Why men won't marry you


New member
It won't matter (Mic 7:3). This culture does not value marriage (Heb 13:4).
They will appear before their judge one day to give an account (1 Pe 4:5).

Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil (Eccl 8:11).
The bible also says to murder people for openly expressing differing beliefs (deuteronomy chapter 13). I think that says everything that will ever need to be said about the bible.


The bible also says to murder people for openly expressing differing beliefs (deuteronomy chapter 13). I think that says everything that will ever need to be said about the bible.
Murder is killing of the innocent. False teachers are not innocent. :plain: Too bad you side with the false teachers not God.

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly

And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD "your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee [Deut. 13:5].

Notice that any false prophet who attempted to take the people into some false cult or false religion was to be stoned to death. Does that sound extreme? Does that sound severe? Such a false prophet is like a cancer, and a cancer must be cut out as soon as possible—I know that from personal experience. God here is the Great Physician and He says the cancer must be cut out from among His people.

This reveals the mind of God concerning false prophets who lead the people to false gods and false religion. I can remember when I was a boy that the reading of the Bible in the schoolroom was a normal procedure. I don’t think it was particularly meaningful to me at that time, yet I understood it was the Word of God and that impressed me. Today we have let the unbeliever come in, the cults, and those who oppose Christianity and the Bible, and they have taken over so that Bible reading and prayer are no longer permitted in public schools.

God laid down these rules to prevent this from happening in Israel. If one appeared in Israel who was attempting to take God’s people away from the worship of God, that person was to be put to death.
Some soft–hearted and soft–headed folk will say this is too extreme. God understood how terrible it would be if false prophets were permitted to multiply and to lead Israel into idolatry. History reveals that Israel did not obey God and they did permit this to happen. If you want to know how bad it was for God’s people in that day, read the story of Ahab and Jezebel who plunged God’s people into idolatry. This brought the judgment of God upon them so that eventually the northern kingdom was carried into captivity. That is how serious it is." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Law (Deuteronomy) (electronic ed., Vol. 9, pp. 90–91). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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New member
Murder is killing of the innocent. False teachers are not innocent. [emoji14]lain: Too bad you side with the false teachers not God.

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly

And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD "your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee [Deut. 13:5].

Notice that any false prophet who attempted to take the people into some false cult or false religion was to be stoned to death. Does that sound extreme? Does that sound severe? Such a false prophet is like a cancer, and a cancer must be cut out as soon as possible—I know that from personal experience. God here is the Great Physician and He says the cancer must be cut out from among His people.

This reveals the mind of God concerning false prophets who lead the people to false gods and false religion. I can remember when I was a boy that the reading of the Bible in the schoolroom was a normal procedure. I don’t think it was particularly meaningful to me at that time, yet I understood it was the Word of God and that impressed me. Today we have let the unbeliever come in, the cults, and those who oppose Christianity and the Bible, and they have taken over so that Bible reading and prayer are no longer permitted in public schools.

God laid down these rules to prevent this from happening in Israel. If one appeared in Israel who was attempting to take God’s people away from the worship of God, that person was to be put to death.
Some soft–hearted and soft–headed folk will say this is too extreme. God understood how terrible it would be if false prophets were permitted to multiply and to lead Israel into idolatry. History reveals that Israel did not obey God and they did permit this to happen. If you want to know how bad it was for God’s people in that day, read the story of Ahab and Jezebel who plunged God’s people into idolatry. This brought the judgment of God upon them so that eventually the northern kingdom was carried into captivity. That is how serious it is." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Law (Deuteronomy) (electronic ed., Vol. 9, pp. 90–91). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
You do realize that the crap you're spewing is the founding principles of boko haram, right? You're basically writing the hand book of every jihad-happy mad man with an AK. Not company I'd want to keep.

Muslims say you're the false teacher. They have exactly the same amount of scientific evidence that you have.


New member
men don't want to marry me because they are stupid

no, worse than stipid: worldly, unchristian..


don't like women who put another man (Jesus) over THEM



"You do realize that the crap you're spewing is the founding principles of boko haram, right?"
You do realize that Islam is a perversion of Christianity, right? :dizzy: Ga 5:9

Boko Haram means western culture forbidden.
They don't want a camera pointed right at a gal's derriere.
You disagree?
Ro 13:13, 1 Ti 2:9

"Muslims say you're the false teacher. They have exactly the same amount of scientific evidence that you have."
Too bad you equate the two. Mt 15:14

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly


New member
You do realize that Islam is a perversion of Christianity, right? :dizzy: Ga 5:9

Boko Haram means western culture forbidden.
They don't want a camera pointed right at a gal's derriere.
You disagree?
Ro 13:13, 1 Ti 2:9

Too bad you equate the two. Mt 15:14

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly
The muslims say your religion is the perversion.

