Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Let's see who President Elect Donald Trump has named as his Chief of Staff:

Surprise, surprise! Yet another pro LGBTQ'er, GOP chairman Reince Priebus.

Reince Priebus named Trump’s chief of staff

A little bit of history about Priebus, a supposed conservative.

March 26, 2013

Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus, on USA TODAY's Capital Download, says the party shouldn't act 'like Old Testament heretics' on same-sex marriage but should welcome those who support it.

WASHINGTON -- The GOP platform leaves no doubt about its absolute opposition to same-sex marriage, but Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus says the party needs to welcome those with other views on a combustible issue that will be considered by the Supreme Court today.

"We do have a platform, and we adhere to that platform," Priebus said in an interview Monday on USA TODAY's Capital Download video series. "But it doesn't mean that we divide and subtract people from our party" who support the right of gay men and lesbians to marry.

"I don't believe we need to act like Old Testament heretics," he said, saying Republicans "have to strike a balance between principle and grace and respect."..

Read more: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/03/25/priebus-rnc-gay-marriage/2017901/

Priebus says gay convention speaker [Peter Thiel] is 'welcome in our party'

But wait! There's more!

Trump considering openly homosexual man as UN Ambassador

Is the picture getting a little more clear for those of you that actually fell for Donald Trump's lies about being a social conservative?



Sure would love to read Clete rationalize that one :chuckle:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is the picture getting a little more clear for those of you that actually fell for Donald Trump's lies about being a social conservative?

Clear as a bell !!! :rotfl:

You Libertarians knew all along what you were getting with Donald Trump ("New York values"), but did you really think that he would be this pro LGBTQueer so soon after the election?

Sure would love to read Clete rationalize that one :chuckle:

There's a long list of supposed conservatives that don't respond to my posts in other threads:

Clete and JeffreyBlue are two of them.

Lemme know if you're able to engage Clete in debate over all of these pro LGBTQ Trump appointees, as I'd love to see that conversation.


This post from another thread (which has gone unanswered by the Trump supporter who started the thread) is worth sharing here:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I wasn't aware that buggery was/is a 'conservative value' CS. Who made it one?

Originally Posted by ClimateSanity
Letting people live the life they choose is the essence of conservative values. Religion is a separate affair.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You're confusing conservative with Libertarian. Get with musterion and he'll tell you all about Libertarianism.


to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of

In this case, moral decay.

Now that I've gotten your attention, onto the rest of my post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding your support of SSM and supposedly defending religious liberties so that right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and evil can "coexist in a free, pluralistic society":

Exactly how does that work?

Surely after all of the threats, assaults and property destruction by the 'gaystapo' against people of faith and those who simply believe in decency, you wouldn't want homosexuals and transvestites to be treated like 2nd class citizens would you CS?

I marvel at how once they've conquered most of their goals through all kinds of violence and intimidation, some in the LGBTQueer movement want to come across as 'reasonable people'.

Take away any of those political gains and you'll see the claws come out again CS, I guarantee you.
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I had to laugh when reading some comments from another forum about President Elect Donald Trump's serious consideration of openly homosexual Richard Grenell as US ambassador to the pro one world government United Nations, as it reminds me so much of TOL.

Comment: I don’t think too many people care about a person’s sexuality, the only thing that matters is whether they’re competent to do their job.

Response: Yeah, those billion or so anti-queer posts on ... have suddenly vanished in the mists of pre-Trumpian time.


Openly homosexual Trump supporters/appointees Peter Thiel and Richard Grenell
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New member
Regarding 'marriage equality': While our Founding Fathers detested homosexual acts and didn't write the Constitution for anyone other than a moral and religious people,
you mean for anyone other than white males.

both Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges are unconstitutional because there is nowhere in any founding documents where it says that people have some kind of 'right' to engage in immoral behavior. The issue of homosexuality should be returned to the respective states to make those decisions on their own (and the federal government should not bail these states out after they realize that things like free HIV/AIDS drugs is bankrupting their state).
there is nothing in any "founding documents" that says slavery is wrong or that women have rights.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I wasn't aware that murder should be a 'states rights issue', perhaps we should ask our resident Constitutional scholar MrDante to weigh in on this?

