Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that you're over the age of 15 and pretty much an expert on everything under the sun, what do you think it means now?

More importantly, like your buddy aikido7, do you think that the Bible approves of "loving" same sex relationships?

So the next time someone like aikido7 bastardizes Holy Scripture to make it appear that God approves of "loving same-sex relationships", instead of posting something like this:


you'll be setting him /them straight by saying that it doesn't?

Heck, why wait for the next time, respond to his post right now:

No, he has the scriptures, and why should he believe me? I have more to say on Jonathon and David, but it needs subtler ears than yours. :wave2: (But no, I don't believe the God of the OT nor the Jesus of the NT would be jumping on the gay marriage/ rights bandwagon.)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've defined love, how about you give another shot at it?

1 Corinthians or 2 Corinthians? Please provide more specific information (passages/verses) as to what the definition of love is.

In any event, I'm very pleased that you continue to go back to Holy Scripture when it comes to defining love (Art's gonna get a big gold star by his name in the table of contents).

You don't know the specific passage I'm referring to that actually defines love in the bible you claim to be such a devout believer in? I've referenced it on this forum myself several times through the years and it's a rather famous passage, so stop playing coy and I'm not going to do your homework for you.

It's pretty obvious as to why you won't address it. You know fine well that your deliberate sleaze, lies and innuendo are the opposite. This is the fourth time you've deflected around giving even at attempt at justifying them in just the last page or so alone. Why is that? Why so reticent? Surely if actual love permits all of that you wouldn't shy away from explaining why they're all okay?

More than telling...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you have no problem with a mentally ill man having his genitals mutilated, dressing up like a woman and then going to a place that employs 450 proud and unrepentant sexual deviants and has over 3,000 volunteers who are sexual deviants as well, talking to sexually and gender confused youth?

No not particularly, why should it concern me? Or you?

That's right, the atheist motto goes something like this:

Life's a female dog and then you die.

Me? I'm into that "Love your neighbor as yourself" thing.
Mark 12:31

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's why I said START a thread and I'll deal with YOUR issues.

Frankly Stan I don't like your attitude particularly and it'll likely be fruitless for either of us in light of that. I don't have "issues", I simply disagree with you and I've been through a myriad different doctrinal takes on "hell" so you carry on believing as you will and think everyone else is wrong if that's what you intend.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Heck, why wait for the next time, respond to his post right now:

No, he has the scriptures,

And he's maliciously misinterpretating them.

and why should he believe me?

Because you're highly respected by all: pagans, atheists, cross dressers/genital mutilators, fairies, bull dykes, musterion.

I have more to say on Jonathon and David, but it needs subtler ears than yours. :wave2:

I promise I'll close my eyes and not read it.


(But no, I don't believe the God of the OT nor the Jesus of the NT would be jumping on the gay marriage/ rights bandwagon.)

(How about giving those who engage in a behavior that He abhors special rights to housing, employment, and the "dignity" of doing immoral disease ridden acts in private, etc. etc. etc.?).


New member
Frankly Stan I don't like your attitude particularly and it'll likely be fruitless for either of us in light of that. I don't have "issues", I simply disagree with you and I've been through a myriad different doctrinal takes on "hell" so you carry on believing as you will and think everyone else is wrong if that's what you intend.
Never debate hell with anyone. It becomes its own hell. :plain: ( I believe as Berdyaev said that hell is a great failure.)


New member
Frankly Stan I don't like your attitude particularly and it'll likely be fruitless for either of us in light of that. I don't have "issues", I simply disagree with you and I've been through a myriad different doctrinal takes on "hell" so you carry on believing as you will and think everyone else is wrong if that's what you intend.

The point would be that NOT everyone else is wrong, but some are. As you apparently are not a Christian, I guess you're right, as it would be useless to school you in the facts.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
1 Corinthians or 2 Corinthians? Please provide more specific information (passages/verses) as to what the definition of love is.

In any event, I'm very pleased that you continue to go back to Holy Scripture when it comes to defining love (Art's gonna get a big gold star by his name in the table of contents).

You don't know the specific passage I'm referring to that actually defines love in the bible you claim to be such a devout believer in?

Will you be my bible mentor Art?

I've referenced it on this forum myself several times through the years and it's a rather famous passage, so stop playing coy and I'm not going to do your homework for you.

Do it again for the Gipper Art.


