Why would God need a hell?

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New member
You are a scriptural novice.

Posting one-liners, and saying lookie here folks, it says everyone is saved.....so, you Christians have no idea what you are talking about....just does not cut it.

I am posting scriptures, I have posted over 117 of them, and have many more to get to. You are posting insults, I am not counting them. I hold interest in the word of God. Because I like his word.


New member
I am posting scriptures, I have posted over 117 of them, and have many more to get to. You are posting insults, I am not counting them. I hold interest in the word of God. Because I like his word.

You post one verse, and then you run to another, without defending the first.

Its like you know that you are on borrowed time before you ban yourself...


New member
You post one verse, and then you run to another, without defending the first.

Its like you know that you are on borrowed time before you ban yourself...

Here's another one; Psalms 67:2, " That thy way may be known upon earth, thy " Saving Health" among ALL nations!"

I like that about God, his salvation is healthy; the Christian hell is not.


New member
Here's another one; Psalms 67:2, " That thy way may be known upon earth, thy " Saving Health" among ALL nations!"


What exactly would you be defending in this out-of-context one hit wonder, if you were to do so (not that you can, that is)...?


New member

What exactly would you be defending in this out-of-context one hit wonder, if you were to do so (not that you can, that is)...?

I am happy you are asking questions, instead of using your usual scarcasm; good.

The verse continues in the vain of using the term " ALL" when speaking on salvation terms, it calls God's saving Healthy, meaning good for all. And that is a tenant of the true gospel, it will be a good word, healthy for all. No condemnation, no pain and suffering, just good news.

Greg Jennings

New member
Its priceless to see a scriptural ignorant vent.

Its obvious that you are Arabic-ignorant...why continue to draw attention to your deficit...?

If I'm the Arab ignorant one, why can't you back up any of your Arabic translations? :think:
Everybody sees you for the liar you are. I hope you had fun spreading these garbage translations of yours, because I'll be here to call you on your dishonesty for a good while

Now for yet another time:
Can you find me one - just one - professor, theologian, religious scholar, or expert in Arabic languages that agrees with your translations about Allah being "lord of the Jinn" and so on?


New member
While we are in Psalms 67, look at verse 7, the destiny of man; " God SHALL bless US; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him." God is going to bless everyone on earth, not just believers. And the whole earth will fear him, especially after he uses the force revealed in the book of Revelations.


Well-known member
Are you suggesting that I leave? How rude, why I think I am going to cry.
As with the supposed 115 verses you posted, you missed my point as well. If you can't even understand me, there is little hope you have the mental fortitude to teach me or another anything. You got, what? C+ in English/Language Arts? :think:

I am not a Universalist, I walk alone.
:nono: Of course you don't walk alone. You are a dime-a-dozen. There are a few others here before you ever arrived with wild imaginations and no substantiation. Tons of you. I just can't figure out why you all like negative attention and have to have it. If you like ridicule, I guess you can have it. It always amazes me that atheists, agnostics, weirdos, and other cults will come here and then cry that the 'Christians' aren't nice to them, kind of like a thief would be shocked that those he is robbing don't like him :think:

In Exodus 32:13 Abrahams seed will be multiplied as the stars in heaven and they shall posses the earth forever! This means trillions of us will make it, again good news for unbelievers.
Sure, if you throw out the scriptures you don't like, which you do. Not impressed. Not even a little.


New member
As with the supposed 115 verses you posted, you missed my point as well. If you can't even understand me, there is little hope you have the mental fortitude to teach me or another anything. You got, what? C+ in English/Language Arts? :think:

:nono: Of course not. You are a dime-a-dozen. There are a few others here before you ever arrived with wild imaginations and no substantiation. Tons of you.

Sure, if you throw out the scriptures you don't like, which you do. Not impressed. Not even a little.

Why you have misjudged me, I hold no interest in teaching, only witnessing. I hold no interest in impressing you, nor responding to your petty insults. My interest is in the total rehabilitation of mankind. That he would " Turn us" toward truth, all of us. In Ps. 85:4, " Turn us oh God of our salvation."

Salvation is a turning.


Eclectic Theosophist
No problem with the 'opening' to the Koran..............

No problem with the 'opening' to the Koran..............


The classic definition proves that he is lord of the demons, and, as well know, this is the same title as Satan.

Regarding Holy Quran, Al-Fatihah 1.2 -

I see no problem here apart from what you're reading into the text, by your own theological bias and antagonism towards Islam. Out of 18 translations given on this site here, there is only one that renders a translation similar to yours which includes in parenthesis about 'mankind, 'jinn' and all that exists. - this is merely a paraphrased descriptive ADDED to the verse.


All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

Note that this site says of this particular source -

** - Read with caution - These Translations, specially those which are marked here with **, are considered either incorrect, far-fetched, non-conforming or misleading. For all translations, care must be exercised for certain verses or an alternate translation should be considered.

