Why Jews Don't Accept Jesus?

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

The brilliance of Jesus was that he publically stated that he didn't come to change the law but to fulfill the intent of it......but Jesus didn't practice the law. The Son of God wasn't a reformer of Judaism, he lived, taught and preached a Living religion.

Jesus did not preach any thing else besides his own gospel which was Judaism. To fulfill the Law in Mat. 5:17 carries the direct meaning of "confirm." Were it not so, he would not have pledged the existence of heaven and earth as the guarantee that nothing would pass away of the Law till we all did the same and Jesus did. (Mat. 5:18,19)


Why Jews Don't Accept Jesus

An answer to Christian missionaries

We do; only that we accept him for what he really was and not for what the NT describes him to have been. The question is, why Christians don't accept the real Jesus of Nazareth. Probably because they prefer to walk by faith and not by sight. (II Cor. 5:7) If by sight is to walk with understanding, it is only obvious that by faith is to leave the understanding with Paul.


Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

The % of evangelical or messianic Jews in Israel is said to be about 7%.

There is no such a thing as "Messianic-Jews" or "Jews-for-Jesus". The hyphenate Jew does not exist. A Jew is a Jew and a Christian is a Christian. There is no such a thing as a Christian-Jew or a Jewish-Christian.

I am reminded of the time of Elijah and the "Jews-for-Baal." Elijah got 850 of their prophets and charged at them by asking, how long will you straddle the issue between HaShem and Baal? If HaShem is God, follow Him but, if it is Baal, follow him! (I Kings 18:18-21) But no, they wanted to keep their Jewish identity while serving Baal. He invited them down to brook of Kishon and slew them all there.

The same phenomenon is happening today. People want to keep their Jewish identity while living as Christians. Exactly straddling the issue between the gospel of Jesus and that of Paul. Just as Paul used to do, straddling the issue between the Law according to his mind and sin according to his flesh. (Rom. 7:25)


Jesus did not preach any thing else besides his own gospel which was Judaism. To fulfill the Law in Mat. 5:17 carries the direct meaning of "confirm." Were it not so, he would not have pledged the existence of heaven and earth as the guarantee that nothing would pass away of the Law till we all did the same and Jesus did. (Mat. 5:18,19)

You have reading comprehension difficulties which could be tied to the traditional pride blindness of Jews. From the Sermon on the Mount forward the gospel truths were in conflict with the thinking of the Law-yers. The gospel of Jesus was a direct threat to the presumptive authority and general theology of the upholders of Judaism as an institution.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Jesus fullfilled this prophecy. Who has made you blinded to this truth?
"But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5


Well-known member
One thing that can blind people to that truth is too much looking for a millenial reign on earth kind of Jesus. Until we see that that sacrifice of the man-God is the whole reason why OT history and writing exists, we will look for too many other things.

In Acts 26 Paul said of the apostles that they only preached what Moses and the Prophets said would happen: the suffering and resurrected glory of Christ. You have to figure out for yourself why he made no mention there of anything future for Israel, yet said all of israel's hopes were fulfilled in the Christ event. If there was any time he would mention it, it would have been then!

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

You have reading comprehension difficulties which could be tied to the traditional pride blindness of Jews. From the Sermon on the Mount forward the gospel truths were in conflict with the thinking of the Law-yers. The gospel of Jesus was a direct threat to the presumptive authority and general theology of the upholders of Judaism as an institution.

"Blindness of Jews!" No, my friend. You can charge the Jews with a lot of bad adjectives but not that they are blind. There are more Jewish Professors in America than non-Jewish ones. There are more Jewish Nobel Price winners in the world than non-Jewish ones. A Jew could hardly be called a blind one if you read the Essay about the Jews by Mark Twain.

Are you implying to say that Judaism was a threaten to Judaism? The gospel of Jesus was Judaism if I am to remind you of. Judaism was the gospel Jesus came to fulfill and to confirm down to the letter as long as heaven and earth lasted.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Jesus fullfilled this prophecy. Who has made you blinded to this truth?
"But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

Sorry Jamie, but you are not aware enough of the subject Isaiah 53 is talking about. Isaiah 53 is about the Suffering Servant aka Israel aka Messiah ben Joseph who had to fulfill the prophecy of the Scapegoat so that Judah remained as the chosen one of the Lord. (Psa. 78:67-70; Jer. 31:36; Isa. 41:8,9; 44:1,2,21) The chapter has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus who, according to Jer. 31:30 and Ezek. 18:20 could not die for the sins of no other. You better review your belief by faith from the gospel of Paul because he was wrong.

If you have any problem understanding the reason why Isaiah is referring to a Suffering Servant in the singular, you must read Psa. 44:11-24. The explanation in the plural about the Suffering Servant in the singular of Isaiah is cleared up in a very comprehensive manner.


