Not true. There are women who act against their own "bodily autonomy", and by their own will murder their child.
You're going to have to clarify that one for me.
Not true. There are women who act against their own "bodily autonomy", and by their own will murder their child.
If American conservatives were truly concerned about the well-being of children, they would have lobbied or a much different nation that currently exists - the US has one of the highest child poverty rates amongst developed countries!you can't get any more perverse than killing your child
is abortion a basic human right?
did God give man the free will to kill His children?
You can't choose to abort a birthed child..........
No...he gave womanhood the freewill to choose in accordance with her bodily autonomy though.
... the baby is NOT part of the woman's body because the baby has different DNA and therefore is a different person. You have no autonomy over killing other people despite what you Satanic god told you.
You're going to have to clarify that one for me.
......However, it appears abortion is taking this thread off track. :think:
I'm asking that you clarify your statement for me.
Yours made as much sense as mine did.
However, it appears abortion is taking this thread off track. :think:
Pretty hard to take a thread off track that derailed at the outset but hey...
Ah, well I just jumped in recently, so I'm behind the eight ball. :carryon:
Eh, when I play pool nowadays I rarely have a shot at the eight ball so you're ahead of me...
Haha....I'm thinking I used that expression incorrectly. :chuckle:
Reviewing the pending 'Equality Act' legislation that rainbow flag waver Donald Trump will undoubtedly sign when it comes to his desk:
The 5 groups effected will be:
1. Employers and Workers
2. Medical Professionals
3. Parents and Children
4. Women
5. Nonprofits and Volunteers
The Equality Act would also hurt charities, volunteers, and the populations they serve.
State and local sexual orientation and gender identity laws have shut down numerous faith-based adoption and foster care agencies across the country—in Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, California, Massachusetts, and the District of Columbia.
These states wrongly treated the belief that children do best with both a mother and a father as discriminatory—and kids are the ones who are paying the price.
With 428,000 children languishing in foster care nationwide, we need more agencies working to help kids find homes, not fewer.
Charities that hold to the reality of biological sex are under attack, too.
In Anchorage, Alaska, a biological male twice tried to gain access to the city’s Downtown Hope Center, a shelter for homeless, abused, and trafficked women.
In response, the individual sued the center for alleged “gender-identity discrimination.”
A federal sexual orientation and gender identity law could force any charity to open up private facilities—including sex-specific bathrooms, showers, and sleeping areas—to members of the opposite sex.
The Equality Act would cost our country countless charitable organizations, which means fewer institutions would be available to serve populations in need.
Read the article in it's entirety:
Note that the Church itself will not be exempt from this evil legislation either:
• Church leadership and nonprofit faith-based organizations and schools would be forced to hire gender-confused individuals and allow men access to female (or vice versa) restrooms, showers, locker rooms, dressing rooms, shelters, dormitories and sports.
• Churches that provide weddings or baby showers would be forced to provide the same facilities to LGBT events and “same-sex weddings." Church tax-exemption and college accreditation (including federal student loans) would be affected.
If you're able to find a church that still preaches that homosexuality is a sin in a few years, they too will be silenced as it will be deemed as 'hate speech'.
Longtime homosexual activist Donald Trump, proudly displaying the rainbow flag of death 2 days before the general election in 2016. As shown, as President he's continued to be a great friend of the child indoctrinating, institution destroying, God-HATING LGBT movement.
There is no way he will get a Trumpslide if he signs democrat poo such as this. He won't, and you know it.
I do know that Donald Trump was right when talking about his mindless lemming followers he stated:
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."
Because he did do that to someone was worth ammo on.
Whatever that means.
Remember that Donald Trump's star speaker at the Republican National Convention (homosexual/homosexual activist Peter Thiel) received a standing ovation after acknowledging hat he is a proud and unrepentant homosexual, who belittled the culture wars and specifically laws that prohibit men from entering women's restrooms, locker rooms and fitting rooms.
Remember that so-called "social conservatives" even stuck by Donald Trump's side when early in his Presidency he stated that Obergefell vs Hodges (i.e. the SCOTUS decision destroying the institution of marriage)
"is settled law, it's done, and I'm fine with that."
The Republicrat Party has turned into a Libertarian Party, and anyone with true conservative values abandoned them long ago as I did.