Why would a straight bloke search out, let alone post a pic like this?!
Cuz you need a bride Art (if Barry Manilow can do it at 71, by golly gee Art Brain can do it at 43).
Why would a straight bloke search out, let alone post a pic like this?!
Cuz you need a bride Art (if Barry Manilow can do it at 71, by golly gee Art Brain can do it at 43).
Marriage is marriage, deal with it
How about I deal with the fact that in spite of repeated attempts to pressure you to do the right thing and admit you'd been had, you're going to Act like that never happened, and the more you Act that way, you know, because, you snake, you know human nature so well, you know that if you Act like something didn't happen, then eventually, everybody will Act the same way, and then, "for all intents and purposes," it never did happen. And that's black magic voodoo stuff. You're an Actor, a flat-out dishonest creep. You're completely fake. Caught red handed, but since there's only one person calling you out on your dishonesty, you decide to Act like I'm not here.
A contract...is a contract.
So you would be ok if civil government allowed Manilow and what'shisname to have a "civil union" (giving them certain rights, kinda like business partners do, but with deviant disease ridden sex involved), as long as they didn't call it marriage?...
...So you're ok with civil government giving those who engage in a sexual behavior that God detests certain rights?...
...There are legitimate grounds for divorce and remarriage in the Bible...
...Check your's to see if it ever legitimizes homosexuality...
...As I've mentioned numerous times throughout this 3 part thread: No-fault divorce legislation has been devastating on the family and needs to be changed...
...That being said: Surely you're not comparing someone who marries, divorces and then remarries with someone who is a sexual deviant are you Jed?
Marital status. It's an easy way to grant special privileges to certain people. A person with an M has different privileges than a person with an S (single, legally unmarried).
There's an assumption that a person who is of Marital status M, is not fornicatingKJV, at least not all the time. How many M adulterers are there ? Does anybody know ?
You do have a way with words, AC.
Show me one. And it can't be Mark 10:11-12 (KJV) because that 1's mine.
No-fault divorce has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
They're both deviant. FornicationKJV is fornicationKJV.
And what can I do about it, anyway ? Our Lord said that it's adultery. He said it's because the union is permanent between the two original people; it persists, and cannot be undone through human means. So divorce and re-marriage is literally adultery. The marital union exists, and there is nothing that can change that, except death, which is why that part's in the vows, to remind us.
Letting LGBTQ people enter into our marriage contract is not going to somehow make a real ethereal marriage between them occur. It's not real. It can't be made real. It doesn't exist and we can't make it exist (i.e., we can't Create it Mark 10:6).
M is a letter.
Boy, this tranny's plastic surgery job almost makes Barry Manilow's look good.
British Man Who Spends $150K on Botox, Plastic Surgery to Look Like Kim Kardashian: "I Welcome the Hate"
Back later with more news from what's going on in B. Hussein Obama's LGBTQueer White House.
Arrested for assault as well.
This will put the liberals in Chi-town in a really tizzy: charging one of their beloved muzzies for assault while at the same time trying to appease the LGBTQueer community.
We've covered quite a bit of area in this 2 part thread that is close to 2 years old, a subject that has generated over 13,000 posts and close to a half of a million views, and we're far from being done.
Link to part 1
Link to part 2
For those that have been following the thread, you've seen 4 things time and time again that are key to the proud and unrepentant homosexual lifestyle and the agenda that grew like a out of control cancer since homosexuality was decriminalized just over 10 years ago:
1). Infiltrating and redefining society's invaluable and important institutions. Since homosexuality was decriminalized, we've seen how the invaluable institutions of marriage and the family have been mocked by homosexuals in the name of "equality". We've also seen how these very very sick people through their evil agenda and political and cultural clout were able to enter and have a negative effect on other institutions such as the military, the media/entertainment, and youth mentor groups. I'll continue to talk about those institutions throughout part 3 of the thread, as well as go into other institutions (which I've briefly talked about, but will go into greater detail) such as education and religion.
2). The indoctrination of children and teens into accepting homosexuality as something 'normal'. By exposing toddlers and infants to homosexual 'culture' and being raised by homosexual 'parents', it starts children off at a very young age into accepting this perversion as something natural.
Two year old adopted twins of homosexuals at San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair
This indoctrination not only involves taking these innocent children to homosexual "pride parades" and festivals where all kinds of sexual debauchery are openly displayed in public, but indoctrinating them through the news media, entertainment and education.
The physical molestation of our youth has always been a big part of homosexuality as well, be it 'grooming' children into having sex with a homosexual elder, or the outright rape of the child. We've seen that the modern day "pioneers" of the homosexual movement were advocates of the pedophile organization known as the North American Man Boy Love Association, and it will be shown in the "Homosexual Pedophilia and Pederasty" segment that children have always played a major role for many of those that engage in homosexual behavior.
As seen in this Youtube video, compliments of our friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, proud and unrepentant HIV homosexual Walter Lee Hammond II has seen older homosexual males chase teenage boys "a thousand times".
Homosexual activists also use the force of law to take parental rights away from those parents who want to help their sexually confused child who is suffering from same sex attraction. Drafting and passing legislation that prohibits those children from receiving therapy is yet another form of child molestation.
3). Intolerance and violence against those that speak out against homosexual behavior or it's agenda and amongst those that engage in homosexual behavior themselves. Remember that these threats and violence are often times perpetrated against Christians whose only 'crime' is that they're attempting to share the Word of God with sinners.
Chased out of the Castro
Homosexual violence and Crimes in San Francisco
Bakeries, florists and innkeepers who simply state that it goes against their Christian beliefs to cater to a faux homosexual marriage ceremony, have been fined, threatened with jail time, and ordered to attend "sensitivity training".
Professional athletes, the most recent being a football player who responded on a social network to an openly homosexual football player kissing his boyfriend with the word "horrible", was suspended, fined and sent to "sensitivity training" for his non politically correct view of homosexuality.
I'll continue with "violence amongst homosexuals" in part 3, showing the disproportionate amount of homosexual serial killers and the violence amongst homosexual domestic partners.
4). Disease and early death.
Throughout both part 1 and 2, reports have been shown that homosexuals are disproportionately contracting HIV/AIDS and various other sexually transmitted diseases through CDC and other medical organization studies. I've also shown why these terribly sexually confused people contract these preventable diseases, but will go into much greater detail in a segment entitled "Disease and early death amongst homosexuals".
"We know that the law is good if one uses it properly."
1 Timothy 1:8
Let's start using it properly people and put an end to this insanity.
Arrested for assault as well.
This will put the liberals in Chi-town in a really tizzy: charging one of their beloved muzzies for assault while at the same time trying to appease the LGBTQueer community.
...(I'm not going to allow yet another smokescreen by you Jed, so don't expect a conversation on divorce in this thread)....
Homosexualists, as seen by the above post, think that this subject is a joke.
I'm pleased that TOL's "moderate Libertarian" WizardofOz (aka Aaron) was the first to respond to part 3.
Perhaps you can tell us why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized Aaron?
It didnt work either, he doesnt look like Kim Kardashian.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Boy, this tranny's plastic surgery job almost makes Barry Manilow's look good.
British Man Who Spends $150K on Botox, Plastic Surgery to Look Like Kim Kardashian: "I Welcome the Hate"
I'm convinced that he's the love child of Kim K and Dr. Evil.