Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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Here's one of my favorites, Judas Jerry Falwell Jr. (aka "Can I watch honey?"), former President of Liberty University founded by his father Jerry Falwell Sr. Jerry Jrs.' wife evidently had this thing for their pool boy and Jerry Jr. liked to watch the adulterous affair.

Jerry Jr., who has been a huge supporter of rainbow flag waver and serial sexual predator Donald Trump, took his adulterous wife over to Donald Trump's house and were so impressed by Trump's photo on the cover of Playboy Magazine a few years back, that they had to share it with the world.



Well-known member
No, it's actually Apostolic and always has been,
Masturbation being a sin is not Biblical and never has been.
and even the Lord Jesus Himself obliquely taught that it was a grave sin to practice. "If your hand causes you to sin . . . . "
Mark 9:45 NLT
If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one foot than to be thrown into hell with two feet.

I guess you are claiming there are a lot of really flexible people with a masturbatory foot fetish in Jesus' time as well.

These beliefs you have come from gnostic teachings of Manichaeism and Platonism. They were introduced by not-a-saint Augustine. Augustine divorced his wife to become “pure”, ran off to Africa and proceeded to have an adulterous affair with one of his parishioners. At an old age he considered himself to be a “Christian” after he stopped having sex. A person under the thumb of the Roman Imperial Church or Mormonism will be unlikely to break free of this belief.
I judge same-sex masturbatory behavior the same as all masturbatory behavior, and so does the Church.
I’m glad I’m not a part of the Roman Imperial Church or the Mormon church.
They if done are equally grave with regard to full communion, and require reconciliation before licitly receiving Holy Communion again.
Not interested in pagan Roman Imperial rituals.
Put bluntly, it's bad for you, just as same-sex offenses, and fornication and adultery are bad for you too.
Once again equating masturbation with adultery and homosexuality. Very foolish.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Masturbation being a sin is not Biblical and never has been.
The Apostles are in the Bible, and they taught it was grave matter.
Mark 9:45 NLT
If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one foot than to be thrown into hell with two feet.

I guess you are claiming there are a lot of really flexible people with a masturbatory foot fetish in Jesus' time as well.
No, similarly for "If your eye causes you to sin . . . ." The context was looking upon a woman to lust for her.
These beliefs you have come from gnostic teachings of Manichaeism and Platonism. They were introduced by not-a-saint Augustine. Augustine divorced his wife to become “pure”, ran off to Africa and proceeded to have an adulterous affair with one of his parishioners. At an old age he considered himself to be a “Christian” after he stopped having sex.
Points for imagination.
A person under the thumb of the Roman Imperial Church or Mormonism will be unlikely to break free of this belief.

I’m glad I’m not a part of the Roman Imperial Church or the Mormon church.
The Catholic Church is the Church in the Bible.
Not interested in pagan Roman Imperial rituals.

Once again equating masturbation with adultery and homosexuality. Very foolish.
Not equal in all ways, just in seriousness.

Masturbation is bad for you, and it is a grave sin. When accepted, it's also clear why same-sex offenses are also anathema, since that's all that same-sex people can do with each other is masturbate.


Well-known member
The Apostles are in the Bible, and they taught it was grave matter.
No. they didn't. And if they did, it would be a simple matter to reference the passage.
No, similarly for "If your eye causes you to sin . . . ." The context was looking upon a woman to lust for her.
Boy, your mind is in the gutter. You do realize that the Bible is about more things than sex.
Points for imagination.
Absolutely no imagination. Just the facts you can't handle.
The Catholic Church is the Church in the Bible.
The only church you've been referencing is the Roman Imperial Church of Constantine and possibly the Mormon church.
Not equal in all ways, just in seriousness.
Very foolish.
Masturbation is bad for you, and it is a grave sin. When accepted, it's also clear why same-sex offenses are also anathema, since that's all that same-sex people can do with each other is masturbate.
Once again a silly fake equality used to diminish the sin of homosexuality in the Roman Imperial priesthood.

