Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Who said they are lying? You all are lying for them- the claim that they are born gay came straight from the mouths of heterosexual liberals, Broseph.

For the margin of gays who do say they were 'born' gay, they were just made to believe so by you all.
Given then that we can presume that typically gay people were not molested and are not lying about their sexuality then they actually do naturally have same sex desires, not for the opposite sex, whether it fits with what you'd rather believe or not.
To claim some kind of liberalist conspiracy or indoctrination is of course total nonsense and just your typical ridiculous conservative fundamentalist hogwash.


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So what amount of abuse do you think aCW is required to flip an otherwise "normal kid" from heterosexual to homosexual desires?
That depends on the person that was sexually or psychologically abused. There are plenty of testimonies to hear and read in the index on page 1.
There are plenty of spurious testimonies out there aCW and you are certainly not going to present any that are not consistent with your agenda. It clearly is pointless trying to show some early life experience causes homosexuality, people generally will just be whatever they naturally are. We don't have any choice about our sexual desires because they are indeed firmly innate imo whether you like it or not or if it fits your agenda or not.
If gay people say that being gay was natural for them then I for one am not compelled to disbelieve them because of any adherence to another agenda and ancient scripture.
Shall I present some ex-ex-gay testimonies here if you find such things are persuasive?
No I thought not. :plain:
But then again the only testimonies you would probably be interested in would be those that resemble your homophobic agenda I suspect.

Why would abuse automatically cause homosexual desires to replace heterosexual ones anyway?
Who said anything about "automatic"? Not everyone that is physically or sexually abused "automatically" contracts same sex desires. That being said: Children who are developing both psychologically and physically are very vulnerable.
Then stop trying to look for some kind of life experience to account for sexual desires. Having a sexual preference, whatever it is, is something to presume is built-in and not something acquired because your agenda requires it.

Yes the supposed supernatural entity that people like you are always banging on about aCW, who apparently has set out the instructions in an ancient scripture for how to live this life that fundies choose to adhere to rather than risk engaging the brain that they think God gave them.

I thought that you either (depending on which day of the week it is) aren't sure if God exists or don't believe in Him at all? Wait, you're one of those atheist God-haters that I talk about so much aren't cha Al?
No I don't flip-flop, I don't claim to know if any god(s) exist. Fundies like you don't seem to understand "don't know" since they seem to think that theistic belief must always be an absolute. In your world however everyone believes in God apparently except that those who say they don't are lying and that in actually hate God, right aCW? Within your fundie mindset I am not allowed to genuinely not know?

In any event: "No one wants to be gay". Why not use every reliable resource (spirituality, therapy) to help these people so that they don't have to live with unnatural sexual desires?
One reason that some gay people would rather not be gay would be because homophobic bigotry is ruining their lives. Being constantly pressurised into not being what they are isn't exactly going to enhance anyone's life. Ask any ex-ex-gay.:plain:


Given then that we can presume that typically gay people were not molested and are not lying about their sexuality then they actually do naturally have same sex desires, not for the opposite sex, whether it fits with what you'd rather believe or not.
To claim some kind of liberalist conspiracy or indoctrination is of course total nonsense and just your typical ridiculous conservative fundamentalist hogwash.

Why would a person who turns to homosexuality have to be 'molested' or have some thing happen to them previously?
Homosexuality is a subculture, mostly comprised, again, of divorced husbands, jaded women, and otherwise mothers and fathers. Do you think Sodom comprised of 'innate' deviants? Of course not. Subculture.

Every time those such as yourself use the word 'conspiracy', you aren't sabotaging my stance but rather your own because your bias is not and never was in plain reality- such is what POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is. It is polite lies and ignorance.


I would say that Ben Carson has sold out God by endorsing the pervert Donald Trump, but as I'd shown earlier in this thread, Ben Carson sold out God long ago.

Dr. Ben Carson: 'I Support Civil Unions for Gay Couples'


Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump: 'We've Buried the Hatchet'


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That depends on the person that was sexually or psychologically abused. There are plenty of testimonies to hear and read in the index on page 1. [about what caused peoples' homosexual desires and what they did to help them leave those unwanted desires behind].

