Why I Don't Believe in Calvinism or Predestination


New member
God can and does blot things out of his mind.

"For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more" Hebrews 8:12.

Yes, but isn't that God's choice if he blots something out. Does that mean he doesn't see the future though still? He makes so many statements of knowing something before it happens in the bible how can one miss it? If He knew the future of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, David, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samson, Jesus, Paul, and much more, ETC. What would hint that we are not in this list as well as every individual that ever existed. I mean does God have to spell it out by every individual that ever lived for us to get the point that he knows our future. You know the bible could not contain that much literature to spell that out so we have an account of so many lives already to learn from. And I just gave you the righteous lineup above. God knew the future of the wicked peoples too!


New member

You can't admit that you are wrong.

If Adam sinned against God he had a free will.

God does not create any programed robots.

He asked you to show him scripture about Adam having freewill? That's a legit question. How does one have freewill because he sinned again God. If he had freewill don't you think Adam would have chose to obey God with his freewill? Why did he choose not to obey God with freewill?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
He asked you to show him scripture about Adam having freewill? That's a legit question. How does one have freewill because he sinned again God. If he had freewill don't you think Adam would have chose to obey God with his freewill? Why did he choose not to obey God with freewill?

God does not create robots or puppets.

There is very little scripture about Gods relationship with Adam. Adam and Eve bought the devils lie that they would be as Gods, knowing good from evil, Genesis 3:5.

It was all about being like God. It was the same problem that Satan had. "I will be like the most high" Isaiah 14:12, 13, 14, 15. Adam and Eve like Satan wanted to be equal with God.

It is very apparent that they had a free will because they had the ability to sin. Anyone that has the ability to sin has a free will.


New member
God does not create robots or puppets.

There is very little scripture about Gods relationship with Adam. Adam and Eve bought the devils lie that they would be as Gods, knowing good from evil, Genesis 3:5.

It was all about being like God. It was the same problem that Satan had. "I will be like the most high" Isaiah 14:12, 13, 14, 15. Adam and Eve like Satan wanted to be equal with God.

It is very apparent that they had a free will because they had the ability to sin. Anyone that has the ability to sin has a free will.

Did Adam have a fallen nature like us today? If Adam and Eve didn't have a fallen nature how or what made them sin? Doesn't our sinful ways come from our inherited sinful nature from Adam? Does God and Jesus have the ability to sin? I have the ability to cut my head off right now, but what keeps me from doing it is wisdom. Ability to do something does not mean wisdom or understanding is there. My child has the ability steal candy. I will tell him it's not good but if he sees some candy and no one is around he might just steal it. So the ability to do something is not free will. Just ability. Unless my child has wisdom and understanding then he will not steal candy.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Did Adam have a fallen nature like us today? If Adam and Eve didn't have a fallen nature how or what made them sin? Doesn't our sinful ways come from our inherited sinful nature from Adam? Does God and Jesus have the ability to sin? I have the ability to cut my head off right now, but what keeps me from doing it is wisdom. Ability to do something does not mean wisdom or understanding is there. My child has the ability steal candy. I will tell him it's not good but if he sees some candy and no one is around he might just steal it. So the ability to do something is not free will. Just ability. Unless my child has wisdom and understanding then he will not steal candy.

Adam and Eve sinned because they believed the devils lie that they would be like God.

Adam is our first father. We have his genes and his blood flowing through our veins. Jesus had the ability to sin. The devil tried to get him to sin by tempting him, but Jesus overcame the temptation. If your Child has the ability to sin and he does sin, then he did so by his own free will. We all have the ability to sin. God did not create any puppets or robots.


New member
Adam and Eve sinned because they believed the devils lie that they would be like God.

Adam is our first father. We have his genes and his blood flowing through our veins. Jesus had the ability to sin. The devil tried to get him to sin by tempting him, but Jesus overcame the temptation. If your Child has the ability to sin and he does sin, then he did so by his own free will. We all have the ability to sin. God did not create any puppets or robots.

So how did Jesus live sinless and overcome sin that no other man ever did?


New member
He was NOT born after Adam. He was born after God.

Ok so since Adam was not born of God how could he NOT sin? You seem to think he could have made the right choice? Since what your saying which is biblical that Jesus was born of God what can man do good before He is born of God or without God?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Ok so since Adam was not born of God how could he NOT sin? You seem to think he could have made the right choice? Since what your saying which is biblical that Jesus was born of God what can man do good before He is born of God or without God?

Adam was created as innocent.

Innocent does not mean perfect. Adam was created as an individual with his own will. He was not part of the Godhead like Jesus.

God tested Adam and Adam failed.

No one can come to Christ unless the Holy Spirit draws them. You cannot just decide that you are going to become a Christian. You must be called by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is in the world calling all to come to Christ. Some hear the Gospel and believe, some don't.