What a complete waste of time and vote- considering where politicians are on homosexuality.
It's of the utmost importance to the LGBTQ movement along with your godless Libertarian movement, why shouldn't it be of extremely high importance to people who have an ounce of decency about them?
Don't be a fool, it isn't going to go backwards. What is done in that regard is done. A president isn't going to be able to do anything about it, these are matters that require revolution.
Most of the great harm has been already done under the Obama administration: The institution of marriage has been redefined to include those who engage in same sex sodomy, and the US military is embracing openly homosexual people as well as gender confused ones, thus chasing out people who embrace decency and weakening our military strength. Hilary Clinton has promised to promote the LGBTQ agenda even further.
I foresee a President Ted Cruz dealing with the US military problem from a federal perspective (which it is) and turning over other social issues to the respective states. As a godless Libertarian, would you have a problem with that?