Why men won't marry you


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Weird, the only thing ive said about your identity is that you are a fake, take that however you want, i do believe ive told you more than once in this thread, that i could care less who you are, so long as you act like an adult.

Doesn't look like that is possible though. Oh well.

:mock: Bolcats


Hall of Fame
So then you lied when you said 5 and changed it to six. But I counted seven, when including the goofed neg rep, when I recounted.

I had a reason for miscounting. What's yours?

You are counting wrong. I just counted. You added a seventh, not a sixth.

You make counting all about lies. Retarded. You have a lie-accusation addiction.

Did you do this kind of garbage to your kids when they tried to count?

:yawn: Seriously. Who cares if it's five or six. It's not like anyone BUT the user can count them.

The SAME user who demanded we supply proof and then when supplied with proof comes back with

He's stating his own limitations, in that he does not have the personality for multiple wives. He can tolerate me (so very well! ) , but with my AS and his PTSD, it's a joke that it's all he can tolerate. But I know if God put someone in our lives who needed us he'd find he's way more tolerant than he gives himself credit for.

At least he doesn't have to worry about a misandrist wife piling him with extra women to serve. I see he's got enough going on and he's doing a great job, too.

Your memory must be as lacking as your maturity level. You seem to have forgotten that I was a member here during you two's tirade of supporting multiple wives. You BOTH dogpiled and abused the rep system, until I complained about your cowardly misuse with the neg repping.

As usual, your whining is hypocritical.


Hall of Fame
You need to stop being such a fake.-----angel4t. Neggy. She cannot refute me , so she obsesses over my identity.

Which identity would that be? The one you permanently disabled during one of your temper tantrums or the two that were permanently banned after repeated tirades and offenses?


New member
, so she clearly isn't perfect. :eek:[

I know you are joking, but I believe perfection is not so unobtainable. The only perfection God wants from us is to have a soft, fleshy heart. To me, all the other stuff is perfect window-dressings and serves the perfection that is the Glory of God.

Even when I got a broken leg gardening, I saw perfection in the way God had the whole event lined up. My baby had just turned 6 months that day so he could eat baby food for the time of surgery and drugs.... perfect timing. I can't even break my leg imperfectly these days... what kind of a unique problem that is! :chuckle:

, And I'm saying your mind is still that of a child in the most fundamental way

On first reading my mind stopped there like there should be a period. I guess, that's because I think that's what you should say to me and other aspies. So do we never marry as a solution? Or do we find an alternate route to wisdom, one that has always been open to us and young people?

If it was practical, given what we have statistically and what we understand biologically, I'd bet we'd raise consent laws considerably.

We'd also have to raise those laws over the heads of the autistic.

But we just can't. Too many people on their own and in the economy with full voting rights.

Phew! Dodged that one. Husband made the same point to me a few days ago.

, I'd say it's fair to note I didn't say you can't get a thing right below that age, only that it's far more likely that you won't and won't consistently. Because you're process is routing primarily through the part of your brain that feels its way along.

When you do get things right it's gonna be because of good character and an intelligent use of instruction, yes? If I can bypass what they lack, then they can bypass, too. God is the giver of wisdom.

Similarly, you can't very well forbid a thing necessary to the survival of the people you mean to see thrive. All you can do is place enough constraints and parental control into it to minimize the danger. That's not being done these days.

God made the people need to reproduce at that age. God could have made them need to reproduce at 10 or 30 just as easily. Why didn't God just make them mentally mature at the age He knew they would NEED to reproduce?

Your theory requires that God mismatch mental children with parenthood and marriage.

So sorry, that's all for now... more later.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
God made the people need to reproduce at that age. God could have made them need to reproduce at 10 or 30 just as easily. Why didn't God just make them mentally mature at the age He knew they would NEED to reproduce?
I think He did. It is incumbent upon us to understand the difference between biological maturity and intellectual maturity and to act accordingly.

In many debates regarding morals on this site I have often made the point that morals should be high, something that we strive to attain. That we should not be ruled by our baser lusts. Our baser lusts are the biological imperatives that you speak of. I have noted that many of your posts are couched in terms of servicing biological imperatives under the guise of being healthy. It is still surrendering to your lusts if you marry before you are intellectually mature enough to handle marriage.


