Why Jews Don't Accept Jesus?


1 - Now, you are showing either a racist personality or an anti-Semitic one, which is the same. I don't think this is allowed in this forum.

2 - I said nothing of that sort. You are adding words to my mouth which were not in my mind. If you want to know where in the Tanach one cannot live forever, read Gen. 3:22,23.
I don't why God wouldn't raise the dead, and neither do you?

3 - Open your NT and show me an eyewitness that Jesus rose from the dead. Watch for the word "eyewitness" not simply witness. Witness could be from hear-say.
How did it not help Judaism, Mr. Rabbi? Faked deaths don't start movements. Even Hollywood people can't fake their own death.

4 - My Bible is not Greek but Hebrew. There is an enormous difference between the NT and the Tanach.
Not as much as you think that it does.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

1 - If the New Testament was a bunch of lies about Jesus why did it survive?
2 - The New Testament was written while people who met Jesus were still alive and could challenge it.
3 - It would be like writing lies about Ronald Reagan, the writings wouldn't survive and definitely wouldn't impact billions of people.

1 - Probably because Jesus was a Jew. Paul himself implied that Jesus was a liar when he said "I have not come to abolish the Law (Mat. 5:17-19) and Paul implied that he was lying when he said that Jesus did abolish the Law on the cross. (Ephes. 2:15; Rom. 7:1-7; and 10:4) Am I wrong?

2 - Even the Letters of Paul were written about 30 years after the death of Jesus; the gospels started to come out about 50+ years after Jesus' death. Jesus never even dreamed the NT would ever rise.

3 - I don't see any assimilation between Jesus and Ronald Regan who wasn't even a Jew.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

At the end

Victory will be with Jews/Judaism

Muslims and Christians will go with wind

I am surprised to hear, happy but still surprised that a Muslim could print such a post. Unless you are joking. BTW, I had that feeling when I read it; unless you have converted to Judaism. What is what so that I could either dance the dance of joy or apologize for the feeling I had?

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

According to the Tenach, Abel was awakened after having been beaten to death. You are most wrong here.

I will promptly admit I am wrong but only after you document your saying with such a quote about Abel. I can't take your word for it, you know.


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Why Jews Don't Accept Jesus

An answer to Christian missionaries

We do; only that we accept him for what he really was and not for what the NT describes him to have been. The question is, why Christians don't accept the real Jesus of Nazareth. Probably because they prefer to walk by faith and not by sight.

Faith and not by sight? That seems a bit nearsighted.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

1 - Wrong, some Jews believen in reincarnation. Why do you misrepresent your fellow Jews?
2 - A pagan Hellenistic Greek idea with no basis, or possibility in fact.
3 - Thou still believes him to be a god of dead spirits. Future resurrections are about death, and a lame promise of resurrection.
4 - During the Bar Kochbar era, passages about the afterlife were expunged from the Tenach. However, if Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are dead, then YHWH the God wouldn't their god.

1 - Some Jews believe in resurrection; some Jews believe in an individual Messiah; some Jews believe in eternal life; and last but not least, there are others who don't even believe HaShem exist. It does not mean at all that they are right.

2 - Hence, it is not a Jewish idea.

3 - You are disconnected from reality.

4 - You can say that again. HaShem is not a God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because they are no longer alive but dead. (Mar. 12:27) But while they were alive, HaShem even got the name of God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Exod. 3:6,15) There is a big difference between life and death.


4 - You can say that again. HaShem is not a God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because they are no longer alive but dead. (Mar. 12:27) But while they were alive, HaShem even got the name of God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Exod. 3:6,15)
YHWH never stopped being the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, fool.


Not according to the Tanach. You are asking me to believe the opposite of what is written in the Scriptures? If you read Gen. 3:22,23, man could not live forever. That's the reason presented for banning Adam & Eve from the Garden of Eden, and the Lord is not like a man to change His mind.
True, a man cannot live forever, without the God's help. But a resurrected person is no longer a biological human, and eternal biological humans is something couldn't permit. Thus you deny God awakens the dead, and deny his generosity, shrewdness in rebuilding the dead of the human race.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

1 - Liar
2 - I don't why God wouldn't raise the dead, and neither do you?
3 - How did it not help Judaism, Mr. Rabbi? Faked deaths don't start movements. Even Hollywood people can't fake their own death.
4 - Not as much as you think that it does.

1 - Have you ever heard that the Lord blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel? I wouldn't take that so lightly. To insult a Jew is like the same as to hurt HaShem on the apple of His eyes if you understand metaphorical language.(Psalm 17:8)

2 - You don't know? Read II Sam. 12:23; 14:14; Isa. 26:14; and Job 10:21 and you will know why.

3 - How sure are you that Jesus even died that day on the cross? Luke says in Acts 1:3 that he appeared to his disciples for 40 days after his passion and in another translation, after his suffering. After one's passion or suffering is no evidence that even died that day, let alone that he resurrected.

4 - The reply of yours only tells us that you have never read the Tanach and perhaps even the NT.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Faith and not by sight? That seems a bit nearsighted.

According to Paul, he juxtaposed "to walk by faith" with to "walk by sight" because those terms are the opposite to one another. Since to walk by sight is to walk with understanding, to walk by faith has to be the opposite aka to walk in the dark. That's how Paul wanted his followers to walk. The idea I imagine here is that Paul probably did not like wise guys among his followers. (II Cor. 5:7)


1 - Have you ever heard that the Lord blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel? I wouldn't take that so lightly. To insult a Jew is like the same as to hurt HaShem on the apple of His eyes if you understand metaphorical language.(Psalm 17:8)
As if he cares today.

