Why men won't marry you


I take that as an insult to my husband's memory. I was blessed with a good husband. You're not even a fraction of the man that he was!

I didn't say or bring up anything about your past husband. You're just expecting that throwing it on the table is supposed to blockade someone else argument.

..cool story :idunno:


Crucible's a moron. Yet another rehash of some former poster(s) with a gigantic misogynistic chip on his shoulder...

Yeah, that's what you and a few others have *rehashed* for the past three months.

She never made it clear that she was a widow. Her post can easily be interpreted as her having been married thus far for a length of time.

You're a moron. Rubber and glue, anon anon :thumb:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yeah, that's what you and a few others have *rehashed* for the past three months.

She never made it clear that she was a widow. Her post can easily be interpreted as her having been married thus far for a length of time.

You're a moron. Rubber and glue, anon anon :thumb:

Eh, here's a vid for ya Crutch...



New member
I didn't say or bring up anything about your past husband. You're just expecting that throwing it on the table is supposed to blockade someone else argument.

..cool story :idunno:
No it was supposed to tell you how I feel about your "cool story" comment, Einstein.


Yep. Civilized societies don't have people beaten to a pulp as "justice".

Therefore ancient Israel was not civilized.
Therefore ancient Rome was not civilized.

Actually, I'll say it: therefore no nations were civilized prior to the late 1800s.

Sorry, I don't buy it. :idunno:

They certainly do, and certainly not at the beating hands of a spouse under the guise of "justice". I don't happen to support the death penalty but that's a separate issue and you can take it to the threads that address it.

What does it matter if a public official does it or if the spouse does it under authority delegated to him by the State? It comes out to precisely the same thing.

What about it? Imprisonment is often a mix of penalty and protecting society from criminals - including spouse beaters.

I'm assuming you'll tell me that people have a right to go where they please...but the State imprisons malefactors.

I'm sorry, but I simply can't agree with you when you say "people have a right to x, y and z regardless of the circumstances."


New member
When we repent of sin we are not supposed to self flagellate as a form of justice. The wife is the man's body, therefore it does not make any sense for him to do her harm.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Therefore ancient Israel was not civilized.
Therefore ancient Rome was not civilized.

Actually, I'll say it: therefore no nations were civilized prior to the late 1800s.

Sorry, I don't buy it. :idunno:

What does it matter if a public official does it or if the spouse does it under authority delegated to him by the State? It comes out to precisely the same thing.

I'm assuming you'll tell me that people have a right to go where they please...but the State imprisons malefactors.

I'm sorry, but I simply can't agree with you when you say "people have a right to x, y and z regardless of the circumstances."

Well then Trad, when you spew out your ludicrous comments in public say and find yourself on the receiving end of a beating for them then I'll presume you won't push charges then? After all, if you're annoying folk then why shouldn't they have the right to put you in hospital?


Hall of Fame
You're barking up the wrong tree. I never hit my husband and he never hit me through 25 years of marriage.

I never hit my husband before, during or after our marriage. However, don't expect his barking to stop ... these imaginary, battering wives are everywhere.


New member
I never hit my husband before, during or after our marriage. However, don't expect his barking to stop ... these imaginary, battering wives are everywhere.
That's very true and I don't expect it to stop. They obviously have serious self esteem issues and aren't playing with a full deck.



This is the underlying cause of why men are starting to not want to marry. The absurdity starts from childhood and progresses right into adulthood- people are always concerned about problems women face instead of what men face, and then men are treated unfairly thereafter. This causes men to not trust women and the contracts that follow with them, because they are automatically at a disadvantage if he decides to show her teeth.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I respect you a lot, kmo. You're one of the good men here, and I appreciate you.

I also appreciate your reasoning with someone who thinks it's okay to beat a wife until she's dead, but I absolutely will not reason with someone of his ilk. The more I read from this group (doloTradSumsod), the more I realize how important it is for women to have autonomy from them. And the more I understand why they're here.
And it's mostly pointless to engage someone of that mindset. Like I find myself saying from time to time, you can rarely move a person by reason who has not arrived at their position by the same faculty. Racists, misogynists, most extremists aren't what they are because they gave the matter a great deal of rational consideration.


And it's mostly pointless to engage someone of that mindset. Like I find myself saying from time to time, you can rarely move a person by reason who has not arrived at their position by the same faculty. Racists, misogynists, most extremists aren't what they are because they gave the matter a great deal of rational consideration.

What you all don't seem to get is that people are getting tired of the whole 'equality' thing when it is apparent that it's not about equality at all, but rather just usurping men and obtaining equal results by default. It's about favoritism and leniency, privilege and the absence of accountability.

Let's talk logic for a minute.

Why is it okay for a man to hit another man, or a woman to hit a man- but it's not okay for a man to hit a woman?

The only answer is "It's not okay to hit anyone".
Well, if that is the only answer, then a man hitting a woman should be seen as no different than a man hitting a man or a woman hitting a man.

The whole system of things is screwed up, and people who see it or suffer it, and speak out against it are 'misogynists'?

Well, newsflash- it's not women I am against, it's the feminist minded who have made void a functional society among the sexes.


New member
Why is it okay for a man to hit another man, or a woman to hit a man- but it's not okay for a man to hit a woman?

Why is it not okay for a woman to hit a defenseless old man or disabled person?

Cowards use their fists to settle things with weaker individuals, rather than using their heads rationally.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What you all don't seem to get is that people are getting tired of the whole 'equality' thing when it is apparent that it's not about equality at all, but rather just usurping men and obtaining equal results by default.
I don't "get" all sorts of things I don't believe are objectively true. Usurping what? Equality in standing is an American birthright. It's just one that women had to fight to see realized to the extent it has been. I'm not threatened by that and don't understand people who are.

It's about favoritism and leniency, privilege and the absence of accountability.
You may feel that way about it, but leniency and privilege in what particular? An absence of accountability? For what?

Why is it okay for a man to hit another man, or a woman to hit a man- but it's not okay for a man to hit a woman?
It's not okay for anyone who isn't acting in self defense to hit anyone. It's a battery and against the law.

The only answer is "It's not okay to hit anyone".
Depending on the circumstance. Supra.

Well, if that is the only answer, then a man hitting a woman should be seen as no different than a man hitting a man or a woman hitting a man.
No. It should be treated, as a matter of law, the same as it would for anyone. We see it differently because we understand the physiological differences between men and women and a man striking a woman resonates with us the way a bigger man striking an appreciably weaker man would. It smacks of the bully.

The whole system of things is screwed up, and people who see it or suffer it, and speak out against it are 'misogynists'?
What system? Anyone can be prosecuted for battery, or assault. And a misogynist isn't someone who speaks out for equality, but it's often an apt description for people who resist it.

Well, newsflash- it's not women I am against, it's the feminist minded who have made void a functional society among the sexes.
Hasn't voided a thing here. Maybe you should move too. :idunno: