Why is sex and sexual orientation so public?


New member
Are you trying to justify this crap?

And the context was that someone posted an article that tranneys want people to say 'birthing individual' rather than 'pregnant women' then I guess they got offended by someone stating a fact that only women can have babies so saying pregnant woman is something proper to say.
No, why would you think that?

As another poster brought out the fact that many men are just now starting to experience what women have been experiencing practically forever.

Underlying point is that most of those men didn't give much attention to the women's concern of harassment then.


Do you know that there are many Christians that have opted to do away with the TV altogether, citing it's Satan's playground? And this is going back to the 70s, 80s on up. Far before the "gay agenda" you feel you're experiencing today.

I don't watch TV any more. It is just too cheap. I am not so Christian and pretty worldly myself, but I still cannot lower myself to that level.

It is becoming worse and worse. that's why many Christians staying away from watching TV, imo.

And US crime is much higher than non-Christian country like Japan.

I am sure Japan will catch up in no time. Japan's sexual immorality is not much better than US, maybe even worse, I think. They just are not so open about it.

It will be worse and worse as time goes until Jesus' comes to reign. It is predicted.


New member
I don't watch TV any more. It is just too cheap. I am not so Christian and pretty worldly myself, but I still cannot lower myself to that level.

It is becoming worse and worse. that's why many Christians staying away from watching TV, imo.

And US crime is much higher than non-Christian country like Japan.

I am sure Japan will catch up in no time. Japan's sexual immorality is not much better than US, maybe even worse, I think. They just are not so open about it.

It will be worse and worse as time goes until Jesus' comes to reign. It is predicted.
Japan is an entirely different animal and is not a fair comparison in regards to the US.


Well-known member
Plethora? No. A few observations at best. I will also note that it is conservatives who start 90% of those threads.
LOL. You can't say "few" and "90%" in the same sentence about the subject matter without admission.

Do you have a running list? A chart in your living room? It is almost as if you are actively searching for reasons to be upset here.
No, but at least you are open to what is statistically true. :up:

If you don't like the topics of those shows, choose another one. I don't come on here and complain when I see a TV Evangelist on the TV Guide, I simply change the channel.
Every channel vs. that televangelist's one. That one is easier to avoid.
I'm not complaining, I'm simply saying 1) that the OP is valid against counter assertion (you might ask yourself some questions as to why you are missing the pertinent in LGBT advocacy, it isn't me) and 2) somewhat attempting to answer the query to get the OP back onto the question of 'why' it is a reality. So far it is a matter of you saying "nuh uh" and then admitting that it 'might' be true.

I have no idea why a select minority would get all this kind of media attention over and against every other select minority on the planet other than to guess that media itself is top-heavy with them. But that is trying to stay on the topic of the OP.


Japan is an entirely different animal and is not a fair comparison in regards to the US.

I am giving you my perspective about US from out siders.

I am from Japan and living in the US for over 40 years. And I know both of them very well.

I am Jesus' follower and my perspectives come from Christian point of view.

And I was a non-believer for 50 years. So I can see from both sides.


Well-known member
I'm a bit inadvertenly over extended beyond my intent in this particular thread. Given that I compared my interest vs. Granite's I'll bow out, but at this point my interest is in just addressing the concerns of those who expressed theirs to me and trying to reciprocate.

I'm outta here :granite:


New member
I don't watch TV any more. It is just too cheap. I am not so Christian and pretty worldly myself, but I still cannot lower myself to that level.

It is becoming worse and worse. that's why many Christians staying away from watching TV, imo.

And US crime is much higher than non-Christian country like Japan.

I am sure Japan will catch up in no time. Japan's sexual immorality is not much better than US, maybe even worse, I think. They just are not so open about it.

It will be worse and worse as time goes until Jesus' comes to reign. It is predicted.
Your 1st paragraph is quite telling. Boiling things down to each and every individual's own choice of what's acceptable or not. Scripture spoke about that stating "men will be lovers of themselves" and will do "according to their own conscious". That simply means that God isn't in the equation, purely self.

Hence, what's going on in society.

Like you said, it's only going to get worse.


Your 1st paragraph is quite telling. Boiling things down to each and every individual's own choice of what's acceptable or not. Scripture spoke about that stating "men will be lovers of themselves" and will do "according to their own conscious". That simply means that God isn't in the equation, purely self.

It seems that you are accepting the world's standards.

am I correct?


New member
LOL. You can't say "few" and "90%" in the same sentence about the subject matter without admission.
The subject matters are different, pay attention.

I'm not complaining, I'm simply saying 1) that the OP is valid against counter assertion (you might ask yourself some questions as to why you are missing the pertinent in LGBT advocacy, it isn't me) and 2) somewhat attempting to answer the query to get the OP back onto the question of 'why' it is a reality. So far it is a matter of you saying "nuh uh" and then admitting that it 'might' be true.
Wrong, I am saying it is not true based on my empirical experiences with the news outlets I frequent that have a wider scope than the ones we are talking about.

I have no idea why a select minority would get all this kind of media attention over and against every other select minority on the planet other than to guess that media itself is top-heavy with them. But that is trying to stay on the topic of the OP.
Because conservatives keep putting them there. Almost all liberal news casts related to this topic are a response to a conservative act or press release. Honestly, if you people would just give it up, it would quiet down. But since you won't, it will continue to come back.
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I see WAY more PDA from straight couples than gay ones. There was a guy and girl making out in a park I was walking through the other day. Can't us straight people keep that stuff private?

