Why men won't marry you


New member
The interpretation is that Christ said you may only put your wife away for formication. That's what the OT says. So the interpretation is that the Bible is right and divorces and the courts are wrong. You may have a problem with my options on the Bible BC a lot of alleged Christians on this site don't believe that the bible is the word of God.

Divorce is something Americans don't want to read about in God's word because it testifies of their deeds, that they are wicked. I personally like to read the Bible passages that condemn my weak areas. The Bible is right and the world is wrong. That's my interpretation whether Jews or catholics or other assorted heretics like it or not.

It has nothing to do with anything you just said.... it is the fact that you have a childs like interpretation of scripture and seem to lack even the slightest of context and culture of why the scripture was written and to whom.

I believe every word of scripture to be god breathed... and it was applicable to the intended audience (we are not the intended audience)...

So you need to do some research and discover exactly why God/Jesus said things and what problem he was trying to address when the inspired words were written.

Just taking a single verse (the originals contained no verse or chapter annotations) is akin to censoring God (not believing in what he was trying to teach at that moment and twisting it to your own desires).

So like I said... ignorance is bliss, and you are a good example of that.


New member
Women aren't as unemployable as they were in the past... During my divorce, I had to take her before a judge to get my alimony reduced because even though she had a masters degree she chose to work as an administrative assistant in an office and stick it to me.

Luckily, the Judge saw the nonsense and reduced my support in half because she chose not to seek employment in line with her earning potential.

Anyhow, she walked out on me after amassing 37k worth of credit card debt that I never knew about.. she opened them in my name and had them sent to a PO Box... I never knew till debt collectors started calling. She tried to ruin me.

I remember when she said "I married you because I expect you to earn enough money so I don't have to work and can relax and meet my girlfriends for lunch" And then (after she went off birth control without telling me) I got the talk..."I married you because I knew you would step up and do the right thing and provide for the kind of family I want"...

Some women expect so much and don't think they need to communicate their expectations to their spouses and the power is so much on their side once you get married that some honestly do not care what you feel anymore.
I know this message is too late. I try to spread the word and wisdom as much as I can.

Never marry.

I know this message is reaching you a bit late, but if you help spread the word, maybe together we can help others.

patrick jane

[Why men won't marry you by Suzanne Venker] "Where have all the husbands gone?

That’s a question Peter Lloyd tackles in a series in London’s Daily Mail about Britain’s marriage rate, which is at its lowest level since 1895. “The state of matrimony is not just ailing. It is dying out faster than a mobile phone battery,” Lloyd writes. “For an army of women, Mr. Right is simply not there, no matter how hard they look for him.”

Things are no better this side of the Atlantic. According to Pew Research Center, the share of American adults who’ve never been married is at an historic high—and men are more likely than women to have never made it down the aisle (23% vs. 17% in 2012).

There was a time when wives respected their husbands. There was a time when wives took care of their husbands as they expected their husbands to take care of them.

What gives? Why are men here and abroad avoiding the altar in spades?

1. Because they can: Men used to marry to have sex and a family. They married for love, too, but they had to marry the girl before taking her to bed, or at least work really, really hard to wear her down. Those days are gone.

When more women make themselves sexually available, the pool of marriageable men diminishes. “In a world where women do not say no, the man is never forced to settle down and make serious choices,” writes George Gilder, author of "Men and Marriage."

Scoff if you wish. Call me a fuddy-duddy. But how’s that new plan working out?

2. Because there’s nothing in it for them: What exactly does marriage offer men today? “Men know there’s a good chance they’ll lose their friends, their respect, their space, their sex life, their money and — if it all goes wrong — their family,” says Helen Smith, Ph.D., author of "Men on Strike." “They don’t want to enter into a legal contract with someone who could effectively take half their savings, pension and property when the honeymoon period is over.Men aren’t wimping out by staying unmarried or being commitment phobes. They’re being smart.”

Unlike women, men lose all power after they say “I do.” Their masculinity dies, too.

What’s left of it, that is. In the span of just a few decades, America has demoted men from respected providers and protectors of the family to superfluous buffoons. Today’s sitcoms and commercials routinely paint a portrait of the idiot husband whose wife is smarter and more capable than he.

There was a time when wives respected their husbands. There was a time when wives took care of their husbands as they expected their husbands to take care of them.

