And none of that applies to me... so why are you trying to use it like a club?...
Confine your offense to the gospel (Ro 1:16).
Divorce & Remarriage: A Position Paper by John Piper
And none of that applies to me... so why are you trying to use it like a club?...
Meanest of the year Lk 6:22 ISVSo is being "meanest of the year" many times over. :first:
Confine your offense to the gospel (Ro 1:16).each:
Divorce & Remarriage: A Position Paper by John Piper
"Not a fan of Piper..."
:yawn: Who cares what Piper says? What has God said? Lk 16:18
:yawn: Lk 16:18 isn't going anywhere.[Lk 16:18] "He didn't say what you think he said there."
:yawn: Eph 4:14"As Jay Adams says, people like you do not have a good grasp of scripture..."
:yawn: Lk 16:18 isn't going anywhere.
:yawn: Eph 4:14
Be like Thomas Jefferson--cut out of your bible any biblical principle that :sozo2: offends you. :idunno: Lk 16:17, Ro 1:16, Re 22:11[Lk 16:18 isn't going anywhere] "He was talking to Jewish Pharisees there... of which I am not. Find me a passage directed specifically at Christians, then we can talk."
"You really should be ashamed of yourself for such lazy exegesis."
Be like Thomas Jefferson--cut out of your bible any biblical principle that :sozo2: offends you. :idunno: Lk 16:17, Ro 1:16, Re 22:11
:yawn: Eph 4:14 :noway:
Divorce & Remarriage: A Position Paper by John Piper
I'm not cutting anything out.... who Jesus was speaking to is very important. Because he is doing so for a purpose.
Yet you feel comfortable blaspheming him for a different purpose?
You need to repent!
Your righteousness better exceed that of the Pharisees.
Biblical principles aren't for you, humanist. :idunno: You are free to bed hop now (Heb 13:4). :devil: You're still not happy? :sigh: Ps 50:21, Pr 16:25, Re 22:11 What can we do to make you happy? :freak: 1 Pe 1:16[Lk 16:18 isn't going anywhere] "I'm not cutting anything out.... who Jesus was speaking to is very important. Because he is doing so for a purpose."
:yawn: Eph 4:14"Yet you feel comfortable blaspheming him for a different purpose?"
:yawn: Mt 7:5 :noway:"You need to repent!"
Biblical principles aren't for you, humanist. :idunno: You are free to bed hop now (Heb 13:4). :devil: You're still not happy? :sigh: Ps 50:21, Pr 16:25, Re 22:11 What can we do to make you happy? :freak: 1 Pe 1:16
:yawn: Eph 4:14
:yawn: Mt 7:5 :noway:
Divorce & Remarriage: A Position Paper by John Piper
Christ alone is my righteousness.
Where are your fruits, humanist? :devil: Mk 4:20 You are going to approach a holy God with that rotten fruit?
Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Lk 3:7–9
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life (Ga 6:7–8).
Divorce & Remarriage: A Position Paper by John Piper
Why would I need to know you? Is 57:21[Lk 16:18 isn't going anywhere] "Me not happy?.... you don't know me."
"I'm the happiest I have ever been in my entire life now...[M]y church and Lawyer [sic] urged me to give her her divorce and let her go on her way. (I ended up eating all the debt though... 47k worth of credit card debt... and agreed not to go after her for draining my 401k)..."
"Everyday, I thank God for turning my life around..."
:yawn: Eph 4:14 :noway:[Lk 16:18 isn't going anywhere. Divorce & Remarriage: A Position Paper by John Piper] "Why would you keep directing someone to a 'pastor' that has been proven wrong so many times?"
"If you can sin, you're not God's child.* You can fool everybody else but you can't fool him." ~ J. Vernon McGee
[Lk 16:18 isn't going anywhere, J. Vernon McGee] "...J. Vernon McGee was another proven liar...[W]hy would you post something he had to say?"
"Is it true that his son still prostitutes himself by trying to copyright/sell the tapes of his father across the country?"
:yawn: Lev. 19:16 :sibbie:...I don't have a wife opening credit cards up behind my back and maxing them out (oh, and she had the card bills sent to her parents house)... and then leave and lie to everyone that I was abusing them... then when everyone found out she was lying, she left and moved 1000 miles away so no one would remember how badly she lied. At that point my church and Lawyer urged me to give her her divorce and let her go on her way. (I ended up eating all the debt though... 47k worth of credit card debt... and agreed not to go after her for draining my 401k)...