Gays are not the same as us, they have an abysmal sexual addiction that people have tried to play as being 'natural' when the majority of them have children, have been married, or at the very least have had sexual relations in the past with the opposite sex.
So a molested child, is a whore because they had sex with someone older than them before they were married. If who you first bumped uglies with determines your nature forever, those poor children, in your eyes are evil.
It's asinine logic(less) words.
That they battled cultural shame and fear of familial abandonment and tried really hard to "make the gay go away" and finally gave in, vs suicide, or mental illness as others end up, doesn't mean their first sex acts was their natural sex act. That's truly, totally, and inexcusably dumb.
Nobody is born gay, homosexual activity is just an extremity of deviance.
We all have our opinions don't we? Just most of them SPEAK them, not flatulate them into a conversation.
Tell me, if you say we can all fly, which is just as authoritative as the above statement, will we get to join the AVENGERS?
I've personally seen kids with the same characteristics from diapers to adult who finally gave in to being gay... Their parents knew from before they started school it would probably be that way. They had no traumas, no perversions, didn't date in high school, wasn't stashing "dirty mags" under the bed. They were very non sexual kids growing up. They were church active, missions active, and needed counseling when they realized they were attracted to the same sex because they had never thought they were....
So tell me, under what studies and authority, other than I'maBigotUniversity can you make these garbage claims?
Like one who pops a needle in their arm- you would never do it under the pretenses that you wouldn't like it. But like a drug addict who does, so does these people on sexual relations with the same sex.
sexual addiction is the same sin for str8 or gay people. Just like lying.
You are truly ignorant if you think they are deliberately choosing to hold that attraction. (although some people are truly sexually averted and do anything with anyone, anytime, etc... but again that's a separate issue.)
The very worst thing society could have possibly done in this regard is coerce them into believing they are okay and that they were 'born that way'.
It's a complete lie and science knows it, you know it, I know it, WE ALL KNOW IT.
Yes it's better they are stoned and driven to suicide by hate mongering bigots with a GOD complex.
But denial of the fittest has come along, that looming wishful thinking in every corner of society..
As you are denying your Anti CHrist behavior is wrong here..... gotcha.
Lesbianism is something quite honestly sad to behold. There's nothing but bones in their closets, and the same goes for male gays as well. Men and women deprived of each other, and society has the audacity to call it natural.
~Society should be ashamed~
We are. We are ashamed something like you could come from our gene pool. So much for natural selection......