There are plenty of spurious testimonies out there aCW and you are certainly not going to present any that are not consistent with your agenda...Shall I present some ex-ex-gay testimonies here if you find such things are persuasive?
No I thought not.

Who do people that want to change an unwanted behavior or desire look to when they want to be successful Al, the people who have been successful or the ones' that have failed? Granted, you can look to the ones' that have failed to see why they failed, but successful people look to those who were successful before them as role models for change.

This topic has been discussed ad nauseam throughout this 4 part thread. The table of contents shows excellent organizations that have and will continue to help people with sexual and gender confusion.

Here's a link to about 3 dozen of them:

It also shows how the LGBTQ movement is doing everything possible from allowing people to be free of those immoral and unnatural desires.


New member
Why would a person who turns to homosexuality have to be 'molested' or have some thing happen to them previously?
That's exactly what I tell aCW, I suggest you ask him.

Homosexuality is a subculture, mostly comprised, again, of divorced husbands, jaded women, and otherwise mothers and fathers. Do you think Sodom comprised of 'innate' deviants? Of course not. Subculture.
You need to cite your evidence for this which seems to be plucked out of thin air imo. I accept that there is a gay sub-culture but it isn't something that all gay people want to be involved with and any sub-group of people may well have a sub-culture, why not? Christianity has many sub-cultures, body builders have a sub-culture, mountaineers do so what?
First establish that Sodom even existed and then demonstrate that its "sin" actually was homosexuality.

For the margin of gays who do say they were 'born' gay, they were just made to believe so by you all.
Every time those such as yourself use the word 'conspiracy', you aren't sabotaging my stance but rather your own because your bias is not and never was in plain reality- such is what POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is. It is polite lies and ignorance.
Who do you mean by "you all"? How exactly are gays being coerced by whoever "you all" is/are? Are they not being coerced by homophobic bigots such as right wing conservative Christians typically are, to become straight or at least lead an outwardly straight life? You might want to read the testimony of a few ex-ex-gays on their experiences with Christian "reparative therapy"?


You need to cite your evidence for this which seems to be plucked out of thin air imo.

You are the one who needs to cite evidence that people are born homosexuals. My claim has been assumed for all of human history up until you all said otherwise. You cannot prove it because there is none- you all made it up.

First establish that Sodom even existed and then demonstrate that its "sin" actually was homosexuality.

Sodom existed.

There you go :wave:

If you want to believe biblical authors just blindly made up a place, then go ahead, it's just part of your absurd anti-theistic complex.

And it is by reason alone that all the sexual deviance in Sodom were because of it's subculture. And also, there were all forms of sexual deviance, not just homosexuality- 'Sodomy' is anal or oral sex.

Who do you mean by "you all"?

All of you :idunno:

How exactly are gays being coerced

You all have them believe that their homosexuality is okay, and that they were born that way. Do you even realize that the people on the forefront of the gay agenda weren't even gays? It was YOU ALL.

YOU ALL used homosexuality as a tool to bash conservative and Christian values. Can I make this any clearer?


New member
You are the one who needs to cite evidence that people are born homosexuals. My claim has been assumed for all of human history up until you all said otherwise.
Keyword: assumed.

What you have there is a terrible reason to believe your claim. The vast majority of things assumed to be true since the bronze age have turned out to be wrong, particularly with regards to anything psychology of cognition related. We have historically been so bad at it that your reasoning is (almost) evidence against it being true.
You cannot prove it because there is none- you all made it up.
And you all made up that it is due to "sub-culture" and conscious choice.


...YOU ALL used homosexuality as a tool to bash conservative and Christian values. Can I make this any clearer?

Yes, make it clear that you're not a conservative but instead a godless Libertarian who not only supports children being adopted by homosexuals,

but are for the legalization of prostitution and marijuana as well.


As I recall, you're a Donald Trump supporter. Why don't you step forward and explain why Donald Trump would be great for this country as President?


