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You're going against Scripture again by referring to me as a woman:
Deuteronomy 22:5
you should examine yourself to see if you actually follow Jesus' two great commandments that you accuse so many of not doing and, as you've judged, are not followers of Christ. You said you have nothing to prove (as you ask for proof from others) because God knows your heart. He does. God also knows the hearts of me, Crowder and two posters you dragged into our discussion, musty and okdoser in another one of your patented smear campaigns.
I haven't seen any videos of pro LGBTQ activist Steven Crowder denouncing same sex relationships or providing solutions to the LGBTQ agenda. Nor have I seen any solutions provided by you or your numerous sock puppet accounts providing solutions to the LGBTQ agenda.
I never smeared Roy Moore FYI, you would know that if you ventured out from your blog here and read some other threads. I'm not in the business of smearing people. I'm not smearing you either, simply pointing out problems with your "solutions" and your blatant hypocrisy.
I am a follower of Christ because I believe..
"Believe" in what? Certainly you don't believe in His Word when it come's legislating righteous laws and telling others (such as your good friend Art Brain whom you've given dozens of thanks to for his posts) that what he stands for goes directly against God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture.
and that's not for you to judge, inasmuch as you love judging others. Is a gay man's sin worse than yours? Then cast the first stone.
If someone who has homosexual desires, hasn't repented, i.e. he or she is "proud" of their desires and behavior, then yes, their sin is much much worse than those who have repented yet continue to struggle with sinful desires and/or behavior.
You always have more questions before you will answer any and your debate tactics are pathetic. That said, I've had my fill of your personal obsession with sex.
This soon to be 5 part thread isn't going anywhere Aaron. I'd like to thank the good people at TOL (it's owner, it's moderators) for allowing it to be seen. In this day and age, the truth too often isn't allowed to be told, especially the truth about homosexual behavior and the LGBTQ agenda.
For the record, as I said previously Jesus mentions sexual immorality once that I know of. You asked me to show one sentence (as you term scripture) of Jesus "doing a 180" on homosexuality. A stupid request as we both know He didn't. But those are the kinds of stupid questions you ask when you debate one on one. If you can't find somebody to debate you create one by hounding people to answer or posting 2 year old quotes. Or in my case go to another thread to tell lies. Will liars inherit the Kingdom of Heaven?
No, those that lie and say that Jesus embraces 'loving' same sex relationships will not inherit the Kingdom Heaven.
Since I know you'll thump your chest, I'm going to boast now (which I don't do). I completely obliterated you over the last two days in every post. How does it feel? Here's a wink right back at ya- now get back to lying and smearing and mocking God.
Yes Aaron, you, like always, have completely obliterated me in debate, both here and in your thread embracing sexual deviant Steven Crowder.
Surely you'll stick around and continue to obliterate me so that the 200-300 daily viewers can applaud your excellent debate skills?