Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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(Note to self: Email 1 Corinthians 13 to Matt Barber, as his lack of love is quite disturbing).

June 8, 2015

One screwed up Jenner-ation


If I see that creepy Vanity Fair cover of Bruce Jenner come across my Facebook feed just one more time, I'm going to gouge out my eyeballs and bleach the sockets.

Ladies, please, if you ever again struggle with body image, just know that those stupid chick magazines you thumb through every day while nibbling arugula and baby carrots like some bulimic bunny, can, through the simple magic of $200,000 in plastic surgery and enough airbrushing to power a windmill farm, make a 65-year-old mentally ill man look, sort of, like a 35-year-old country club ninny. Brucie baby ain't got nothin' on you, sweetheart, I promise. It's all fake as the rubber grapes on grandma's centerpiece. You are you, he is he, and the cover models on your silly mags don't look a stitch like that.

So, since it's apparently a slow news day when the Islamic State announces its intention to slip nukes across Obama's wide-open southern borders,

and since America is singularly focused on one man's sorry stab at genital alchemy, I thought I'd add some more bub to the hubbub.

First, some basic housekeeping – the obvious. Bruce Jenner remains a man in every cell of his body and every corner of his soul. It's simple third-grade biology. "Caitlyn Jenner" is a figment of his imagination. "She" is every bit the lady that Johnny Depp is the pirate. Everyone tethered to reality knows this.

Still, in today's America, it's "The Emperor's New Clothes" meets George Orwell. We must all pretend that a man in a dress who has some surgical work is magically a woman – a courageous "hero," no less – or face the wrath of the "progressive" power set.

"It takes courage to share your story," tweeted our social-engineer-in-chief after "Caitlyn's" big reveal, while actual American hero Chris Kyle's widowed bride is still waiting for some Twitter love from the sleazy Preezy of the United Steezy.

Bruce Jenner is worthy of pity and prayer, not adulation. Yet in a world that calls evil good and good evil, it is adulation he gets. It's not my intention to single out Jenner – he's done a capital job of that on his own – or to pick on him in the least. In fact, back in February I penned a heartfelt appeal to Bruce.

He emailed me afterward (Bruce, my offer remains open).

Bruce Jenner is a big boy. He's a former college football player and a Gold Medal Olympian. But the fact remains; he's also a deeply disturbed man, both mentally, spiritually and, if he follows this self-destructive primrose path to its bitter end, physically.

Even so, the greater problem is that, beyond all this, Bruce, who, for some inexplicable reason, has achieved a position of profound influence in our culture, will, no doubt, take a multitude of equally disturbed folks down with him. The public train wreck that is his life represents a microcosm of everything wrong with America.

So where's it all leading?

To chaos.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/mbarber/150608

I think Barber is correct in his conclusions. Generation X and Millennials both, have been the generations of gender-bending.
And to what end? What purpose lurks behind this? :think:

Another excellent article from the Federalist comparing (I think correctly) the Dolezal NAACP scandal to Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner:



I think Barber is correct in his conclusions. Generation X and Millennials both, have been the generations of gender-bending.
And to what end? What purpose lurks behind this? :think:

Another excellent article from the Federalist comparing (I think correctly) the Dolezal NAACP scandal to Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner:


I believe you and I left off here:


Edit: BTW, I see no connection between someone pretending to be black and someone pretending to be a woman.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You were in the red zone, I had to change the subject.


Nah, the dramas all yours and has been since part one. Simply pointing out that you ignore verses that don't support lies and sleaze is hardly my fault.

I don't think that the article was addressing 1-2% of the population, but #7 would apply to those who engage in homosexual behavior.

Well of course it wasn't.

You should know by now that I don't check your links and I already know the dangers of smoking thanks.

Good, the world doesn't need another drama queen out on the road.

Then stay on the sidewalks...

Such a manly game.

Such a skilful one, so I doubt you'd be any good at it.