Marriage Equality ‘Settled’ but Abortion Isn’t: Trump Contradicts on ‘60 Minutes’

you mean for anyone other than white males.

there is nothing in any "founding documents"* that says slavery is wrong or that women have rights.

And here I thought you were going to defend the ACLU claim that two guys buggerizing each other in a cubicle where normal people dispose of bodily waste is a "constitutional right".

*Pssst, it was written in the charter to the Constitution: the Declaration of Independence.


Because children should enjoy the health hazards that come with buggery too! (i.e. those Canadians, they're so...progressive when it comes to perversion).

Liberals to revamp 'discriminatory' age law for anal intercourse

Change comes as Justin Trudeau appoints new adviser to advance equality agenda

Nov. 15, 2016

The Liberal government is repealing what it calls a "discriminatory" law that makes it illegal to have anal sex under the age of 18, unless it is between a husband and wife.

Right now, the age of consent for sexual activity is 16 but the Criminal Code prohibits anal intercourse for people under the age 18 unless they are husband and wife, a discrepancy many have denounced as unconstitutional.

Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould announced the change today, saying the "outdated" law violates equality rights.

This section of the Criminal Code is discriminatory and the LGBTQ2 community has rightfully called for its repeal," she said.

"Our society has evolved over the last few decades and our criminal justice system needs to evolve as well. This legislation will help ensure that the system is keeping pace with societal change and continuing to meet expectations of Canadians."

Wilson-Raybould said the change is substantive and not just symbolic. In 2014 and 2015, there were 69 charges laid under the law, though none led to convictions. The minister said appellate courts across the country have deemed the law unconstitutional.

The bill, C-32, is retroactive to 1983, but Wilson-Raybould said the law does not mean automatic pardons. That falls under the jurisdiction of Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, who is studying the issue, she said.

Diversity and inclusion

"The proposed amendment would ensure, in law, that all forms of consensual sexual activity are treated the same," she said. "Diversity and inclusion have long been among the values Canadians embrace. Canadians expect their laws and their government to reflect these values."...

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justin-trudeau-names-advisor-on-lgbt-issues-1.3851301

(Trudeau appointed an adviser on anal sex?).

Perhaps the Canadian government should be told what pretty much every person with an ounce of common sense knows:

That the sphincter muscle isn't meant to be penetrated.


For those of you that have been following this 4 part thread, you know that I went into great detail to expose the phony movement called "Libertarianism" in Part 2, and continue to point out the anti God beliefs of those who embrace it.

There is a new movement out there called the "Alt-right", which has a lot in common with the Libertarian movement (to my knowledge the Alt right doesn't openly promote the legalization of heroin).

One of the hardcore Libertarians that has posted in this thread on numerous occasions is quite impressed with the Alt-right movement, as are others who are Trump lemmings like he is.

I'll be discussing this phony conservative-God hating movement in posts to come. As always, those who identify with it or those who know the truth about this secular humanist-Anti Christian movement are welcome to post their thoughts.




What is the Alt-right, a movement that has surfaced since Donald Trump came on the political scene as a republican? (Trump has represented numerous parties, this time the Republican Party).

This entire article needs to be posted, so I'll do so in multiple posts.

An Actual Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right: 8 Things You Need To Know

The Alt-Right has embraced Donald Trump, and he has embraced them--most directly by hiring as CEO of his campaign Steve Bannon, the Breitbart chairman who boasts of having made that website “the platform for the Alt-Right." But what exactly is the Alt-Right, and how does it relate to conservatism?

