Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What are your thoughts on James 4:17 Idolater?

How do you believe it pertains to politics and picking political leaders?
Picking political leaders pertains to representative democracy. Why would one believe that it pertains to representative democracy?


Originally posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
What are your thoughts on James 4:17 Idolater?

How do you believe it pertains to politics and picking political leaders?

Picking political leaders pertains to representative democracy. Why would one believe that it pertains to representative democracy?

The Bible instructs people what kind of political leaders to choose (Exodus 18:21) as well as the role of civil government (Romans 13; 1 Peter 2:13-17). Would you agree if you're not following biblical guidelines when voting for a political candidate that you're knowingly sinning?
Thoughts on James 4:17 and how it pertains to civil goverment?
James 4:17 - Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin. [NASB]

One has to be careful taking a single passage from the Bible and making it into a command. We are instructed that two or three witnesses be needed elsewhere in the scriptures. It seems prudent to search for two or three scriptures, in context, to support any command. Are you saying this is a sin unto death?
2 Chronicles 25:1 - Amaziah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem.
2 Chronicles 25:2 - He did right in the sight of the LORD, yet not with a whole heart.
2 Chronicles 25:3 - Now it came about as soon as the kingdom was firmly in his grasp, that he killed his servants who had slain his father the king.
2 Chronicles 25:4 - However, he did not put their children to death, but did as it is written in the law in the book of Moses, which the LORD commanded, saying, "Fathers shall not be put to death for sons, nor sons be put to death for fathers, but each shall be put to death for his own sin." [NASB]

Building upon this OT scripture, it's not our sin if our civil government does things God has warned us against. You are responsible for your actions, not the actions of others. Your responsibility is spreading the "Good News" to win as many people as possible for the kingdom to come. We should look at the Book of Acts to seem how the Apostles and Disciples of Jesus preached.
Romans 5:10 - For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.
Romans 5:11 - And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
Death in Adam, Life in Christ
Romans 5:12 - Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned--
Romans 5:13 - for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. [NASB]

Romans 5:13 is an interesting passage. Between the time of God's oral commands to Adam and the Ten Commandments (The Law), sin was not imputed because there was no law except God's oral commands to Adam.
Romans 5:13 - Paul will now demonstrate that Adam's sin affected the whole race. He first points out that sin was in the world during the period from Adam to the giving of the law at Mount Sinai. But during that time there was no clearly revealed law of God. Adam had received a clear oral commandment from the Lord, and many centuries later the Ten Commandments were a distinct written revelation of divine law. But in the intervening period men did not have a legal code from God. Therefore, although there was sin during that time, there was no transgression, because transgression is the violation of a known law. But sin is not imputed as transgression when there is no law forbidding it. [Believer's Bible Commentary]

We don't live in a Theocracy. It's not even a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic. How much can we expect others of different beliefs to follow Biblical rules? Are you preaching the good news or a gospel of your own beliefs?


Originally posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
For those of you that might be excited at the idea of rainbow flag waver Donald Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett to replace baby killer Ruth Ginsberg on the Supreme Court, she's Federalist Society (i.e. libertarian) approved.

The democrats hate her.

The feminists hate her.

You hate her.

That's recommendation enough for me :thumb:

Conservatives better realize soon that you libertarians aren't our allies, but are our sworn enemies.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Thoughts on James 4:17 and how it pertains to civil goverment?
James 4:17 - Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin. [

We don't live in a Theocracy. It's not even a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic. How much can we expect others of different beliefs to follow Biblical rules? Are you preaching the good news or a gospel of your own beliefs?

Which has nothing to do with my question. Again: If God commands people to select God fearing people when choosing government leaders, are those who support candidates like Donald Trump who support the Godless, child indoctrinating, institution destroying homosexual agenda sinning when they vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Thoughts on James 4:17 and how it pertains to civil goverment?
James 4:17 - Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin. [

Which has nothing to do with my question. Again: If God commands people to select God fearing people when choosing government leaders, are those who support candidates like Donald Trump who support the Godless, child indoctrinating, institution destroying homosexual agenda sinning when they vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

It has everything to do with James 4:17. You've taken a scripture out of context to try to prove whatever supports your agenda.

Boasting About Tomorrow
James 4:13 - Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit."
James 4:14 - Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
James 4:15 - Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."
James 4:16 - But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil.
James 4:17 - Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin. [NASB]

I hate it when people take a scripture out of context and try to make it a law. The Bible Knowledge Commentary says this by James 4:17.
James 4:17
It is likely that James 4:1-17’s concluding sentence, Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins, is related not only to the matter of boasting but also to all the advice given thus far in the epistle. “Then” (lit., “therefore,” oun) supports this contention. James’ readers could not plead ignorance. The letter abounds with exhortations to do good. To fail to comply is clearly sin.

To attain spiritual maturity a believer must do the good he now knows. He must stand confidently on God’s Word even in trials and temptations. He must compassionately serve his brethren without prejudicial favoritism but with practical faith. He must speak carefully with a controlled tongue and wise, cultivated thought. He must submit in contrition to his all-powerful Father, Lawgiver, and Judge with a humble spirit, just action, and a trusting heart. He must be what God wants him to be, do what God wants him to do, speak as God wants him to speak, and sense what God wants him to sense.

