Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Speaking of the neo Nazi movement: Before I start talking about the homosexual infested Donald Trump/neo-Nazi movement (I'll invite Art Brain to lecture, as he spent two hours in the Holocaust Museum and hence is an expert on the subject),...

Already addressed your fruitloop claims about the neo-Nazi movement and not interested in a rehash thanks so take this as an "invitation declined". Anyone gormless enough to buy into revisionist bunk like 'The Pink Swastika' is already a fair number of sandwiches short...

Have fun with your little blog.


Actually I spent more time showing from various sources that Hitler was a nancy boy than I did talking about the connection between the modern day neo-Nazi and LGBTQ movements.

Take for instance this quote from Act Up!'s Larry Kramer:

"The average Gay man or woman could not immediately relate to our subversive tactics, drawn largely from the voluminous Mein Kampf, which some of us studied as a working model (Washington Blade, January, 1992)"

In part 3 your ally GFR7 spoke quite a bit about different neo-Nazi groups and I showed their ties to homosexuality.

Now that Donald Trump has a strong KKK/neo Nazi movement backing, this information is more relevant than ever.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Speaking of the neo Nazi movement: Before I start talking about the homosexual infested Donald Trump/neo-Nazi movement (I'll invite Art Brain to lecture, as he spent two hours in the Holocaust Museum and hence is an expert on the subject),...

Actually I spent more time showing from various sources that Hitler was a nancy boy than I did talking about the connection between the modern day neo-Nazi and LGBTQ movements.

Take for instance this quote from Act Up!'s Larry Kramer:

"The average Gay man or woman could not immediately relate to our subversive tactics, drawn largely from the voluminous Mein Kampf, which some of us studied as a working model (Washington Blade, January, 1992)"

In part 3 your ally GFR7 spoke quite a bit about different neo-Nazi groups and I showed their ties to homosexuality.

Now that Donald Trump has a strong KKK/neo Nazi movement backing, this information is more relevant than ever.

Yeh, 'various sources' which equates to fruit loop far right blogs and debunked nutball sites etc. Not interested in the same tired 'merry go round'. Your blog is well past its sell by date aCW. I'm surprised you haven't bored yourself with it by now...


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
ACW, did you check to see if you're turkey was gay before you stuffed it? Or are you cool both ways.

Trump, lifelong New Yorker, and according to many a liberal for most of that life, now he's a KKK man and a Nazi sympathizer. ACW you are such a psychopath I hope the cops arrest you for being a danger to your neighbors, I really do.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Actually I spent more time showing from various sources that Hitler was a nancy boy than I did talking about the connection between the modern day neo-Nazi and LGBTQ movements.

Take for instance this quote from Act Up!'s Larry Kramer:

"The average Gay man or woman could not immediately relate to our subversive tactics, drawn largely from the voluminous Mein Kampf, which some of us studied as a working model (Washington Blade, January, 1992)"

In part 3 your ally GFR7 spoke quite a bit about different neo-Nazi groups and I showed their ties to homosexuality.
Now that Donald Trump has a strong KKK/neo Nazi movement backing, this information is more relevant than ever.

Yeh, 'various sources' which equates to fruit loop far right blogs and debunked nutball sites etc. Not interested in the same tired 'merry go round'. Your blog is well past its sell by date aCW. I'm surprised you haven't bored yourself with it by now...


I guess I need to repeat what I've told you and your other rainbow flag flying allies on numerous occasions:

This 4 part thread isn't for you and others who have no desire to know the truth, it's for those who care about the well being of children, who care about morally/sexually/gender confused people, who care about the institutions that made this country great, and last and most important of all:

This 4 part thread is for people who care about God's Word.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Actually I spent more time showing from various sources that Hitler was a nancy boy than I did talking about the connection between the modern day neo-Nazi and LGBTQ movements.

Take for instance this quote from Act Up!'s Larry Kramer:

"The average Gay man or woman could not immediately relate to our subversive tactics, drawn largely from the voluminous Mein Kampf, which some of us studied as a working model (Washington Blade, January, 1992)"

In part 3 your ally GFR7 spoke quite a bit about different neo-Nazi groups and I showed their ties to homosexuality.
Now that Donald Trump has a strong KKK/neo Nazi movement backing, this information is more relevant than ever.