2 - You don't know? Read II Sam. 12:23; 14:14; Isa. 26:14; and Job 10:21 and you will know why.
It doesn't disprove the afterlife that you don't believe, yuh schmuck.

3 - How sure are you that Jesus even died that day on the cross? Luke says in Acts 1:3 that he appeared to his disciples for 40 days after his passion and in another translation, after his suffering. After one's passion or suffering is no evidence that even died that day, let alone that he resurrected.
Monotheism wouldn't have survived hedonistic gentiles, if it weren't for him. There is alot of evidence in the Greek Tome.

4 - The reply of yours only tells us that you have never read the Tanach and perhaps even the NT.
I have not read the whole thing, being the Tenach. You can have your hellenistic soul-sleep doctrines. I believe in current supernatural, physical resurrection. It is interesting how the Jewish religion purged the afterlife from the Tenach. Ergo Judaism knows nothing of the afterlife.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

1 - True, a man cannot live forever, without the God's help.
2 - But a resurrected person is no longer a biological human, and eternal biological humans is something couldn't permit.
3 - Thus you deny God awakens the dead, and deny his generosity, shrewdness in rebuilding the dead of the human race.

1 - And God is not like a man to change His mind in order to help man.

2 - You believe that Jesus resurrected, don't you? According to Luke in Acts 1:3, he appeared to his disciples for 40 days when he would eat and drink with them. How could he digest his food if he was not in a biological body just like before he died? (Luke 24:30)

3 - God awakens the dead during his lifetime in a spiritual birth as in being born again. Or Jews who are in exile and decide to return to Israel from the graves of the nations. That's what resurrection is in Judaism. Read Ezek. 12:37.

Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

1 - As if he cares today.
2 - It doesn't disprove the afterlife that you don't believe, yuh schmuck.
3 - Monotheism wouldn't have survived hedonistic gentiles, if it weren't for him. There is alot of evidence in the Greek Tome.
4 - I have not read the whole thing, being the Tenach. You can have your hellenistic soul-sleep doctrines. I believe in current supernatural, physical resurrection.
5 - It is interesting how the Jewish religion purged the afterlife from the Tenach. Ergo Judaism knows nothing of the afterlife.

1 - How do you imply He doesn't? HaShem promised David that his Tribe of Judah aka the Jews today would remain as a lamp in Jerusalem forever. Read I Kings 11:36. That's where we are since we returned from exile in 1948.

2 - All those quotes I gave you are of one accord that once dead, no one will ever return from the grave. I believe in the afterlife. It is called the world-to-come aka the world of the grave.

3 - The evidences in the Greek are for Greeks and Christians but not for Jews. And don't forget that Jesus was a Jew and you are fighting against his Faith which was Judaism.

4 - I don't blame you; you are a Christian. Your Bible is the NT that teaches bodily resurrection. The Tanach doesn't.

5 - It didn't. The afterlife will be spent in the grave. The problem here between Jews and Christians is that Christian are obsessed with rewards after death just like dogs with treats to perform well. Jews have been educated to do well without promised treats.


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Hall of Fame
According to Paul, he juxtaposed "to walk by faith" with to "walk by sight" because those terms are the opposite to one another. Since to walk by sight is to walk with understanding, to walk by faith has to be the opposite aka to walk in the dark. That's how Paul wanted his followers to walk. The idea I imagine here is that Paul probably did not like wise guys among his followers. (II Cor. 5:7)

This post tells me you are very mixed up, theologically speaking.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
According to Paul, he juxtaposed "to walk by faith" with to "walk by sight" because those terms are the opposite to one another. Since to walk by sight is to walk with understanding, to walk by faith has to be the opposite aka to walk in the dark. That's how Paul wanted his followers to walk. The idea I imagine here is that Paul probably did not like wise guys among his followers. (II Cor. 5:7)
Kind of, but as with most things, you portray it in the most negative way possible.

To walk by faith is not to wander aimlessly in the dark. It is to walk by assistance. The eyes are closed, but someone has your hand and is leading you.

As long as your leader is true, there is little disadvantage. There may even be an advantage, if the terrain is treacherous, and the leader experienced in its navigation.

You must go into the cave, and you can only take 1 thing with you. Will you choose the flashlight, or would you rather bring the guide?


Ben Masada

New member
Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

Why Jews don't Accept Jesus?

1 - Kind of, but as with most things, you portray it in the most negative way possible.
2 - To walk by faith is not to wander aimlessly in the dark. It is to walk by assistance. The eyes are closed, but someone has your hand and is leading you.
3 - As long as your leader is true, there is little disadvantage. There may even be an advantage, if the terrain is treacherous, and the leader experienced in its navigation.
4 - You must go into the cave, and you can only take 1 thing with you. Will you choose the flashlight, or would you rather bring the guide?


1 - Paul does not help me to be any less negative. He himself was too negative in dealing with the Jews.

2 - And who needs an assistant to walk without problem if not the blind and who is more in the dark than the one who needs an assistant?

3 - And was Paul any true leader? Not as the Faith of Jesus was concerned but that of himself.

4 - I would choose the flashlight if the guide did not have my concerns at heart.