Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
This entire article infuriates me:

Because it admits what most of us intuitively KNEW all along, and it shows the deliberate LIE of the Gay Agenda, without any care for the public mayhem they were causing.

This piece for me exposes the utter hubris of the gay agenda, "without any concealment of the brutality of it's features":

LISTEN: HIV Is Still a Gay Disease

It's not very politically correct to say it, but HIV remains a crisis in the gay community. In fact, it can be argued that HIV is a gay disease.

As gay and bisexual men were dropping dead in the mid-1980s, political strategists realized they had to make a choice. Acknowledge that the epidemic was disproportionately impacting gay and bisexual men — a despised minority in the U.S. — or reposition the epidemic as a threat to every American.

The political choice was to re-cast the threat of the epidemic. By changing the discussion about HIV from what gay and bisexual men were doing sexually to the risk of “innocent” victims — like Ryan White, Kimberly Bergalis, and others (all of whom were white and heterosexual) — Congress was unable to ignore the crisis anymore. They could no longer paint the epidemic as the result of the exotic lives of gay and bisexual men.

In 1990, the political calculation paid off with Congress passing the Ryan White CARE Act and unleashing a flood of federal dollars to AIDS service organizations, most of them created by and for gay and bisexual men. The de-gaying was complete.

When the right wing claims HIV was a gay disease, gay leaders recoiled in rage. HIV, they said, was everyone’s problem. In a big picture snapshot that is accurate. But in the U.S. it’s a lie. The virus is safely encamped in the bodies of men who have sex with other men (a term of epidemiology coined by scientists, which makes trans women — deeply affected by HIV — invisible in the epidemic).

Author John-Manuel Androite says that in the mid-'80s a national coalition called National Organizations Responding to AIDS (NORA) made a decision — a deliberate decision — that echoes even today in how the U.S. addresses HIV.

“What they did was they framed the discussion about HIV for lawmakers in terms of public health; as a public health crisis, not a gay community crisis per se,” Andriote says. “What they did, very intentionally, was to emphasize the impact of HIV on non-gay people, specifically women and children.”

Androite authored the book Victor Deferred: How AIDS Changed Gay America, which tracks the political impact of the epidemic on the LGBT rights movement.

“Unfortunately, the unexpected impact or effect of that de-gaying strategy was that the federal government was very happy to pay attention and focus resources on women and kids,” he says. “But the attitude was still that gay men could sort of fend for themselves.”

At that point, he says, the national LGBT organizations which participated in the NORA coalition, felt their part in addressing the epidemic was over, and could “move on to issues that affect the rest of us, marriage equality in particular, and that just dominated the political discourse for quite some time. Until today I would say.”

This happened at time when two-thirds of people living with HIV in the U.S. were gay or bisexual men; just as it is today, he points out.



We already have in place laws against corruption of minors and child pornography, so aCW's argument that we must protect children is already being addressed.

Uh huh:


Moving on...


While I should wait to post this in the upcoming segment on homosexual domestic violence, I've been seeing these rumors floating around about Ellen the Degenerate recently.

Ellen's wife 'secretly filmed abuse to expose her'

TV host said to be 'controlling and manipulating'


One of America’s most famous lesbian “marriages” could be in serious trouble, as reports indicate actress Portia de Rossi secretly filmed her “wife,” Ellen DeGeneres, to expose the TV talk-show host’s allegedly abusive behavior.

“Portia secretly taped some of their arguments,” a source told InTouch Weekly. “She was drunk. Then she threatened to expose Ellen as controlling and manipulating.”

The source claimed DeGeneres “flew into a rage” when she found out her partner had been recording her.

The 56-year-old star of “Ellen” reportedly then combed through de Rossi’s emails to make sure she hadn’t sent the videos to anyone.

The celebrities have been married for nearly six years, after tying the knot in August 2008 at their home in Beverly Hills, California.

The latest strife is not the first time the Hollywood power couple has been reported to experience a non-blissful marriage, with previous news reports mentioning couple therapy.

“Ellen is domineering and Portia is passive. Ellen always calls the shots, and Portia never complains,” a source previously told InTouch.

“She felt like a prisoner in her own home. She went from sipping white wine occasionally to drinking at least a bottle or more a day and topping it off with a pill. It got to the point where she was out of it four nights a week. They’ve had vicious shouting matches – with both of them yelling cruel, soul-crushing put-downs that they both deeply regretted...

Read more: http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/ellens-wife-secretly-recorded-abuse-to-expose-her/


· 78% of lesbians report that they have either defended themselves or fought back against an abusive partner.