The stress is in the behavior and agenda that you defend (you're defending a lie and that has to be stressful Art).

There's nothing stressful about dealing with clowns like you dude.

Let's just say that I'm not a 98 lb. weakling.

That's nice, neither am I so are you going to share your macho pic with us?

I'd recommend that you find a good Christian woman who helps lead you to Christ.

Eh, I reckon you're one of the last people to be dispensing relationship tips...


New member
(Note to self: Email 1 Corinthians 13 to Matt Barber, as his lack of love is quite disturbing).

June 8, 2015

One screwed up Jenner-ation


If I see that creepy Vanity Fair cover of Bruce Jenner come across my Facebook feed just one more time, I'm going to gouge out my eyeballs and bleach the sockets.

Ladies, please, if you ever again struggle with body image, just know that those stupid chick magazines you thumb through every day while nibbling arugula and baby carrots like some bulimic bunny, can, through the simple magic of $200,000 in plastic surgery and enough airbrushing to power a windmill farm, make a 65-year-old mentally ill man look, sort of, like a 35-year-old country club ninny. Brucie baby ain't got nothin' on you, sweetheart, I promise. It's all fake as the rubber grapes on grandma's centerpiece. You are you, he is he, and the cover models on your silly mags don't look a stitch like that.
Considering the many delusional statements Barber has made he really shouldn't be talking about mental illness in other people.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I believe you and I left off here:

You're going to have to wait a long time for me, Daddy (-O). :cigar: (because 1. you woulnd't comprehend me on D & J; and 2. because I already discussed my motives/conflict about the rights thingee.)

Borrowing the words of that brilliant pagan:

Coward! Liar!

You missed my edit:

Quote: Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior

Edit: BTW, I see no connection between someone pretending to be black and someone pretending to be a woman.

In other words: I see no correlation between some racist white communist who pretends she's black so that she can work for a racist communist founded black organization with that of someone who is mentally ill, dresses like a woman, has had his genitals mutilated and is considered some kind of "cultural icon" in our sick society.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Hey, if I can ignore 1 Corinthians 13, why not Proverbs 6: 16-19 as well ?

Proverbs 6: 16-19 seems to be referring to you aCW, God hates you.:angrymob:

I suppose I could look at this two ways:

1). You snotty nosed kids (pagans and atheists) are at least reading the Holy Bible, and hopefully someday maybe you'll look for the true meaning of the passages and verses that you're reading.

2). On the other hand, you're having way too much fun taking God's Word out of context and hence mocking Him.

Have I mentioned that God doesn't like to be mocked Al?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I believe you and I left off here:

Borrowing the words of that brilliant pagan:

You missed my edit:

Quote: Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior

Edit: BTW, I see no connection between someone pretending to be black and someone pretending to be a woman.

In other words: I see no correlation between some racist white communist who pretends she's black so that she can work for a racist communist founded black organization with that of someone who is mentally ill, dresses like a woman, has had his genitals mutilated and is considered some kind of "cultural icon" in our sick society.
How am I a coward and a liar? ( But I think you understand me better than you let on. :think: )

Hmmm, most people are seeing a strong connection. Why is Jenner applauded for altering his appearance to be something he's not, but she is perceived as a nutcase and liar? In fact, they are both wrong to do as they've done.

But you see this new Tylenol commercial which applauds diversity, aCW?

HuffPost did their usual happy dance Thursday over a new Tylenol commercial that prominently featured gay and lesbian couples alongside real families and real couples.

Part of their new #HowWeFamily campaign, which supposedly "aims to celebrate the diversity of modern families," the commercial features a lesbian couple posing for a prom photo and two homosexual men posing as fathers while holding a baby.

"When did you first fight to be considered a family?" a voiceover asks. "When you fell in love? When you got married? When you had kids? Family isn't defined by who you love, but how."

