Since homosexuals play a big part in the Republicrat Party, it goes without saying that the group that represents openly homosexual republicans would be invited to this years Libertarian Conservative Political Action Conference/CPAC.
Let's see what the proud and unrepentant sexual deviants from the Log Cabin Republicans have to say this year at CPAC:
Log Cabin Republicans Issues Statement on Trump Administration Campaign To End Global Criminalization of Homosexuality
Date: 02/20/2019
Washington, D.C. – Log Cabin Republicans thank President Trump and Ambassador Richard Grenell for taking historic action today by pushing for the decriminalization of homosexuality around the world. The atrocious execution and prosecution of gay men and women simply because of who they are must stop.
Notice how there is no mention that the vast majority of countries that criminalize homosexuality DO NOT impose the death penalty on those convicted of homosexual acts (why let facts get in the way of pro homosexual propaganda?)
On a related note: I'm sure that travel agencies that cater to homosexuals are ecstatic that they'll be able to book destinations other than Thailand for their clients.
To see what the openly proud and unrepentant sexual deviant wing of the Republicrat Party is up to, here's their website:
Transgender activist Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner welcomed as a "Transgender Republican"
Let's see what the proud and unrepentant sexual deviants from the Log Cabin Republicans have to say this year at CPAC:
Log Cabin Republicans Issues Statement on Trump Administration Campaign To End Global Criminalization of Homosexuality
Date: 02/20/2019
Washington, D.C. – Log Cabin Republicans thank President Trump and Ambassador Richard Grenell for taking historic action today by pushing for the decriminalization of homosexuality around the world. The atrocious execution and prosecution of gay men and women simply because of who they are must stop.
Notice how there is no mention that the vast majority of countries that criminalize homosexuality DO NOT impose the death penalty on those convicted of homosexual acts (why let facts get in the way of pro homosexual propaganda?)
On a related note: I'm sure that travel agencies that cater to homosexuals are ecstatic that they'll be able to book destinations other than Thailand for their clients.
To see what the openly proud and unrepentant sexual deviant wing of the Republicrat Party is up to, here's their website:

Transgender activist Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner welcomed as a "Transgender Republican"