Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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"To have AIDS, according to the Bengui Definition, the patient must have two of these three symptoms: "prolonged fevers for a month or more, weight loss over 10 percent, or prolonged diarrhea," combined with any one of several minor symptoms -- chronically swollen lymph nodes, persistent cough for more than a month, persistent herpes, itching skin inflammation or several others.

But many of these symptoms show up from other African diseases, now vastly spread because of the political chaos. Poor sanitation, poverty, malnutrition and parasitic diseases were always common and are now endemic."


No, this is not according the the Bengui Definition, you continue to leave out huge parts of the diagnostic criteria.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes, we all know that.

so, once again. REAL slow.

That picture is a selfie taken by Mike Huges. Mike Huges is a transsexual.

The so called bathroom bills that states have passed and more states are trying to pass state: "transgender people should be required to use public bathrooms that match the gender they were born into."

If that selfie were taken in a state with with a bathroom bill in place then he would be required, by law, to use the women's restroom.

Going over it once again:
Mike Huges is a transsexual
Stupid people want laws saying that transexuals must use public bathrooms that "match the gender they were born into."
Mike took that selfie in the restroom such a law would require him to use.

well, i'm not very bright, but it appears to me that you haven't answered my question

can you explain to me (slowly) why those two women are perverts for not wanting a man in their restroom?


Going over it once again:
Mike Huges is a transsexual
Stupid people want laws saying that transexuals must use public bathrooms that "match the gender they were born into."
Mike took that selfie in the restroom such a law would require him to use.


Mike (aka Michelle?) Hughes is a lesbian that pretends to be a male. She needs spiritual and psychological help, not a license to continue her immoral lifestyle and promote a Godless agenda.


Once again the 'gaystapo' flexes it muscle, this time to intimidate it's way into the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Boston.

Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade allows homosexual group after threats of large-scale violence. LGBT protesters to be bussed in from other states to disrupt event.
Boston Police would not guarantee safety
Threats followed huge (but unsuccessful) pressure by media, politicians, corporations
Aim to subvert Catholic character of parade

March 17, 2017

This Sunday the annual Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade will march through the streets of South Boston. It will not be a happy time for the parade organizers. Normally, if a private parade votes not to include a particular group, it’s so insignificant that no news organization would care. But since it’s a homosexual group trying to get into a Catholic parade, the liberal establishment went haywire. The wrath and fury of the mainstream media, major politicians, big corporations, and ultimately national activists was turned on the group of Catholic veterans in charge of the parade.

It’s important that people understand how aggressive the anti-Catholic, pro-LGBT furor has become.
Over the past few weeks, the leaders of the Allied War Veterans Council (who run the annual Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade) had been continuously and viciously attacked in the Boston media, by major Boston politicians, and other groups. Corporations were threatening to pull their financial support.
The firestorm was over the Council's refusal to include an overtly homosexual contingent in their pro-family Catholic parade. Through all of that, the Council members stoically stuck to their principles.
Then suddenly, on Friday afternoon, March 10, Tim Duross, the main parade organizer, announced that they’d changed their minds and they are now welcoming the openly homosexual group to join the parade.
Why did Duross do that? The media’s narrative is certainly gratifying to them: That the liberal establishment’s pressure, intimidation, and extortion tactics made the Council leaders “see the light” on diversity and inclusion. But that’s not the whole story.

What the media didn’t report – threats of large-scale violence

But here’s what the media has not reported. The parade organizers had every intention of holding to their principles. They only agreed to include the homosexual group after threats of widespread violence -- and possible deaths.
On Friday afternoon, March 10, a few hours after Duross’s announcement, Philip J. Wuschke, Jr., a former Council Commander and lifetime Council member, called MassResistance. He said that Duross had told him that the Boston Police Commissioner’s office had warned him that busloads of LGBT activists from other states were planning to come to Boston to protest the parade and disrupt it. Furthermore, there would likely be violence and even possible deaths.