I'm not the type to be moved by such milk-sop. So get it out of your head that superior Gianfranco would be envisioning David and Jonathon of the Old Testament as some sappy gay couple, you hear? Good. :AMR1: *flounces off*
Last edited:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Edit: BTW, I see no connection between someone pretending to be black and someone pretending to be a woman.

In other words: I see no correlation between some racist white communist who pretends she's black so that she can work for a racist communist founded black organization with that of someone who is mentally ill, dresses like a woman, has had his genitals mutilated and is considered some kind of "cultural icon" in our sick society.

Hmmm, most people are seeing a strong connection.

Right now I'm discussing the supposed connection with you. Send "most people" over and I'll discuss it with them.

Why is Jenner applauded for altering his appearance to be something he's not, but she is perceived as a nutcase and liar? In fact, they are both wrong to do as they've done.

Is this the same GFR7 who wrote this several pages ago?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You hope that Bruce Jenner doesn't come to the same conclusion that his gender confusion is psychological?

So you hope that he remains a pretend woman?

Yes. Sorry, he has no one to blame but himself.

The NAACP was co-founded by a bunch of white communists/socialists, in fact the first president of the NAACP was white, so it's not as if white people haven't ever been a part of the radical organization.

Besides, passing yourself off as another race isn't a perversion/abomination, mutilating your genitals and pretending that you're a member of the opposite sex is.

What does the Bible say about cross-dressing / transvestism?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Edit: BTW, I see no connection between someone pretending to be black and someone pretending to be a woman.

In other words: I see no correlation between some racist white communist who pretends she's black so that she can work for a racist communist founded black organization with that of someone who is mentally ill, dresses like a woman, has had his genitals mutilated and is considered some kind of "cultural icon" in our sick society.

Right now I'm discussing the supposed connection with you. Send "most people" over and I'll discuss it with them.

Is this the same GFR7 who wrote this several pages ago?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You hope that Bruce Jenner doesn't come to the same conclusion that his gender confusion is psychological?

So you hope that he remains a pretend woman?


The NAACP was co-founded by a bunch of white communists/socialists, in fact the first president of the NAACP was white, so it's not as if white people haven't ever been a part of the radical organization.

Besides, passing yourself off as another race isn't a perversion, mutilating your genitals and pretending that you're a member of the opposite sex is.
First go see what I added on to my post above. :AMR1:


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Hey, if I can ignore 1 Corinthians 13, why not Proverbs 6: 16-19 as well ?

I suppose I could look at this two ways:

1). You snotty nosed kids (pagans and atheists) are at least reading the Holy Bible, and hopefully someday maybe you'll look for the true meaning of the passages and verses that you're reading.

2). On the other hand, you're having way too much fun taking God's Word out of context and hence mocking Him.

Have I mentioned that God doesn't like to be mocked Al?
Maybe God considers you an abomination aCW, there might be a particularly hot part of Hell reserved for you, repent! :thumb:


Maybe God considers you an abomination aCW, there might be a particularly hot part of Hell reserved for you, repent! :thumb:

Everyone has their favorite Bible passage and verses, I would suggest that you make this one yours (heck, even have it tattooed on your arm) :

Galatians 6:7


And yes, Jenner deserves to live out his farce. I pretend no other sentiment toward him ......

I wish more people would realize that being born with different sex organs or endowed with a different metabolism and sexual identity than one's body should express happens a lot.

My wife and I both worked in health care...

She worked in the nursery and I worked in oncology.

She told me about a half dozen times in her 6 years helping mothers give birth a baby was born a little mixed up. Back then, instead of waiting to see how the child would naturally develop according to God's plan, the doctors/parents would declare at birth to have their child "made" into one sex or another.

The result of this has led to horrific lives of people who were never comfortable in the sexual role that was forced on them. It often led to suicide.

I had two cancer patients in 14 years who had two sets of different sexual equipment. And I respected them as human beings.

I would never pronounce these unfortunate people as "farces."

But that's just me. I know many are disgusted and alarmed by these matters.
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