New member
While I should wait to post this in the upcoming segment on homosexual domestic violence, I've been seeing these rumors floating around about Ellen the Degenerate recently.

Ellen's wife 'secretly filmed abuse to expose her'

TV host said to be 'controlling and manipulating'


One of America’s most famous lesbian “marriages” could be in serious trouble, as reports indicate actress Portia de Rossi secretly filmed her “wife,” Ellen DeGeneres, to expose the TV talk-show host’s allegedly abusive behavior.

“Portia secretly taped some of their arguments,” a source told InTouch Weekly. “She was drunk. Then she threatened to expose Ellen as controlling and manipulating.”

The source claimed DeGeneres “flew into a rage” when she found out her partner had been recording her.

The 56-year-old star of “Ellen” reportedly then combed through de Rossi’s emails to make sure she hadn’t sent the videos to anyone.

The celebrities have been married for nearly six years, after tying the knot in August 2008 at their home in Beverly Hills, California.

The latest strife is not the first time the Hollywood power couple has been reported to experience a non-blissful marriage, with previous news reports mentioning couple therapy.

“Ellen is domineering and Portia is passive. Ellen always calls the shots, and Portia never complains,” a source previously told InTouch.

“She felt like a prisoner in her own home. She went from sipping white wine occasionally to drinking at least a bottle or more a day and topping it off with a pill. It got to the point where she was out of it four nights a week. They’ve had vicious shouting matches – with both of them yelling cruel, soul-crushing put-downs that they both deeply regretted...

Read more: http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/ellens-wife-secretly-recorded-abuse-to-expose-her/


· 78% of lesbians report that they have either defended themselves or fought back against an abusive partner.

If homosexuality is bad because lesbian women can be controlling and manipulative, then you might as well outlaw straight marriage too.

Again you have proven that gays are the same as us.


If homosexuality is bad because lesbian women can be controlling and manipulative, then you might as well outlaw straight marriage too.

Again you have proven that gays are the same as us.

Who is "us" Doper?

As has been shown in the latter segment of part 2 and I'll continue to show in this segment, those that partake in homosexual behavior are disproportionately violent.

The reasons? Here are some:

Being that many homosexuals were molested as a child or grew up in environments that were unhealthy (overbearing mother or an absent father) there is an underlying frustration that often times turns to violence.

Drug and alcohol abuse is a major problem amongst those that engage in homosexual behavior. Remember that homosexuals partake in a culture that embraces a party-like lifestyle (read the B.A.R. obituaries and you'll see that).

Jealousy is common, as promiscuity runs rampant in homosexual relationships (it's even expected).


New member
Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

I don't believe in legislating morality. God does not dictate thru force and coercion His morality unto us, so it makes no sense to allow mere man to have authority to do so. Jesus died on the cross to abolish the hypocritical laws of the pharisees. We want homosexuals to voluntarily turn from their sinful ways because of their love and fear of God, not because of their fear of punishment from man.


Well-known member
I know you don't value facts and honesty much but come on...
Wow. I'm not seeing what you are saying at all. I'm seeing "I'm really annoyed!" instead... :think:

I guess I do have to spell it out for you. :loser: If you only report numbers from those under 40 of a survey then it is highly unlikely that you will get many individuals who have been married more than 20 years.
Wow. I'm seeing "I'm really annoyed!" ... :think:
the Xiridou study wasn't about relationship longevity or monogamy. it was about modeling the spread of HIV in gay men who WERE NOT in a monogamous relationship. all of those gay men were excluded from the study.
I can see you have a HUMONGOUS interest in this stuff which makes one wonder why if not already more than obvious, but I believe you let your preoccupation cloud your intake with bias. You 'could' say the same thing about me, but we are both supposedly 'Christians' so I'd think scripture a VERY important bias to hold.

if this were true why do you need to falsely represent the scientific work of others to back up the claim?
:nono: All on you. I said if a stat doesn't change, the date is a non-issue.

it was a direct (and false) quote from Joseph Nicolosi not he author of the study being cited
Not what the citation says.

what current stats? all that is presented here has been fabricated and misrepresented.
Wow. I'm seeing "I'm really annoyed!" ... :think:

again if it were true why do conservative Christens have to present on
:idunno: That's not even a sentence.

