Apostates teach that (1 Tim. 4:1–3)....I thought Paul demanded celibacy in service to the celibate Christ.
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Apostates teach that (1 Tim. 4:1–3)....I thought Paul demanded celibacy in service to the celibate Christ.
...The product of guilt is pushing their error on others....He is unsure of the validity in which he believes and becomes an extremist in order to prove to himself his thinking is the right thinking. Then Satan double crosses them. Sad.
Ro 1:22...Perversity craves acceptance and cannot tolerate disapproval.
That's the funny thing: I don't.
A lot of you don't seem to actually read my posts anymore.
I read your posts! They are, usually, filled with invective.
Your attitude's changed since you became a mod. I'll leave it at that.
Cite some examples of these "public displays of sexual activities" of which you speak. Please and thanks.
That's not homosexuals though. That's mostly heterosexuals revelling in their worldliness as usual.
I raised my daughter during the Reagan administration. I taught her HOW to watch television and made sure to tell her (she was about 5 or 6) that our capitalist system believes in juxtaposing the images of a pretty girl with a product in order to keep us all consumers.Because OBAMA said,
It's not hypocrisy, it is standing up for what is normal and the way God (or nature if your an atheist) intended it. And your whole "regardless the reason" shows how stand off to reason you actually are.
But to my original post and point. I'm wondering why our sex lives (whether gay or straight) have become so out in the open. I don't want to know who the people I work with are sleeping with or what they do in their bedroom and I'm not going to tell them what I do with my wife and what we do in the bedroom . Why can't life be that simple? Don't ask, don't tell. Sounds logical to me.
I am aware of Obama's campaign slogan, as well as the fearful folks who insist on seeing him as a Muslim and/or a "sleeper cell" terrorist.AIKIDO-7
[Yes We Can" a slogan used by the Barack Obama presidential campaign]
Don't you know that President Obama Flip Flopped
on his decision about Gay Marriage....
- IF he was a REAL Christian instead of a Sunni Moslem,
he would not have made that Abominable Choice.
Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
WASHINGTON — President Obama called the Supreme Court decision requiring states to recognize same-sex marriage "a victory for America."
"Our nation was founded on a bedrock principle that we are all created equal. The project of each generation is to bridge the meaning of those founding words with the realities of changing time --- ??????
Um..."what I do with my wife and what we do in the bedroom" isn't merely revealing you have a sexual orientation and what it might be. It's obviously details of sexual behavior jzeidler is talking about.Who here has a photograph of their husband or wife on their desk? Who here brings their husband or wife to a company picnic? How many people here will, over the water cooler, tell coworkers about their vacation to Hawaii with their husband or wife? Who holds hands with their husband or wife on a walk, or casually puts their arm around them? What about having a romantic dinner out together... Does anyone here worry that they'll run into a co-worker?
All of those simple, casual things are telling people your sexual orientation. And it's things like this that people seem to take for granted.
:baby:Is there any straight person here who's concerned that if they put a photograph of their husband or wife on their desk that they'll be fired? Anyone concerned they'll have an insult hurled at them for holding hands? Anyone have to field off evangelical co-workers explaining to them about how they're going to hell because they let it out of the bag that they're going on a nice Valentine's dinner with their husband or wife?
Those who confuse the Muslim agenda with terrorism do not yet understand what the actual religion and its theology is all about.OBAMA ADMITS THAT HE AND HIS FAMILY WHO'S MOSLEM AGENCY
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, in which President Obama told him that he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half-brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.
Well, no. It wasn't true in 2010, when this was originally "reported" by Gorden Liddy reading from Pam Geller's blog. Geller's source was, in turn, a blogger who claimed to have heard it on television at some point.Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, in which President Obama told him that he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half-brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.
You didn't address and/or answer the specific pointsGood points. I don't mind a thoughtful drama presenting difficulties in peoples lives, no matter what kind of people they are. What I detest is the portrayal of overt sex acts and talk. I'm not talking about hugs! Also violence, this actually includes the news of the day. But I simply change the channel, tend to my knitting, get off my behind and go do something!
Like you speed up when you pass a wreck on the highway.1. So what if Netflix and/or Hulu have those channels, they aren't forcing you to watch them.
I suppose so, but mostly by the accents.2. Hogan's Heroes is a worldly show made by worldy people. Why are you surprised?
Well, what's going on in society that will get people yelling about it. I mean, soccer games go on in America every day, but you don't really hear about them.3. The View and other shows talk about what's going on in modern society so does many self-proclaimed conservative outlets online and offline.
BBC, NY Times and The Journal for particulars.4. The news is the same as above. BTW, what news outlet do you tend to consume the most? Just curious.
I see them. What are they supposed to be doing now?5. See 3 & 4
I expect television to mostly play to the lowest common denominator. But sometimes it's surprisingly good...by which I mean not terrible.6. Like Hogan's Heroes, this show was created by, and ultimately for, worldly people, no surprise there. Let me ask you, do you think or expect anything produced by Babylon to reflect Godly characteristics in any way? This perhaps is the most important question to answer.