Why men won't marry you


Hall of Fame
To reveal your standard for abuse, especially abuse that rises to the level of "you should get a divorce."

Are you really THAT incapable of consulting a dictionary?

When I use words, they are LITERAL ... not what you imagine them to be.


New member
Hall of Fame
Whoops. Forgot you weren't the voice of most women for a second.

More lying hack heres what i said that you clipped like the little lying hack you are:

No, most women arent picking their men from the genius category or asking for evidence of IQ before marriage. Sorry nut.

Have some candy while you figure out what i said.


Now ill say this slow so you can understand it.

Since. most. men. do. not. fall. into. genius. levels. its. not. a. guess. to. claim. most. women. dont. pick.a.genius.to.marry.

Its not physically possible. So sad you are.


Well-known member
Quite right, they don't, but nor would they be that bothered if the person they were attracted to happened to be 'smarter' than them either.

They would be bothered if the person was less intelligent, and it seems you believe that could lead to divorce.


New member
Are you really THAT incapable of consulting a dictionary?

When I use words, they are LITERAL ... not what you imagine them to be.

A dictionary won't tell me if you really agree with A4T.

What level of abuse is enough to warrant divorce? Surely you can define that. Don't you have to discuss this topic with your galfriends who are going through rocky relationships?


New member
They would be bothered if the person was less intelligent, and it seems you believe that could lead to divorce.

It does seem so. What else does it imply but that a woman would divorce a man if she discovered he was less intelligent while holding onto a claim women are not paying attention to the trait or valuing it so highly while picking him?


New member
They would be bothered if the person was less intelligent, and it seems you believe that could lead to divorce.

It does seem so. What else does it imply but that a woman would divorce a man if she discovered he was less intelligent while not paying attention to the trait or valuing it so highly while picking?


New member
Hall of Fame
Intelligence and wisdom are synonyms.
Not by a long shot.

There are loads of very intelligent people who lack wisdom.
Actual intelligence signifies knowledge/information - and wisdom is being able to apply what you know.

You dont seem to know even your own bible.

1 Corinthians 12:4-11 ESV Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.

The bible even separates them, they are not the same thing.

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts and data that you have learned about or experienced. It’s being aware of something, and having information. Knowledge is really about facts and ideas that we acquire through study, research, investigation, observation, or experience.

Wisdom is the ability to discern and judge which aspects of that knowledge are true, right, lasting, and applicable to your life. It’s the ability to apply that knowledge to the greater scheme of life. It’s also deeper; knowing the meaning or reason; about knowing why something is, and what it means to your life.

You may or may not have intelligence, but your posts show that you sorely lack wisdom.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
To reveal your standard for abuse, especially abuse that rises to the level of "you should get a divorce."

How about you set the 'standard'? Just how much physical, sexual or emotional abuse should a person endure before enough's enough? How about rape? How about assault? How about being told you're inferior and you should quit any aspirations to better your education, I mean just what? Where is your 'standard' in any of this?


New member
Hall of Fame
How about you set the 'standard'? Just how much physical, sexual or emotional abuse should a person endure before enough's enough? How about rape? How about assault? How about being told you're inferior and you should quit any aspirations to better your education, I mean just what? Where is your 'standard' in any of this?

Thats just it, she was initially asked to provide an example of what she meant by abuse (she is who brought it all up) and she has bobbed and weaved and demanded others provide one for her.

Somebody is serving divorce to the other. Not the tenderhearted one, right?

God said divorce was for the hardness of hearts. True or false?

You did. Your only problem was in reading what I wrote and assuming I was contradicting that directive in any way.

Let's assume the particulars involve real abuse that rises to the level of being against God.

So now relate that back to my question and see how you'd answer.

Because of course a woman with a tenderheart toward God and her children, couldnt possibly be serving a wife beater with papers to protect her kids, nah, it has to be the way your immaturity defines it...

I hope no one takes you seriously.

In one place, yes, and something else in another. A woman for example whose husband commits sexual immorality is free to bring a divorce, doesnt mean her heart is hard.

That hard heart thing was for a man to put his wife away for any cause - seems you dont understand that.

Wrong - you challenged what i wrote as superfluative, when i gave no personal interpretation. See:

One more time, youll need to define exactly what you mean by "real abuse" See my earlier response:

Different people define "abuse" differently, some guy not liking that his wife isnt his beck and call girl or who wont roll over every command for sex, isnt abuse (for example).

I would need to know the particulars of a situation from both sides to determine actual abuse that would rise to the level of being against God and the marriage.

We live in an easily offended culture, so abuse is a wide wide term, and not all of them would rise to the level of being against God.

Unlike you, unless i know the particulars, no way to answer that.

She never answered and later starting demanding that WE provide HER definition.


New member
Thats just it, she was initially asked to provide an example of what she meant by abuse (she is who brought it all up) and she has bobbed and weaved and demanded others provide one for her.

You are the one who started the whole "depends if it's actual abuse or not" thing going to avoid answering simply yes or no to my question.

I gave my answer after watching you flounder.


Hall of Fame
A dictionary won't tell me if you really agree with A4T.

All that matters is that Angel knows my definition. She does ... as does Arthur.

What level of abuse is enough to warrant divorce? Surely you can define that. Don't you have to discuss this topic with your galfriends who are going through rocky relationships?

The *level* of abuse would coincide with how much a person loves their children and/or themselves.

Since my children were and will always be first, their well-being and mine trumped everything else.

Simply put ... a spouse who is capable of physically violating their spouse, including death threats, should be considered a lethal threat.

A spouse who commits adultery has no qualms with putting his/her spouse at risk of illness and diseases, including death. Only an insecure woman would put up with that type of treatment. Only someone who despises women would expect them to put up with that type of behavior.

Pretty clear ... or do I need to draw you a picture?


New member
Hall of Fame
Somebody is serving divorce to the other. Not the tenderhearted one, right?

God said divorce was for the hardness of hearts. True or false?

You did. Your only problem was in reading what I wrote and assuming I was contradicting that directive in any way.

Let's assume the particulars involve real abuse that rises to the level of being against God.

So now relate that back to my question and see how you'd answer.

Why don't you just state you have a zero tolerance standard?

If you go back you will see that I already answered this question.

Nope, still waiting for you to provide what you mean by abuse. Give an example, after those initial posts, you were asked over and over to give an example of what YOU mean by 'actual abuse' and you have YET to respond.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why don't you just state you have a zero tolerance standard?

If you go back you will see that I already answered this question.

How about you just set out yours instead? Mine's there sure, so it's now you who needs to outline what constitutes abuse and specifically at that.


New member
Hall of Fame
You are the one who started the whole "depends if it's actual abuse or not" thing going to avoid answering simply yes or no to my question.

I gave my answer after watching you flounder.

Yes, and i asked you give an example of what you mean, you are who will not give one and are expecting all of us to read your mind.

You brought it up so you need to define what you mean, youre just mad because we are not allowing you to play a head game like you usually do, we expect YOU to define what YOU said.

I just showed also that you didn't answer.