Read more: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen3/17a/St-Patricks-Day-Parade/index.html




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Yes, we all know that.

so, once again. REAL slow.

That picture is a selfie taken by Mike Huges. Mike Huges is a transsexual.

The so called bathroom bills that states have passed and more states are trying to pass state: "transgender people should be required to use public bathrooms that match the gender they were born into."

If that selfie were taken in a state with with a bathroom bill in place then he would be required, by law, to use the women's restroom.

Going over it once again:
Mike Huges is a transsexual
Stupid people want laws saying that transexuals must use public bathrooms that "match the gender they were born into."
Mike took that selfie in the restroom such a law would require him to use.

Homosexuality is not only a sin, but a crime. We've come to ignore 3500 years of it being such, just so that a couple of sissies can spread their perversity around, flaunt their sin, and mock God, showing Him how rebellious they can be.

If we had a righteous justice system, there wouldn't be people like "Mike" Huges. We wouldn't have to worry about silly bathroom bills that do nothing but inherently promote wickedness. We wouldn't have to try to legislate civility. Men would use the men's room, and women would use the women's room. There wouldn't be any sexual tension in the restroom or locker rooms. Men could be men, and women could be women.

The LGBTQ (etc) movement wouldn't exist, because what they promote is immoral and disgusting. It's a perversion of what is good and righteous.

If there is no God, then there is nothing wrong with the LGBTQ(etc) movement. However, there is, and He has called their actions an abomination.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i understand what dante's saying, but it's not an answer to my question

in response to his deflections, i would say that, rather than attempt to exclude those with "gender confusion" from the inappropriate bathroom, how about we just recognize that they are mentally ill, lock them up in a mental institution and let them go to whichever bathroom they want in the mental institution

not sure why we want these mentally ill perverts loose in society at all :idunno:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
But many of these symptoms show up from other African diseases, now vastly spread because of the political chaos. Poor sanitation, poverty, malnutrition and parasitic diseases were always common and are now endemic."

No, this is not according the the Bengui Definition, you continue to leave out huge parts of the diagnostic criteria.

Once again: Page 15:

Clinical Diagnosis of AIDS

Exclusion criteria:

1). Pronounced malnutrition
2). Cancer
3). Immunosuppressive treatment

Make your case as to why AIDS is a disease contracted by children and heterosexual women in Africa, but disproportionately is contracted by homosexuals in westernized countries.


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i understand what dante's saying, but it's not an answer to my question

in response to his deflections, i would say that, rather than attempt to exclude those with "gender confusion" from the inappropriate bathroom, how about we just recognize that they are mentally ill, lock them up in a mental institution and let them go to whichever bathroom they want in the mental institution

not sure why we want these mentally ill perverts loose in society at all :idunno:
Stupid doesn't make you sin. Sin makes you stupid. Locking them up only suspends the problem. It's prison for the mentally unwell. Prisons are only good for one thing: Holding criminals until they can be sentenced and punished.

People who practice homosexuality should be executed.

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i understand what dante's saying, but it's not an answer to my question

in response to his deflections, i would say that, rather than attempt to exclude those with "gender confusion" from the inappropriate bathroom, how about we just recognize that they are mentally ill, lock them up in a mental institution and let them go to whichever bathroom they want in the mental institution

not sure why we want these mentally ill perverts loose in society at all :idunno:
In other words, lock them up and they will come to resent you for doing it. Facing one's mortality tends to have the effect (in about 50% of the population of humanity) of making one see their need for repentance.

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...People who practice homosexuality should be executed.

ok doser and his band of Libertarians don't have a problem with homosexuality, transgenderism, etc., they just don't want to see it.

You on the other hand should look into moving to Islamic countries where they still practice punishment that the Jews used prior to Jesus' new covenant.