New member
You are the one who needs to cite evidence that people are born homosexuals. My claim has been assumed for all of human history up until you all said otherwise. You cannot prove it because there is none- you all made it up.

Sodom existed.

There you go :wave:

If you want to believe biblical authors just blindly made up a place, then go ahead, it's just part of your absurd anti-theistic complex.
I'm more than content to believe the testimony of millions of extant gay people and offer that as perhaps the best evidence that we could reasonably expect, while you it seems prefer to cling to the much transcribed words written originally by anonymous middle eastern ancient bronze age goat herding folk while ignoring the evidence from extant gay people themselves.
Double standard noted, while there is something deeply flawed about your reasoning abilities imo, and perhaps you don't actually have any...? :think:

And it is by reason alone that all the sexual deviance in Sodom were because of it's subculture. And also, there were all forms of sexual deviance, not just homosexuality- 'Sodomy' is anal or oral sex.
I'll just await your evidence that Sodom was more than a mythical place and that for some reason it actually was a place of massive sexual deviance rather than a salacious tall tale told around some bronze age middle eastern camp fire.

All of you :idunno:
Not particularly helpful but perhaps you don't intend to be? :plain:

You all have them believe that their homosexuality is okay, and that they were born that way. Do you even realize that the people on the forefront of the gay agenda weren't even gays? It was YOU ALL.

YOU ALL used homosexuality as a tool to bash conservative and Christian values. Can I make this any clearer?
To my mind their homosexuality clearly is okay, and okay for them to do as they see fit if it involves only consenting adults, and I presume that they are not lying, that they do in fact prefer the same sex as sexual partners, I wouldn't presume to impose heterosexuality on them nor try to tell them what kind of intercouse they may or may not participate in, in private.


Keyword: assumed.

What you have there is a terrible reason to believe your claim. The vast majority of things assumed to be true since the bronze age have turned out to be wrong, particularly with regards to anything psychology of cognition related. We have historically been so bad at it that your reasoning is (almost) evidence against it being true.
And you all made up that it is due to "sub-culture" and conscious choice.

You all made up the claim that people are born homosexuals. That's a mighty intellectual sin in my book, being that you all are the ones who started it all in the first place. There's never been any reason to think people are born homosexuals because it is contrary to the physiology and progression of humans.

Your whole post is just rank nonsense, I don't need even need to entertain your plainly erroneous logic. Especially with the use of 'bronze age'. I'm surprised 'bigot' and other overly states words aren't in your post.

Homosexuality is a subculture and is as forensic and demonstrated as any other. It's not matter of opinion, you all are professional liars and mask reality with illusions.
When you can't even accept that a historical city existed simply because it was put into literature by a biblical author and not some random mud hut dweller, that raises a red flag about you people.


New member
You all made up the claim that people are born homosexuals. That's a mighty intellectual sin in my book, being that you all are the ones who started it all in the first place. There's never been any reason to think people are born homosexuals because it is contrary to the physiology and progression of humans.
Ignoring what homosexuals say themselves is somethings you seem to be extremely good at.
Claiming that sexual desire must always comply with the physical gender is not a valid argument in the face of that physical reality. Indeed I myself have previously posted scientific research that suggests that male gay siblings within a family unit can actually be a Darwinian advantage in raising genetically similar offspring.
Given that you are probably someone who finds Darwinian evolution rather less less than appealing I suppose that you won't be too convinced by that in a world created by a supernatural being rather than by physics alone? Nevertheless as far as evolution by natural selection goes it doesn't care if physical attributes match with the mental inclination, it only has to work to some advantage.


New member
Your whole post is just rank nonsense, I don't need even need to entertain your plainly erroneous logic. Especially with the use of 'bronze age'. I'm surprised 'bigot' and other overly states words aren't in your post.
Iow you know that the ancient words you adhere to rather than those of living people are indeed those of middle eastern bronze age goat herding folk and that you have no rebuttal argument logical or otherwise.

