lie. Why? Because you and are powerless regardless.

Well, if hell/lake of fire is a place for all who haven't believed/been saved, however you want to describe it is true then it was inevitable from the outset that countless people would end up there if one finite life on this plain determined the next. Doesn't really matter in one sense whether you're Calvinist or OT on that score, it would be inevitable one way or the other. You're quite right that if there's an all powerful God who's set things up in any sort of manner that neither you or I could do a darn thing about it. Doesn't mean to say objections can't be raised regarding certain doctrines as both of us are seemingly given reign to do in the meantime.

Er, and I can think of a few scenarios where that wouldn't be a 'bad' thing by any necessity. Again, this is a charge against God based on our incredibly limited view. It has EVERY earmark of a witness who didn't see the whole thing, but then somehow sits as judge.

Such as? Please offer a few of these scenarios. In the meantime I'll offer you another of my own. Supposing you had a child and I injected him/her with a deadly disease and then gave them the antidote just in time before they died. How would you see me Lon, as hero or villain? You're right in that we have a limited view but its not so limited as to not to be able to rationalize or think, to have empathy and balk at cruelty etc. It's doctrines that are on trial Lon not God per se. You yourself slate certain Christian belief systems that others see as truth so yours isn't exempt in itself.


New member
God did not set up hell, there are no scriptures that describe God setting up the Christian hell doctrine; none. Christianity and religion set up all hell doctrines; period! Because its what THEY want God to do with unbelievers; its what THEY would do if it were up to them.


Eclectic Theosophist
Paul's word included his 'opinions'........

Paul's word included his 'opinions'........

As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

If you don't believe THE Gospel: you're liable to swallow anything. You're living proof of this. Without The Blood of Christ, you're trying to steal The Kingdom, by trampling His Blood underfoot.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

You're merely quoting Paul's assumption, as he promoted his own gospel, and even distinguished it as "my gospel" since he knew it was different than the apostles teaching based in Jerusalem who actually knew Jesus in the flesh.

And my commentary on 'Other' still stands,....I could sport any number of religious affiliations that might take my fancy, or what I feel at any moment resonates with my path,.....but 'God' isn't impressed with labels, he looks at the heart, soul and spirit of an individual. His judgments are true, fair, righteous, all-wise, merciful....hence I have no fear of 'Real God'. Now about some 'versions' of 'god' out there,...well,....I take them with a grain of salt ;)


New member
Notice something here with me; will you think with me?

Think on this in 2:pet. 3:18, " But " Grow in Grace." Just those three words. The verse talks about growing in the knowledge of Christ, many of us understand growing in knowledge, but what is growing in the Grace of Christ? Just how do we do that? Well we don't do it, its done for us by Christ. And its an ongoing growing thing that he does for us all. On the average definition, Grace is undeserved Kindness. This means that Jesus is supplying continual underserved kindness to humanity; explain to yourself how a human can be condemned or lost, with this kind of help from Jesus? And that help from him is growing.

This is being supplied because we all need it! As we live and move in our lives, we are growing in Grace from God, because we all keep sinning and failing because we are imperfect beings. Its no way possible ANY of us could qualify for the Kingdom, IF we were not being given this growth of grace. We are being fed a steady supply of forgiveness, because God knows we NEED that; one of the worse things a believer in God could think, is to support doctrines that cut this supply off to any human for any reason!

The Grace of God is not on some time table that runs out on a person during their lives; that's when we NEED grace, ALL of our lives, especially if we are ignorant of God! When sin increases, Grace ALWAYS increases even more to cover the human, because Grace grows MORE than sin! Romans 5:20. With this Holy Math, no sinner can be counted out of salvation.


Eclectic Theosophist
Love's eternal will.............

Love's eternal will.............

Notice something here with me; will you think with me?

Think on this in 2:pet. 3:18, " But " Grow in Grace." Just those three words. The verse talks about growing in the knowledge of Christ, many of us understand growing in knowledge, but what is growing in the Grace of Christ? Just how do we do that? Well we don't do it, its done for us by Christ. And its an ongoing growing thing that he does for us all. On the average definition, Grace is undeserved Kindness. This means that Jesus is supplying continual underserved kindness to humanity; explain to yourself how a human can be condemned or lost, with this kind of help from Jesus? And that help from him is growing.