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You on the other hand should look into moving to Islamic countries

So in order for you to make your views of the issue look better than mine you relate my position to Islam?

where they still practice punishment that the Jews used

As I've stated before, Sharia law is not the Mosaic law.

prior to Jesus' new covenant.

Who was Jesus sent to to minister to? The Jews? Or the world?

Did Jesus abolish the 10 commandments and the rest of the Law? Or did He say He did not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it?

Is the Law a tool of the wicked? Or a tool of the righteous, to be used as a tutor to bring the unsaved to Christ?

The law is good for the lawless. But it is not good for those who are freed from the law.

Who is promoting lawlessness here? Me? Or Dante and the homos? What did God say about men who lay with men?

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New member

Mike (aka Michelle?) Hughes is a lesbian that pretends to be a male. She needs spiritual and psychological help, not a license to continue her immoral lifestyle and promote a Godless agenda.


yeah...right. and that's why you originally referred to Mike as:

What gives anyone the right to ask this person, who appears to be a male, but very well might be a female trapped in a male's body, when he's inside a women's restroom/locker room/fitting room the following question:



So it seems Mike there is in the restroom you want him to use. Why are you having a problem with that?


New member
Homosexuality is not only a sin, but a crime. We've come to ignore 3500 years of it being such, just so that a couple of sissies can spread their perversity around, flaunt their sin, and mock God, showing Him how rebellious they can be.

This is still a free country so you and aCW are free to prance and flaunt all you like.


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This is still a free country so you and aCW are free to prance and flaunt all you like.

So are child molesters free to do what they want, to molest children? It's a free country after all, is it not? Or should we stop them from doing what they want?

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You on the other hand should look into moving to Islamic countries
So in order for you to make your views of the issue look better than mine you relate my position to Islam?

To my knowledge, that's the only religion that tosses sexually confused men, women and children off of roofs.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
where they still practice punishment that the Jews used

As I've stated before, Sharia law is not the Mosaic law.

I've told you numerous times to study up on Jewish civil, ceremonial and moral laws. The latter are universal, i.e. still applicable today, the first two aren't. Civil laws layed out the punishment for certain crimes and acts, like banishing a married couple that have sex during the wife's menstrual cycle.


If it makes you feel any better, there are plenty of LGBTQ activists out there that have committed capital crimes and in a righteous society would be tried and executed (you'll have to settle for the gas chamber or electric chair, as I believe stoning goes against the 8th Amendment).

There are plenty of laws on the books that will put sexual deviants away and stop the LGBTQueer movement and agenda dead it it's tracks, while still giving individuals an opportunity to repent. Just think of all of the good people who have left homosexuality and transgenderism behind that wouldn't be around to help others if you had your way:

Walt Heyer is one of them.


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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Mike (aka Michelle?) Hughes is a lesbian that pretends to be a male. She needs spiritual and psychological help, not a license to continue her immoral lifestyle and promote a Godless agenda.

So it seems Mike there is in the restroom you want him to use. Why are you having a problem with that?

Don't you find it rather ironic that transgender activist Mike (aka Michelle?) Hughes put all of that effort into playing a pretend male yet still likes to hang out with the girls in women's restrooms?

(Shhhhhh, if the word gets out she might be stripped of her transgender activist status).


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Once again the 'gaystapo' flexes it muscle, this time to intimidate it's way into the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Boston...

On Friday afternoon, March 10, a few hours after Duross’s announcement, Philip J. Wuschke, Jr., a former Council Commander and lifetime Council member, called MassResistance. He said that Duross had told him that the Boston Police Commissioner’s office had warned him that busloads of LGBT activists from other states were planning to come to Boston to protest the parade and disrupt it. Furthermore, there would likely be violence and even possible deaths.

You can always count on massresistance to provide the best fake news.

If we didn't have a pro LGBTQ President, the organizers of the Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade could count on him to have the FBI investigate the accusations and if found to be true, have those involved brought up on criminal conspiracy and RICCO charges.

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