Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Uh, because he's a Libertarian?

Don't get me wrong, not all people who are Libertarians adhere to the drug pushing perverted ideologies of Daddy and Jr. Paul, there are some that lean towards that ideology and political party because of economics.

For those people, Ted Cruz is your man.

I think it is because you have no taste politically.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement better hope that those who adhere to Old Testament punishment laws don't take control of government, as it's pretty difficult to evangelize to someone when they're dead.

As beautiful and intelligent as sd is, she does have a stubborn streak to her (she often times refuses to listen to the wisdom of her friend aCW).

There is a reason that Christian legislators during the first 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization didn't legislate the ultimate penalty of death against those who were caught and convicted in the act of homosexuality, and redemption was the reason.

On the same note there was a very good reason why Christian legislators during the first 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization did see the act of homosexuality as a very serious offense, charging those who were caught engaging in it with a felony.

This 3 part thread has shown what has happened since that very serious offense was decriminalized.
For Christians, it is not about ancient history or a legal system that was intended for the Jews, only. It is about what Christ would do, what he asks of us, his all inclusive sacrifice. You have nothing to support your moronic, hateful agenda when you do not have a New Covenant theology for your position . . . . and you don't, of course.

So you go with ancient history and name calling, and wannabe tough-guy rhetoric, and think you have established an argument here on TOL.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Uh, because he's a Libertarian?

Don't get me wrong, not all people who are Libertarians adhere to the drug pushing perverted ideologies of Daddy and Jr. Paul, there are some that lean towards that ideology and political party because of economics.

For those people, Ted Cruz is your man.

I think it is because you have no taste politically.

I covered Libertarianism extensively in Part 2. Rand Paul is a nutcase like his daddy, but has better handlers (advisors).

When it comes to the topic of homosexuality, Rand Paul is wishy washy.

Rand Paul and the ‘Moral Crisis’ of Gay Marriage: A Timeline

March 28, 2015

October 19, 2009

In an interview with the Louisville Courier-Journal‘s Joe Gerth, candidate Paul says he’s not interested in passing federal laws against gay marriage.

“I think marriage should be taken care of at the state level,” he says. Asked if states should legalize gay marriage: “I don’t really have a position that I’m willing to make on that.”

March 3, 2013

At a roundtable with reporters, I ask Paul about how his ambition of winning back voters in blue states clashes with an issue like gay marriage.

“I’m not going to change who I am or what I believe in,” Paul says. “I am an old-fashioned traditionalist. I believe in the historical definition of marriage. That being said, I think contracts between adults—I’m not for limiting contracts between adults. In fact, if there are ways to make the tax code more neutral where it doesn’t mention the word marriage, then we don’t have to redefine what marriage is. We just don’t have marriage in the tax code. If health benefits are a problem, why don’t we not define them by marriage? Why don’t we say, you have another adult who lives in the house, and a kid who lives in the house can be part of family coverage? Then you don’t have to redefine, and have people like myself, and people who live in the southeastern part of the country, we don’t have to change our definition of what we think marriage is, but we allow contracts to occur so there is more ability to [make] the law neutral.”


Why I won't vote for Rand Paul


For Christians, it is not about ancient history or a legal system that was intended for the Jews, only. It is about what Christ would do, what he asks of us, his all inclusive sacrifice. You have nothing to support your moronic, hateful agenda when you do not have a New Covenant theology for your position . . . . and you don't, of course.

So you go with ancient history and name calling, and wannabe tough-guy rhetoric, and think you have established an argument here on TOL.

You failed to respond to this post (I wonder why?).



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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As beautiful and intelligent as sd is, she does have a stubborn streak to her (she often times refuses to listen to the wisdom of her friend aCW).

Hmm, well I hope her 'beauty' outshines her intelligence aCW as given her sig and her monumentally laughable "website" she doesn't exactly have everything rolling around in the ole' noggin etc. Just look at her latest with TH on the 'rock music' thread...:freak:

There is a reason that Christian legislators during the first 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization didn't legislate the ultimate penalty of death against those who were caught and convicted in the act of homosexuality, and redemption was the reason.

On the same note there was a very good reason why Christian legislators during the first 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization did see the act of homosexuality as a very serious offense, charging those who were caught engaging in it with a felony.

This 3 part thread has shown what has happened since that very serious offense was decriminalized.

Well yes, it's shown that there's some rather fixated loons about...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As beautiful and intelligent as sd is, she does have a stubborn streak to her (she often times refuses to listen to the wisdom of her friend aCW).

Hmm, well I hope her 'beauty' outshines her intelligence aCW as given her sig and her monumentally laughable "website" she doesn't exactly have everything rolling around in the ole' noggin etc. Just look at her latest with TH on the 'rock music' thread...

You really are quite impressed with the unemployed lawyer/proud defender of the communist founded American Civil Liberties Union aren't you? I'm thinking of making an award next January entitled "The homosexualist with the best 50 cent vocabulary". I know who has that award nailed down.