Christians are supposed to be opposed to false witness yet here you are churning it out and defending it. are you even a Christian?
:doh: I 'asked.' It is a sentence that ends with a [?] question mark. :doh:

Wow. I'm seeing "I'm really annoyed!" ... :think:

the numbers don't lie
Paul Van de Ven et al., "A Comparative Demographic and Sexual Profile of Older Homosexually Active Men," Journal of Sex Research 34 (1997) found

28.5% of older gay men had 1 lifetime sexual partner
44.9% of older gay men had between 2-5 lifetime sexual partners
23.9% of older gay men had between 2-5 lifetime sexual partners

showing that the claim that "the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101-500." In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1,000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than one thousand lifetime sexual partners." is false
:doh: You have no idea what a modal range is :nono:

do you know what is Daily's PhD is in?
Yes, in about 10 years of study.


I don't believe in legislating morality. God does not dictate thru force and coercion His morality unto us, so it makes no sense to allow mere man to have authority to do so. Jesus died on the cross to abolish the heathen laws of the pharisees. We want homosexuals to voluntarily turn from their sinful ways because of their love and fear of God, not because of their fear of punishment from man.

In case you're not aware of it Yishae, you're in a thread that is in the politics section of the TOL website.


If you're an anarchist

so be it, but we both know that you're not, just like the many before you on this thread that have written what you've posted.

That being said: Let me help you with your first sentence:

I don't believe in legislating morality when it comes to a behavior that effects people who I know.

Thanks for participating in the thread, as I assume you'll be a one post wonder.


New member
It must be recriminalized because you are Anti-Paul, and Anti-Christ's teachings.

Those are the ONLY two arguments you can win.

Which one are you? Or are you both?

1Co 5:12
For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church?

We've covered quite a bit of area in this 2 part thread that is close to 2 years old, a subject that has generated over 13,000 posts and close to a half of a million views, and we're far from being done.

Link to part 1

Link to part 2

For those that have been following the thread, you've seen 4 things time and time again that are key to the proud and unrepentant homosexual lifestyle and the agenda that grew like a out of control cancer since homosexuality was decriminalized just over 10 years ago:

1). Infiltrating and redefining society's invaluable and important institutions. Since homosexuality was decriminalized, we've seen how the invaluable institutions of marriage and the family have been mocked by homosexuals in the name of "equality". We've also seen how these very very sick people through their evil agenda and political and cultural clout were able to enter and have a negative effect on other institutions such as the military, the media/entertainment, and youth mentor groups. I'll continue to talk about those institutions throughout part 3 of the thread, as well as go into other institutions (which I've briefly talked about, but will go into greater detail) such as education and religion.



2). The indoctrination of children and teens into accepting homosexuality as something 'normal'. By exposing toddlers and infants to homosexual 'culture' and being raised by homosexual 'parents', it starts children off at a very young age into accepting this perversion as something natural.


Two year old adopted twins of homosexuals at San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair

This indoctrination not only involves taking these innocent children to homosexual "pride parades" and festivals where all kinds of sexual debauchery are openly displayed in public, but indoctrinating them through the news media, entertainment and education.

The physical molestation of our youth has always been a big part of homosexuality as well, be it 'grooming' children into having sex with a homosexual elder, or the outright rape of the child. We've seen that the modern day "pioneers" of the homosexual movement were advocates of the pedophile organization known as the North American Man Boy Love Association, and it will be shown in the "Homosexual Pedophilia and Pederasty" segment that children have always played a major role for many of those that engage in homosexual behavior.

As seen in this Youtube video, compliments of our friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, proud and unrepentant HIV homosexual Walter Lee Hammond II has seen older homosexual males chase teenage boys "a thousand times".


Homosexual activists also use the force of law to take parental rights away from those parents who want to help their sexually confused child who is suffering from same sex attraction. Drafting and passing legislation that prohibits those children from receiving therapy is yet another form of child molestation.

3). Intolerance and violence against those that speak out against homosexual behavior or it's agenda and amongst those that engage in homosexual behavior themselves. Remember that these threats and violence are often times perpetrated against Christians whose only 'crime' is that they're attempting to share the Word of God with sinners.

Chased out of the Castro

Homosexual violence and Crimes in San Francisco

Bakeries, florists and innkeepers who simply state that it goes against their Christian beliefs to cater to a faux homosexual marriage ceremony, have been fined, threatened with jail time, and ordered to attend "sensitivity training".

Professional athletes, the most recent being a football player who responded on a social network to an openly homosexual football player kissing his boyfriend with the word "horrible", was suspended, fined and sent to "sensitivity training" for his non politically correct view of homosexuality.


I'll continue with "violence amongst homosexuals" in part 3, showing the disproportionate amount of homosexual serial killers and the violence amongst homosexual domestic partners.

4). Disease and early death.

Throughout both part 1 and 2, reports have been shown that homosexuals are disproportionately contracting HIV/AIDS and various other sexually transmitted diseases through CDC and other medical organization studies. I've also shown why these terribly sexually confused people contract these preventable diseases, but will go into much greater detail in a segment entitled "Disease and early death amongst homosexuals".


