Why Jews Don't Accept Jesus?

Ben Masada

New member
It's a sadness not really a frustration. The wishful thinking of the Jewish people for an Israel that will rule the world is inconsistent with the truth of History. Your God concept, admittedly influenced by the heavy redactions and exaggerations of the Babylonian priestly elite, has let you down.

But I would really desire that the religion of Jesus divorce itself from Old Testament Judaism as he desired, his authority is self existent. He proved it by resurrecting himself from the dead and returning to heaven. Judaism is a kind of orphaned religion.

Nice try fella! Jesus was a Jew and he knew that according to his gospel that was Judaism, once dead no one will ever return. Read Isa. 26:14; II Sam. 12:23 and Job 10:21. King David was not that stupid to continue praying for his son as soon as he had expired. The resurrection from the dead was a fabrication by Paul. Read II Tim. 2:8. Read your own NT first in order to debate with me. I have read your book.


Nice try fella! Jesus was a Jew and he knew that according to his gospel that was Judaism, once dead no one will ever return. Read Isa. 26:14; II Sam. 12:23 and Job 10:21. King David was not that stupid to continue praying for his son as soon as he had expired. The resurrection from the dead was a fabrication by Paul. Read II Tim. 2:8. Read your own NT first in order to debate with me. I have read your book.

Nonsense, Jesus didn't practice the Law, his religion was more advanced than primitive Judaism which frankly resembles the behavior of ISIS.

The religion of Jesus was a departure from the religions of authority, racial faiths inherited.


No logic what so ever.

In another thread he says Jews are Jews and Christians are Christians and never the twain shall meet, (I think he is into poetry).

? So if a Jew can't be a Christian then why do we need all these threads of his?

Answer. Because he likes to argue for no apparent reason.

What he needs to do is show us how the other 11 or 12 or 13 tribes became Jews.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Nonsense, Jesus didn't practice the Law, his religion was more advanced than primitive Judaism which frankly resembles the behavior of ISIS.

The religion of Jesus was a departure from the religions of authority, racial faiths inherited.

Are you, by any chance, implying that Jesus lied when he, with his parable of the Richman and Lazarus implied that the only way to escape hell-fire is by listening to "Moses" aka the Law? That's in Luke 16:31. And as the Law is concerned, he himself declared to have observed it down to the letter even the dot of the letter. (Mat. 5:17-19) And he said so as long as heaven and earth exist. Do heaven and earth exist yet?


There were many Jews in Jesus' day that simply could not accept him as the long-anticipated Messiah. The conflicts between the Jews and the early Jewish followers of Jesus erupted into vitriolic arguments--especially since the Jesus people were being kicked out of the synagogues.

This is why there is some anti-Semitic rhetoric placed into Jesus's mouth in the Gospel of John. John's community of believers was cheesed off royally. They wanted their readers to understand that Jesus was on their side and that the Jews were "from the Devil."

Ben Masada

New member
There were many Jews in Jesus' day that simply could not accept him as the long-anticipated Messiah. The conflicts between the Jews and the early Jewish followers of Jesus erupted into vitriolic arguments--especially since the Jesus people were being kicked out of the synagogues.

This is why there is some anti-Semitic rhetoric placed into Jesus's mouth in the Gospel of John. John's community of believers was cheesed off royally. They wanted their readers to understand that Jesus was on their side and that the Jews were "from the Devil."

Aikido, don't get into that because you will get trapped in the web of weird contradictions. John 8 is the mother of all contradictions. First, Jesus was speaking to the Jews who had believed in him (John 8:31). Next, Jesus called the Jews who had believed in him, children of the Devil (John 8:44). Probably Jesus did not know that among the Jews who had believed in him were a few who had grown up with him and were aware of a few secrets. Being insulted with being children of the Devil, they opened their mouths and implied something by saying that, at least, they had not been born out of fornication (John 8:41).

To tell you the truth, one is better off never to open the book of John on that page. According to Josephus, rapes of young Jewish ladies by Romans in the First Century was catastrophic, resulting in thousands of illegal births of Jewish children. Jewish because of the mothers but Jews without a Tribe in Israel because of the fathers. The name was fornication and the Jews who had believed in Jesus let it out for being insulted as children of the Devil. If you asked me why, I would not know the answer because that page of the book of John is not part of the NT I read. I mean, I don't understand how the Fathers of the Church missed that page in the canonization of the NT.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Nonsense, Jesus didn't practice the Law, his religion was more advanced than primitive Judaism which frankly resembles the behavior of ISIS.