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Racism is not a fringe element of the Alt-Right; it’s the movement’s central premise. The Alt-Right comprises disparate ideological backgrounds, but at the heart of the movement lies white identity. Richard Spencer, publisher of AlternativeRight.com, describes the Alt-Right as essentially “trying to build a philosophy, an ideology around identity, European identity.” Jared Taylor, the editor of American Renaissance who recently co-hosted an Alt-Right press conference with Spencer and VDARE editor Peter Brimelow to describe the movement, explained, "The alt right accepts that race is a biological fact and that it’s a significant aspect of individual and group identity and that any attempt to create a society in which race can be made not to matter will fail."

On racists in the Alt-Right, the movement’s most prominent mainstream defender, Milo Yiannopoulos, insists, “There’s just not very many of them, no-one really likes them, and they’re unlikely to achieve anything significant in the alt-right.” Yet in that same article, he admits, “The alt-right’s intellectuals would also argue that culture is inseparable from race” and describes Taki’s Magazine, which published the racist screed “The Talk: Nonblack Version” on what white parents need to tell their children about why to avoid black people, as the start of “the media empire of the modern-day alternative right.” Virtually all of the thinkers Yiannopoulos names as leaders of the movement are white nationalists:

Richard Spencer, president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute, former editor of Taki’s, and founder of Radix Journal/AlternativeRight.com

Kevin MacDonald, who as editor of The Occidental Observer promises to “present original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West”

Sam Francis, the late syndicated columnist who famously called for a “white racial consciousness”

Theodore Robert Beale, the white nationalist blogger better known by his pen name Vox Day, who counts as a central tenet of the Alt-Right that “we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children,” which represents one half of the white nationalist, neo-Nazi numerical symbol 1488. (That phrase contains 14 words, while 8 refers to the eighth letter of the alphabet, H, which doubled represents “Heil Hitler.”)

Paul Ramsey, a white nationalist who produced a video titled “Is it wrong not to feel sad about the Holocaust?” and who seeks to revise historical accounts of the Holocaust, asking, “Do you mean that six million figure? You know that six million figure has been used many times before World War II, did you know that?”

2. It’s also explicitly anti-Semitic. Paul Ramsey may not feel bad about the Holocaust, but some of the Alt-Right’s most prominent podcasts mock it in their very names, Fash The Nation and The Daily Shoah. Alt-Right hub The Right Stuff, which hosts the aforementioned podcasts, created a meme whereby Jews would be identified by placing parentheses around their names, as in (((Albert Einstein))) or (((Dennis Prager))). The Right Stuff explains the origin of the “echo” demarcation as highlighting that “all Jewish surnames echo throughout history. The echoes repeat the sad tale as they communicate the emotional lessons of our great white sins, imploring us to Never Forget the 6 GoRillion [sic].” An anonymous Alt-Right developer even uploaded a Google Chrome extension called “The Coincidence Detector” to automatically insert the parentheses around Jewish-sounding names and thereby highlight the “coincidence” that so many Jews occupy positions among the global elite, which illustrates another aspect of the movement...

To be continued...


More from the above article on the movement that loves Donald Trump (and it appears that he loves them), the "Alt-right".

3. The Alt-Right is tech savvy, with roots in Silicon Valley. It comes as no surprise that a primarily online movement would comprise tech-savvy supporters active on Twitter, 4chan, Reddit, and through endlessly permuting memes. But the Alt-Right’s techie roots run deeper, as outlined in an anonymous and formidable, albeit left-wing, history of the movement’s connection to Silicon Valley that appeared online in May called “The Silicon Ideology.”

Curtis Yarvin, a computer scientist and entrepreneur whose technology work has been funded by Peter Thiel, is credited as the godfather of the Alt-Right for founding the neo-fascist philosophy that undergirds the movement under the pen name Mencius Moldbug. Before Thiel declared, “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible,” Yarvin’s political philosophy, known as neoreaction or the Dark Enlightenment and outlined on his blog Unqualified Reservations, rejected the Enlightenment, democracy, and egalitarianism, while touting the underappreciated importance of “human biodiversity,” a euphemism for race.

