Why would God need a hell?

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New member
A God who has an eternal torture chamber is an eternally evil deity.

Hell is a fabrication or device used by quack preachers who don't know the good news of sonship with God. They have nothing better to teach. Their are a lot of sick men with control problems that become preachers!

Those who reject Gods plan and will simply do not have any place to go in Gods creation. The do not awake from the sleep of death. They are destroyed forever. No pain, no recollection, no existence. It becomes as if they never existed, forgotten.

I agree with you concerning hell, I disagree with your views concerning those who reject God, Christ did not come to earth in order to destroy many humans forever. He came here to save those who reject him; they will be changed. Their minds will be changed, their consciousness will be renewed; I do not take this power of God lightly. Eternal human death is not an option for God, its just a solution that some humans see now. God is a salvation machine and none will be lost.


New member
Why would God need a hell, when he has " Prepared salvation for all people?"

It makes no biblical sense.

Notice again scripture, in Luke 2:30-31, "For my eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou has prepared before the face of ALL people."

My eyes have seen it as well, its right there in scripture.


New member
In Acts 3:21, " Whom the heavens must receive until the " Times of restitution of ALL things!" That is the day of salvation, when all things will be restored to God; and the salvation of all of humanity is the most important thing to God that needs restoring. We were created to be made in the flesh, then born again into spirit and that is the restoration; its our unique destiny.


I agree with you concerning hell, I disagree with your views concerning those who reject God, Christ did not come to earth in order to destroy many humans forever. He came here to save those who reject him; they will be changed. Their minds will be changed, their consciousness will be renewed; I do not take this power of God lightly. Eternal human death is not an option for God, its just a solution that some humans see now. God is a salvation machine and none will be lost.

That's a fair disagreement, I understand but then we would not be free to choose like Lucifer choose, Judas chose, the fallen angels chose. With your philosophy man has no free will.


New member
That's a fair disagreement, I understand but then we would not be free to choose like Lucifer choose, Judas chose, the fallen angels chose. With your philosophy man has no free will.

Yes, with my view of reality, humans only have will, a will which I would not define as free. Free will means one can make decisions uninfluenced by outside forces; with salvation that cannot be true, we are just too bombarded with outside influences for God to base our salvation on our ability to decide. And the devil had no choice in how he was created, none at all, he was created evil, in my view.

No, God makes the choice, and he has choose life for all.


New member
You know if you look close at the different religious doctrines , you will find many ways that humans can be condemned; its like a tick that has inserted itself into religious knowledge. So many ways to separate humans from God. Accepted ways. The seduction of the religious mind is an amazing story of power; and it provides an ugly view of God. They depict a God that is willing to brush off humans to a hell. Our knowledge is just all messed up.

God is a being of Peace, in Phil. 4:7 the peace of God passes all understanding, it certainly has passed by the understanding of religion. Religion has turned the earth into a dessert of salvation where only a few find it. And they seem to love that picky view.

What's wrong with us?


New member
You are so judgmental that you cannot even recognize it; it comes out even in how you question me. You claim I do not believe in scripture, a horrible judgment of me that is simply false, I just don't see scripture as you do. Thus you think, " If you don't see it as I do, then you can't see it", in that manner you judge others, comparing yourselves among yourselves. Your stuck on the Christianity thing, the giant pride of it, as if Jesus has no other sheep in different flocks. Sheep who see scripture different than you do.

But some believers have a need to push others down, in that manner they lift themselves up.

I constantly use scripture, in literally every post, and you complain about that. Because you are locked into a tunnel vision of the bible, magnified by your religion, and are taught to crush any other belief. Its the pride in your calling, you make your election sure, by discrediting the election of others. You need to bash, its the strength of your communication. If you do not slander others, your communication is weak in your view, and this has become a habit in how you communicate. If you knock me down, then you can stand straight; now it has become an habitual need for you. And I feel for you, its sad when one has reached that point, I been there before.

Answer the question.

Don't run from it...


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets try this again.....

Lets try this again.....

Where does your googling show that the classic Arabic Lexicons to be in error?

My last post here stands. If you want to read into a text to make Allah the 'devil',....just because he is Lord and Creator of all (all beings),....then anyone could make your 'god' or 'Jesus' into the 'devil' as well, since that 'god' is also said to be "Lord of all". This assumption is ridiculous. Again, this double standard defeats your position.

Can you quote or link those "classic Arabic lexicons' that definitely prove your 'translation' to be correct? As I mentioned, where in the passage is 'jinn' mentioned? please show where. One translation by Hilali/Khan has "(mankind, jinn and all that exists) in parenthesis, its NOT a part of the original text, but is an added descriptive note put in by the translator. At best you could quote any other translation where the translators add in the word 'jinn', so you are free to show those translations here, but it still does not prove Allah is a devil or is somehow made into a 'granddaddy jinn' :rolleyes:

You would need to disprove the classic Arabic Lexicons in order to make that assertion.

Can you show us those 'lexicons'? - the ones that prove Allah is satan or is a devil?

Besides, you already admitted Arabic ignorance....

Attend to what I've brought to the discussion, pertinent questions and observations of an illogical, superimposed 'translation' into the text.

'Lord of the demons' is used in the Book of Revelations when specifically referring to Satan.

I have demonstrated that the Koranic 'allah' has the same title.

Further, the term 'allah' shares the same exact root word as other pagan Arab idols....such as the great serpent....all, of which, point to the Koranic 'allah' as being Satan.

I'm sure with a little grammatical mumble-jumble and term-swapping, we could pretty much come up with anything. Its 'cherry-picking' with a 'twist'.

It is most interesting that you have put aside your yoga lessons so that you can defend The Devil.

I do not defend satan, the devil, Lucifer or any such imaginary being, concept or personality that is deceptive or evil, but your bias and bigotry against Islam is noted.


New member
Why would God need a hell, when he has " Prepared salvation for all people?"

It makes no biblical sense.

Notice again scripture, in Luke 2:30-31, "For my eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou has prepared before the face of ALL people."

My eyes have seen it as well, its right there in scripture.

You reject the Biblical God....so why would you think that this pertains to YOU?

Start using your head...


New member
My last post here stands.

Not with any scholar.

If you want to read into a text to make Allah the 'devil',....just because he is Lord and Creator of all (all beings),....then anyone could make your 'god' or 'Jesus' into the 'devil' as well, since that 'god' is also said to be "Lord of all". This assumption is ridiculous. Again, this double standard defeats your position.

'Allah' shares the same root word as do other pagan Arab deities.


New member
Answer the question.

Don't run from it...

Greetings Apple7,

Did you know that the truth is getting scarce? I was looking at something God once said in Amos 8:11, " Behold, the days come, says the Lord, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread and water, but of hearing the word of the Lord."

Here God reveals that he himself will blind humans to spiritual knowledge, close their ears to the truth. So God is also behind the reason why people are unbelievers, another reason he would not condemn them.


New member
That tends to happen (1 Pe 1:6).
The KJV has it differently to the NKJV: 1 Peter 1:6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations

Hang on. I was broken before I was born; before I was subjected to any 'temptations'.

What a crock of a belief system. You are born broken, commanded to be perfect, and the normal pathway of human existence is some kind of temptation to be avoided.

What next? I know! You may be broken and unable to resist your humanity, but we have the answer!


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