I am willing to discuss Holy Scripture with you but I won't support your scripture twisting.


It is likely that James 4:1-17’s concluding sentence, Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins, is related not only to the matter of boasting but also to all the advice given thus far in the epistle. “Then” (lit., “therefore,” oun) supports this contention. James’ readers could not plead ignorance. The letter abounds with exhortations to do good. To fail to comply is clearly sin.

You've been made aware that Donald Trump is a devout homosexual activist, voting for him would be a sin as it goes against God's commands on selecting civil leaders (Exodus 18:21) and what He says is the role of civil government (Romans 13:4).
You've been made aware that Donald Trump is a devout homosexual activist, voting for him would be a sin as it goes against God's commands on selecting civil leaders (Exodus 18:21) and what He says is the role of civil government (Romans 13:4).

You are doing the Socialists bidding by supporting anyone but President Trump. Are you that afraid of homosexuality? Where is your proof of activism? Are you afraid of: Roman Catholicism; atheism; premarital sex; alcohol; etc. Have you gouged out your eyes after seeing something inappropriate? Who are you that I should accept your interpretation? Your understanding of Romans 13:4 is wrong.


You are doing the Socialists bidding by supporting anyone but President Trump. Are you that afraid of homosexuality? Where is your proof of activism? Are you afraid of: Roman Catholicism; atheism; premarital sex; alcohol; etc. Have you gouged out your eyes after seeing something inappropriate? Who are you that I should accept your interpretation? Your understanding of Romans 13:4 is wrong.

Looks like I stepped on some rainbow colored toenails.


The Trump campaign, trying so desperately to get the homosexual vote, put out this information showing how Joe Biden was against homosexuality over 2 decades ago.

August 31, 2020



As seen in the links at the bottom of each of my posts, Donald Trump has been pro homosexuality both as President and long before becoming POTUS.


For those of you that aren't familiar with the Proud Boys, who Donald Trump told to "Stand Back, Stand By" in the recent Presidential debates, here is something about them that should concern everyone (except for you libertarians out there).

Proud Boys: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

2. The Proud Boys Say There Are 10 Ways to ‘Save America’ Including Giving Everyone a Gun, Abolishing Prisons & Legalizing Drugs

I won't discuss #3, as obviously they're perverts.



The Barbarian


Predictably, he turned on them when he thought it would appeal to his base. He's not their friend; he just wants them to think he is. This is as true of the religious right as it is true of the LGBT people. He has no loyalty to anyone or anything other than himself.


Predictably, he [Donald Trump] turned on them [the homosexual/transgender movement] when he thought it would appeal to his base. He's not their friend; he just wants them to think he is.

The evidence shows differently:
Donald Trump's homosexual/transgender activism for the first 3+ years since becoming President of the United States:

* On November 14, 2016, Republican President-elect Donald Trump stated the following on CBS' 60 Minutes in response to a question asking if he supports "marriage equality":
LESLEY STAHL: Do you support marriage equality?
TRUMP: It — it’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done.
STAHL: So even if you appoint a judge that —
TRUMP: It’s done. It — you have — these cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled.

And, I’m fine with that
. (page 99, post #1471)

*On Dec. 13, 2016, President-elect Donald Trump appointed pro homosexual businessman Rex Tillerson as his Secretary of State. Tillerson is best know for his support of and allowing openly homosexual youth into the once God-fearing /morally straight Boy Scouts of America as the BSA's national leader.
(page 99, post #1475)

*On January 12, 2017, one week before Donald Trump was sworn in as POTUS, homosexual activist Anthony Scaramucci was named Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs (i.e. senior advisor to President-elect Trump).
Scaramucci supported the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. In 2008, Scaramucci also served as a fundraiser for President Barack Obama. (page 99, post #1480)

*January 31, 2017 President Donald Trump nominates pro homosexual Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
See "Is New York Times signaling that SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch is pro-homosexual?" by Peter LaBarbera:

*February 3, 2017 - Trump let stand an Obama 2014 executive order that added “gender identity” to federal workforce nondiscrimination criteria and that forces federal contractors to have pro-homosexual, pro-transgender policies. (page 100, post #1486)

*On Feb. 7, 2017, the Republican majority US Senate confirmed pro LGBT Trump nominee Betsy DeVos as the United States Secretary of Education.
(page 102, post #1521).