You're a perfect example of how homosexuality became normalized.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
No. they didn't.
Bald assertion.
And if they did, it would be a simple matter to reference the passage.
Begging the question.
Boy, your mind is in the gutter.
Ad hominem.
You do realize that the Bible is about more things than sex.
Red herring.
Absolutely no imagination.
Those are your words, not mine.
Just the facts you can't handle.
Bald assertion.
The only church you've been referencing is
I'm referencing the Church in the Bible.
the Roman Imperial Church of Constantine
You made that up.
and possibly the Mormon church.
The Mormons believe that the Apostles taught that masturbation is grave matter? Huh.
Very foolish.
I'm rubber and you're glue?
Once again a silly fake equality used to diminish the sin of homosexuality in the Roman Imperial priesthood.
You made that up.
You're a perfect example of how homosexuality became normalized.
Who normalized masturbation? Because that's who normalized same-sex offenses. Because that's what same-sex offense is. It was only a matter of time before that happened, and the only way to ever get that toothpaste back in the tube, is to nip it in the bud, which is the normalization of masturbation.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I don't have to cite anything.
Yeah nobody does. I was just wondering if what you were saying had any source I could examine, because I had never heard that before, or, if you were basically just thinking out loud. Apparently, it's the latter.


Well-known member
Bald assertion.
Disagreeing with your bald assertion is not a bald assertion.
Begging the question.
Telling you to provide the evidence is not "begging the question". You obviously don't understand basic rhetoric.
Ad hominem.
Nope. Just stating facts you can't handle. You're the one saying everything that Jesus said is about sex.
Red herring.
Once again, you are clueless about basic rhetoric. You're the one claiming that general statements by Jesus are all specifically about masturbation. I am pointing this out. That is not a red herring.

In fact, since you seem to like to play this game, I'll play it properly for you.
No, similarly for "If your eye causes you to sin . . . ." The context was looking upon a woman to lust for her.
"If your eye causes you to sin . . . ." The context was looking upon a woman to lust for her.
Begging the question - twice.

You use your assumption to interpret a passages in a way to support your assumption. That is begging the question.
The Apostles are in the Bible, and they taught it was grave matter.
it's actually Apostolic and always has been
Bald assertion - twice.

You make a claim and provide no evidence to back it up. And then you claim that my asking you to provide evidence is a begging the question.
I'm referencing the Church in the Bible.
The Catholic Church is the Church in the Bible.
Two more bald assertions. Most everything you write is a bald assertion. No evidence given. No realization on your part that most people on this forum disagree with you about this. Just repeat it enough to try to make it true I guess.
I'm rubber and you're glue?
I wasn't calling you foolish. I called what you said foolish. When I insult people I don't try to be sneaky about it like you do.
Those are your words, not mine.
Ad hominem.
Once again a silly fake equality used to diminish the sin of homosexuality in the Roman Imperial priesthood.
You made that up.
Business as usual.
Who normalized masturbation?
God did.

Deuteronomy 4:2 NLT
Do not add to or subtract from these commands I am giving you. Just obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you.
Because that's who normalized same-sex offenses. Because that's what same-sex offense is. It was only a matter of time before that happened, and the only way to ever get that toothpaste back in the tube, is to nip it in the bud, which is the normalization of masturbation.
I'll let you take that up with God.


Well-known member
What would you suggest that I pray about, that God revise Holy Scripture on the role of civil government as seen in Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2: 13-15?

How about I pray that God revises what kind of leaders to select as seen in Exodus 18:21?

I know, I can pray that God will say that a person can be a libertarian and a Christian at the same time and that He'll just go ahead and delete Jesus' two greatest commandments from Holy Scripture so that will be possible.

Sounds like pretty good prayers huh good friend?
Democrat Christians totally violated the Scriptures by slandering Trump for 4 years straight without mercy.

Acts 23:5
Then said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people.


Now that the boyz are finished (?) talking about their favorite pastime, I'll continue with showing more Judas' that sold out God and hence conservativism to support Donald Trump.


Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham (who was loved by the world) was another who spoke out against Donald Trump's libertarian/liberal values back in 2016 and then sold out God for his 30 pieces of silver and has been an adamant fan of rainbow flag waver Donald Trump, and has lead his lemming flock to do so as well.