Or perhaps therein lies the rub. If women no longer expect or even want men to “take care of” them — since women can do everything men can do and better, thank you very much, feminism — perhaps the flipside is the assumption that women don’t need to take care of husbands, either. And if no one’s taking care of anyone, why the hell marry?

For women, the reason is obvious: kids. Eventually most women decide they want children, no matter how long they put it off to focus on their careers. So they often nab the best guy they can find, usually the one with whom they’re currently sleeping, and convince him to get married.

If the man refuses, we call him, as Smith notes, a “commitment phobe.” But is that fair? Perhaps these men know all too well that women initiate the vast majority of divorces — anywhere from 65-90 percent, depending on demographics. And when they do, they take the kids with them and hang hubby out to dry with the help of a court system that’s heavily stacked in their favor. In the past, Mom got the kids because she was home with them doing the thankless, unpaid, mountainous work associated with that role. Today, neither parent is home, so there’s no reason the default custodial parent should be Mom.

So remind me, why would a man marry today?

No, really. What’s in it for him?" Article Heb 13:4

i knew i was onto something -


New member
No more than you are... and that is a fact.

You are of the breed that is ruining america.

This idea that The Bible isn't written to us is garbage. The whole Bible is for us. God changes not. Its a cop out. Funny that you say that it is childish to believe that the bible is literally true. Unless you become as a little child you will not see the kingdom of heaven.

What's ruining america is Christians that don't find the bible to be relevant. Not that I've ever considered your opinion to be worth much anyway. But especially not now that you claim the Bible is God's word but doesn't apply to us. Heresy.


...[A] lot of alleged Christians on this site don't believe that the bible is the word of God.
Alleged is right (Lk 6:46). :dizzy: This debates goes back to Cain and Abel (Heb 11:4). You'll do it your way or you'll do it God's way (Pr 16:25). :idunno:

“There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, in the end, "Thy will be done." All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. Those who knock it is opened.” ~ C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

My Way ~ Frank Sinatra :popcorn:


New member
Alleged is right (Lk 6:46). :dizzy: This debates goes back to Cain and Abel (Heb 11:4). You'll do it your way or you'll do it God's way (Pr 16:25). :idunno:

“There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, in the end, "Thy will be done." All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. Those who knock it is opened.” ~ C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

My Way ~ Frank Sinatra :popcorn:

Amen, brother.


dirty socks thrown on the living room floor, incessant mentioning of the ex girlfriend.. not wanting commitment... etc... etc..

Really? Your conception of manly behavior is throwing dirty socks onto the living room floor? Not all men are slobs. I can't stand a mess.


And, RepublicanChick, you make the comment about men not wanting commitment, but really, why should we?

Why on earth would I want to commit myself to incessant complaining and nagging and all of the usual hysterics and insanity that accompanies having to deal with a woman, in addition to all of the usual annoyances that accompany having to deal with people in general?

Combined, of course, with the probability of having to deal with an expensive civic divorce and all that accompanies these things?


And, RepublicanChick, you make the comment about men not wanting commitment, but really, why should we?

Why on earth would I want to commit myself to incessant complaining and nagging and all of the usual hysterics and insanity that accompanies having to deal with a woman, in addition to all of the usual annoyances that accompanies having to deal with people in general?

Combined, of course, with the probability of having to deal with an expensive civic divorce and all that accompanies these things?
You're single? :plain: Jer 16:2, Eccl 9:1


New member
This idea that The Bible isn't written to us is garbage. The whole Bible is for us. God changes not. Its a cop out. Funny that you say that it is childish to believe that the bible is literally true. Unless you become as a little child you will not see the kingdom of heaven.

What's ruining america is Christians that don't find the bible to be relevant. Not that I've ever considered your opinion to be worth much anyway. But especially not now that you claim the Bible is God's word but doesn't apply to us. Heresy.

Context is everything...l it isn't garbage.

Saying that context doesn't matter shows that you are not willing to study to show thyself approved.

America started to get ruined when the Republican Party allowed it to be co-opted by the "Immoral Majority" let by Jerry Falwell, et al to make sure Ronald Reagan got elected.

Ever since then the Republicans keep trying to push immoral agenda items down the throat of the rest of america and its being resisted as it should.. and you are seeing more and more former republicans walking away because they see how immoral they have become while trying to hide behind the veil of being Christians.