There is a reason that Christian legislators during the first 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization didn't legislate the ultimate penalty of death against those who were caught and convicted in the act of homosexuality, and redemption was the reason.

On the same note there was a very good reason why Christian legislators during the first 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization did see the act of homosexuality as a very serious offense, charging those who were caught engaging in it with a felony.

This 3 part thread has shown what has happened since that very serious offense was decriminalized.

Well yes, it's shown that there's some rather fixated loons about...

2,000 years Art. They knew what they were doing when they saw the importance of criminalizing the absolutely filthy behavior that God detests.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You really are quite impressed with the unemployed lawyer/proud defender of the communist founded American Civil Liberties Union aren't you? I'm thinking of making an award next January entitled "The homosexualist with the best 50 cent vocabulary". I know who has that award nailed down.

Oh dear, you're obviously smarting over the numerous same kind of maulings your good friend SD has just suffered from even if the pair of you bring it on yourselves. You're really just not that bright...

Anyway, I happen to think you're a sock puppet of Aikido7 as you both have vowels in your username...stop that.

2,000 years Art. They knew what they were doing when they saw the importance of criminalizing the absolutely filthy behavior that God detests.

Then you wield that mighty sword oh 'warrior' and make darn sure you don't cut yourself on it while you make no difference whatsoever on anything particularly anywhere.



New member
This 3 part thread has shown what has happened since that very serious offense was decriminalized.
Since 1967 in the UK (homosexuality was decriminalised) there ensued the oil crisis, the miner's strike, the three day week, Thatcherism, Punk rock, the rise of Islamic terrorism, the internet, cell phones, sub-prime debt, greedy bankers, jihadi John...
All happened since homosexuality was decriminalised, gay people have a lot to answer for. :IA:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Congratulations Bruth, you just made "the list".

So you believe that Jesus is always right, except when you don't like what he says. Nice

The fag movement has used Jesus Christ in many ways:

To mock Him (Easter Sunday marks 30+ continuous years where the cross dressing Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence mock the Son of God with their "Hunky Jesus Contest").

Atheist Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage started the "Not All Like That" (NALT) movement for God-haters who want to have Christianity meet their own perverted desires.

But I don't recall hearing a sodomite ever us the eunuch line before.

You are aware that a eunuch is a man that either has been castrated (usually done to someone who guarded the Queen) or whose testes never developed aren't you?

In any event I'd tell you to look in your Bible and read in Genesis what God intends for man and woman, but without a doubt the Queen James version doesn't bother with such doctrine.


What does the Bible say about asexuality?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
This 3 part thread has shown what has happened since that very serious offense was decriminalized.

Since 1967 in the UK (homosexuality was decriminalised) there ensued the oil crisis, the miner's strike, the three day week, Thatcherism, Punk rock, the rise of Islamic terrorism, the internet, cell phones, sub-prime debt, greedy bankers, jihadi John... thousands upon thousands of males who have acted upon their same sex desires have died from AIDS, even more have suffered from numerous sexually transmitted diseases that disproportionately affect those who engage in homosex; children have been indoctrinated to accept sexual perversion as something normal and often times "groomed" by an older sodomite to engage in homosex; invaluable institutions have been destroyed so that those who engage in a perverse (yet changeable) behavior can feel better about themselves; etc. etc. etc

Fixed that for ya Al.

All happened since homosexuality was decriminalised, gay people have a lot to answer for. :IA:

Indeed they do Al, indeed they do.


Well-known member
I ran across this a couple days ago. It's shocking how many anti-gay Christians either ignore or are unaware of it.

Matthew 19
8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

10 The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.”

11 Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

"Born" eunuchs are what homosexuals were called in Jewish tradition. It's even in the Talmud.

Jesus very clearly states that at least some homosexuals are born that way.

You can still say that it's immoral if you wish but saying it is unnatural is denying what Christ himself tells you

A eunuch and a homosexual are completely different. There is no evidence that homosexuals are born that way but even if there were, that would only indicate that they were born with a genetic disorder. Having the proclivity towards something does not justify acting on that proclivity.


Well-known member
Because some, as Jesus also said, are born gay. You can't repent of natural sexuality

One can choose to pervert scripture all you want. It still does not change a thing. There is no scriptural justification for anyone to act on their homosexual desires. Believe me, I know that for a fact. When I was younger I desperately wanted to find some kind of scriptural justification for the life I was living. But it's not there. So I came to accept the truth and accept Jesus as my Lord.


New member
In spite of his celebrity and in spite of how easy it is for many to imagine him guilty of those terrible crimes, he was never convicted. I'm simply taking his lack of any legal guilt as evidence of the possibility that he was not a criminal. And if this is so, therefore his relationships with children were pure and so he may have only been a person who found great joy in the beauty of children, and felt happy and safe in their presence, like how many people feel the same toward their cat or bunny rabbit.

But by all means, pull out the one sentence in that post that was among the least interesting. :AMR1:


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