You really have to feel sorry for Judas's like Graham, Peter LaBarbera, Jerry "Can I watch honey?" Falwell Jr., Mikey Brown and a long list of those who identify as conservative that support Donald Trump (Cancun Ted Cruz, etc. etc. etc.), as they not only sold out God, they have no idea that Trump and his liberal/libertarian base loooooooathe them not only for once speaking out against Donald Trump's liberalism/libertarianism, but for the Judeo-Christian doctrine that they allegedly embrace.


Now that the boyz are finished (?) talking about their favorite pastime, I'll continue with showing more Judas' that sold out God and hence conservativism to support Donald Trump.

Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham (who was loved by the world) was another who spoke out against Donald Trump's libertarian/liberal values back in 2016 and then sold out God for his 30 pieces of silver and has been an adamant fan of rainbow flag waver Donald Trump, and has lead his lemming flock to do so as well.

You really have to feel sorry for Judas's like Graham, Peter LaBarbera, Jerry "Can I watch honey?" Falwell Jr., Mikey Brown and a long list of those who identify as conservative that support Donald Trump (Cancun Ted Cruz, etc. etc. etc.), as they not only sold out God, they have no idea that Trump and his liberal/libertarian base loooooooathe them not only for once speaking out against Donald Trump's liberalism/libertarianism, but for the Judeo-Christian doctrine that they allegedly embrace.
Actually, Judas sold out the messiah hoping to gain favor with Judahites.


Actually, Judas sold out the messiah hoping to gain favor with Judahites.
My point is that these people, Brown, LaBarbera, Falwell Jr., Graham, Cruz, etc. knew the truth about Donald Trump when he ran as President and saw that he embraced the same moral depravity during his Presidency, but because of the threat of being cut off financially by the Republican Party and it's die-hard supporters, they sold God and hence conservatism out for their '30 pieces of silver'.


Dude - you watch way too much TV.

Praying for your troubled soul.

Wouldn't it be nice if news channels like Faux News and the Communist News Network told the truth about Donald Trump and his libertarian ideology? Now granted, even a majority of those that identify as Christian believe that what happens between any number of consenting people, an armadillo and a rooster, as long as "they don't have to see it" is perfectly fine.

BTW, what kind of prayer are you saying for me?

Oh and be careful, there's a guy wandering around TOL that is reporting people for stalking, and from what I see here, you fit the bill. <wink>.


Well-known member
Wouldn't it be nice if news channels like Faux News and the Communist News Network told the truth about Donald Trump and his libertarian ideology? Now granted, even a majority of those that identify as Christian believe that what happens between any number of consenting people, an armadillo and a rooster, as long as "they don't have to see it" is perfectly fine.
If you were out on a walk in the woods, had a gun with one bullet, and to your right you spot a coiled up rattlesnake, and on your left a grizzly bear, both of whom are staring you down, which one would you vote to shoot?


My point is that these people, Brown, LaBarbera, Falwell Jr., Graham, Cruz, etc. knew the truth about Donald Trump when he ran as President and saw that he embraced the same moral depravity during his Presidency, but because of the threat of being cut off financially by the Republican Party and it's die-hard supporters, they sold God and hence conservatism out for their '30 pieces of silver
Are you sure Donald didn't sell himself out for 30 pieces of silver? I doubt he is even a millionaire. Or maybe the commingling is still gross.

Edit: As if Brown, LaBarbera, Falwell Jr., Graham, Cruz, etc. weren't selling out God and country before.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Wouldn't it be nice if news channels like Faux News and the Communist News Network told the truth about Donald Trump and his libertarian ideology? Now granted, even a majority of those that identify as Christian believe that what happens between any number of consenting people, an armadillo and a rooster, as long as "they don't have to see it" is perfectly fine.

BTW, what kind of prayer are you saying for me?

Oh and be careful, there's a guy wandering around TOL that is reporting people for stalking, and from what I see here, you fit the bill. <wink>.
Dude, too much TV

Unplug. It's rotting your brain.
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