The religion of Jesus was a departure from the religions of authority, racial faiths inherited.

Are you sure that Jesus did not practice the Law? In his parable of the Richman and Lazarus, he implied that the only way to escape hell-fire is by listening to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:21) Furthermore, he declared to have come to "confirm" the Law down to the letter, even down to the dot of the letter. That's in Mat. 5:17-19. Do you still stand by what you have implied above that his behavior was akin to that of ISIS? To tell you the truth, having Jesus been a real Jew, his behavior was no different from ours as the Law was concerned.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

No logic what so ever.

In another thread he says Jews are Jews and Christians are Christians and never the twain shall meet, (I think he is into poetry).

? So if a Jew can't be a Christian then why do we need all these threads of his?

Answer. Because he likes to argue for no apparent reason.

What he needs to do is show us how the other 11 or 12 or 13 tribes became Jews.

Not so. Any Jew who wants to be a Christian, he or she is free to become one. Let them become Christians but they must leave behind their Jewish identity. According to prophet Elijah, there must be no hyphenated Jews. (I Kings 18:19,21,40)

Regarding the "other 11 or 12 or 13 tribes became Jews" you tell me! I don't know what you are talking about.


New member


Have a nice day :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There were many Jews in Jesus' day that simply could not accept him as the long-anticipated Messiah. The conflicts between the Jews and the early Jewish followers of Jesus erupted into vitriolic arguments--especially since the Jesus people were being kicked out of the synagogues.

This is why there is some anti-Semitic rhetoric placed into Jesus's mouth in the Gospel of John. John's community of believers was cheesed off royally. They wanted their readers to understand that Jesus was on their side and that the Jews were "from the Devil."

You seem to have a problem with the book of John? ALL Scripture
is Holy Spirit inspired. No words were added into Jesus mouth.
That's just your "twisted" misinterpretation.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame


Have a nice day :)

But, you've been predicting that an "Asteroid" is gonna hit the
earth in a month or so? Yet, you're telling him he's got ten years
left? Do I smell a rancid contradiction?

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?



Have a nice day :)

Forced repentance is not acknowledged by the Lord. He has granted us with free will so that we make our own decisions.
Nice day for you too.


Nice try fella! Jesus was a Jew and he knew that according to his gospel that was Judaism, once dead no one will ever return. Read Isa. 26:14; II Sam. 12:23 and Job 10:21. King David was not that stupid to continue praying for his son as soon as he had expired. The resurrection from the dead was a fabrication by Paul. Read II Tim. 2:8. Read your own NT first in order to debate with me. I have read your book.

Resurrection is required in so much that if Abe is not brought back to life then Jehovah lied to Abe about inheriting the land.

Case closed


Literal lunatic
Are you sure that Jesus did not practice the Law? In his parable of the Richman and Lazarus, he implied that the only way to escape hell-fire is by listening to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:21) Furthermore, he declared to have come to "confirm" the Law down to the letter, even down to the dot of the letter. That's in Mat. 5:17-19. Do you still stand by what you have implied above that his behavior was akin to that of ISIS? To tell you the truth, having Jesus been a real Jew, his behavior was no different from ours as the Law was concerned.

Granted, Jesus kept the law.

He kept it in spiritual perfection, not like you or the jews of his day thought he ought to.

Now as far as the parable....

Abraham said if they did not believe Moses they would not believe one who came back from the dead.

You greatly err as Moses wrote of Christ the one who did come back from the dead and you still cannot see it.

John 5:39 KJV

39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

John 5:46 KJV

46 For had ye believed Moses, Ben Masada, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.
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Why do you suppose the Jesus depicted in the Gospel of John is anti-Semitic and calls the Jews "children of the Devil"?

Clearly, if Jesus was a Jew he wouldn't have been so schizophrenic.

It was because at the time John wrote his account--close to the year 100 or so--the early Jesus followers were getting forcibly removed from the synagogues.
They were under attack by Jews who did not accept Jesus as the long, hoped-for Messiah.

So John put that insulting speech into Jesus' mouth to show the Jews their Jesus did not agree with them.

It's just like today when Christians say Jesus doesn't like welfare or capitalism or something and they can "prove" it by what he says in the Bible.


“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killeth the prophets, and stoneth them that are sent unto her! how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her own brood under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
**Luke‬ *13:34-35‬ *ASV‬‬