It's pretty obvious as to why you won't address it. You know fine well that your deliberate sleaze, lies and innuendo are the opposite. This is the fourth time you've deflected around giving even at attempt at justifying them in just the last page or so alone. Why is that? Why so reticent? Surely if actual love permits all of that you wouldn't shy away from explaining why they're all okay?

More than telling...

So....what is the meaning of love Art?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The point would be that NOT everyone else is wrong, but some are. As you apparently are not a Christian, I guess you're right, as it would be useless to school you in the facts.

This is exactly why it would be pointless. Not only are you arrogantly presumptive, you're also arrogant in thinking you're the one who couldn't possibly be wrong with your term "schooling me in the facts". You had the nerve to say that I was inflexible in my belief system? Take a look in the mirror Stan.


Originally Posted by StanJ
The point would be that NOT everyone else is wrong, but some are. As you apparently are not a Christian, I guess you're right, as it would be useless to school you in the facts.

This is exactly why it would be pointless. Not only are you arrogantly presumptive, you're also arrogant in thinking you're the one who couldn't possibly be wrong with your term "schooling me in the facts". You had the nerve to say that I was inflexible in my belief system? Take a look in the mirror Stan.

(I just hate it when two LGBTQ'ers squabble over the littlest things).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Will you be my bible mentor Art?

Do it again for the Gipper Art.

So....what is the meaning of love Art?

My my, you really must be desperate to squirm around your sleaze, lies and innuendo. The definition and attributes of love is in the very book you claim to believe so much and yet you don't know one of its most famous passages? That's almost as telling as your continual deflection. Given that you scour the net for homosexual material on a daily basis I'm sure you can find the time to look up the famous passage in question as I'm not buying you don't know the exact one in question and I ain't doing it for you.

Why not just be honest for once and admit that you can't justify your sleaze, lies and innuendo?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by StanJ
The point would be that NOT everyone else is wrong, but some are. As you apparently are not a Christian, I guess you're right, as it would be useless to school you in the facts.

(I just hate it when two LGBTQ'ers squabble over the littlest things).

And once again Captain sleaze can't help but misrepresent. I'm also surprised you think the topic of 'hell' is a little thing as well. After all, don't you believe that people burn for eternity in it?

Telling again...


My my, you really must be desperate to squirm around your sleaze, lies and innuendo. The definition and attributes of love is in the very book you claim to believe so much and yet you don't know one of its most famous passages?

As I'd pointed out earlier: That wonderful Book is full of passages and verses that talk about love: be it the love that a righteous government enforces through it's laws; be it the love that a mother and father instill into their children; or be it the love that a Christian Pastor tells his congregation when he speaks the truth about sinful behavior and repentance.

Now it can't be that difficult for you to come up with the specific passage or verse that you're talking about in Corinthians, as I'd love to discuss it with you Art.


The fact is aCW is not responding to you with a crude, cruel and callous attitude, he responds to everyone that way.
I admit that I too, may get drawn in occasionally, but essentially the guy is a troll! :troll:
aCW will combat anyone on anything, he is currently trying to wind up Nazeroo :)kookoo:) on another thread by posting comments to him that I agree with, but I'm sure that if he were debating with me then he'd simply be arguing something completely opposite.
I sometimes try to wind up aCW here in my own way about his own sexuality but have failed each time, you can't kid a kidder obviously. :plain:
Us Christians are all perfect, aren't we?

Thanks for the post. It made me feel good.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As I'd pointed out earlier: That wonderful Book is full of passages and verses that talk about love: be it the love that a righteous government enforces through it's laws; be it the love that a mother and father instill into their children; or be it the love that a Christian Pastor tells his congregation when he speaks the truth about sinful behavior and repentance.

Now it can't be that difficult for you to come up with the specific passage or verse that you're talking about in Corinthians, as I'd love to discuss it with you Art.

It can't be that difficult for you either and if you're not familiar with one of the most famous descriptions of love put to paper then why on earth not? If you've enough time to pull up a myriad homosexual articles per day then you've enough time to do a quick search and bring up the passage in question, one in which you're either bafflingly ignorant about or are simply playing for time in order to avoid addressing it.

After you've done so then we can discuss how your lies, sleaze and innuendo fall under its remit.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I'd pointed out earlier: That wonderful Book is full of passages and verses that talk about love: be it the love that a righteous government enforces through it's laws; be it the love that a mother and father instill into their children; or be it the love that a Christian Pastor tells his congregation when he speaks the truth about sinful behavior and repentance.

