Why men won't marry you


Hall of Fame
What if there are no children?

What if it harms the spouse while not detectibly threatening the children?

What if.....

It's emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse can have lethal consequences.

What if? Are you stating that couples should divorce due to emotional abuse?


Hall of Fame
Functioning is a word that can be played with. So define your own grammar or risk being misunderstood.

Why would I do that? YOU are the only person who wishes to play word games. Also, it's a waste of time. Once it is defined, you would just arguing until you are blue in the fact that the definition is wrong.

Are you saying they shouldn't?

Are you saying they should?


Well-known member
You should be at least 22 or 23. {My reasoning: By this age the brain is pretty will fully developed and you have completed college, assuming you went. You have experienced much and grown into an adult.}

Is college a requirement?
Define clearly what you mean by adult?
Is someone younger than 22 or 23 a child?
Everything else you listed doesn't require being 22 or 23, and hopefully I don't need to explain to you how to test for those attributes. It will be interesting to see who else agrees with you.

Your reasoning for your arbitrary choice of age hangs on brain development, which can be tested and as I've explained is not age dependant per se but hormonally dependant. Lack of a college degree and not being an adult by your arbitrary standard should not disqualify your daughters from marriage.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Is college a requirement?
Define clearly what you mean by adult?
Is someone younger than 22 or 23 a child?
Everything else you listed doesn't require being 22 or 23, and hopefully I don't need to explain to you how to test for those attributes. It will be interesting to see who else agrees with you.

Your reasoning for your arbitrary choice of age hangs on brain development, which can be tested and as I've explained is not age dependant per se but hormonally dependant. Lack of a college degree and not being an adult by your arbitrary standard should not disqualify your daughters from marriage.
My suggestion for the age is based on personal experience. I married my first wife at age 19 for all the wrong reasons. Between age 19 and 25, when I married my second wife, I had become a completely different person. I was far less impulsive and much more reasoned in my approach towards pretty much everything.


New member
Is this discussion about Biblical times OR today? As much as you would like to spin it, no one mentioned Sarah. I am discussing the here and NOW. Try to focus, please.

I did. It was my study of Sarah, other women in the Bible and polygamy that led me to suggest polygamy in the first place. My faith in God led to me to prayerful consideration of the idea, to see the will of God.

That is what you have been mocking.

Again, these are not Biblical times ...

If you believe God, His truth still applies.

Listen, child, as you well know, there was no mention of religion or God in anything I said.

That's where the slander comes in. Religion and God had everything to do with my suggestion to consider polygamy.

The reasonable, mature Christian women on TOL will confirm that I have never criticized or mocked their belief in God.

The women who preach the cross are preaching foolishness to you. So I'm sure believing women don't really seem reasonable or mature to you. Care to debate that? You might win on arguing you think they are mature, but then you have to explain how they are both unreasonable and mature at the same time.


New member
Divorce, IMO, is for marriages that become so toxic that one of the marital partners as well as the children are in physical danger.

What if there are no children?

What if it harms the spouse while not detectibly threatening the children?

What if.....

It's emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse can have lethal consequences.
Why would I do that? YOU are the only person who wishes to play word games.

The use of grammar and logic are central to every debate. Care to disagree?

Also, it's a waste of time. Once it is defined, you would just arguing until you are blue in the fact that the definition is wrong.

So basically you believe emotional abuse should be tolerated. Correct?

Are you saying they should?

I've already stated what I believe. If you would like me to quote myself, I will do so after your response to my questions.

I'll make it easier for you.

A friend confides in you that her husband is constantly emotionally abusing her and you've seen her get trashed publicly. She says she thinks the marriage is harming her health, possibly to a fatal end, and she wants out.

Are you going to tell her to stay in that marriage because the kids are not threatened or being targeted?


Hall of Fame
I did. It was my study of Sarah, other women in the Bible and polygamy that led me to suggest polygamy in the first place. My faith in God led to me to prayerful consideration of the idea, to see the will of God.

Two words. Old Testament.

That is what you have been mocking.

No ... that is just more of your vivid imagination filling in details that isn't based on reality. Not once have I mentioned the Bible.

IF you wish to have a Biblical discussion on this topic, you should create a thread in the ETC section.

If you believe God, His truth still applies.

Great. Now that you have gone out of your way to disrupt the actual discussion on this thread, perhaps you can start a verbal altercation of this topic with someone who is actually discussing it.

That's where the slander comes in. Religion and God had everything to do with my suggestion to consider polygamy.

You were not slandered by Angel or anyone else. Posts that you made were presented. The only person capable of slandering you under the circumstances is ... you. Quite frankly, I believe that you huffed and puffed and demanded Angel show evidence that it was something you support and when she did, you got embarrassed.

As well you should be. Now get over it and move on.

The women who preach the cross are preaching foolishness to you. So I'm sure believing women don't really seem reasonable or mature. Care to debate that?

:confused: Debate WHAT? That my Christian friends on TOL (who are women) will agree that I have never mocked or ridiculed them for their belief in God?

That is just silly and quite frankly, is nothing more than an emotional outburst.


Well-known member
I am now going to post my opinion on this issue. It's not going to be popular either.

It would only be unpopular with them if my wife or I said it. :)

I think this culture has emasculated men too much. They are not fulfilling their role as priest of the home. Our English language has also become too PC and that has not helped things any.

You are correct, but why and how? I'd be interested in opinions from those who agree.

It takes a father and a mother to raise a family.