The fact that it is your type and your simplistic, naive and uneducated understanding of scripture and its context that is the driving force behind the lunacy that is giving Jesus a black eye in the public eye every day... its shameful.


New member
Maybe men and women are just fed up with each other. Many men and many women don't have great options for their love life. That doesn't make anyone evil. It's just unfortunate and sometimes that's the way things go in life.


New member
Context is everything...l it isn't garbage.

Saying that context doesn't matter shows that you are not willing to study to show thyself approved.

America started to get ruined when the Republican Party allowed it to be co-opted by the "Immoral Majority" let by Jerry Falwell, et al to make sure Ronald Reagan got elected.

Ever since then the Republicans keep trying to push immoral agenda items down the throat of the rest of america and its being resisted as it should.. and you are seeing more and more former republicans walking away because they see how immoral they have become while trying to hide behind the veil of being Christians.

The fact that it is your type and your simplistic, naive and uneducated understanding of scripture and its context that is the driving force behind the lunacy that is giving Jesus a black eye in the public eye every day... its shameful.

Lol. I was never a Republican. I voted straight Democrat in 2008 and 2010. 2008 was the first election I was old enough to vote in. I never voted for a Republican in my life. Now I don't vote because elections are a fraud. When I do support political initiatives, its usually on the libertarian (small l) side.

I'm more concerned with winning souls than winning elections.

Shows how much you know about me lol. I've never supported legislating morality.

Maybe your problem is just that I believe the Bible is the preserved words of God and is inerrant and infallible, and you don't.


New member

Lol. I was never a Republican. I voted straight Democrat in 2008 and 2010. 2008 was the first election I was old enough to vote in. I never voted for a Republican in my life. Now I don't vote because elections are a fraud. When I do support political initiatives, its usually on the libertarian (small l) side.

I'm more concerned with winning souls than winning elections.

Shows how much you know about me lol. I've never supported legislating morality.

Maybe your problem is just that I believe the Bible is the preserved words of God and is inerrant and infallible, and you don't.

My problem with you is that you belong to a dooms day cult.


:thumb: The apostle Paul said that there are advantages to remaining single.

"1 Co 7:7 as I myself. As a single person, Paul recognized the special freedom and independence he had to serve Christ (see notes on vv. 32–34). But he did not expect all believers to be single, nor all who were single to stay that way, nor all who were married to act celibate as if they were single. gift from God. Both singleness and marriage are God’s gracious gifts...

7:32, 33 be without care. A single person is free from concern about the earthly needs of a spouse and therefore potentially better able to set himself apart exclusively for the Lord’s work.

7:33 things of the world. These are earthly matters connected to the passing system (v. 31).

7:33, 34 how he may please his wife … husband. Here is a basic and expected principle for a good marriage—each seeking to please the other.

7:34 The first part of this verse is preferably rendered in some manuscripts, “and his interests are divided. And the woman who is unmarried and the virgin.…” This is important because it distinguishes clearly between the “unmarried” and “virgins,” who, therefore, can’t be the same. “Virgins” are single people never married, while “unmarried” must be single by divorce. Widows is the term for those made single by death (see note on v. 8).

7:35 Marriage does not prevent great devotion to the Lord, but it brings more potential matters to interfere with it. Singleness has fewer hindrances, though not guaranteed greater spiritual virtue. distraction. See notes on vv. 26, 29, 33...

7:26 present distress. An unspecified, current calamity. Perhaps Paul anticipated the imminent Roman persecutions which began within 10 years after this epistle was written. remain as he is. Persecution is difficult enough for a single person to endure, but problems and pain are multiplied for those who are married, especially if they have children...

7:29 time is short. Human life is brief (cf. James 4:14; 1 Pet. 1:24). as though they had none. This does not teach that marriage is no longer binding or treated with seriousness (cf. Eph. 5:22–33; Col. 3:18, 19), nor should there be any physical deprivation (vv. 3–5); but Paul is teaching that marriage should not at all reduce one’s devotion to the Lord and service to Him (cf. Col. 3:2). He means to keep the eternal priority (see v. 31)..." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1740). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.


New member
I'm not a big bible fan, but I'll certainly support the whole sale annihilation of the institution of marriage.