"We know that the law is good if one uses it properly."
1 Timothy 1:8

Let's start using it properly people and put an end to this insanity.


New member
Who is "us" Doper?

The non-gay. A little reading comprehension would clue you in on that.

As has been shown in the latter segment of part 2 and I'll continue to show in this segment, those that partake in homosexual behavior are disproportionately violent.

The reasons? Here are some:

Being that many homosexuals were molested as a child or grew up in environments that were unhealthy (overbearing mother or an absent father) there is an underlying frustration that often times turns to violence.

Drug and alcohol abuse is a major problem amongst those that engage in homosexual behavior. Remember that homosexuals partake in a culture that embraces a party-like lifestyle (read the B.A.R. obituaries and you'll see that).

Jealousy is common, as promiscuity runs rampant in homosexual relationships (it's even expected).

Where is the proof that lesbian women are more controlling than straight women? It certainly isn't in that article.


It must be recriminalized because you are Anti-Paul, and Anti-Christ's teachings.

Those are the ONLY two arguments you can win.

Which one are you? Or are you both?

1Co 5:12
For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church?

(Someone needs to teach Homodoxical how to use a spoiler).

For those of you not familiar with Homodoxical, he is on my

TOL's Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch list:


Because by golly, if you're opposed to sodomites 'marrying', you're anti-Christ.



The non-gay. A little reading comprehension would clue you in on that.

And you're claiming to be "non-gay" because?

Where is the proof that lesbian women are more controlling than straight women? It certainly isn't in that article.

It sounds like you have some issues at home Doper.

As I've shown and will continue to show, violence is a big part of the homosexual lifestyle. Violence is part of "controlling" other people Doper.


New member
If homosexuality is bad because lesbian women can be controlling and manipulative, then you might as well outlaw straight marriage too.

Again you have proven that gays are the same as us.

That proves PEOPLE are bad, not that lesbians are bad.
There is nothing that ties the issue to being lesbian. Simply, they found a consistent stat among lesbians... that you find among straight people.

If a repeating stat is enough to condemn a type, then Every man born, dies. So Life is the number one cause of death. We can cure death today, but ending all life!


New member
And you're claiming to be "non-gay" because?

...I don't spend my life researching it and posting pictures of it like real homosexuals like you.

It sounds like you have some issues at home Doper.

As I've shown and will continue to show, violence is a big part of the homosexual lifestyle. Violence is part of "controlling" other people Doper.

And your hearsay story of Ellen proves that?


New member
And you're claiming to be "non-gay" because?

It sounds like you have some issues at home Doper.

As I've shown and will continue to show, violence is a big part of the homosexual lifestyle. Violence is part of "controlling" other people Doper.

It's a big part of the heterosexual culture. So outlaw heterosexual marriages.

Most pedophiles are heterosexual men between 18-45.

Condemn them all.


...I don't spend my life researching it and posting pictures of it like real homosexuals like you.

Yet I sleep in the same room/bed with my wife.

And your hearsay story of Ellen proves that?

Here's something for you homosexualists to ponder:

If homosex isn't inherently wrong, why would slapping around your partner be?

There are no moral absolutes for those that proudly practice and defend homosexual behavior, therefore you can't say that (unjustified)violence is something that is inherently wrong.


New member
If you think playing God is at all biblical, go for it. I'm sure you believe we should criminalize pre-marital-sex, lusting after women, jerking off, etc etc, like the pharisees did back in Jesus' day. I'm not implying these things are not a sin, however legislating these things is not only a disgrace to Christ's fulfillment of the law, but it's a complete violation of the 1st amendment.


New member
(Someone needs to teach Homodoxical how to use a spoiler).

For those of you not familiar with Homodoxical, he is on my

TOL's Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch list:


Because by golly, if you're opposed to sodomites 'marrying', you're anti-Christ.


I'm still impressed you were bright enough to make a list. That requires putting multiple thoughts together in a sequence, and this is the ONLY proof you have of it.

Since you can't refute the Biblical arguments, you attack me personally. Which is against the rules that MOST of us have to live by on here, but is ok for the select few. Waaa Waaaa Waaaa.

Until you can answer the Biblical positions I'm defending, which is different than defending homosexuality, you are one more intellectual coward who needs personal attacks to compensate for their single synapse soliloquies.


New member
Show me where I reinterpret it, and not take it just as written. You can't. I don't.

I defend the Bible. I don't let bigoted morons use it as a weapon for their personal grudges.
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