Homosexuality is a subculture and is as forensic and demonstrated as any other. It's not matter of opinion, you all are professional liars and mask reality with illusions.
When you can't even accept that a historical city existed simply because it was put into literature by a biblical author and not some random mud hut dweller, that raises a red flag about you people.
Why must we accept the lost city of Sodom by special pleading evidence-free, and yet the lost city of Atlantis presumably you have no problem discounting as myth? :idunno:
Maybe you think that all mythical places were actually real, or perhaps only if the words appear in the Bible it makes them true? Clearly if the words are those of extant gay people you will simply disregard them as of no consequence.


God has coffee with Donald Trump

J. Matt Barber
March 7, 2016

What would happen if Donald Trump sat down with the Creator of the universe in a SoHo bistro?

The following statements attributed to Mr. Trump are not fabricated. The man truly uttered them. Those attributed to God are likewise genuine.

With whom do you agree?

Lattes are poured and chairs, scooted.

The discussion begins.

Trump: "I am a really smart guy. I'm intelligent. Some people would say I'm very, very, very intelligent. I know what sells, and I know what people want."

God: " oppose the proud, but give grace to the humble. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted" (James 4:6 and Luke 14:11).

Trump: "Nothing wrong with ego. Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser. Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest – and you all know it!"

God: "Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches. When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil" (Jeremiah 9:23, Proverbs 11:2, James 4:16).

Trump: "If you don't tell people about your success, they probably won't know about it."

"Part of the beauty of me is that I am very rich. I'm really rich. Cash is king, and that's one of the beauties of the casino business. And while I can't honestly say I need an 80-foot living room, I do get a kick out of having one."

God: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil" (1 Timothy 6:10).

Trump: "Fighting for the last penny is a very good philosophy to have. I have black guys counting my money. ... I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day. Who the f – k knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?"

God: "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24).

The conversation moves on to Mr. Trump's boasting of his many adulterous affairs.

God: "Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress?" (Proverbs 5:20)

Trump: "Nice t-ts, no brains. A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world, I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, 'Can you believe what I am getting?'"

God: "Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered" (1 Peter 3:7).

Trump: "[Women:] You have to treat 'em like s – t."

"When a man leaves a woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of a – a good one! – there are 50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left."

"If I get my name in the paper, if people pay attention, that's what matters. You know, it really doesn't matter what they write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of a – ."

"It's all in the hunt, and once you get it, it loses some of its energy. I think competitive, successful men feel that way about women. Don't you agree? Really, don't you agree?"

God: "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous" (Hebrews 13:4).

The discussion shifts to Mr. Trump's lifelong and, until of late, Democratic Party affiliation, Obamacare and his opposition to a ban on even partial-birth abortion.

God: "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward" (Psalm 127:3).

Trump: "No, I am pro-choice in every respect. Very pro-choice. I just believe in choice."

"I identify more as a Democrat. It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Hillary's a great friend of mine. Her husband is a great friend of mine. I think Hillary is going to take it, and I think Hillary is very, very capable. Hillary's always surrounded herself with very good people. I think Hillary would do a good job."

"[Obama] is a strong guy who really knows what he wants, and this is what we need. What he has done is amazing."

"I'm a liberal on health care. I like universal health care. As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland."

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/mbarber/160307




Welcome back Donald Trump supporter patrick jane. No one besides yourself seems to want to come forward to defend "The Donald". Maybe you can defend the violence that has been going on at numerous Trump rallies?

I've been telling people to get a hold of Trump's interview with Playboy magazine (that good Christian Donald Trump was on the cover), and how he praised the Chinese communists for the force they used against the freedom protestors in Tiananmen Square.

Gee, I wonder why Donald Trump supporters are so violent, certainly they haven't borrowed that mindset from their godless leader?


Ted Cruz, the voice of common sense, talks about violence at Donald Trump rallies and who is responsible for such violence.

Ted Cruz is just another politician, clearly.

You cannot be elected by being a good Christian.

That's why Jesus says His followers are not of the world.
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