Adultery and abuse.
Sodomy, consenting or not, is abuse.
Adultery and abuse.
Jesus did not speak in hyperbole. Jesus spoke Truth.Because they were used to taking a new wife whenever they wanted without properly ending the previous marriage. There were women all over the place back then that were technically married, but not supported by their husbands and with no dowry to remarry.... because men were using marriage as a way to accumulate vast illgotten fortunes.
Basically, Jesus was using hyperbole to say to them that the exact opposite of what they were doing was just as lawful.
Anyhow... you really should keep your mouth shut unless you have actually spent time studying the context and culture of who Jesus was talking to and why.
Anyhow, I don't need anyones approval from this site... as the vast majority of the people here can be demonstrated to be idiots.
Water baptism isn't for today either....
It seems you are stuck in an alternate reality... a cult.
Water baptism is for today. Jesus' words are for ever.
Jesus did not speak in hyperbole. Jesus spoke Truth.
You are resorting to violence to support your false beliefs. Funny how that goes together.
I am not telling you to divorce the person you are with now. You can ask for forgiveness from God, and then preach the truth, and the truth is that we are not to remarry.
John the Baptizer did no such thing.John the Baptist told you when it was no longer needed...
when Christ rose from the dead and people started getting baptized by fire and the holy spirit, water baptism became no longer required.
So no... water baptism is nothing more than a cultist ritual that is no longer required.... I would recommending avoiding getting initiated into a local cult at all costs.
Those are they teachings of a cult.... not the true teachings of scripture.
Anyhow, if you really did do your research, you would understand that Jesus' teachings were directed entirely about protecting the women of his day and correcting men's attitudes to treating them with respect instead of property... he was also preaching to unsaved Jews there who were still bound by the Old Testament Covenant.. which Christians of today are not.
So you really need to look into what Jesus said post resurrection along with what the apostles said to understand what applies to Christians.
Anyhow... you need to pray for wisdom.
John the Baptizer did no such thing.
You think you know better than the Apostles, including Paul, for they all water baptized.
John is speaking about the fire those NOT saved will experience.
Immediately after John tells us about Jesus baptizing with fire---he speaks of those not saved being put in the lake of fire.
Matthew 3:12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
Yes he did.
Paul stopped baptizing because it was being divisive. There is no evidence that he was having someone else baptize for him.
That's a far stretch and does not follow the line of thought in that section of scripture.
I disagree.
The Holy Spirit baptism is all that is needed today.
...I...gave her a bill of divorce...
I did not put away my wife...
Which is it? :smokie:
You cannot discredit God's Word.
You do a lousy job trying to do away with God's Word.
And you do a horrible job at your feeble attempts to interpret them... devoid of the context and culture of the purpose and time they were written.
Basically, you are a false teacher and we all know it.
Anyhow, its now time for me to take God's word to heart and stop trying to argue with a fool.
:yawn: Rom. 7:2, 3"I just hope that someday you are bound by the same chains that you are so intent on putting others in..."
One brown sock matched to one blue sock :idunno: putting your wife away Mal 2:14"People make mistakes..."
It has been said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery (Mt 5:31–32)."...Jesus knew that."
"...The other problem is..."
:yawn: Mal 2:16"...[Y]ou are taking snippets of scripture out of the context and culture..."
Matt. 19:6"...[O]f what marriage meant to the intended audience..."
"Today we have the new morality. It's not new and it's not moral." ~ Adrian Rogers Mt 5:18"...[A]nd trying to apply them to today's marriage."
Heb 13:4"It[']s a huge error in teaching..."
God's blessing is on covenant-keepers (Ex 19:5). :straight: Covenant-breakers are under God's judgment (Is 24:5, Eze 44:7). :devil:"...[A]nd you will all be held accountable for it someday..."
It won't (Isa 5:20). :burnlib:"...[A]nd it wont be pretty."
:yawn: Rom. 7:2, 3
One brown sock matched to one blue sock :idunno: putting your wife away Mal 2:14
It has been said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery (Mt 5:31–32).
:yawn: Mal 2:16
Matt. 19:6
"Today we have the new morality. It's not new and it's not moral." ~ Adrian Rogers Mt 5:18
Heb 13:4
God's blessing is on covenant-keepers (Ex 19:5). :straight: Covenant-breakers are under God's judgment (Is 24:5, Eze 44:7). :banana:
It won't (Isa 5:20). :burnlib:
:yawn:There is only one word to describe you... EVIL.
"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Heb 13:4
"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Heb 13:4
If you did your research, you would know that the two things are entirely different.