So you would go into a woman's restroom to assault someone?
That's probably the dumbest comment I've seen you make, so far, and it's by far the most unsubstantiated.
How do you know? Did you run DNA tests to confirm the person in that picture has two X chromosomes instead of an X and a y?
What evidence do you have that the person who is taking a selfie in the women's restroom is actually a woman?
Here's the evidence the person is a man:
Short hair
Bulky body
Facial structure.
Here's the evidence that the person is a woman:
I guess you could say the person is in a women's restroom...
So, if you weigh the evidence, which seems more likely? Pervert man in women's restroom taking a selfie with two actual women in the bathroom who are giving him strange looks? Or woman in women's restroom with nothing wrong at all?
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Is Gary Steiner a transsexual? No.
Has he ever claimed to be transsexual? No.
Do you care at all about Kelly Herron?...
Having a fit over who is using what bathroom is very weird.
no, your claim that "Score 12 points, and according to the LGBTQ friendly World Health Organization, you have AIDS." is just another one of your lies.
So you would go into a woman's restroom to assault someone?
Not to mention, it's quite unclear what his position is on murdering unborn children.With congressional hearings on the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch starting today, people should be aware that he's not the conservative that the LGBTQueer movement and Trump supporters make him out to be.
Back on page 288 it was revealed how Gorsuch has been LGBTQ friendly:!-Part-4&p=4920034&viewfull=1#post4920034
Now let's hear from some of his proud and unrepentant homosexual friends:
Gorsuch Not Easy to Pigeonhole on Gay Rights, Friends Say
Feb. 11, 2017
Phil Berg was nervous as he prepared to tell Neil Gorsuch he was gay.
AIDS was still in the headlines at the time, the early 1990s, and same-sex marriage was a far-fetched notion. Some of Mr. Berg’s other friends had not reacted well to his news. So he moved with caution, slipping the word “boyfriend” casually into conversation with Mr. Gorsuch, his dear friend and Harvard Law School classmate.
“He didn’t skip a beat,” Mr. Berg, now a corporate lawyer in Manhattan said, recalling how that conversation led to a “special bond” between the two men. “It was a huge deal for me, and it made a lasting impression.
...Like Justice Scalia, Judge Gorsuch regards himself as an originalist, meaning he tries to interpret the Constitution based on the text as written by the founding fathers. But he is three decades younger than Justice Scalia was when he died. He has had two openly gay clerks, and he lives with his wife, Louise, and their two daughters in liberal Boulder, Colo., where his church, St. John’s Episcopal, welcomes gay members.
...Against that backdrop, the judge’s gay friends — both Democrats and Republicans — find themselves vouching for him.
“I said, “Listen, I’m a liberal gay Jew from New England and you were appointed by George W. Bush, and I want to make sure I’m not going to be uncomfortable here,’” said Joshua Goodbaum, a former clerk of Judge Gorsuch, recalling his 2008 job interview.
And when Mr. Goodbaum married his longtime partner in 2014 — the year before the Supreme Court’s landmark decision on same-sex marriage — he said, “The judge was thrilled for us.”
“He was actually kind of syrupy about it. I remember him saying, ‘You’re going to see how wonderful this is for your relationship.’’’
...Mr. Mehlman, who guided Mr. Bush to re-election in 2004 despite his platform opposing same-sex marriage, has since come out as gay and has worked aggressively to advance gay rights at the state and federal level. He declined to be interviewed, but he is circulating a letter of support for the judge and posted a congratulatory message to Judge Gorsuch on his Facebook page. So did Mr. Berg.
“Since Ronald and I married,” Mr. Berg wrote on Facebook, referring to Ronald Riqueros, “we have had a standing invitation to stay with Neil and Louise in Denver. And just last week, Neil told me that if they should move to D.C., ‘Our guest room will be waiting.’”
Not to mention, it's quite unclear what his position is on murdering unborn children.
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considering he is charged with sexual assault I'm sure the police questioned him about his motivations.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Wouldn't it be considered 'policing a women's restroom/locker room/fitting room' if when someone who observed what they thought was a male enter a women's restroom, locker room or fitting room, confronted him and asked:
"Do you identify as non-binary, or fluid, or demigender, or pangender or gender gifted?"
I just want to know if the man accused of assaulting Seattle liberal Kelly Herron in a Golden Gardens women's restroom (a park in NW Seattle) should have been questioned about what he was doing inside a women's restroom?
Except Kim Herron isn't having a fit about who is using what bathroom. Her issue is with hate groups and sexual perverts co-opting and lying about what happened to her as a means of promoting hate and discrimination. Now I know you don't see anything wrong with false witness, you do it all the time. In fact you couldn't argue for your position without lying about everything.So you do want to police women's restrooms and ask the following question to those who appear to be males:
"Do you identify as non-binary, or fluid, or demigender, or pangender or gender gifted?"
You really should ask the guy who wrote this a few posts back:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Hey, it's your LGBTQ movement's hoax that you're defending, make your case (using the Banqui Defintion) as to why people should believe that AIDS in Africa is the same AIDS that homosexuals in westernized countries have been dying from for 30+ years now.
Again: Page 15.
The LGBTQueer hoax in Africa has been revealed in the WHMBR! Part 4 thread. Thanks for helping me show that it is.
Not very bright are you?
if you go by chromosomes alone there are three women in that picture.
Except Kim Herron isn't having a fit about who is using what bathroom.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It doesn't get any better than a biblical based representative constitutional republic where it's citizens' rights come from God.
I'll show the flaws of your proposed monarchy in your thread.
That being said: Since I've exposed the African AIDS hoax without anyone coming forward to show that it isn't, I'll leave that subject behind andI delve into another topic that I've been holding off on:
The history of American (public) education.
With you being homeschooled, I look forward to your input. Be forewarned though, it wasn't homeschooling that made America great, it was a specific book that was used and referenced so very often that did.
why would anybody go by chromosomes alone? :freak:
what state do you live in where they check your chromosomes before you're allowed into the restroom? :freak:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I just want to know if the man accused of assaulting Seattle liberal Kelly Herron in a Golden Gardens women's restroom (a park in NW Seattle) should have been questioned about what he was doing inside a women's restroom?
She should be:
Like I said in an earlier post:
Liberal/Libertarian policies are coming back to haunt those who embrace them, but unfortunately, they won't admit to it.
Fortunately I live in a state where there isn't law requiring people to be interrogated by a bunch of perverts about their biological gender before being allowed into a rest room.
Pete (LMOHM) had denounced you on this years ago and had direct experience in his missionary work that is corroborated by many a source that hasn't fallen off the back of a truck. You haven't exposed anything except your inability to think outside of some doctrinal blinkered box. I do hope he comes back himself and addresses this cos it's more than you could do at the time. You kept squirming away from directly addressing the issues with feeble excuses.
Get off that pompous bloody high horse for once aCW. This thread is not some crusade, it's just your own obsessive little blog.
Yes, we all know that.ok, then I'll ask my question again, and go reeaaalll slow with your answer, bearing in mind that i'm not very bright
can you explain to me (slowly) why these two women are perverts for not wanting a man in their restroom?