Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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It appears that my old username wasn't recognized when I tried to log on to the new format, so unless an administrator can fix that problem, I'll be posting under aculturewarrior1 (avatar to follow).
Great news for those wanting to overcome homosexuality! (Bad news for the child indoctrinating LGBT movement).

Appeals court rules ban on 'conversion therapy' unconstitutional​

'This case is the beginning of the end' for similar laws​

Nov. 20, 2020

A federal appeals court on Friday ruled that ordinances in Florida banning the licensed counseling of people with unwanted same-sex attractions are unconstitutional violations of the freedom of speech.

"We hold that the challenged ordinances violate the First Amendment because they are content-based regulations of speech that cannot survive strict scrutiny," the ruling from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said.

Many of those who identify as Christian, Jewish and conservative are saying that the recent SCOTUS ruling dealing with attendance limits on worship services is a victory for religious liberty. The legal objection was that secular groups were allowed to gather in larger #'s than religious groups. There were no restrictions on reading the bible, sharing God's Word with others, etc., only somewhat large gatherings (which in reality probably saved many an elderly church-goers life).

As shown in the SCOTUS blog;

The Supreme Court late Wednesday night granted requests from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and two Orthodox Jewish synagogues to block enforcement of a New York executive order restricting attendance at houses of worship. Both the diocese and the synagogues claimed that the executive order violated the right to the free exercise of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment, particularly when secular businesses in the area are allowed to remain open.


It's a freedom of assembly issue, not a freedom of religion matter. Besides, it was shown throughout my 6 part thread that there is limited freedom of religion when courts rule against Christian bakers, florists, innkeepers and KY Court Clerk Kim Davis for refusing to aid and abet immoral behavior in their dealings with homoseuxals.


Thanks to TOL Moderator Boomer, aCultureWarrior has returned.

With the Biden Presidency around the corner, there will be more than plenty to talk about when it comes to the LGBT movement. Unfortunately Donald Trump helped that movement and their agenda tremendously during his 4 years as President, so it's full steam ahead for the LGBT movement.


So much for Donald Trump picking conservative Justices and Judges, but then Donald Trump has been a transgender activist for years.

Supreme Court rejects appeal to limit transgender students

December 7, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court declined Monday to take up an appeal from parents in Oregon who want to prevent transgender students from using locker rooms and bathrooms of the gender with which they identify, rather than their sex assigned at birth.

The case came from a school district near Salem, Oregon’s capital city. The federal appeals court in San Francisco had upheld a Dallas, Oregon, school district policy that allows transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity.

Parents sued over the policy in 2017, saying it caused embarrassment and stress.

A lower court refused to block the policy and the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed that ruling, writing that the school district did not violate students’ constitutional rights or a law that protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs.

Read more: https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-rejects-limit-transgender-92a6800a608d54d726880560abb745f4

Gee, I wonder how homosexual/homosexual activist Patrick Bumatay ruled? (Bumatay being a homosexual/homosexual activist who Trump picked to the already ultra liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals). How about Trump SCOTUS pick Neil Gorsuch who wrote the majority opinion on the pro homosexual/pro abortion homosexual/transgender 'civil rights' case known as Bostock v Clayton County GA?



Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Bill that Has Liberals Up in Arms​

Dec. 11, 2020

On Thursday, the Democrat introduced a bill with Republican Oklahoma Rep. Markwayne Mullin called the "Protect Women’s Sports Act of 2020," which bans transgender individuals from competing in women's sports.
Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/cortn...s-bill-that-has-democrats-up-in-arms-n2581408

This is wrong in so many ways.

Back later with the long list of them...


While the "Protect Women's Sports Act of 2020" may appear to be helpful on the surface, it does nothing to help those confused young people who believe that they were born in the wrong body and act it out by crossing dressing, taking drugs and having surgery done to promote the lie that they're living. In fact, the State that Congresswoman Gabbard represents, by law prohibits those who identify as homosexual or transgender from getting therapy to overcome their terribly destructive desires and behavior.

Hawaii governor signs law banning gay conversion therapy​




Accolades to MassResistance, one of the few organizations aggressively fighting the LGBT agenda!

MassResistance Update
Pro-family Activism

"Aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords."
- Theodore Roosevelt
December 29, 2020​
Some of our successes during 2020

... and much more to come during 2021
During 2020, the Left became even more openly radical and more aggressive in targeting young children with their destructive agendas. At the same time, the mainstream conservative movement has been backing away from (or caving in on) the critical “culture war” issues.

But not MassResistance. We stepped up our game in cities and towns across the country! Here are just a few of our successes this past year:

Ohio: After a “gay” activist spoke at a middle school assembly, MassResistance forced the school superintendent to set a policy banning all LGBT presentations, literature, and questionnaires – and making all outside speakers an “opt-in” choice for parents.

West Virginia: MassResistance stopped a horrible “Drag Queen Story Hour” event from taking place in liberal Morgantown’s public library – after we revealed the depraved, anti-Catholic, and criminal background of the “performers.”