I guess I need to repeat what I've told you and your other rainbow flag flying allies on numerous occasions:

This 4 part thread isn't for you and others who have no desire to know the truth, it's for those who care about the well being of children, who care about morally/sexually/gender confused people, who care about the institutions that made this country great, and last and most important of all:

This 4 part thread is for people who care about God's Word.

No it isn't, it's just your personal blog and it's boring. Even those on the hard right here find you tiresome and fixated and it shows. You don't care a whit about truth so don't dress this train wreck as anything other than what it is. A bloated ego fest.

Hey though, you have at it.


Even though the modern day sexually liberal Catholic Church could have given the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah a course on the finer points of sexual perversion, it's miniscule conservative faction does come out with some pretty good material now and again.

Pay close attention people if you're shopping at Macy's this Christmas season, as they have rules, so many rules!


Bill Donohue has advice for Macy’s shoppers this holiday season:

It’s Christmastime, and that means trying on clothes before and after the holiday. If you shop at Macy’s, please beware that your daughters and nieces may run into a strange looking man dressed as a woman in the store’s bathrooms and fitting rooms. More important, you should know that they have no rights.

Indeed, a security guard, Javier Chavez, was fired from his job at a Macy’s store in Queens, New York, simply because he responded to a complaint by a woman and her daughter that a man dressed as a woman was in the women’s restroom. It’s actually worse than this: He agreed to abide by Macy’s sex identity policy—if a man says he is a woman, he must be treated as such—yet because he expressed his religious misgivings (he is Catholic), he was fired anyway.

The Macy’s Thought Police have given much consideration to the rights of men who claim to be a woman. Here is their actual policy:

•Restrooms & Fitting Rooms. Privacy in restrooms and fitting rooms is of foremost concern in all situations, regardless of an individual’s gender identity or gender expression. Sex-segregated facilities (such as restrooms and fitting rooms that are designed for use by women and men separately) exist in most locations. In some locations there may be unisex facilities that are intended for use by either sex, such as single occupancy restrooms or family restrooms.

Generally, sex-segregated facilities are for use by adults and teens of the identified gender (and by small children of either gender who are accompanied by an adult). Transgender persons identify with a physical sex that is different than their physically manifested sex at birth. Therefore, transgender persons may use the restroom or fitting room that is consistent with their gender identity/presentation, that makes them feel least vulnerable, and that they believe will result in the least interest and notice from others. (Their emphasis.)

If an associate or customer expresses extreme discomfort with the possibility of meeting a transgender person in a restroom, the associate or customer expressing discomfort should be directed to a unisex restroom (if available). Similarly, if an associate or a customer expresses discomfort with the possibility of meeting a transgender person in a fitting room, the associate or customer expressing the discomfort should be given information regarding the location of other fitting rooms in the store and/or should be advised that he or she can purchase the item, try it on at home and return it if needed.

If an associate is asked the location of a restroom and is unsure of the person’s gender, the associate will either (i) provide information regarding the location of a unisex restroom (if available and nearby), or (ii) provide information regarding the location of a nearby restroom for men and a nearby restroom for women. The associate should not assume the question relates to a restroom for a specific gender unless the request is phrased that way.

•Photo Identification. If a customer presents photo identification that resembles the customer but does not represent the gender the customer presents, and if the associate believes the customer may be a transgender person, the associate will accept the document at face value, as long as the address is current and the name is correct for the account. The associate will not discuss the customer’s transgender status with anyone.

•Names & Pronouns. It is important associates use the appropriate pronoun (him/her, she/he) and title (Mr./Ms, Sir/Ma’am) when addressing a transgender person. The pronoun and title must relate to the person’s gender identity/expression. Further, a transgender person may elect to use a preferred name that is consistent with his/her gender identity. Associates must be respectful and adhere to this choice at all times.

Prospective customers should also know that Macy’s instructs its employees to resist “the impulse to judge the person by his/her appearances.” That’s right. If a person has a beard, he may be a woman. How can this be? We need to understand that “sex and gender are not the rigid categories that we may assume them to be.”

They are anything but rigid at Macy’s. So if a man says he is a woman—or a duck for that matter—he/she/it is exactly that.