All other standard translations render Allah as the Lord (or Sustainer/Provider) of worlds, the universe, all being, all creation, etc. - there is no specific indication of the word 'jinn' in this passage, other than the 'assumption' that Allah ('God') would naturally as Lord of all, be the Lord of all beings,...this includes jinn, angels, demons, elves, fairies, pixies, gnomes, elementals, - ALL BEINGS. (paraphrasing here for emphasis). 'God' is the original Creator and Lord of all that exists. Clear?

There is absolutely NOTHING in this passage that demeans, devalues or discounts 'Allah' or associates 'Allah' as 'Satan',.....nothing but what you're reading into the passage which is not the accurate, traditional or orthodox reading of it.

Concerning 'Alamin' (plural of alam) - this refers to not only animate beings but all creation, all animate and inanimate, so naturally includes man, angels, jinn, heavenly bodies, sun, moon, stars, etc.

See commentary here

No problems here. :idunno:
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Well-known member
nor responding to your petty insults.
Well, two things: one, you responded ( :doh: ) and two, I'm not certain I've been petty or insulted you.
Why you have misjudged me, I hold no interest in teaching, only witnessing. I hold no interest in impressing you, nor responding to your petty insults.
:sigh: First of all, you came to TOL to fight. You knew, like all other websites you've been on, how this ends. Next:
As with the supposed 115 verses you posted, you missed my point as well. If you can't even understand me, there is little hope you have the mental fortitude to teach me or another anything. You got, what? C+ in English/Language Arts? :think:

:nono: Of course you don't walk alone. You are a dime-a-dozen. There are a few others here before you ever arrived with wild imaginations and no substantiation. Tons of you. I just can't figure out why you all like negative attention and have to have it. If you like ridicule, I guess you can have it. It always amazes me that atheists, agnostics, weirdos, and other cults will come here and then cry that the 'Christians' aren't nice to them, kind of like a thief would be shocked that those he is robbing don't like him :think:

Sure, if you throw out the scriptures you don't like, which you do. Not impressed. Not even a little.
▲Show me▲ Where is either 'petty' or 'insult' or according to accusation, a combination of "petty insult/accusation?"

My interest is in the total rehabilitation of mankind.
:nono: You are interested in negative attention. I don't think Universal Salvation needs heralding. There isn't much point.

That he would " Turn us" toward truth, all of us. In Ps. 85:4, " Turn us oh God of our salvation."

Salvation is a turning.
As if you are the appointed herald. Let's look again:
Why you have misjudged me, I hold no interest in teaching
:nono: Not finding this to be true.

only witnessing.
:nono: You proudly tauted "115 verses, rejected and corrected others. and came to a website knowing well ahead of time that it was going to be an argument. This (among a good many others):
Here's another one; Psalms 67:2, " That thy way may be known upon earth, thy " Saving Health" among ALL nations!"
Doesn't mean 'universal' btw. That's why I inquired after your Language Arts grades...

I hold no interest in impressing you
You counted your verses, over 115 of them, right? Who were you trying to impress? Yourself? God?


New member
In Ps. 115:3, God does whatever pleases him; that is the reason salvation will engulf all of humanity, because it pleases God. The punishing of the wicked does not please him.


Well-known member
In Ps. 115:3, God does whatever pleases him; that is the reason salvation will engulf all of humanity, because it pleases God. The punishing of the wicked does not please him.
Preface that with "If God were ME..." and you'd have that right. You are assuming God 'is like you.' He isn't like you OR me. If God must bow to either you or me, He isn't God. If God must fulfill our every expectation, He isn't God. God, being God cannot bow to the whims and desires of man, no matter how noble you think you are and thus by association, He must be.

I empathize the tiniest little bit with you in that I had to wrestle a little, with this too, but I didn't wrestle very long. Jacob wrestled with God and had his hip knocked out of joint. Job wrestled with God and lost his health and family. You are probably going to have to have some major damage for wrestling this hard against God. I pray you are worth the hip, because if you don't have a broken hip, it is because you were wrestling with a being of your imagination rather than the God of the universe who is, and that ain't good. I pray you are genuinely wrestling with God, but that also means I'm praying for your out of socket hip too.


New member
Why would God need a hell? God IS salvation, he IS human change, he IS repentance, he IS rehabilitation; God does not need a hell or a hospital, he IS the healing of all of humanity.


New member
While we are in Psalms 67, look at verse 7, the destiny of man; " God SHALL bless US; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him." God is going to bless everyone on earth, not just believers. And the whole earth will fear him, especially after he uses the force revealed in the book of Revelations.

Psalm 67 is short enough in length to quote it in its entirety. Little wonder that you didn't want to do this...

To the chief musician, for stringed instruments. A Psalm. A song. May God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us. Selah. That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples thank You, O God; let all the peoples thank You. Oh let the peoples be glad and sing for joy; for You shall judge the peoples uprightly and govern the peoples on earth. Selah. Let the peoples give thanks to You, O God; let all the peoples give thanks to You. The earth has given its increase; God, our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him. (Psalm 67.1 – 7)


Looks like you forgot to mention a Judgment...of which, would hardly be necessary if everyone was 'saved' as you would like it to be...:cigar:
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