Yeah, I have no idea what would make these people happy. Maybe the prudery and hypocrisy of the Victorian Era, or something.


New member
1. So what if Netflix and/or Hulu have those channels, they aren't forcing you to watch them.

2. Hogan's Heroes is a worldly show made by worldy people. Why are you surprised?

3. The View and other shows talk about what's going on in modern society so does many self-proclaimed conservative outlets online and offline.

4. The news is the same as above. BTW, what news outlet do you tend to consume the most? Just curious.

5. See 3 & 4

6. Like Hogan's Heroes, this show was created by, and ultimately for, worldly people, no surprise there. Let me ask you, do you think or expect anything produced by Babylon to reflect Godly characteristics in any way? This perhaps is the most important question to answer.

Good points. I don't mind a thoughtful drama presenting difficulties in peoples lives, no matter what kind of people they are. What I detest is the portrayal of overt sex acts and talk. I'm not talking about hugs! Also violence, this actually includes the news of the day. But I simply change the channel, tend to my knitting, get off my behind and go do something!
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I see WAY more PDA from straight couples than gay ones. There was a guy and girl making out in a park I was walking through the other day. Can't us straight people keep that stuff private?

I don't believe that is viewed as problematic. It seems that whenever a concern is voiced by a conservative that becomes cause for liberals to view it as an attack and immediately retort with sarcasm and put downs.


Well-known member
Even the thought of another new "conspiracy theory" turns my stomach,lol. On the other hand in the 40's the u.s. army began a program they called "project Camelot" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Camelot for the very purpose of gathering information on the mass populations views on different "ideological " matters.

I suppose it is a conspiracy,that is they did conspire to use the mass media to mold and modify the way we and other peoples of other nations believe about different matters. Strange thing about it though is that the easiest way to make it seem not true was to let it be public,admit to doing it,and give the public proof to the amounts of money involved in it.

It seems almost funny that our own government could publicly confess to doing this and provide the proof that they are the largest employer of physiologist,(should be a red flag) but as it seems if they admit to it,surly no one will believe it.

So why do you see a push for acceptance of this on the t.v.? Why do you see it on the magazines at the checkouts? Why is it all over Facebook,why is it all over twitter? Why is there so much money spent working it into common core? Does it work?

Does it work,lol,,,here we all set with our keyboards and t.v.s,here we all set in a heated debate about the subject. Tonight we gather all of the different comments from the social media,tomorrow we will analyze them and show another "event on the news" and the next day we will see from the reactions in the chat rooms how we affected them,eventually we will modify their Ideology as we desire,,,


New member
I don't believe that is viewed as problematic. It seems that whenever a concern is voiced by a conservative that becomes cause for liberals to view it as an attack and immediately retort with sarcasm and put downs.
From my perspective, some conservatives don't express themselves as a matter of concern. It is expressed as a matter of ignorance, bias, and prejudice. The fact that you can accept a man and woman kissing but not a woman and a woman kissing is textbook hypocrisy, regardless of the reason.


New member
I don't believe that is viewed as problematic.

...by you. I guess as long as the right doesn't find it problematic.

It seems that whenever a concern is voiced by a conservative that becomes cause for liberals to view it as an attack and immediately retort with sarcasm and put downs.

That's not sarcasm. I don't want to see Jack making out with John or Jill in public. Quite frankly I don't see why they can't wait til they get home.

But I also believe in freedom for ALL.


New member
...by you. I guess as long as the right doesn't find it problematic.

That's not sarcasm. I don't want to see Jack making out with John or Jill in public. Quite frankly I don't see why they can't wait til they get home.

But I also believe in freedom for ALL.

Yes, I believe in freedom of choice. I am concerned about manners in public. I am not judging people as good or bad, right or wrong.
We expect people to keep to the right, stop on red and go on green. We expect people in restaurants to not be disruptive to the place. We expect people to be quiet in theaters. Public nudity is not permitted. Some things are disrespectful to the public at large, not sins, not wrong, just disrespectful.


New member
Why is sex and sexual orientation so public?

From my perspective, some conservatives don't express themselves as a matter of concern. It is expressed as a matter of ignorance, bias, and prejudice. The fact that you can accept a man and woman kissing but not a woman and a woman kissing is textbook hypocrisy, regardless of the reason.

It's not hypocrisy, it is standing up for what is normal and the way God (or nature if your an atheist) intended it. And your whole "regardless the reason" shows how stand off to reason you actually are.

But to my original post and point. I'm wondering why our sex lives (whether gay or straight) have become so out in the open. I don't want to know who the people I work with are sleeping with or what they do in their bedroom and I'm not going to tell them what I do with my wife and what we do in the bedroom. Why can't life be that simple? Don't ask, don't tell. Sounds logical to me.


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Hall of Fame
It's not hypocrisy, it is standing up for what is normal and the way God (or nature if your an atheist) intended it. And your whole "regardless the reason" shows how stand off to reason you actually are.

But to my original post and point. I'm wondering why our sex lives (whether gay or straight) have become so out in the open. I don't want to know who the people I work with are sleeping with or what they do in their bedroom and I'm not going to tell them what I do with my wife and what we do in the bedroom. Why can't life be that simple? Don't ask, don't tell. Sounds logical to me.

I don't know what world you guys think you're living in.