Active member
Because they failed to realize why Jesus is a necessity.

It's all about redemption, especially the redemption of the gentiles. Why can't humans just live in whichever way they like the rest of their life? They can't for the only reason of redemption.

On the other hand, if God can pardon humans at will, it only means that God's realm is a lawless realm. God needs to make a self-sacrifice in order to redeem humans. It means that only the sacrifice of God in a form can make redemption possible from a lawful point of view. The sacrifice of a human won't do the job.

Moreover, God cannot be harmed physically. God can be harmed only in a few ways. He can be harmed when bearing with humans sins, as in nature He's incompatible with sin. The other way that He can be harmed seriously is by putting Him in great disgrace. Possibly He will be most seriously harmed by being put in disgrace in the hands of the sinners of which He needs to bear with their sins.

The godly Jesus is the only one capable of doing so, and the One who warranted Himself to do the job.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

One thing that can blind people to that truth is too much looking for a millenial reign on earth kind of Jesus. Until we see that that sacrifice of the man-God is the whole reason why OT history and writing exists, we will look for too many other things.

In Acts 26 Paul said of the apostles that they only preached what Moses and the Prophets said would happen: the suffering and resurrected glory of Christ. You have to figure out for yourself why he made no mention there of anything future for Israel, yet said all of israel's hopes were fulfilled in the Christ event. If there was any time he would mention it, it would have been then!

Now, you can see that this kind of "millennial reign on earth" is not our problem. The truth of our reason goes beyond these Christian fabrications of Paul's. Paul said too much of the untrue. For instance, would you please quote to me where in "Moses" I can find any thing about the suffering and resurrection of Jesus? You can't and, do want to know why? Because Paul was lying. There is no such a thing. What hopes of Israel were fulfilled in Jesus? Can you mention one? At least one? Alas! How can you quote what does not exist?


New member
Not so. Belief happens. Belief is not something one chooses to believe or not to. To believe does not come by convention to believe something or something else.

Actually both are routes to belief. One either believes a chair will hold him, or decides to. As when Abraham chose to believe God "against" (in the absence of) "hope," Rom. 4.

You've been in your own cave too long. Listen to which of both is the case when people talk.

As King David, when he chose to believe the LORD would deliver him from King Saul, in the midst of his fears, while in hiding from Saul:

Psalm 27:

12. Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
13. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
14. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

1 - Because they failed to realize why Jesus is a necessity.

2 - It's all about redemption, especially the redemption of the gentiles. Why can't humans just live in whichever way they like the rest of their life? They can't for the only reason of redemption.

3 - On the other hand, if God can pardon humans at will, it only means that God's realm is a lawless realm. God needs to make a self-sacrifice in order to redeem humans. It means that only the sacrifice of God in a form can make redemption possible from a lawful point of view. The sacrifice of a human won't do the job.

4 - Moreover, God cannot be harmed physically. God can be harmed only in a few ways. He can be harmed when bearing with humans sins, as in nature He's incompatible with sin. The other way that He can be harmed seriously is by putting Him in great disgrace. Possibly He will be most seriously harmed by being put in disgrace in the hands of the sinners of which He needs to bear with their sins.

5 - The godly Jesus is the only one capable of doing so, and the One who warranted Himself to do the job.

1 - We didn't need Jesus and he did nothing to be classified as a necessity.

2 - So, Jesus was about redemption to the Gentiles? Are you sure? Take a look in Mat. 10:5,6. Jesus even forbade his disciples to take the gospel of redemption to the Gentiles.

3 - God would not contradict His own Word to His Prophets. (Jer. 31:30; Ezek. 18:20)

4 - Yours is not a god at all. Our God cannot be hurt in no way whatsoever. HaShem is not like a man to be hurt.

5 - Nevertheless, he prayed three times in the Gethsemane asking God not to make him take the cup aka the job to walk the Via Dolorosa. And you say he warranted himself to do it. Where is the truth? Paul must have held it from you.



"Blindness of Jews!" No, my friend. You can charge the Jews with a lot of bad adjectives but not that they are blind. There are more Jewish Professors in America than non-Jewish ones. There are more Jewish Nobel Price winners in the world than non-Jewish ones. A Jew could hardly be called a blind one if you read the Essay about the Jews by Mark Twain.

Are you implying to say that Judaism was a threaten to Judaism? The gospel of Jesus was Judaism if I am to remind you of. Judaism was the gospel Jesus came to fulfill and to confirm down to the letter as long as heaven and earth lasted.