Now it can't be that difficult for you to come up with the specific passage or verse that you're talking about in Corinthians, as I'd love to discuss it with you Art

It can't be that difficult for you either and if you're not familiar with one of the most famous descriptions of love put to paper then why on earth not? If you've enough time to pull up a myriad homosexual articles per day then you've enough time to do a quick search and bring up the passage in question, one in which you're either bafflingly ignorant about or are simply playing for time in order to avoid addressing it.

After you've done so then we can discuss how your lies, sleaze and innuendo fall under its remit.


Don't cha just hate it when a bible verse is on the tip of your tongue and you can't remember which one it is? (No doubt that happens to Art quite frequently).

Since you're having trouble remembering which verse in Corinthians you wanted to share, let me again share one of my favorites that has the word "love" in it.


Matthew 22:37-40

Now how about we talk about what means to love God with all of your heart, soul and mind and to love thy neighbor as yourself?


Originally Posted by alwight
The fact is aCW is not responding to you with a crude, cruel and callous attitude, he responds to everyone that way.
I admit that I too, may get drawn in occasionally, but essentially the guy is a troll!
aCW will combat anyone on anything, he is currently trying to wind up Nazeroo () on another thread by posting comments to him that I agree with, but I'm sure that if he were debating with me then he'd simply be arguing something completely opposite.
I sometimes try to wind up aCW here in my own way about his own sexuality but have failed each time, you can't kid a kidder obviously.

Us Christians are all perfect, aren't we?

Thanks for the post. It made me feel good.

Don't you just love it when atheists make "us Christians" feel better about ourselves aikido7?

Since you're on a feel good high, how about addressing this post?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Don't cha just hate it when a bible verse is on the tip of your tongue and you can't remember which one it is? (No doubt that happens to Art quite frequently).

Since you're having trouble remembering which verse in Corinthians you wanted to share, let me again share one of my favorites that has the word "love" in it.

Now how about we talk about what means to love God with all of your heart, soul and mind and to love thy neighbor as yourself?

But that's the thing aCW. I know the verse in question and could quite easily give you the passage numbers. The reason I'm not doing it is because you could quite easily find it yourself and it's also very telling that you don't know what the bible defines as love itself. Either that or you're lying about being unfamiliar in order to prevaricate around justifying your lies, sleaze and innuendo.

If you're not familiar with the biblical definition of love then every time you've brought up 'righteous love', a 'parents love', a 'pastors love' etc it's all been absolutely meaningless as you don't even understand what love itself is if you base your understanding on the bible right? I mean, you do derive your morals and understanding from the bible?

If so then how can you possibly lecture about love when you don't even know what the bible describes it as? You're not trying to use your own definition of love are you?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Don't cha just hate it when a bible verse is on the tip of your tongue and you can't remember which one it is? (No doubt that happens to Art quite frequently).

Since you're having trouble remembering which verse in Corinthians you wanted to share, let me again share one of my favorites that has the word "love" in it.

Now how about we talk about what means to love God with all of your heart, soul and mind and to love thy neighbor as yourself?

But that's the thing aCW. I know the verse in question and could quite easily give you the passage numbers.

(And here I thought that WizardofOz aka Aaron, aka Captain Obvious was the only pagan well versed on Holy Scripture).

The reason I'm not doing it is because you could quite easily find it yourself and it's also very telling that you don't know what the bible defines as love itself. Either that or you're lying about being unfamiliar in order to prevaricate around justifying your lies, sleaze and innuendo.

But but but Art, I typed in "Corinthians and sleazy innuendos" into a search engine and came up with absolutely nothing. Can I call a friend?.

If you're not familiar with the biblical definition of love then every time you've brought up 'righteous love', a 'parents love', a 'pastors love' etc it's all been absolutely meaningless as you don't even understand what love itself is if you base your understanding on the bible right? I mean, you do derive your morals and understanding from the bible?

If so then how can you possibly lecture about love when you don't even know what the bible describes it as? You're not trying to use your own definition of love are you?


After wiping off the lisp spray from the inside of my computer monitor from yet another vicious Art Brain rant , I've come to the conclusion that you don't wish to discuss the meaning of Matthew 22: 37-40.

(Psst: Art, this is not loving God with all your heart, soul and mind nor is it loving your neighbor as yourself) :

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