Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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Democrats are stupid for attempting to fool Christians into opposing good candidates who may have a flaw in order to get bad candidates elected instead in spite of hundreds of flaws.
Donald Trump's support of the rainbow flag of perversion and death is not a "flaw", it's pure evil.


Well-known member
Page 2, post #37 says differently.

No. Trump may have supported some bad policies but he also supported dozens of good policies. Democrats, on the other hand, support almost nothing but bad policies, primarily due to the fact that they oppose God and Christian influence in society.


Well-known member
Donald Trump's support of the rainbow flag of perversion and death is not a "flaw", it's pure evil.
OK. Trump's support of the rainbow flag is evil. So what? What does that make democrats who force homosexuality on American school kids and Christian businessmen who despise sodomy because they believe the Bible?


Obama jailed Christians for refusing to go along with the devil's promotion of homosexual perversion. Trump never did that.
Actually while your boy was giving Presidential pardons to drug pushers like Alice Marie Johnson, he overlooked a Christian Pastor who was sent to jail for helping a mother leave the country with her young daughter who was in the custody of a lesbian.

President Trump: Please pardon all involved in the case of Lisa Miller​

President Trump: Please pardon all involved in the case of Lisa Miller | LifePetitions

Keep trying...


Well-known member
Actually while your boy was giving Presidential pardons to drug pushers like Alice Marie Johnson, he overlooked a Christian Pastor who was sent to jail for helping a mother leave the country with her young daughter who was in the custody of a lesbian.

President Trump: Please pardon all involved in the case of Lisa Miller​

President Trump: Please pardon all involved in the case of Lisa Miller | LifePetitions

Keep trying...
Trump no doubt made dozens of mistakes while Obama no doubt made hundreds of mistakes. So what? Are we going to sit around all day and throw bananas at our least favorite politicians?


Well-known member
And masturbation.
That would be a Gnostic belief incorporated into the Roman Imperial Church and Mormonism.

This Gnostic belief and others of its ilk have caused many to remain silent about homosexuality and was one of the keys to homosexuality becoming accepted in the U.S. Everyone would think how horrible their sin must be and that they shouldn't judge homosexuals.

I would suggest reading the story of David - the full story of David.


Well-known member
That would be a Gnostic belief incorporated into the Roman Imperial Church and Mormonism.

This Gnostic belief and others of its ilk have caused many to remain silent about homosexuality and was one of the keys to homosexuality becoming accepted in the U.S. Everyone would think how horrible their sin must be and that they shouldn't judge homosexuals.

I would suggest reading the story of David - the full story of David.
Charles Chiniquy told of a fellow priest who committed suicide over guilt feelings he had for lusts he could not overcome.


Trump no doubt made dozens of mistakes while Obama no doubt made hundreds of mistakes. So what? Are we going to sit around all day and throw bananas at our least favorite politicians?

Thanks for comparing Donald Trump, someone who is supposed to represent the alleged conservative party, with B. Hussein Obama, someone who was openly liberal and represented the openly liberal party. I do that often, thanks for doing it for me.

And I would also like to thank my good friends Hitrot/Idolater/ok doser for posting in this thread, as the thread count was kinda low for a while and you're help picking it up!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Thanks for comparing Donald Trump, someone who is supposed to represent the alleged conservative party, with B. Hussein Obama, someone who was openly liberal and represented the openly liberal party. I do that often, thanks for doing it for me.

And I would also like to thank my good friends Hitrot/Idolater/ok doser for posting in this thread, as the thread count was kinda low for a while and you're help picking it up!
For you, good friend, I would strongly recommend quiet reflection and fervent prayer. You have a troubled soul.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That would be a Gnostic belief incorporated into the Roman Imperial Church and Mormonism.
No, it's actually Apostolic and always has been, and even the Lord Jesus Himself obliquely taught that it was a grave sin to practice. "If your hand causes you to sin . . . . "
This Gnostic belief and others of its ilk have caused many to remain silent about homosexuality and was one of the keys to homosexuality becoming accepted in the U.S. Everyone would think how horrible their sin must be and that they shouldn't judge homosexuals.

I would suggest reading the story of David - the full story of David.
I judge same-sex masturbatory behavior the same as all masturbatory behavior, and so does the Church. They if done are equally grave with regard to full communion, and require reconciliation before licitly receiving Holy Communion again.

Put bluntly, it's bad for you, just as same-sex offenses, and fornication and adultery are bad for you too.


For you, good friend, I would strongly recommend quiet reflection and fervent prayer. You have a troubled soul.
What would you suggest that I pray about, that God revise Holy Scripture on the role of civil government as seen in Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2: 13-15?

How about I pray that God revises what kind of leaders to select as seen in Exodus 18:21?

I know, I can pray that God will say that a person can be a libertarian and a Christian at the same time and that He'll just go ahead and delete Jesus' two greatest commandments from Holy Scripture so that will be possible.

Sounds like pretty good prayers huh good friend?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What would you suggest that I pray about, that God revise Holy Scripture on the role of civil government as seen in Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2: 13-15?

How about I pray that God revises what kind of leaders to select as seen in Exodus 18:21?

I know, I can pray that God will say that a person can be a libertarian and a Christian at the same time and that He'll just go ahead and delete Jesus' two greatest commandments from Holy Scripture so that will be possible.

Sounds like pretty good prayers huh good friend?
You must have misunderstood "quiet reflection", my troubled friend.


Next up: In Part 1 of WHMBR! I showed several people who I believed at the time to be friends in the fight against the homosexual agenda. After the election of Donald Trump they turned out to be Judas's who are in it only for their '30 pieces of silver', hence selling out God so that they could keep their lucrative jobs as columnists in pretend conservative websites.

Here's one that I deal with a lot at other forums:

Dr. Michael Brown wrote some pretty good columns exposing Donald Trump for the liberal/libertarian that he is back in 2016, but since Trump was elected, Brown has been one of Trump's biggest fans. MIke has aged a lot in the past 4 years, I guess living a lie will do that to a person.

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Peter LaBarbera of Americans for [some] Truth About Homosexuality.

'Porno Pete' as Donald Trump's rainbow flag waving allies call him, briefly spoke out against Donald Trump's vast rainbow flag waving past back in 2016, but obviously got the memo from the Republican National Committee that if he wants to continue to get contribution$ from the supposed right, then he better jump on the Trump libertarian choo choo train and quit exposing Donald Trump for the evil moral degenerate that he is.

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