I know you don't value facts and honesty much but come on...
You are kidding yourself. Census' are a very good way to determine a group sampling and rarely stray from other forms of data collection.
You are confusing this with 'random sampling.'
I guess I do have to spell it out for you. :loser: If you only report numbers from those under 40 of a survey then it is highly unlikely that you will get many individuals who have been married more than 20 years.
:nono: In a more discussed
paper from FRC, he acknowledged that and discussed those points at length. .
the Xiridou study wasn't about relationship longevity or monogamy. it was about modeling the spread of HIV in gay men who WERE NOT in a monogamous relationship. all of those gay men were excluded from the study.
There were no monogamous relationships or monogamous commitments. That's the sad reality of being gay
if this were true why do you need to falsely represent the scientific work of others to back up the claim?
It was a direct quote.
WOW are you trying awfully hard.
it was a direct (and false) quote from Joseph Nicolosi not he author of the study being cited
Wow, just wow. Current stats confirm the same so the year makes little difference when no significant change occurs.
what current stats? all that is presented here has been fabricated and misrepresented.
again if it were true why do conservative Christens have to present on
:nono: Else they'd be monosexuals. Where do you get this stuff?
Are you gay and therefore making excuses? You are VERY interested in this topic. Should we wonder oh great "Born-this-way?"
Christians are supposed to be opposed to false witness yet here you are churning it out and defending it. are you even a Christian?
:nono: much higher by
all comparative studies. The modal range means that the number that popped up between these was over 100 partners. It wasn't about the percentage of males. You don't seem to know what modal means.
the numbers don't lie
Paul Van de Ven et al., "A Comparative Demographic and Sexual Profile of Older Homosexually Active Men," Journal of Sex Research 34 (1997) found
28.5% of older gay men had 1 lifetime sexual partner
44.9% of older gay men had between 2-5 lifetime sexual partners
23.9% of older gay men had between 2-5 lifetime sexual partners
showing that the claim that "the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101-500." In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1,000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than one thousand lifetime sexual partners." is false
How is it not?
Not everything in the article needed to reference the Van de Ven study.
The presenter of this article has a PhD and you have what? A problem you are trying to justify?
do you know what is Daily's PhD is in?