Why would any conservative support Donald Trump?


New member
Ah, always a skeptic when it goes to Trump's side.

No, not at all. His campaign, for as horrible as it ultimately is, has had a few legitimate high points, which I've mentioned in other places.

The actual fact of the matter is that what was seen on that tape is normal jostling that goes on.

You think it's normal to grab someone by the arm and yank them back? Really?

You'll see in anytime there are crowds and reporters or crowds and candidates. There is no way that was a case of battery. But, I understand quite well the double standard that exists. It's a joke.

You can't claim a double-standard without a compelling similar case that receives different treatment. It's not a double-standard. You can't do this kind of thing, and you won't find anyone else doing this and being supported by a major candidate for president from either party except for Drumpf.

And, if Fox is so biased then they should have gotten rid of Megan Kelly. But, that's different, right?

Why would they? Fox is ultimately in the ratings business. The means of getting those ratings has been to pander to the anxieties of an aging white population scared of how their country is changing (which is also kinda the Drumpf campaign strategy in a nutshell), but they do it to attract eyeballs and advertisers primarily, and they're as apparently helpless and unethical as the other news sources when a reality TV star goes into politics.


Well-known member
No, not at all. His campaign, for as horrible as it ultimately is, has had a few legitimate high points, which I've mentioned in other places.

You think it's normal to grab someone by the arm and yank them back? Really?

You can't claim a double-standard without a compelling similar case that receives different treatment. It's not a double-standard. You can't do this kind of thing, and you won't find anyone else doing this and being supported by a major candidate for president from either party except for Drumpf.

Why would they? Fox is ultimately in the ratings business. The means of getting those ratings has been to pander to the anxieties of an aging white population scared of how their country is changing (which is also kinda the Drumpf campaign strategy in a nutshell), but they do it to attract eyeballs and advertisers primarily, and they're as apparently helpless and unethical as the other news sources when a reality TV star goes into politics.

Your blatant bias is noted.


New member
Hall of Fame

More on Trump and abortion


Donald Trump said Friday that he believes the laws regulating abortion should stay as they are, but he doesn't disagree with the proposition that abortion is murder.

The GOP front-runner lit a fresh controversy this week with his shifting responses to a question on abortion policy. He said during an MSNBC town hall on Tuesday that he'd like to see the practice banned, and that women who undergo it should face "some form of punishment." But he quickly backtracked, explaining in a statement that while he believes it should be banned, the punishment should be levied on abortion providers, not the women seeking abortions.

Trump sought to clarify his position during an interview on Friday with "Face the Nation" moderator John Dickerson. The interview will air, in part, on Sunday's broadcast.

"A question was asked to me. And it was asked in a very hypothetical. And it was said, 'Illegal, illegal,'" Trump explained. "I've been told by some people that was an older line answer and that was an answer that was given on a, you know, basis of an older line from years ago on a very conservative basis."

Asked how he'd like to change the law to further restrict access to abortions, Trump replied, "The laws are set now on abortion and that's the way they're going to remain until they're changed."

"I would've preferred states' rights," he added. "I think it would've been better if it were up to the states. But right now, the laws are set....At this moment, the laws are set. And I think we have to leave it that way."

"Do you think abortion is murder?" Dickerson asked.

"I have my opinions on it, but I'd rather not comment on it," Trump replied.

"You said you were very pro-life," Dickerson followed up. "Pro-life means that...abortion is murder."

"I mean, I do have my opinions on it. I just don't think it's an appropriate forum," said Trump.

"But you don't disagree with that proposition, that it's murder?" Dickerson asked.

"No, I don't disagree with it," Trump eventually replied.

Update:Trump campaign communications manager Hope Hicks released a statement to CBS News late Friday clarifying the candidate's comments.

"Mr. Trump gave an accurate account of the law as it is today and made clear it must stay that way now --until he is President," Hicks said. "Then he will change the law through his judicial appointments and allow the states to protect the unborn. There is nothing new or different here."

Why would anyone want to be Trump's communication manager. :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
a woman who chooses to murder her unborn child is a murderer

no different from a woman who chooses to murder her children after they are born

not sure why that's a difficult concept for some :idunno:

It does seem inconsistent. Why wouldn't the woman face some form of punishment, even if it's lesser?

I understand why the anti-abortion side would shy away from such statements. From the article TomO posted:
They played into the hands of abortion advocates in every way — helping caricature pro-lifers as “anti-woman” and raising the specter of back-alley abortions.

But is there any other situation where a party to a murder would not face some form of punishment?
It's not as if abortion clinics are aborting babies against the will of the mothers. Perhaps it's true in some cases that the woman is in an emotional state that prevents them from thinking clearly and the abortionist takes advantage of that, but does that remove all culpability? And that wouldn't apply to all situations anyway.

If laws are changed so abortion is illegal, would a woman who does something on her own not receive any punishment?


New member


New member
This question can be for anyone but I am specifically interested in what conservatives who support Trump think he will do if he were to be elected President.

His entire campaign seems to be based on his claim that he will build a wall at the border. Well and he does wear a cheap hat with the word's "Make America Great Again" embroidered on the front. Is that it? Is that what makes conservatives and evangelicals support him??? :confused:

Trump is pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, supports eminent domain, supports government controlled health care, says he looks forward to working with Democrats in congress, etc. I see little reason to think he would be anything but liberal in office.

So I ask..... why would a conservative support Donald Trump?? :idunno:

I realize the list of his egregious errors would take up a Bible-sized book, but one thing your OP should mention is how he has supported liberals for the last 40 years! Pelosi, who gave us obamacare, Reid, who loves to obstruct the Republicans, and the list goes on and on.

Then there is the fake school he set up, which he claimed got an A from the BBB but really got a D- (lies about darn near everything)

Then there is the fact he didn't pay workers and they are now suing him. Again, the list seems interminable.

Of course he is going to accuse others of being dishonest!! That way, he deflects from his own dishonesty and corruption. No wonder he has a 69% disapproval rating

The rules of the Convention need to be changed, seeing as how it is so easy for such an unpopular (etc.. e tc) person to get so close to the White House. It should be not 1237, but maybe 1500 delegates or something. all states should be able to vote. Soemething is very messed up in our system of electing people.


New member
i don't think trump is a wise choice for the office

i've come to realize over the past eight years that it doesn't matter who sits in the oval office :idunno:

this said by someone who hasn't tried Cruz yet. I'll bet you don't know much of anything about him. I think people who go around spouting how no one is ever sincere who runs for office or attains it do so b/c they themselves don't know what sincerity is.. just a thought

patrick jane

I'm still waiting to hear what you think Trump is going to do in office that makes you want to support him.

Come on... convince me. Convince me that Trump is a wise choice for President of the United States.
He will have people around him to guide him and "coach" him as to what to say and do. He will be republican and have republican views and morals while towing the party line. We'll be fine

patrick jane

:plain: What do you consider to be the Republican morals? IF Trump is representative of them, that's not saying much.
He will be staunchly Pro - Life and appoint a conservative SC judge, he will be anti gay, make better trade deals, create and/or keep jobs and companies here. I think he will leave Obamacare alone, build the military and reduce the deficit. Whether he builds a wall or not seems pointless to me personally.