This is being supplied because we all need it! As we live and move in our lives, we are growing in Grace from God, because we all keep sinning and failing because we are imperfect beings. Its no way possible ANY of us could qualify for the Kingdom, IF we were not being given this growth of grace. We are being fed a steady supply of forgiveness, because God knows we NEED that; one of the worse things a believer in God could think, is to support doctrines that cut this supply off to any human for any reason!

The Grace of God is not on some time table that runs out on a person during their lives; that's when we NEED grace, ALL of our lives, especially if we are ignorant of God! When sin increases, Grace ALWAYS increases even more to cover the human, because Grace grows MORE than sin! Romans 5:20. With this Holy Math, no sinner can be counted out of salvation.

God who is love, must ever by his every own will and nature, act lovingly and do all in the power of love to effect love's fulfillment, love's will. Therefore as long as any conscious being is alive, love will be available to act for that one's own good and salvation, as long as that one can still respond to love's draw. Now this hits home even stronger, as we consider the infinity and eternity of love, as the divine nature and soul that fills and upholds the cosmos. The very essence of reality upholding every atom in existence, does so by love. In light of this it is unimaginable how souls would be condemned to an eternity of endless torment and punishment TO NO END whatsoever. It is insane. Love must do as Love's will and nature calls for it to do according to its own law and constitution, so love could never be fulfilled until all pain, suffering, torment and death is wholly absolved, expunged, conquered, eradicated. Love's will must triumph, if love is wholly accepted in its full desire to be itself and bring all into its healing and wholeness.


New member
Love's will must triumph, if love is wholly accepted in its full desire to be itself and bring all into its healing and wholeness.

A good post Freelight.

Let me focus in on " Wholly Accepting". Because I think a lot of believers in God are hung up on that term " Accepting", as if it is a clause that can disqualify a human, if they don't do it. To accept is to agree to, to give your consent; but it is also to undertake the responsibility as you accept the situation. Many unbelievers who do not " Accept Christ", don't properly understand the situation , because their minds have been invaded by forces much more powerful than they. They don't agree with God, mostly because they don't know him. And when the Holy Spirit of God enters their stolen minds, then accepting God would be normal to them.

So much of humanity will have to be " Brought to that point by God himself ", who will impart the realness of the situation to them, because to many of them, God simply is not real. God does not need or require the consent of the human to help them. In those cases God will be responsible for their lives! In Phil. 2:13 it reveals very clearly that it is God who Works in a human's will to see that his pleasure gets accomplished.

So this " Acceptance clause" has been beaten all out of whack, and is being continually used to condemn people.


Eclectic Theosophist
Have no fear.....

Have no fear.....

Have you looked at the prisons lately? That universal law doesn't seem to be stopping them. Plus, whatever you're talking about sounds a little dangerous to me, so I'll just stick with the bible.

The point is the universal law of sowing & reaping holds....you don't get away with anything,...law of cause/effect (law of compensation). Your 'bible' teaches the same law, since its universal, and human experience proves it.

Those in prison are reaping what they sowed, by being punished by fines, imprisonment, community work, and other penalties. Some do learn their lessons, for some it takes more suffering for them to be inspired to repent (change their mind, change their life).

There is nothing 'dangerous' in recognizing universal laws and principles, in fact its a sign of wisdom, if you aspire to learn and research the universal laws, the ancient wisdom.


Eclectic Theosophist
outshined in the glory of God.....

outshined in the glory of God.....

A good post Freelight.

Let me focus in on " Wholly Accepting". Because I think a lot of believers in God are hung up on that term " Accepting", as if it is a clause that can disqualify a human, if they don't do it. To accept is to agree to, to give your consent; but it is also to undertake the responsibility as you accept the situation. Many unbelievers who do not " Accept Christ", don't properly understand the situation , because their minds have been invaded by forces much more powerful than they. They don't agree with God, mostly because they don't know him. And when the Holy Spirit of God enters their stolen minds, then accepting God would be normal to them.

