So what amount of abuse do you think aCW is required to flip an otherwise "normal kid" from heterosexual to homosexual desires?
That depends on the person that was sexually or psychologically abused. There are plenty of testimonies to hear and read in the index on page 1.
There are plenty of spurious testimonies out there aCW and you are certainly not going to present any that are not consistent with your agenda. It clearly is pointless trying to show some early life experience causes homosexuality, people generally will just be whatever they naturally are. We don't have any choice about our sexual desires because they are indeed firmly innate imo whether you like it or not or if it fits your agenda or not.
If gay people say that being gay was natural for them then I for one am not compelled to disbelieve them because of any adherence to another agenda and ancient scripture.
Shall I present some ex-ex-gay testimonies here if you find such things are persuasive?
No I thought not.

But then again the only testimonies you would probably be interested in would be those that resemble your homophobic agenda I suspect.
Why would abuse automatically cause homosexual desires to replace heterosexual ones anyway?
Who said anything about "automatic"? Not everyone that is physically or sexually abused "automatically" contracts same sex desires. That being said: Children who are developing both psychologically and physically are very vulnerable.
Then stop trying to look for some kind of life experience to account for sexual desires. Having a sexual preference, whatever it is, is something to presume is built-in and not something acquired because your agenda requires it.
Yes the supposed supernatural entity that people like you are always banging on about aCW, who apparently has set out the instructions in an ancient scripture for how to live this life that fundies choose to adhere to rather than risk engaging the brain that they think God gave them.
I thought that you either (depending on which day of the week it is) aren't sure if God exists or don't believe in Him at all? Wait, you're one of those atheist God-haters that I talk about so much aren't cha Al?
No I don't flip-flop, I don't claim to know if any god(s) exist. Fundies like you don't seem to understand "don't know" since they seem to think that theistic belief must always be an absolute. In your world however everyone believes in God apparently except that those who say they don't are lying and that in actually hate God, right aCW? Within your fundie mindset I am not allowed to genuinely not know?
In any event: "No one wants to be gay". Why not use every reliable resource (spirituality, therapy) to help these people so that they don't have to live with unnatural sexual desires?
One reason that some gay people would rather not be gay would be because homophobic bigotry is ruining their lives. Being constantly pressurised into not being what they are isn't exactly going to enhance anyone's life. Ask any ex-ex-gay.
