Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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I see that the Degenerate in Chief Elect is giving serious thought to making Steve Bannon of Libertarian leaning Breibart News fame the nod for his Chief of Staff.


Of course Breitbart News was founded by the late Andrew Breitbart who along with avid Trump supporter and renown fag hag Ann Coulter, was on the advisory council of the homosexual organization "GOProud".


The supposed 'conservative' rag also employs proud and unrepentant homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos as one of it's columnists.

Steve Bannon does come with 'qualifications' that are right up Donald Trump's proverbial ally:

In February 1996, Bannon’s second wife accused Bannon of attacking her at their home. Bannon was charged with domestic violence, battery and attempting to dissuade a victim from reporting a crime, but the case was dropped when his wife did not show up in court. In court records, she later claimed that Bannon instructed her to leave town to avoid testifying.



I wonder if Donald Trump will have a 'Misogynist Suite" at the White House?


For you good people out there that voted for Donald Trump because you thought that he would make Muslim immigration a (if not "the") top priority during his Presidency:

Does Trump still plan on banning Muslims from entering the U.S.?

Nov. 11, 2016

A spokesman for Donald Trump insists he doesn't want to ban "all" Muslims from entering the United States despite the fact that his*own campaign*website still calls for*"a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”
"We never said 'all' Muslims," Trump's spokesman Steven Cheung emailed USA TODAY Thursday night.
The president-elect's*Muslim ban was brought back into the spotlight*after the December statement disappeared off his website and then reappeared Thursday afternoon.
Trump's stance on Muslim immigration has been unclear in recent months after Vice President-elect Mike Pence told CNN in October that he was no longer calling for a ban on Muslims.

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...-the-us/ar-AAk9DzR?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp

I went to the trouble of looking up the word "total":

comprising the whole number or amount:

Are any real conservatives out there who voted for Donald Trump starting to get the feeling that they're being played the fool by a professional con man?



While President Elect Donald Trump has more than his fair share of homosexuals that absolutely adore him (Paypal's CEO Peter Thiel, Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos and Florida homosexual activist/convicted felon Randy Ross to name 3), the LGBTQ movement in general is quite concerned about a President Donald Trump.

Based on some of the articles that I've read, amongst other things they think that Trump will overturn Obergefell v Hodges and be supportive of "bathroom bill" legislation.

For you homosexual activists out there that have been following this thread:

Remember that Indiana Governor Mike Pence cowered to the threat of a LGBTQ backed national boycott of his state because he was going to sign a religious (i.e. Christian) liberty bill.

Remember that Presidential candidate Donald Trump didn't come anywhere near to defending Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis, as he obviously didn't want to be associated with someone who was willing (and did) go to jail for her Christian convictions.

Remember that Presidential candidate Donald Trump was against the North Carolina "bathroom bill" and during a speech invited drag queen/transgender activist Bruce Jenner to use the women's restroom at any Trump property.

What's most important here is to remember the basis for the rulings on Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges:

How the Supreme Court’s gay ‘marriage’ ruling is tied to abortion and contraception

July 9, 2015

After the Supreme Court's ruling that same-sex “marriage” is a constitutionally guaranteed right, many Americans have asked, “How did we get here?” Last month's opinion tells us the road stretches back more than 50 years.

Justice Anthony Kennedy's ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges gave additional proof that the legal basis for same-sex “marriage” is inextricably tied up with abortion-on-demand and other aspects of the sexual revolution.

In his 5-4 decision, Justice Kennedy says the newly discovered constitutional right to enter into a homosexual “marriage” is granted, in part, by the “right to privacy.”

That right, first propounded by the court in 1965's Griswold v. Connecticut ruling, also conferred a woman's right to abortion-on-demand, according to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

“Same-sex couples have the same right as opposite-sex couples to enjoy intimate association,” Justice Kennedy wrote last month, in an opinion that quoted Griswold. “Like choices concerning contraception, family relationships, procreation, and child-rearing, all of which are protected by the Constitution, decisions concerning marriage are among the most intimate that an individual can make.”...

Over the last 50 years, the “right to privacy” has been used to cover every form of sexual practice, displacing the public's right to object on moral grounds – something contained in Kennedy's 2003 Lawrence v. Texas ruling.

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/h...riage-ruling-is-tied-to-abortion-and-contrace



Not to worry you rainbowers out there that are worried about a President Donald Trump: He loves his adultery, his pornography and sexual promiscuity i.e. his immoral lifestyle and the ideology of "the right to privacy" too much to mess with your immoral behavior.


I was curious what various periodicals had to say about Donald Trump holding the LGBTQueer 'gaystapo' rainbow flag at a Greeley CO Trump rally a week before the election.