Sure I equate the two religions. You both have the same amount of scientific evidence to back up your claims.


New member
men don't want to marry me because they are stupid

no, worse than stipid: worldly, unchristian..


don't like women who put another man (Jesus) over THEM

You say unchristian as if it were a bad thing.

Dishonest has a very specific meaning. It means to tell someone something which is not only false but that you know is false.

What are men telling you that they know is false?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You're not without your point, but I'd like to add a bit to this.

There are men that women love. There are men that women want to marry. If you draw a Venn diagram the overlap isn't very large. Thus, women sleep with every cocky jerk they can find when they're young and wonder where the beta providers are when they get ready to marry. Beta providers, generally being stupid, marry whatever heartless woman gives them the time of day first. Thing is, because women pay so little attention to beta providers, there aren't enough to go around. Of course, the beta providers dumb enough to marry pay for it in the courts.

Women with poor career prospects aren't marrying. With the courts the way they are even beta providers aren't THAT dumb. Thus, the women with poor career prospects generally have a child alone. Why not? They don't have much chance at a decent husband. Waiting to have children offers no advantage.

I think this is more personal than factual.


New member
One of us is telling the truth (Jn 14:6 :straight:) and the other is a dirty yak (Ge 16:12, Mt 7:20 :CRASH:).


On the Dirty Yak Watch *warning graphic images*

You throw the baby out with the bathwater (Lk 23:21). :idunno:
See, this is where I differ from you and the muslims. I don't believe either of you. It's entirely possible neither of you is right. Sure, your bible says you're the one that's right, but who cares? The muslims have a book that says they're right. Both your book and his are morally repugnant and both books are equally scientific, which is to say not at all.

Claim after claim, yet no solid scientific evidence. Instead references to an old book by barbarians. Same as the muslims. Can you do anything that distinguishes you from the muslims?


"See, this is where I differ from you and the Muslims. I don't believe either of you. It's entirely possible neither of you is right."
It's entirely possible that Jesus is right (Jn 14:6). Since he rose from the dead, I'm going with that he has to say (Ps 119:160).

"Sure, your bible says you're the one that's right, but who cares? The Muslims have a book that says they're right. Both your book and his are morally repugnant and both books are equally scientific, which is to say not at all."
Then science is your God. :idunno:

"Men study science as god not the God of science." ~ Adrian Rogers

"Claim after claim, yet no solid scientific evidence."
None that you would accept (Jer 17:9, Rom. 10:10).

"Instead references to an old book by barbarians."
Because men aren't the same today (Eccl 1:9, Lk 17:26-27). :dizzy:

"Same as the Muslims. Can you do anything that distinguishes you from the Muslims?"
What have :CRASH: Muslims ever done for the world but saw men's heads off? Given us the number zero? Whoopty damn doo.


What Christianity Has Done for the World
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New member
And it's entirely right that Jesus is right (Jn 14:6). Since he rose from the dead, I'm going with that he has to say (Ps 119:160).

Then science is your God. :idunno:

"Men study science as god not the God of science." ~ Adrian Rogers

None that you would accept (Jer 17:9, Rom. 10:10).

Because men aren't the same today (Eccl 1:9, Lk 17:26-27). :dizzy:

What have :CRASH: Muslims ever done for the world but saw men's heads off? Given us the number zero? Whoopty damn doo.


What Christianity Has Done for the World

Once again, unsubstantiated claims. You claim jesus is right, but no evidence. You claim jesus rose from the dead, but no evidence. You continue to reference a book written by barbarians. Exactly what the muslims do.

Once again you present no evidence for me to evaluate, just the claim that I wouldn't accept your evidence. I've had this same conversation with muslims.

The god of science? You mean Ra? The Egyptians believed it was Ra. They have presented exactly the same amount of scientific evidence to back up their claims.

The muslims were once at the forefront of science. The muslims invented the scientific method, the most important discovery of all time. Why do you think "algebra" sounds a little islamic? It's because it is. muslims discovered algebra. There was a time and a day when muslims were at the forefront of science. Then they decided to study some deity under the claim that they were studying the god of science. Since then, they've been irrelevant.

That's what happens when you mistake your religion for science. You become irrelevant.


New member
You say unchristian as if it were a bad thing.

Dishonest has a very specific meaning. It means to tell someone something which is not only false but that you know is false.

What are men telling you that they know is false?

like i said, i dont put my private business out on the i-net, not the details, certainly.


New member
i LIKE that men do not like me, do not w ant to marry me... I like it a LOT

b/c i wouldn't want to be stuck with... these men i have known (and "men")

most of them were.. "men" not real men.

a real man, for example, is not a bully... mentally or otherwise...

etc... e tc...