California – Torrance: Angry MassResistance citizens successfully got officials to remove the toxic Black Lives Matter curriculum from both the high school and middle school – despite its heavy support by radical teachers in the system. Its radical political agenda is heavily Marxist, anti-American, anti-police, racist, and intensely pro-LGBT

California – Chula Vista: We exposed how public officials lied to the community about having “Drag Queen” background checks. As a result, the city’s “Drag Queen” program was cancelled and has not returned.

New York: In a wealthy New York City suburb, we got a public library’s Drag Queen Story Hour cancelled – by organizing residents to aggressively complain about the depraved nature of the event. A national “gay media” campaign lobbied hard to bring it back, but the local parents held their ground.

California: MassResistance activists across the state stopped an oppressive anti-therapy bill from being re-filed in the CA Legislature. The sponsor simply gave up! It had been derailed in the State Assembly last year after a statewide MassResistance effort.

Wisconsin: Our local activists successfully pressured the left-wing Library Board in their town to enact a strong anti-Drag Queen event policy. It was a very nasty fight, but the Board finally capitulated to the local outrage!

Idaho: The Governor signed a bold anti-transgender bill into law protecting youth, after MassResistance helped activists counter an LGBT campaign of lies about it.

California – Downey: Local MassResistance parents forced the School Board to abandon “Teen Talk,” a hardcore Planned Parenthood “comprehensive sex ed” program. The district will instead create its own in-house course – to please parents.

Michigan: MassResistance activists stopped a push in a leftist city to create an oppressive LGBT commission. The so-called “Diversity and Inclusion” Commission would have threatened and punished Christian businesses and individuals while promoting radical programs.

Georgia: A MassResistance activist, Marjorie Taylor Greene, ran for Congress (for the first time) and WON with 75% of the vote! And she did not back down on her solid pro-family views. This shows that MassResistance activists can accomplish anything when they act boldly!

No other conservative groups do what we do. We are not afraid to be aggressive. We treat this like the war it is – instead of just a policy “disagreement.” That’s what makes us effective. We put the forces of evil on notice that they’d better back down right now!s.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh my - are you still here?

You've got your wish. Trump will be out of the White House, the democrats will control both houses of Congress and the legislation they pass in the next 4 years will immerse this country in a cesspool of perversion that should make you extremely happy.


Oh my - are you still here?

You've got your wish. Trump will be out of the White House, the democrats will control both houses of Congress and the legislation they pass in the next 4 years will immerse this country in a cesspool of perversion that should make you extremely happy.

I can see that you're not the least bit concerned that anarchists overran the US Capitol Building. Hopefully your rainbow flag waving NYC liberal President will be brought up on some kind charges involving inciting a riot on federal property.
The libertarian/democrat experiment didn't work out too well for Donald Trump did it? Tell me, are you libertarians going to go back to the Libertarian Party and are you going to run Donald Trump or one of his offspring for President in 2024?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I can see that you're not the least bit concerned that anarchists overran the US Capitol Building. Hopefully your rainbow flag waving NYC liberal President will be brought up on some kind charges involving inciting a riot on federal property.
The libertarian/democrat experiment didn't work out too well for Donald Trump did it? Tell me, are you libertarians going to go back to the Libertarian Party and are you going to run Donald Trump or one of his offspring for President in 2024?
Oh I'm sorry. You thought I wanted to play your silly games. Nope.


The libertarian group Turning Point USA, who attempts to pass itself off a conservative, is in the news again. Virginia 'Ginni' Thomas, the wife of SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas, attended a Trump/Turning Point USA rally and is defending doing so.

A new fauxrage has been instigated by the Left following word that Ginni Thomas, a well-known conservative and wife of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, supported Turning Point USA, which bused in Trump supporters to the “Save America Rally” last Wednesday on The Ellipse in Washington, D.C.

Doug MainWaring, who writes for lifesitenews, exposed the pro homosexual activism of Turning Point USA in his article

Trump’s campaign to attract LGBT voters is playing with fire​

The presence of LGBT political muscle within the Republican Party may lead to disaster.

Sept. 1, 2020

Turning Point USA, a conservative student activist group run by prominent Trump-supporter Charlie Kirk also opens its arms wide to the LGBT demographic.

Log Cabin’s Moran told The Washington Blade that he took inspiration from Turning Point USA’s edgy style in producing the Grenell video. And while Log Cabin is a separate organization from Turning Point USA, there is plenty of cross-pollination between the two, as well as with Fox News.

Kirk, age 26, explained to the Blade last year that gay people with conservative views are more than welcome in the conservative movement.

“We celebrate patriots like these regardless of whether they’re gay or straight, black or white, male or female, rich or poor, tall or short,” said Kirk. “We’re so grateful for their leadership and for inspiring so many others in their own journeys in what has really become an all new conservative movement.”

Ric Grenell is the Trump administration’s former acting director of National Intelligence (DNI) and ambassador to Germany. A self-identified homosexual, Grenell is now the Republican National Committee (RNC)’s senior adviser focusing on outreach to LGBT voters.

Over the summer, Grenell spoke at a Turning Point USA event encouraging students to support President Trump’s re-election. Grenell previously served as a Fox News contributor.

Current Fox News contributor and Fox News Radio show/podcast host Guy Benson, who identifies as gay and is “married” to a man, also spoke at a Turning Point USA conference.



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