So much of humanity will have to be " Brought to that point by God himself ", who will impart the realness of the situation to them, because to many of them, God simply is not real. God does not need or require the consent of the human to help them. In those cases God will be responsible for their lives! In Phil. 2:13 it reveals very clearly that it is God who Works in a human's will to see that his pleasure gets accomplished.

So this " Acceptance clause" has been beaten all out of whack, and is being continually used to condemn people.

Hi Mickiel,

Yes,....there is the good ole issue of 'free will' :) - I hear what you're saying,....and it would appear as a soul recognizes the primordial reality of love, which is intrinsic to its own existence, the very power and principal upholding the soul, then there comes a point of 'realization' of the divine love, that is always already its true HOME. The reality of 'God' never left, nor could reality ever be absent, but only our recognition of it is shrouded, distorted, convoluted. But when we awaken to reality, love and its will are illumined within us, and it becomes obvious, a tacit recognition, that 'God' is the one and only sole reality, the absolute one, ever-present, and then we become the temple of 'God', and are outshined in that all-radiant Spirit, that all-radiant consciousness, where 'God is all in all'. In that pure radiant fullness, there is no fear, no sin, no lack, no thing but Love itself.
It does not make sense to me, if a human rejects God and lives that way for 70 years, what kind of legal or fair justice would then punish that human for an eternity; the punishment does not fit the crime, and it does not match the reputation of God.

I think eternal hell is the only legitimately possible form of just punishment. Your illustration here only illustrates the constant problem of man - you are putting MAN at the center. You are thinking of justice in terms of how small a man is and what a man does. I think a more appropriate way of measuring justice is in terms of who GOD is.

Think of it this way. If a man punches a dog, what is the punishment? He might get a reprimand or a fine. If a man punches his neighbor, he might get a fine or a couple days in jail. If a man punches the president, he might get a larger fine and a couple years in jail. In each case, the punishment is not based on the action, but to whom the action was done. Now, lets say the man "punches" God by his rebellious actions. What is an appropriate fine? What is appropriate jail time? It should be based solely upon the value of God - which is unlimited and eternal.

This is what hell is - it is "eternal jail time" based upon the value of the one who we sin against.

That is why only Jesus could pay the price for our sins, because only his life could equal the value of the crime.

If the price of our crimes was limited to the value of our life, we would actually pay the price of our sins by dying, and then the score would be settled.


New member
Hi Mickiel,

Yes,....there is the good ole issue of 'free will' :) - I hear what you're saying,....and it would appear as a soul recognizes the primordial reality of love, which is intrinsic to its own existence, the very power and principal upholding the soul, then there comes a point of 'realization' of the divine love, that is always already its true HOME. The reality of 'God' never left, nor could reality ever be absent, but only our recognition of it is shrouded, distorted, convoluted. But when we awaken to reality, love and its will are illumined within us, and it becomes obvious, a tacit recognition, that 'God' is the one and only sole reality, the absolute one, ever-present, and then we become the temple of 'God', and are outshined in that all-radiant Spirit, that all-radiant consciousness, where 'God is all in all'. In that pure radiant fullness, there is no fear, no sin, no lack, no thing but Love itself.

Oh yes, so very true! Much of humanity just needs to be awaked to the reality we call God!

I bring up that " Acceptance thingy" because a lot of believers use it as if it is really the door of salvation, instead of Christ being that door. They, largely because of the false free will doctrine, make the human will the door of salvation; you must " Accept Christ!" They completely misunderstand the true power of Christ to mold unbelievers in their hearts. In Col. 1:20, " Having made peace by his blood through the cross, by him to " Reconcile ALL things, ( or all humans), unto himself!"

Reconcile means " To CAUSE a person to accept!" Reconciliation is a just " Cause", that will cause humans to awaken. And again, this is good news for unbelievers.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I think eternal hell is the only legitimately possible form of just punishment. Your illustration here only illustrates the constant problem of man - you are putting MAN at the center. You are thinking of justice in terms of how small a man is and what a man does. I think a more appropriate way of measuring justice is in terms of who GOD is.