New member
:yawn: Seriously. Who cares if it's five or six. It's not like anyone BUT the user can count them.

How is A4T counting the reps she gives out?

And tell her it doesn't matter. She started calling me a liar over the tiny difference between her counting and mine.

You seem to have forgotten that I was a member here during you two's tirade of supporting multiple wives.

:think: I wouldn't mind a link.

:You BOTH dogpiled and abused the rep system, until I complained about your cowardly misuse with the neg repping.

Someone might call that whining over neg reps.

I'm glad I learned what I did from TOL those years ago. I've been here 12 years (more if you count lurking) and have learned and grown a lot. I don't remember everything clearly from back then, but I did overuse the rep system. (Emphasis mine) From what I remember. Which isn't much on that subject.

As usual, your whining is hypocritical.

If I did what she did to this day and whined when it was mirrored back, that would be hypocritical. If I object to something she's doing that I reformed on, is that so hypocritical?

And I don't think I obsessed to the level of counting my reps as they went out.... or posting 8 negs to one person on one thread alone in slightly over 2 weeks time. On posts that weren't even about me or to me, at times. No, that's not me, that's A4T's style.


, And I'm saying your mind is still that of a child in the most fundamental way: TH.

Thats actually a good thing. More sophisticated minds tend to think in a hard hearted way I think. She is still wise enough to take care of her family and recognize evil.


Hall of Fame
How is A4T counting the reps she gives out?

The user. That means the person on the receiving end. Sorry, I figured that would be common sense. Obviously I forgot for a moment who I was speaking to.

And tell her it doesn't matter. She started calling me a liar over the tiny difference between her counting and mine.

Oh ... and being called names is bad in your world ... since WHEN? Again, the readers can decide. I agree with her that you are deliberately dishonest. Thankfully, aside from this board, I don't have the displeasure of knowing or dealing with you in real life.

:think: I wouldn't mind a link.

Well, that's very special. I wouldn't mind if you were semi civil and didn't constantly resort to name calling. I feel compelled to be every bit as generous as you are. It's not like you don't have your whole schedule free to go find your own links.

Someone might call that whining over neg reps.

Those *some* would be of the same mindset as you so their opinion would be meaningless.

I'm glad I learned what I did from TOL those years ago. I've been here 12 years (more if you count lurking) and have learned and grown a lot. I don't remember everything clearly from back then, but I did overuse the rep system. (Emphasis mine) From what I remember. Which isn't much on that subject.

Overuse? Seriously. No ... abused and bullied is more like it. Now that maturity once again shows with you whining about A4T using the same rep system you repeatedly utilized.

If I did what she did to this day and whined when it was mirrored back, that would be hypocritical. If I object to something she's doing that I reformed on, is that so hypocritical?

It IS hypocritical because YOU and your husband mastered the technique of attacking someone with neg reps. Quite frankly, your previous behind the scenes antics have come back to bite you.

And I don't think I obsessed to the level of counting my reps as they went out.... or posting 8 negs to one person on one thread alone in slightly over 2 weeks time. On posts that weren't even about me or to me, at times. No, that's not me, that's A4T's style.

LOL ... this is exactly why Angel and others have called you out on your dishonesty. You intentionally put the qualifier in the above sentence so you can counter back with "well so what if I did or didn't ... it was years ago".


Well-known member
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Cite? Loads of men who want perfection in women, cheat on those "perfect" women - id call those adulterers, oh but thats right, you and your buddy eloyhim think only women can commit adultery.... and that what men do is ok.

Man whores deserve chaste women right, and polygamy would be ok too if it wasnt against the law, right, and smoking pot (still being a party guy - is ok with you both also....
Typical female irrational response. Do you do this on purpose or do you just let your female nature run wild?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Are you saying that women should marry younger?
No. I'm saying that women should be encouraged to realize that motherhood is one of the superpowers that women have. And also one of the greatest things that can be done in a society. And that they have few other advantages if any. They aren't as smart. They aren't as strong. They aren't as focused on work. They aren't as rational. They should capitalize on their superpower and if they want to marry young, they should be free to do so.