Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Is that why you gave up smoking pot and took up drinking?
I simply grew to prefer alcohol over weed
What, the escape from reality wasn't good enough by using pot?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You forgot your defense of prostitution.
Prostitution has been legal for most of history, in even the most strict of Christian places where you'd be put on house arrest for speaking against a clergyman. The Church even collected taxes from it
Even Sodom and Gonorrhea South (San Francisco) defeated legalizing prostitution when it was on the ballot a few years back, hardly a "most strict Christian place".
Prostitution goes against God's Word dealing with human sexuality: One man, one woman, united in matrimony. It cheapens the beautiful act of marriage.
I could show the great harm that prostitution brings to individuals and society, but the last time I did that TOL's moral crusader Patrick jane took offense and I was banned for 2 weeks.
Prostitution made illegal is due to neo-Puritanism, as it was outlawed only as far back as the 1800's.
And I never said I agreed with a woman prostituting herself, only that it's dubious for a state to make such relevant regulations.
So you don't agree with a woman selling her body, but you want it legal (me thinkz Crucible is on something a tad bit stronger than alcohol).
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
This is how conservative is defined: Acknowledging and embracing God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture. If you need to be reminded how God feels about homosexuality, prostitution and recreational drug use (sorcery), then I'll gladly school you on it.
No it's not. Conservatism is exactly as the word implies, to be conserved in political and moral ideology.
God's moral guidelines, not mans'.
By your own standard, the conservatives themselves went and violated this in the Puritan age.
Do tell.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
We've already talked about how the homosexual agenda is responsible for putting innocent children in the homes of proud and unrepentant sexual deviants, now let's talk about sorcery:
...“sorcery” is pharmakeia, which is the source of our English word pharmacy. In Paul’s day, the word primarily meant “dealing in poison” or “drug use” and was applied to divination and spell-casting because sorcerers often used drugs along with their incantations and amulets to conjure occult power.
'Putting innocent children' in the homes of 'unrepentant homosexuals' has no bearing on the development of the child.
They have two mothers, or fathers, and may or may not get some flack about it in high school. Sorry, but that trumps growing up in the system and living off the government or going to jail.
Maybe we can go over Linda Harvey's "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children" now?
Who's really the liberal here
What happened in your life to cause so much moral confusion Crucible?