Think of it this way. If a man punches a dog, what is the punishment? He might get a reprimand or a fine. If a man punches his neighbor, he might get a fine or a couple days in jail. If a man punches the president, he might get a larger fine and a couple years in jail. In each case, the punishment is not based on the action, but to whom the action was done. Now, lets say the man "punches" God by his rebellious actions. What is an appropriate fine? What is appropriate jail time? It should be based solely upon the value of God - which is unlimited and eternal.

This is what hell is - it is "eternal jail time" based upon the value of the one who we sin against.

That is why only Jesus could pay the price for our sins, because only his life could equal the value of the crime.

If the price of our crimes was limited to the value of our life, we would actually pay the price of our sins by dying, and then the score would be settled.

Well, as long as you're not one of those suffering that sentence I suppose it's real easy to justify it...



New member
I think eternal hell is the only legitimately possible form of just punishment. Your illustration here only illustrates the constant problem of man - you are putting MAN at the center. You are thinking of justice in terms of how small a man is and what a man does. I think a more appropriate way of measuring justice is in terms of who GOD is.

Think of it this way. If a man punches a dog, what is the punishment? He might get a reprimand or a fine. If a man punches his neighbor, he might get a fine or a couple days in jail. If a man punches the president, he might get a larger fine and a couple years in jail. In each case, the punishment is not based on the action, but to whom the action was done. Now, lets say the man "punches" God by his rebellious actions. What is an appropriate fine? What is appropriate jail time? It should be based solely upon the value of God - which is unlimited and eternal.

This is what hell is - it is "eternal jail time" based upon the value of the one who we sin against.

That is why only Jesus could pay the price for our sins, because only his life could equal the value of the crime.

If the price of our crimes was limited to the value of our life, we would actually pay the price of our sins by dying, and then the score would be settled.

Well a lot of Christians think exactly like you , they feel like humans deserve to be in misery and pain for trillions of trillions of untold billions of years and on and on into infinity! You are one of the first that I have heard try to say that this eternal punishing should be based on God and his value. I am shocked by that, appalled really. Because I think if God was anywhere in the picture, that would cancel out hell in eternity. But I don't see God anywhere in a picture of eternal punishing for humans.

Far be it from me to try and change your view of God, I am stunned that you give Godly value to the Christian hell. Simply stunned! But its evidence of just how profoundly deep this is in the Christian mind.

Well a lot of Christians think exactly like you , they feel like humans deserve to be in misery and pain for trillions of trillions of untold billions of years and on and on into infinity! You are one of the first that I have heard try to say that this eternal punishing should be based on God and his value. I am shocked by that, appalled really. Because I think if God was anywhere in the picture, that would cancel out hell in eternity. But I don't see God anywhere in a picture of eternal punishing for humans.

Far be it from me to try and change your view of God, I am stunned that you give Godly value to the Christian hell. Simply stunned! But its evidence of just how profoundly deep this is in the Christian mind.


That just sounds to me like emotional appeal. God is love, and hell is the opposite of love, so God and hell can't coexist... It sounds emotionally convincing, but I don't think it is true.

Is there justice in love?

What do you personally think is an appropriate punishment for sinning against God?

Ben Masada

New member
Why would God need a hell!

Why would God need a hell!

He doesn't. It is us who need one to bury our kin. Now, if you are referring to the Christian hell-fire, it doesn't exist unless someone is talking through parables or allegories as Jesus spoke of one in his parable of the Richman and Lazarus when the point to make was that the Law exists forever as long as we transgress it. (Luke 16:29-31)


Well-known member
Well, that's rather contradictory isn't it? If there was every indication that hitting a large iceberg would sink a ship then there'd be no reason to claim it could be unsinkable in the first place. If you were to know all of this going in then claiming such a vessel was impervious would be nothing short of a lie. Not really sure what point you're trying to make here as the analogy doesn't really hold up.
Needs a bit of historical perspective to appreciate. The Titanic was thought 'unsinkable' but they also knew not to run it up against an ice berg. But for getting lost in historical details, my analogy was supposed to elicit how far culpability goes. It doesn't go as far as this, even in the real world, so it is odd that it goes this far against God.

Another example: Let's say you buy all car manufacturers next year.
You know that a certain percentage of the vehicles you produce will end up in fatalities.