Of course, you can bypass this insanity altogether by bypassing Macy’s this holiday season. Cheers!


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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
No it isn't, it's just your personal blog and it's boring. Even those on the hard right here find you tiresome and fixated and it shows. You don't care a whit about truth so don't dress this train wreck as anything other than what it is. A bloated ego fest.

Hey though, you have at it.

This is twice I've agreed with you. Somebody check the planet's axis.

.......the modern day sexually liberal Catholic Church........

Thanks for demonstrating your total ignorance and your ability to tell 100% lies. I can say with 100% certitude that you are not a Christian. You are a liar vomited out from the bowels of hell.


For those of you that haven't heard, mass murdering dictator Fidel Castro's expiration date finally came up last night.

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro dies aged 90

Time Magazine back in the late 50's/early 60's called Fidel Castro "The George Washington of Cuba".

While I have discussed Castro's brutality in previous WHMBR! threads, I'll do a quick review here:

Chronicles of Cuba's Ruins

1959 January, Cuba's atrocities start when Fidel Castro enters havana with the support of many many people he later betrays, manipulates, and murders. Fidel Castro and his troops entered havana with the support of many many rebels, mostly anti communist, which Fidel Castro laters betrays and murders. And thus begun the conversion of a once tropical latin Caribbean island into a soviet style communist Kremlin, floating 90 miles away from the United States of America. Similar to a Stalinist soviet concentration camp where 50 years later, popular Cubans like Yoani Sanchez are held hostage and strictly prohibited from leaving the island's imaginary prison walls.

1959, Fidel Castro and his troops enter Havana without having to fire a single shot shot from their guns. Fidel Castros troops called July26 Movement was supported by many many anti communist Cuban rebels which the Fidel Castro regime later betrays and murders. Fidel Castro is quick to nationalize all properties and corporations in Cuba belonging to citizens and foreign investers. Fidel Castro appoints himself prime minister, dictator, of Cuba and has been doing the same for 50+ years without any consideration and respect for human rights or what the Cuban people need, want, and say. And poor Cuba, she's in shambles from the sand up because of the neglect for all living things the communist Castro regime has and has implementated on the Cuban island for the last 50+ years.

1959 -, Through out the Cuban island, young boys and their fathers were executed in firing squads held by Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Che Guevara, and their henchmen. Fathers and sons were pulled and dragged out their houses and far away in the middle of the night, Gestapo style, and in front of their families. Many innocent Cubans were murdered by Che Guevara and Fidel Castro without any form of court, judge, trial, or legal representation. They were murdered in a nomadic fashion 30x times over the brutality of the previous dictator Fulgencio Batista. Fidel Castro's new and false socialist communist system will soon prove to be a "deficiency system" 30x times over and as brutal and oppressive as the last dictator Fulgencio Batista. Fidel Castro appointed Che Guevara head of all firing squads in Cuba. Che Guevara is known and responsible for murdering thousands of innocent young boys and their fathers. This type of "genocide" in Cuba was intended to wipe out any possible suspected oppositions, "possible suspected oppositions", to the RULE and rules of Fidel Castro's communism.

Read more: http://www.stonecuban.com/stonecuban-cubas-atrocities/

Here's another website that shows the atrocities of the communist dictator Fidel Castro:

Fidel Castro’s greatest atrocities and crimes

Since death was such a huge part of the Castro regime, it only made sense for Cuba to welcome with open arms a movement that is the epitome of death:

Cuba’s Gay Rights Evolution

Dec. 20, 2014

In Cuba, street marches have historically been government-orchestrated events or dissident protests that are swiftly crushed by the authorities. So it was downright startling when, in May 2007, Fidel Castro’s niece sauntered down the street with a small army of drag queens waving gay pride flags.
Long before the Obama administration announced a dramatic shift in Cuba policy on Wednesday, asserting that isolating the island had failed, a couple of Western governments with close ties to the United States saw the potential to help gay Cubans, even though it meant working with a prominent member of the Castro family. Havana’s first observance of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia marked the beginning of a remarkable evolution of gay rights in the most populous country in the Caribbean, a region where hostile attitudes toward sexual minorities remain the norm.

Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/21/opinion/sunday/cubas-gay-rights-evolution.html?_r=0

While there are many that are mourning the mass murderer's death, I'm not one of them.