If you mean ideally, I'm inclined to agree. Certainly it takes a man and a woman to start a family, even in a "test tube." However, we know there are single fathers and mothers out there doing their best, and sometimes that's better than a couple is doing.

God has appointed the husband to be the head of the household. Houses where the wife does not respect the husband is home filled with strife.

Had I said that, I would have been called a misogynist. Thanks for saying it.

The Bible does command the husband the love his wife and the wife to honor her husband...

Yes it does. I will add 1 Peter 3:7 so we don't get thought of as misogynists. We believe in mutual honor.


Well-known member
My suggestion for the age is based on personal experience. I married my first wife at age 19 for all the wrong reasons. Between age 19 and 25, when I married my second wife, I had become a completely different person. I was far less impulsive and much more reasoned in my approach towards pretty much everything.

Is college a requirement?
Define clearly what you mean by adult?
Is someone younger than 22 or 23 a child?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I am now going to post my opinion on this issue. It's not going to be popular either. I think this culture has emasculated men too much.They are not fulfilling their role as priest of the home. Our English language has also become too PC and that has not helped things any.

It takes a father and a mother to raise a family. God has appointed the husband to be the head of the household. Houses where the wife does not respect the husband is home filled with strife. I had a sister in law that did not respect her husband. Every time I visited that home was filled with strife.

The Bible does command the husband the love his wife and the wife to honor her husband

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.--Ephesians 5:33

If there isn't mutual respect within a relationship then any home will have strife I'd say.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So Sarah (Mrs. Abraham) of the Bible just couldn't say no, huh?

Says, you, the voice of "all" - apparently. :chuckle:

You mean, I defended myself so well, thank you. That's a Biblical argument, for you, a very sound defense. :)

Listen, heathen, mocking faith in God has taken out bigger goliaths than you.

To a fool.


Rusha wasn't mocking anyone's faith so that's a strike on your part. The additional 'heathen' bit is just puerile also...


New member
Two words. Old Testament.

Don't pretend those words mean anything to you. The New Testament is foolishness to you as much as the old.

Or are you now a believer in the gospel of Christ?

True or false.

You mocked my suggestion of polygamy for our marriage.

IF you wish to have a Biblical discussion on this topic, you should create a thread in the ETC section.

On TOL the Bible is discussed everywhere without shame or embarrassment. We even discuss biblical choices with unbelievers.

It's part of the great commission. Like having the kids we raise to labor in the great commission with us.

If you believe God, His truth still applies.

More mocking? Quit heaping it up.

You were not slandered

I call it slander when you equate following my personal conscience and making a suggestion based on conscience to being a manipulated tool of my husband.

See the evidence in the spoiler.

I'm not saying this is the case but in my understanding women don't usually make suggestions like that out of the blue. It is usually because their husband has made statements and/or otherwise given the impression that this is something that they want.

Exactly right. That type of mindset is too insecure and dependent on their spouse to challenge them.

:confused: Debate WHAT? That my Christian friends on TOL (who are women) will agree that I have never mocked or ridiculed them for their belief in God?

That is just silly and quite frankly, is nothing more than an emotional outburst.

True or false, your Christian friends are preaching foolishness. How are unreasonable (preaching foolishness) women also mature?


Well-known member
Younger women are also naturally more interested in marital relation's than older women.

Yes. Hormones. Older women have options for increasing their libidos if they want. So I've read.

The older man doesn't have to work as hard to keep his young wife interested as he does for his older wife.

Why should I work hard to keep anyone interested? How about I just be myself and if I'm interesting she'll be interested?

Basically, he's lazy.

I have seven children with that younger woman, kid. You come do my job for a day and then talk ... or cry. :chuckle:

Younger women are also naturally more interested in marital relation's than older women.

You said that twice. Consider that an older man's libido decreases, too. An older man that can match libidos with a younger woman should have higher testosterone levels and therefore will look younger and healthier than his lower testosterone peers.


Well-known member
You asked for my requirements, I gave them to you. Your turn to answer.
Quid Pro Quo

I don't have set requirements for being marriageable. There is a law in my state.

Why do you think a 21 year old is a child?
Why do you insist a college degree be a requirement?


Hall of Fame
You mocked my suggestion of polygamy for our marriage.

Don't take it so personally. Some of us live in the present and ... in the present, I would sum up the type of person who would allow or encourage their spouse to bring a third, fourth, fifth, etc. party into their marriage.


Definition: : a mat placed before or inside a door for wiping dirt from the shoes

On TOL the Bible is discussed everywhere without shame or embarrassment. We even discuss biblical choices with unbelievers.

Duh. It's also discussed in the Women's Club. I have had discussions in my PM.

Now the real question is ... why are you STILL going off on such a tangent rather than discussing the topic of this thread?

It's part of the great commission. Like having the kids we raise to labor in the great commission with us.

You say that as though I care about goes on in your household. I don't.

More mocking? Quit heaping it up.

Well, to make things clear, I am not mocking Christians or the deity of God.

You, OTOH, are another story. Your dishonesty and lack of character and maturity is what I comment on.

I call it slander when you equate following my personal conscience and making a suggestion based on conscience to being a manipulated tool of my husband.

Well, you do tend to take things personally and draw conclusions that are based on your paranoia. That's up to you to fix.

See the evidence in the spoiler.

Responding to this post ... so I couldn't click. I may or may not go back and look.

True or false, your Christian friends are preaching foolishness. How are unreasonable (preaching foolishness) women also mature?

Or ... I could refuse to respond to such an outlandish, childish question and just leave it at "I have come to expect nothing more from you".