The supposedly conservative Washington Times is ecstatic over it.

Donald Trump holds high the flag for gay equality

The Republican nominee seeks to represent and serve ALL Americans

Nov. 2, 2016

Republican Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump made history Sunday and the political media barely noticed. Or maybe they did see it - but since it didn’t fit the narrative of what a Republican is supposed to look like they decided to ignore it.

On Sunday, at a rally in Colorado, Mr. Trump proudly held up a rainbow flag with the words “LGBT for Trump” written on it to a cheering crowd of thousands. It was an historic moment for gay equality and the Party of Lincoln as the 2016 GOP nominee for President of the United States held high the flag for gay equality. No other Republican Presidential nominee in history has embraced the LGBT community in such a loud and proud way.

And yet, the moment was barely reported by the media despite the fact it happened in front of the traveling press corps accompanying Mr. Trump. Political reporters, not unsurprising, largely failed to write on the moment where a Republican challenged their negative media stereotype.

But the moment was nevertheless historic. Trump walked on stage in Greeley, Colorado to a large cheering crowd when he spotted a rainbow flag in the audience. As the music blasted through the speakers, Mr. Trump pointed to a supporter as if to ask if he could see his flag and then motioned for a campaign worker to help retrieve the LGBT symbol of equality from the attendee.

Within seconds, Mr. Trump was walking around the platform with the rainbow flag in his hands and moments later unfurled it in full display. You could see a huge smile on Mr. Trump’s face as he walked to both sides of the stage to proudly hold up the rainbow flag announcing support from the gay and lesbian community...

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/nov/2/donald-trump-holds-high-flag-gay-equality/

Disgusting. See my signature.




New member
That right, first propounded by the court in 1965's Griswold v. Connecticut ruling, also conferred a woman's right to abortion-on-demand, according to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

actually the right was first identified in 1891 in Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford. Not that i believe that either you or livesitenews is in any way interested in accuracy or honesty but the stray reader of this thread just might care.

Over the last 50 years, the “right to privacy” has been used to cover every form of sexual practice, displacing the public's right to object on moral grounds – something contained in Kennedy's 2003 Lawrence v. Texas ruling.
Along with the right to not be forcibly sterilized: Skinner v. Oklahoma.

and the right to not be subject to wire tapping without just cause as determined by review judicial review: Olmstead v. United States

and the right of individuals to have their doctor prescribe medications: Eisenstadt v. Baird

the right to speak and learn a language other than English: Meyer v Nebraska

and the right to send one's children to private of parochial schools: Pierce v Society of Sisters


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
[From the Lifesite.com news article "How the Supreme Court’s gay ‘marriage’ ruling is tied to abortion and contraception"] :

That right, first propounded by the court in 1965's Griswold v. Connecticut ruling, also conferred a woman's right to abortion-on-demand, according to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

actually the right was first identified in 1891 in Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford. Not that i believe that either you or livesitenews is in any way interested in accuracy or honesty but the stray reader of this thread just might care.

Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford, 141 U.S. 250 (1891)

No. 1375
Submitted January 6, 1891
Decided May 25, 1891
141 U.S. 250

A court of the United States cannot order a plaintiff in an action for an injury to the person, to submit to a surgical examination in advance of the trial.
The original action was by Clara L. Botsford against the union Pacific Railway Company for negligence in the construction and care of an upper berth in a sleeping car in which she was a passenger, by reason of which the berth fell upon her head, bruising and wounding her, rupturing the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, and causing a concussion of the same, resulting in great suffering and pain to her in body and mind, and in permanent and increasing injuries. Answer, a general denial.

Uhhhh...ok, if that somehow relates to the mass murder of unborn babies and sexual perversion, then I'll take your word for it.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Over the last 50 years, the “right to privacy” has been used to cover every form of sexual practice, displacing the public's right to object on moral grounds – something contained in Kennedy's 2003 Lawrence v. Texas ruling.