Let's see what another friend to the sodomite movement wants to do about US relations with communist Cuba:

Trump says he hopes to boost 'freedom' for Cuban people

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Nov 26 (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Saturday that his administration would "do all it can" once it takes office on Jan. 20 to help increase freedom and prosperity for Cuban people after the death of Fidel Castro.
Trump had threatened late in his White House campaign to reverse President Barack Obama's moves to open relations with the Cold War adversary after more than a half-century's estrangement due to his concerns about religious and political freedom in Cuba.
But in his first statement on Cuba policy since the Nov. 8 election, issued from his West Palm Beach, Florida, resort where he and his family are spending the weekend after Thanksgiving, Trump did not say whether he would roll back Obama's measures

Trump - a real estate magnate and reality TV star with an unconventional approach to politics - had started his campaign saying he was open to lifting the long-standing embargo on trade with Cuba.
In January, he said on Fox News that he was in favor of "opening it up" with Cuba, but wanted a better "deal" than Obama had made, comments he repeated in a debate with Republican rivals in March.

Gee, what a surprise, yet another flip flop by the sodomite friendly President Elect.


While I did cover the wide spread pederasty in the Catholic Church in an earlier thread, and have no desire to do so again, for those of you interested in learning about how the Catholic Church became so homosexual/child molester infested, these two books are well worth reading (Excerpts can be found online).



"Scores of honorable men faithful to the 2000-year-old doctrines of the Church have been driven out of the seminaries, which have given preferential treatment to gays and others wedded to unorthodox doctrines.
Young men who were perfect candidates for the priesthood were subjected to such ordeals as psychological evaluations by health professionals with anti-Catholic views. In one instance, a candidate was interviewed — and rejected — by a fallen-away Catholic who was a local Grand Master of the anti-Catholic Masonic Order.
Another psychological analyst assigned to examine candidates for entrance into a seminary openly advocated homosexual behavior. Dr. David J. Brown, who screens candidates for the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown in Pennsylvania "has gone out of his way to make the case that homosexuality is perfectly normal," Rose reports. Brown publicly "argued on spiritual grounds for legitimizing homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle in the public schools." He said he was ‘appalled' that the school district had excluded known homosexual speakers from Penn State University.
The problem is so widespread that, in 1999, the Catholic Medical Association asserted that "mental health professionals who do not support the teachings of the Catholic Church on sexuality have been chosen to evaluate candidates for the priesthood and reject candidates who do accept the church's teaching on grounds that they are ‘rigid,'" and that "some mental health professionals do not report homosexual attractions and conflicts in candidates for priesthood to diocesan officials or religious superiors."
So pervasive is the homosexual influence in many seminaries that one candidate for the priesthood told Rose, "The issue was never one of my suitability for ordination. Rather it was that the gay clique had been given veto power over who got ordained."
Certain homosexually dominated seminaries have earned nicknames such as "Notre Flame" (for Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans) and "Theological Closet" (for Theological College at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.); St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore has earned the nickname "The Pink Palace."
In som e seminaries, students openly visit "gay" bars, and carry on illicit homosexual affairs in their rooms.
Heterosexual seminarians were "propositioned, harassed or even molested," Rose revealed. At one seminary, heterosexual students were forced to submit to homosexual behavior by faculty members who used upper classmen to recruit "Fresh Meat" to satisfy their perverted desires.
Seminarians struggling to absorb and adhere to the ancient doctrines of the Church, handed down from the Apostles for 2,000 years, find themselves confronted by faculty members who openly dispute the tenets of the Church. "Many faculty members are adverse to teaching what the Church teaches, and some even find it onerous to hide their disdain for Catholicism," Rose wrote.
These are merely a few of the explosive revelations in "Goodbye, Good Men."

The other book that I've talked about (also written by a Catholic) is




It appears that our pro LGBTQ President Elect would like to have homosexual activist/singer Elton John play at his upcoming inauguration, but homosexual activist/singer Elton John wants nothing to do with Donald Trump:

Trump Adviser Says Elton John to Play at Inauguration; Singer Denies It

Nov. 23, 2016

Is Elton John going to perform his greatest hits at the inauguration of Donald Trump as the nation's 45th president?
It depends who you ask.
A key member of the president-elect's transition team says the beloved pop superstar has been tapped to play at the January 20th ceremony.
"Elton John is going to be doing our concert on the mall for inauguration," billionaire investment guru Anthony Scaramucci said on the BBC's "HardTALK" program. "He will be the first American president in U.S. history that enters the White House with a pro-gay rights stance."