Yarvin’s fellow Silicon Valley neo-reactionaries, most notably the futurist Michael Anissimov, have applied his ideas more technologically, into the realm of transhumanism, the historical origins of which lie in the Nazi conception of ubermesch and eugenics. But the Alt-Right’s connection to neoreaction begins with the incipient theme of Yarvin’s philosophy, an image out of The Matrix: the red pill of reality versus the blue pill of delusion. On that point…

4. The Alt-Right loves The Matrix. Alt-Right thinkers write incessantly about the red pill and the blue pill--and also the black pill. Lots of pills. Red means reality, a rather dark place according to the Alt-Right; blue means delusion; and the black pill means “pure egoism, nihilism, and destruction...that leads to suicide, death, and decontextualized violence,” according to AlternativeRight.com. Such Nietzschean themes pervade Alt-Right writing, and Alternative Right typifies the movement’s thinkers (as well as the Nazis) when it refers to the philosopher as “one of the great visionaries,” which brings us to the movement’s tenuous relationship with Christianity.

To be continued...


I see that two Donald Trump supporters are back in the thread. Care to defend the Alt right or are you just Trump lemmings and don't think for yourselves? (Is that a rhetorical question or what?).


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I see that two Donald Trump supporters are back in the thread. Care to defend the Alt right or are you just Trump lemmings and don't think for yourselves? (Is that a rhetorical question or what?).

Idk what the alt right even is!

I've posted two quite informative posts telling about the Alt right movement. Wait, you Trump supporters can read can't you?

All I know is that Trump is like an angel compared to Hillary.

Wasn't Lucifer an angel too?

If you scratched hillary a thick black fog would seep out.

The Obama administration (which Hillary Clinton was a part of) has been thoroughly exposed in the previous threads as well as this one.

If you're interested in defending the LGBTQueer appointments of Donald Trump and how he embraces much of the homosexual agenda, then please attempt to do so.

If not, how about you troll elsewhere?


I'm not trolling. I just cant take someone like you serious!

I've noticed that you secular humanist/pro LGBTQ'ers don't take things like God, the well being of children (or yourselves for that matter) serious.

Back to the subject of Alt-Right movement: Your fellow secular humanist is impressed with the movement, so impressed that he started a thread about it.

The rise of the Alt Right Movement is in effect !!..

Back later with the rest of the article on the Godless "Alt-Right".




Continuing with the article entitled:

An Actual Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right: 8 Things You Need To Know

5. The Alt-Right loves Christendom but rejects Christianity. The Alt-Right admires Christendom primarily for uniting the continent and forging white European identity. As such it also reveres European paganism, much like the Nazis did, and its synthesis within certain aspects of Christianity. But when it comes to faith, many Alt-Right thinkers describe themselves as atheists, agnostics, and lapsed Christians. AlternativeRight.com published a feature on the movement and paganism in which Alt-Right writer Stephen McNallen explains, “I am a pagan because it is the only way I can be true to who, and what, I am. I am a pagan because the best things in our civilization come from pre-Christian Europe.” He goes on to describe his aversion to Christianity because it “lacks any roots in blood or soil” and consequently can “claim the allegiance of all the human race.”

Dark imagery runs rampant, from Yarvin’s philosophy to Vox Day’s preferred title “supreme dark lord.” All reject Christian egalitarianism and universalism. Ironically one of the few Alt-Right thinkers to proclaim his Christian faith, Vox Day, explicitly rejects spiritual equality among the races as a central tenet of Alt-Right philosophy, explaining, “Human equality does not exist in any observable scientific, legal, material, intellectual, sexual, or spiritual form.” [Italics added] But despite rejecting the substance of Christianity, the movement has spawned its own satirical religion around the meme culture that has come to typify the Alt-Right online.


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