Along with the right to not be forcibly sterilized: Skinner v. Oklahoma.

and the right to not be subject to wire tapping without just cause as determined by review judicial review: Olmstead v. United States

and the right of individuals to have their doctor prescribe medications: Eisenstadt v. Baird

the right to speak and learn a language other than English: Meyer v Nebraska

and the right to send one's children to private of parochial schools: Pierce v Society of Sisters

My my, someone is terribly bored. Not to worry MrDante, while I have been concentrating on showing how Donald Trump has close ties to the LGBTQueer movement (whether the LGBTQueer movement wants to admit it or not) I'll get back to what the HRC (founded by accused pederast Terry Bean), NAMBLA and other homosexual organizations are doing in this on-going 'culture war'.
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New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
[From the Lifesite.com news article "How the Supreme Court’s gay ‘marriage’ ruling is tied to abortion and contraception"] :

That right, first propounded by the court in 1965's Griswold v. Connecticut ruling, also conferred a woman's right to abortion-on-demand, according to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford, 141 U.S. 250 (1891)

No. 1375
Submitted January 6, 1891
Decided May 25, 1891
141 U.S. 250

A court of the United States cannot order a plaintiff in an action for an injury to the person, to submit to a surgical examination in advance of the trial.
The original action was by Clara L. Botsford against the union Pacific Railway Company for negligence in the construction and care of an upper berth in a sleeping car in which she was a passenger, by reason of which the berth fell upon her head, bruising and wounding her, rupturing the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, and causing a concussion of the same, resulting in great suffering and pain to her in body and mind, and in permanent and increasing injuries. Answer, a general denial.

Uhhhh...ok, if that somehow relates to the mass murder of unborn babies and sexual perversion, then I'll take your word for it.
Either you aren't smart enough to have read the decision or this is yet another example of your dishonestly.

“No right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded, by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others.” Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford

My my, someone is terribly bored. Not to worry MrDante, while I have been concentrating on showing how Donald Trump has close ties to the LGBTQueer movement (whether the LGBTQueer movement wants to admit it or not) I'll get back to what the HRC (founded by accused pederast Terry Bean), NAMBLA and other homosexual organizations are doing in this on-going 'culture war'.

It's never boring exposing lying perverts.

And don't forget to discuss the trial of famed anti-gay sociopath Scott Lively.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Uhhhh...ok, if that [Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford] somehow relates to the mass murder of unborn babies and sexual perversion, then I'll take your word for it.

Either you aren't smart enough to have read the decision or this is yet another example of your dishonestly.

“No right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded, by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others.” Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford

Based on the history I've read, homosexuality was a felony in every US State in 1891, in fact it was a felony in every US State up until 1962 (and then we got 'civilized').

Perhaps the Botsford ruling had nothing to do with males buggerizing one another as you're attempting to suggest?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
My my, someone is terribly bored. Not to worry MrDante, while I have been concentrating on showing how Donald Trump has close ties to the LGBTQueer movement (whether the LGBTQueer movement wants to admit it or not) I'll get back to what the HRC (founded by accused pederast Terry Bean), NAMBLA and other homosexual organizations are doing in this on-going 'culture war'.

It's never boring exposing lying perverts.

Which I've been doing quite a bit of recently with LGBTQueer friendly Donald Trump. Tell me, how do you feel when you see this picture?


http://www.miamiherald.com/news/loc...42/ALTERNATES/FREE_640/Campaign 2016 Trump(2)

And don't forget to discuss the trial of famed anti-gay sociopath Scott Lively.

I'm sure you'll keep us updated if there is a public hanging. On that note: I guess I should edit the title of this article huh?

300 301 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’




Why am I not surprised that LGBTQ friendly Donald Trump named homosexual activist Peter Thiel to his transition team?

Peter Thiel named to Trump's presidential transition team

The Christie / Giuliani / Gingrich cerberus will lead the transition team along with VP-Elect Mike Pence.


I'm sure that Thiel will hit it off with Chris "forget about it" Christie, Rudy "the drag queen" Guiliani and Newt "the unrepentant adulterer" Gingrich famously, but how about the supposed "Christian" Mike Pence?


My bet is that Thiel will have Pence proudly flying the rainbow 'gaystapo' flag like Trump did in a matter of weeks.



New member
Based on the history I've read, homosexuality was a felony in every US State in 1891, in fact it was a felony in every US State up until 1962 (and then we got 'civilized').
wait...what does this have to do with the false claims you made about the right to privacy?

Nothing. It has nothing to do with your fake facts.

You got caught, again, posting lies and then trying to cover them up with your usual tactic of misdirection and denial.

Let's face it, no one, except for Patrick Jane apparently, is stupid enough to believe the stuff you post is anything but some sick fantasy of yours.

I'm sure you'll keep us updated if there is a public hanging.
Hanging would be to light of a sentence for Lively.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Based on the history I've read, homosexuality was a felony in every US State in 1891, in fact it was a felony in every US State up until 1962 (and then we got 'civilized').

Perhaps the Botsford ruling had nothing to do with males buggerizing one another as you're attempting to suggest?

wait...what does this have to do with the false claims you made about the right to privacy?

Nothing. It has nothing to do with your fake facts.

You got caught, again, posting lies and then trying to cover them up with your usual tactic of misdirection and denial.