Not so fast, a representative for John says.
"Elton will not be performing at Trump's inauguration," the spokesperson told the New York Post.

Read more: http://www.newsmax.com/US/trump-advisor-elton-john-inauguration/2016/11/23/id/760385/

I have an idea that might please Donald Trump and his rainbow supporters:

Have Elton John's good buddy Rick Warren give the Presidential Invocation and maybe Warren will hum a few bars from John's Christian mocking song 'Levon'.


http://twt-thumbs.washtimes.com/med...pg?42d0af5c3676e3eb82c5c07d4b40dd4c 0dfc3d42



I've come across a couple of nutcases that are impressed with Alex Jones of Inforwars. While I've mocked Jones in other threads, I really need to show what kind of a lunatic he really is:

Daughter of Newtown victim to Trump: Denounce Alex Jones, Sandy Hook denier


Erica Lafferty lost her mother on Dec. 14, 2012.
The late Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, then principal of Sandy Hook Elementary, was killed when 2o-year-old Adam Lanza stormed into the building and fatally shot 20 children and six staff members, before shooting himself in the head.
That was days after the final Thanksgiving she and her daughter would share.
As Lafferty wrote in USA Today on Friday, “This Thanksgiving, I*sat at a dinner table with an empty seat. It’s the very seat where my mother, Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, should be. Smiling, laughing and enjoying a holiday meal with her daughters and grandchildren. . . .*My heart — and my dinner table — reflect the hole in my life that will never be repaired.”
Painful as the experience has been, it led Lafferty to her current calling as an advocate for gun safety.
It must feel like salt in an open wound, then, when someone denies that the Sandy Hook massacre ever happened in the first place. But that’s exactly what conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, a Donald Trump booster, has claimed repeatedly. See for yourself.
As reported in the New Yorker:

Jones’s amazing reputation arises mainly from his high-volume insistence that national tragedies such as the September 11th terror attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook elementary-school shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all inside jobs, “false flag” ops secretly perpetrated by the government to increase its tyrannical power (and, in some cases, seize guns). Jones believes that no one was actually hurt at Sandy Hook — those were actors — and that the Apollo 11 moon-landing footage was faked.

Trump is a Jones admirer. Trump once told him: “Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.”
After Trump became the president-elect, he continued to be lauded by Jones, and Trump hasn’t spoken a word against the conspiracy theorist. Instead, Jones claimed Trump promised to appear on his show again, The Washington Post reported.
Lafferty could no longer hold her tongue, as she wrote in a long op-ed for USA Today that published on Friday. In it, she demanded the president-elect denounce his supporter.
As she wrote:

Even after an election that exposed deep divisions in our country, surely we can all agree on this: The mass shooting at Sandy Hook happened. Twenty-six families, including mine, were torn apart and will never be the same. Any preposterous ideas to the contrary cannot be allowed to seep into our country’s mainstream discourse. They must be swiftly and publicly refuted.

Of those who claim the shooting was fake, she called Jones the “most prominent popularizer” of the lie.

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...-denier/ar-AAkQteq?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp

While evil men like Barack Obama never let a tragedy go to waste (they use Sandy Hook and other mass shootings as a opportunity to legislate stricter gun control laws on Americans), to deny that the mass murder of children and adults even took place, is truly sick.




It looks like the 'gay mafia' is still in control of the Catholic Church (i.e. more persecution of men who stand up for the truth) :

A Scottish priest who authored an exposé on the gay lobby in the Church has been sentenced

April 27, 2016

Father Matthew Despard of the diocese of Motherwell, Scotland, published a tell-all book in 2013 alleging homosexual influence in the Scottish hierarchy.
Shortly after the book's publication, Bishop Joseph Toal*suspended Fr. Despard and initiated a canonical trial against him. Loyal parishioners staged walk-outs during Masses offered by the bishop in Fr. Despard's parish, while Father stood outside weeping.