Spiritually blind, not intellectually blind. Abraham and his subsequent ancestry were selected because of their superior blood lines and potential for leadership which they did provide. The Jews have excelled because they are of good quality genetic lines, making tremendous contributions in many fields of endeavor. But your intellect has obscured spiritual insight. You have a traditional racial faith inherited leading to a stubborn pride blindness. You talk more like a quibbling lawyer from the dim and distant past.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

1 - Actually both are routes to belief. One either believes a chair will hold him, or decides to. As when Abraham chose to believe God "against" (in the absence of) "hope," Rom. 4.

2 - As King David, when he chose to believe the LORD would deliver him from King Saul, in the midst of his fears, while in hiding from Saul: Psalm 27: 12. Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. 13. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. 14. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

1 - Indeed, Abraham believed the Lord against hope. Jews don't believe the Lord for the hope of a reward but against all hope. Abraham believed with a Jewish belief. That's the truth.

2 - That's how we believe.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Spiritually blind, not intellectually blind. Abraham and his subsequent ancestry were selected because of their superior blood lines and potential for leadership which they did provide. The Jews have excelled because they are of good quality genetic lines, making tremendous contributions in many fields of endeavor. But your intellect has obscured spiritual insight. You have a traditional racial faith inherited leading to a stubborn pride blindness. You talk more like a quibbling lawyer from the dim and distant past.

No Caino, you are simply frustrated that your gospel cannot make a dent in the shield the Lord has granted me to protect the Truth of HaShem in my heart. Caino, HaShem is with me as He was with David. I feel that. You must prepare another approach, perhaps the one according to Isa. 2:3 or Zech. 8:23. Then, and only then, the Lord will grant you a new name better than sons and daughters according to Isa. 56:1-8.


Well-known member
To believe against hope is how Abraham saw justification by faith, too. He believed that he needed an outside righteousness because it was hopeless within.


Active member
1 - We didn't need Jesus and he did nothing to be classified as a necessity.

2 - So, Jesus was about redemption to the Gentiles? Are you sure? Take a look in Mat. 10:5,6. Jesus even forbade his disciples to take the gospel of redemption to the Gentiles.

3 - God would not contradict His own Word to His Prophets. (Jer. 31:30; Ezek. 18:20)

4 - Yours is not a god at all. Our God cannot be hurt in no way whatsoever. HaShem is not like a man to be hurt.

5 - Nevertheless, he prayed three times in the Gethsemane asking God not to make him take the cup aka the job to walk the Via Dolorosa. And you say he warranted himself to do it. Where is the truth? Paul must have held it from you.

Do you need redemption or not? That's the question. How does God justify your redemption? That's the second question.

Jesus was first sent to the Jews, for His Jewish disciples to witness how He was rejected by the Jews, and killed by them. Then He instructed His disciples to go towards the gentiles after the rejection. To be more precise, the day that the Holy Spirit was poured down, the same day they started the missionary towards the gentiles.

This is the way how human authority is authenticated. If the Jews can no longer carry the task, the role is shifted to the Catholics. If Catholics failed to do the job, its role is shifted to the Protestants.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Sorry Jamie, but you are not aware enough of the subject Isaiah 53 is talking about. Isaiah 53 is about the Suffering Servant aka Israel aka Messiah ben Joseph who had to fulfill the prophecy of the Scapegoat so that Judah remained as the chosen one of the Lord. (Psa. 78:67-70; Jer. 31:36; Isa. 41:8,9; 44:1,2,21) The chapter has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus who, according to Jer. 31:30 and Ezek. 18:20 could not die for the sins of no other. You better review your belief by faith from the gospel of Paul because he was wrong.

If you have any problem understanding the reason why Isaiah is referring to a Suffering Servant in the singular, you must read Psa. 44:11-24. The explanation in the plural about the Suffering Servant in the singular of Isaiah is cleared up in a very comprehensive manner.
Jeremiah 31 confirms the new covenant. Jesus declared that His was ushering in of a new covenant that it was necessary to fulfill prophecy and fulfill all righteousness. Jesus said he lays down His life for His sheep.

So Ben Joseph can pay for sins but not Jesus.

Jesus fulfilled many prophecies... You want to believe what you want.


No Caino, you are simply frustrated that your gospel cannot make a dent in the shield the Lord has granted me to protect the Truth of HaShem in my heart. Caino, HaShem is with me as He was with David. I feel that. You must prepare another approach, perhaps the one according to Isa. 2:3 or Zech. 8:23. Then, and only then, the Lord will grant you a new name better than sons and daughters according to Isa. 56:1-8.

It's a sadness not really a frustration. The wishful thinking of the Jewish people for an Israel that will rule the world is inconsistent with the truth of History. Your God concept, admittedly influenced by the heavy redactions and exaggerations of the Babylonian priestly elite, has let you down.

But I would really desire that the religion of Jesus divorce itself from Old Testament Judaism as he desired, his authority is self existent. He proved it by resurrecting himself from the dead and returning to heaven. Judaism is a kind of orphaned religion.