I find it rather...ahem... queer that you would use a case where it was decided that the defendant in a civil suit can't order a medical examination of the plaintiff. Can you imagine in this day and age suing someone for personal injury and not requiring evidence as proof?

For those non progressive readers following this 4 part thread, could you explain what the above case has to do with Bruce and what's his name sodomizing each other in the privacy of their own public restroom toilet stall, public park bush or in their own sodomy chamber at home?

Which reminds me:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarriror
Tell me, how do you feel when you see this picture?


Tell us how Trump doesn't represent the 'real LGBTQueer movement' and that Trump supporters and homosexual activists like Peter Thiel, Milo Y and convicted felon Randy Ross aren't 'real homosexuals'.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm sure you'll keep us updated if there is a public hanging [of Scott Lively]. On that note: I guess I should edit the title of this article huh?

300 301 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

Hanging would be to light of a sentence for Lively.

(Don't cha just feel the love and tolerance of Christians by the LGBTQ movement?)

I'd ask what kind of sick and twisted punishment you think about for followers of Christ who love their neighbor enough to tell them what they're doing is not only morally wrong, but extremely deadly; but being that this is a family oriented forum and all...


New member
I find it rather...ahem... queer that you would use a case where it was decided that the defendant in a civil suit can't order a medical examination of the plaintiff.
I find it unsurprising that you continue to try to play misdirection to cover up the fact you lied and made claims about the origin of the right of privacy.

(Don't cha just feel the love and tolerance of Christians by the LGBTQ movement?)
Christians don't advocate genocide

I'd ask what kind of sick and twisted punishment you think about for followers of Christ who love their neighbor enough to tell them what they're doing is not only morally wrong, but extremely deadly; but being that this is a family oriented forum and all...

Send him to five years of reparative therapy.


One of TOL's avid Trump supporters started a thread and closed it after 3 posts before I could comment.

The avid Trump supporter/hardcore Libertarian entitled his thread:

NBC: US Jobs Already Returning to the US

with the following link:

Ford Throws UAW (and Trump) a Bone, Shifts Work from Mexico to Ohio

The author of the thread then wrote "How why in the world would Ford decide to do this now? It sure is a mystery.:think: "

Another TOL Trump supporter posted "somebody must be working to make america great again!" followed by another TOL Trump supporter that wrote "Getting ready to capitalize on "Buy American"."

There are some major problems with those posts, which I would like to address here.

#1 A job never makes a person "great" nor do jobs make a country "great". If that were the case pornographer/multi millionaire Hugh Hefner would be a "great man" and mass murdering Communist China would be a "great nation".

Strong moral character makes a person great as does it make a nation great, something that our country is lacking, and something that President Elect Donald Trump couldn't care less about.

#2 The article was written on August 12, 2016 at a time that it was highly speculated that Hillary Clinton would be the next President of the United States.

#3 The United Auto Workers (UAW) endorsed Hillary Clinton for President back in May of this year.

To give credit to Donald Trump for these jobs is an out and out lie.

If any of the 3 who posted in the above thread (or any other Trump supporter for that matter) would like to address this post, please do.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I find it rather...ahem... queer that you would use a case where it was decided that the defendant in a civil suit can't order a medical examination of the plaintiff.

I find it unsurprising that you continue to try to play misdirection to cover up the fact you lied and made claims about the origin of the right of privacy.

Surely you remember that great day in sodomite history (June 26, 2003) when activist Supreme Court Judges ruled on the Lawrence v Texas case and champagne corks were popping in public restroom toilet stalls across the nation?


Now put that rainbow colored thinking cap of yours on and think back to what SCOTUS case that overturned.

Here, let me help:

Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186 (1986), is a United States Supreme Court decision, overturned in 2003, that upheld, in a 5–4 ruling, the constitutionality of a Georgia sodomy law criminalizing oral and anal sex in private between consenting adults, in this case with respect to homosexual sodomy, though the law did not differentiate between homosexual sodomy and heterosexual sodomy.[1]
The majority opinion, written by Justice Byron White, reasoned that the Constitution did not confer “a fundamental right to engage in homosexual sodomy”.[1] A concurring opinion by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger cited the “ancient roots” of prohibitions against homosexual sex, quoting William Blackstone’s description of homosexual sex as an “infamous crime against nature”, worse than rape, and “a crime not fit to be named”. Burger concluded: “To hold that the act of homosexual sodomy is somehow protected as a fundamental right would be to cast aside millennia of moral teaching.”[2]



BTW: I must have missed your response to my question about President Elect and LGBTQueer friendly Donald Trump.
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