*On February 15, 2017, President Donald Trump kept President Obama’s “LGBT International Envoy” homosexual/homosexual activist Randy Berry in his new Republican administration. (page 101, post #1507)

*On March 10, 2017 President Donald Trump chose openly homosexual and “gay Christian” advocate Rick Grenell to be the U.S. Ambassador to NATO
(page 103, post #1533)

*April 27, 2017 - Fifty-two Republican Congressmen asked President Trump to issue the Feb. 2 draft "executive order" defending religious liberty that was shelved. The most-criticized element of the executive order is its lack of specific protection for Americans who live their beliefs that marriage is between a man and a woman. Religious freedom and pro-marriage advocate Professor Robert P. George tweeted that the executive order contains no substantial conscience protections. (page 105, post #1563)

*May 19, 2017, Rainbow flag flies again at U.S. Embassy in Macedonia

*On June 19, 2017, President Trump proudly posed with Rhode Island Teacher of the Year, Nikos Giannopoulos, a proud and unrepentant homosexual, who also oversees his school's 'Gay Straight Alliance', i.e. the indoctrination of children.
(page 105, post #1570/1571)

*June 30, 2017, Trump administration defends faux homosexual marriage at United Nations Humans Rights Council in Geneva
(page 108, post #1617)

*On July 25, 2017 President Donald Trump appointed pro-homosexual, pro-abortion Anthony Scaramucci as his new Communications Director.
(page 108, post #1619)

*August 9, 2017, Trump administration's U.S. Embassy Participates in Prague Pride Week
(page 109, post #1633)

*November 20, 2017 Donald Trump’s State Department recognizes ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’
(page 111, post #1651)

*December 14, 2017 - Trump renominates lesbian/LGBT activist Obama appointee Chai Feldblum to top anti-discrimination post
(page 112, post #1671)

*December 21, 2017 - Trump Sends Congratulations to Homosexual Republican Group for its 40th Year

*March 23, 2018, President Donald Trump, due to what he believed to be high medical treatment costs, made limitations on allowing certain 'transgenders' to serve in the US military, while allowing openly homosexual men and women to serve with no questions asked.

*August 24, 2018, Trump nominates Lesbian Judge (Mary Rowland) tied to LGBT groups for federal bench
page 112, post #1677)

* On Oct. 24, 2018 Trump nominates open homosexual/homosexual activist Patrick Bumatay for the ultra liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
(page 100, post #1487)

*Nov. 16, 2018, Dozens of House Republicans object to gay rights language in NAFTA replacement deal
(page 103, post #1532)

*Dec. 12, 2018, Gay friend defends Trump's pick for Attorney General William Barr amid concerns from LGBT groups
(page 106, post #1589)

*January 3, 2019, Trump's State Department Spokeswoman Acknowledges the GLAAD's (Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) Spirit Day
(page 111, post #1660)

*Feb. 19, 2019, Trump to Launch Worldwide Fight to Decriminalize Homosexuality
( page 124, posts #1847 & page 141, post #2106)

*May 9, 2019, Trump: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead.
(page 141, post #2111

* May 17, 2019 - ‘I Think it’s Great. … It’s Good’: Trump Says He Has ‘No Problem’ With Buttigieg Campaigning With ‘Husband’
(page 142, post #2125)

*June 1, 2019-President Donald Trump tweets celebrating Pride Month
(page 144, post #2146)

*June 14, 2019 [Trump's] US Department of State Praises Botswana for Decriminalizing Homosexual Behavior
(page 146, post #2189)

*June 18, 2019-Transgender Illegal Aliens Get Special Treatment, Hormone Therapy Under Policy Issued by Trump’s Border Czar
(page 146, post #2191)

*Openly homosexual Judd Deere serving as Deputy Press Secretary to President Donald Trump since January of 2019.
(page 148, post #2215)

*August 1, 2019-The White House confirmed the launch of a global U.S. campaign to promote acceptance of homosexual acts last week after several months of confusion and misinformation surrounding the administration’s position on LGBT issues.
(page 149, post #2226)

*Donald Trump is endorsed by the openly homosexual and unrepentant 'Log Cabin Republicans' in the 2020 Presidential race.
(page 149, post #2227)

*For the second time in a year, on Sept. 20, 2019 President Donald Trump nominates openly homosexual/homosexual activist Patrick Bumatay to the already ultra liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
(page 150, post 2247)

*Sept. 24, 2019- President Donald Trump speaks before the United Nations General Assembly stating that the US stands in solidarity with LGBT people in countries where homosexuality is illegal.
(page 152, post 2278)

*Oct. 14, 2019- The Trump administration speaks out against a recent proposed bill in Uganda that protects children from homosexual pedophiles/pederasts and their indoctrination to the ways of homosexuality by instituting the death penalty in grave cases.
(page 152, post 2278)

*Nov. 30, 2019 J
Justice Department Commemorates 10th Anniversary of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. pro homosexual Hate Crimes Prevention Act
(page 155, post #2313

*Dec. 3, 2019
Trump administration will provide HIV prevention drug for free to uninsured in new program

(page 155, post #2315)

*Feb. 14, 2020, Donald Trump states that he would have no problem voting for a homosexual for President (he think's that it's good).
(page 164, post #2449)

*Feb. 19, 2020, President Donald Trump nominates openly homosexual/homosexual activist Richard Grenell to the Cabinet position of Director of US Intelligence, overseeing 17 Intelligence Agencies.
(page 169, post #2534)

*August 31, 2020, the Trump/Pence reelection campaign, in an attempt to get the homosexual vote, puts out a information showing Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden's past record against homosexuality.
(Part 6, page 8, post #116)
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