Originally Posted by aikido7
I'm sorry you choose to respond to me with such a crude, cruel and callous attitude. I don't think you were interested in a real, history-based, fact-based, religious-based exchange of views. You are hurtful.
The truth is the truth and the last time I checked, it's not necessary to sugarcoat it when telling it. Whether it be exposing Kent Hovind and his history of trying to beat the system when it comes to paying taxes (like I did in Nazaroo's thread) :
or exposing Ronald Reagan (refer to Part 1's "Puppet of the perverts" post and various others exposing Reagan's pro abortion/anti family stance).
or exposing the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King:
not everyone likes hearing the truth about a person or a lifestyle that they so dearly embrace.
Originally Posted by aikido7
I'm sorry you choose to respond to me with such a crude, cruel and callous attitude. I don't think you were interested in a real, history-based, fact-based, religious-based exchange of views. You are hurtful.
The fact is aCW is not responding to you with a crude, cruel and callous attitude, he responds to everyone that way.
I admit that I too, may get drawn in occasionally, but essentially the guy is a troll! :troll:
aCW will combat anyone on anything, he is currently trying to wind up Nazerookookoo
on another thread by posting comments to him that I agree with, but I'm sure that if he were debating with me then he'd simply be arguing something completely opposite.
The truth is the truth and the last time I checked, it's not necessary to sugarcoat it when telling it. Whether it be exposing Kent Hovind and his history of trying to beat the system when it comes to paying taxes (like I did in Nazaroo's thread) :
or exposing Ronald Reagan (refer to Part 1's "Puppet of the perverts" post and various others exposing Reagan's pro abortion/anti family stance).
or exposing the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King:
not everyone likes hearing the truth about a person or a lifestyle that they so dearly embrace.
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