Question: Why are manufacturers, for the most part, never sued? Didn't they play the numbers game? Aren't they 'culpable' for the percentages?

The answer is "no" because they have fulfilled their part against liability.
God, more so, cannot be liable either, despite a cursory first impression, and we, being at fault, cannot bring the charge anyway.

Well, if hell/lake of fire is a place for all who haven't believed/been saved, however you want to describe it is true then it was inevitable from the outset that countless people would end up there if one finite life on this plain determined the next. Doesn't really matter in one sense whether you're Calvinist or OT on that score, it would be inevitable one way or the other. You're quite right that if there's an all powerful God who's set things up in any sort of manner that neither you or I could do a darn thing about it. Doesn't mean to say objections can't be raised regarding certain doctrines as both of us are seemingly given reign to do in the meantime.
You are thinking "democracy" however. I'm fairly certain we are powerless and completely at the mercy of God.

Such as? Please offer a few of these scenarios. In the meantime I'll offer you another of my own. Supposing you had a child and I injected him/her with a deadly disease and then gave them the antidote just in time before they died. How would you see me Lon, as hero or villain?
"Wanting to know more." You certainly 'can' be considered a hero in this scenario.

You're right in that we have a limited view but its not so limited as to not to be able to rationalize or think, to have empathy and balk at cruelty etc.
If God were talking to you on a daily basis, I might agree. Because your information is as limited as mine, I disagree.

It's doctrines that are on trial Lon not God per se. You yourself slate certain Christian belief systems that others see as truth so yours isn't exempt in itself.
That's a fair point, BUT when it seems to traverse doctrinal boundaries, that we then all share. On this, we tend to all be in the same boat. Simply 'denying' hell seems like 'denial' rather than good doctrine to me. I have to first be 'biblical.' Either there is something outside of myself that is objective, or we are all subjective and this discussion wouldn't matter anyway. I believe Christ's injection in our History, as well as those scriptures, are God's objective grounding. The wise man built his house upon the rock (objective). The foolish man built his house upon the sand (subjective, relative truth).


New member
I think eternal hell is the only legitimately possible form of just punishment. Your illustration here only illustrates the constant problem of man - you are putting MAN at the center. You are thinking of justice in terms of how small a man is and what a man does. I think a more appropriate way of measuring justice is in terms of who GOD is.

Think of it this way. If a man punches a dog, what is the punishment? He might get a reprimand or a fine. If a man punches his neighbor, he might get a fine or a couple days in jail. If a man punches the president, he might get a larger fine and a couple years in jail. In each case, the punishment is not based on the action, but to whom the action was done. Now, lets say the man "punches" God by his rebellious actions. What is an appropriate fine? What is appropriate jail time? It should be based solely upon the value of God - which is unlimited and eternal.

This is what hell is - it is "eternal jail time" based upon the value of the one who we sin against.

That is why only Jesus could pay the price for our sins, because only his life could equal the value of the crime.

If the price of our crimes was limited to the value of our life, we would actually pay the price of our sins by dying, and then the score would be settled.

According to the Bible, the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23.
Therefore the price of sinning against God is death. We measure justice in terms of what God says the wages of sin is, not man. The wages of sin is death. Therefore, if a person sins against God, their life is required. The wages of sin is death, according to God. They are not required to be tortured forever in hell, the wages of sin is death. This is according to God, not man. Therefore death is the only legitimate and just form of punishment, according to God. "Eternal Hell" is not the legitimate or just punishment, because God says that the wages of sin is death, not "Eternal Hell". If a person punches a dog, it is a sign of deep seated sin in that person. They do not deserve a lesser punishment than the person who punches his neighbor. The sin is the same and the sinner is the same, regardless of who is punched. There are not BIG sins and LITTLE sins. There is a heart attitude of sin which rejects God, and these sins are signs of that. It is that heart attitude which rejects God which causes a person to reject God's gift of eternal life. It is not God's will that any perish, but all come to repentance. Sadly, some will not come to repentance and they will perish. But they will not be tortured alive forever in Hell, because according to God, that would not be just punishment for sin. According to God, the just punishment for sin is death. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23
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