The book went out around the same time Scottish Cardinal Keith O’Brien resigned in disgrace after admitting sexual improprieties. Titled Priesthood in Crisis, the*book accuses various Scottish clergy of facilitating or ignoring bullying by homosexuals.
Two years later, a Church tribunal has found Despard guilty of defamation. Bishop Toal issued a letter this week stating, “The judges determined that of the 21 of the 26 charges brought against Father Despard, five were not proven. In the majority of cases, the tribunal ruled that Father Despard had injured the good reputation of a number of people, both lay and clergy.”

Read more: http://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/whistleblower-priest-sentenced-for-tell-all-on-gay-lobby

Now it appears that Father Despard is being pressured to resign from the Catholic Church:

Catholic priest at centre of gay mafia row under pressure to quit church job

Nov. 27, 2016

Father Matthew Despard had written a book about a powerful gay mafia in the Catholic Church in Scotland and is set to resign after pressure from the bishop.

Read more: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/catholic-priest-centre-gay-mafia-9342145

Let's see what Father Despard's book "Priesthood in Crisis" has to say:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Thoughts on "Priesthood In Crisis"

Having seen references to Fr. Matthew Despard in the news recently, I was prompted to*read his controversial book, Priesthood in Crisis. Fr. Despard writes of his own personal experience and knowledge of the gay subculture within the Church in Scotland, and he is not afraid to name names, dates, places, and events. He notes in the preface that:

This is a book that I do not want to write…I write it “more in sorrow than in anger”. I write it, to a degree, out of the pain of my own victim hood. But more than anything, I write it because it must be written.

Good-by, Good Men (by Michael S. Rose) documented and discussed the homosexual crisis in seminaries in the United States; Fr. Despard does the same regarding not only the seminaries in Scotland, but the Church hierarchy as well. Fr. Despard speaks almost exclusively from his own experience, citing instance after instance where he was pressured by homosexual priests to engage in inappropriate behavior, and was ostracized when he refused to comply. *Worse than “ostracized”, he was persecuted.

And his troubles aren’t going to cease with the recent attention given his book. It was published in 2010, but recently became available on Kindle (see this story for some background on the Scottish Church’s troubles, and some quotes from the book). Another *story states that friends of Fr. Despard say he “fears he could be stripped of his priesthood”.*The story notes that diocesan officials deny that this is even being considered.

Near the end of the book, Fr. Despard makes some good general points about the loss of faith in both the laity and the clergy. He starts with the question, “Why are Catholics turning their backs on traditional doctrine and morality?”

Read more: http://philotheaonphire.blogspot.com/2013/04/thoughts-on-priesthood-in-crisis.html


It's amazing to see how much influence such a small portion of sexual deviants have not only in the Catholic Church, but in Protestant churches, in Christian forums, and in society in general.


Have I mentioned that there is a lot of violence and death amongst those who engage in homosexual behavior?

GRINDR KILLER GUILTY Grindr serial killer Stephen Port convicted of murdering men with overdoses of date-rape drug GHB

Nov. 23, 2016

GRINDR killer Stephen Port has been found guilty of murdering men he met through the gay dating app to fulfil his sexual fetish for ‘twinks’.
Port has been convicted of drugging his victims Anthony Walgate, Jack Taylor, Daniel Whitworth and Gabriel Kovari with an overdose of date-rape drug GHB so he could carry out his sick fantasies.

Port, a 41-year-old chef, dumped his victim's bodies near a graveyard in Barking, east London, and began an elaborate cover-up.
He lied to police, disposed of his victim's mobile phones and even planted a fake suicide note on Mr Whitworth, blaming him*for the death of Mr Kovari.
Port was*found guilty of four murders and numerous other*sexual offences - including the rapes of three other men he drugged for sex, at the Old Bailey today.

Read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22451...er-stephen-port-guilty-murder-gay-dating-app/



Art Brain, what sayest thou about yet another homosexual who is a serial killer, who as the picture above shows, likes em young?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I say, oh wow, aCW has dredged up yet another slice of the lurid in order to prop up his obsession with gay men.

Obviously not indicative of homosexuals in general but by all means continue the blog dude, which really seems to be your life...
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