Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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These 20 pages have some of the most informative posts in part 3, and I've highlighted a few of them in red as must reads.

Linda Harvey's "How you can change the word in 2015" needs to be read and read again by people of faith.

The LGBTQueer movement's focus on children and what they're doing to keep sexually confused youth from changing is addressed in numerous posts.

The shortened lifespan of those who engage in homosexual behavior is discussed, and I've thrown in a bit of mocking humor with "The Top 5 [homosexualist] Posts of 2014".

Table of Contents for pages 301-320

How You Can Change the World in 2015 (Mission America's Linda Harvey has uplifting words to start the new year off with); page 301, post #4505

APA Division 44, the LGBTQueer connection in the American Pyschological Association; page 301, post #4510

aCW (once again) exposes the con game of homosexualist GFR7; page 301, post #4521

Bacon, sugar, the extermination of 58 million unborn babies and the physical and mental molestation of children: who would have known that they have so much in common (in the mind of dope addict shagster01 they do); page 302, post #4532

A trip down lunatic lane (aCW once again discusses the Libertarian Non Aggression Policy/NAP with the Jr. Libertarian); page 304, post #'s 4555 and 4560

The effect no-fault divorce has had on our nation; page 305, post #4561

The Top 5 Posts of 2014 (aCW has fun with the 3rd annual mocking of the thread's homosexualists/sexual anarchists); page 307, post #'s 4598 and 4599

Atlanta Fire Chief: I was fired because of my Christian faith (Kelvin Cochran story); page 307, post #4604

lovemeorhateme (aka Pete) compares homosexuality with gossiping and backbiting (I don't wanna know); page 308, post #4615; aCW asks him what the righteous role of government is (and Pete goes silent); page 310, post #4636

aCW exposes homosexualist GFR7's Kantian Universalism; page 309, post #4629, and his Libertarian buddy Christian Liberty's (aka the Jr. Libertarian) defense of it; post 4634

Do Kids Thrive Through Sex With Adults? Mission America's Linda Harvey exposes HRC's "All Love is Equal" campaign; page 310, post #4643

aCW links an article about Ceremonial Laws and Moral Laws for homosexualist TracerBullet; page 311, post #4654

Homosexualist TracerBullet attempts to refute the shortened life expectancy of those who engage in homosex, while showing that the author of a Canadian study (Robert S. Hogg, PhD) is a homosexual activist himself; page 311, post #4662

aCW uses information from Columbia University's pro homosexual Mailman School of Public Health to show that the median age of death for those who engage in homosex is 46.6; page 312, post #4672

aCW links studies done over the past 150 years showing the shortened life expectancy of those who engage in homosexual behavior; page 312, post #4680

Homosexualist GFR7 places his hope in the complex theory of Howe and Strauss' saeculum of history. It is based on generational constellations, economic downturns, and global wars, aCW replies; page 313, post #4689

Link to table of contents for pages 201-220, pages 221-240 and 241-260; page 314/15, post #'s 4710, 4711 and 4712

In genital mutilation entertainment news: Jeffrey Tambor Wins Best Actor in a Comedy for ‘Transparent’ at the Golden Globes; page 316, post #4732

Teens Suicide Shows Tragic Folly of ‘Transgender’ Delusion (the sad story of Joshua Alcorn); page 318, post #4757

Dan Savage: ‘Leelah [Joshua] Alcorn’s parents should be prosecuted over suicide; page 318, post #4758

Rest in Peace Joshua Alcorn, your murderers will someday be held accountable; page 318, post #4770

Blogger Blames Christians For Gay Suicides

VIDEO: Homosexual Man Responds to ‘It Gets Better Project’ with Video: ‘It Got Worse’
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In these 20 pages amongst other things you'll get more information on the tragedy of 'gay' teen suicides and the realities of the homosexual lifestyle. Homosexual 'culture' is reviewed with the annual GLAAD Awards. LGBTQueer/liberal racism is revealed and the discussion turns once again to 'reparative therapy'/SOCE (sexual orientation change efforts) and video testimonies by 150 EX homosexuals.

Table of contents for pages 321-340

aCW again defines the term "sexual anarchist" for the Jr. Libertarian; page 322, post #4817

Keller takes on “gay teen” suicide hype; page 322, post #4819

Homosexualist Art Brain sullies the memories of sexually confused youth who committed suicide; page 322, post #4828

150 EX-homosexual video testimonies (link to "gay christian watch" website); page 324, post #4848

A brief review of the modern day sexual anarchist movement starting with homosexual pedophile Alfred Kinsey; page 324, post #4851

Because 'gay' youth have so much to look forward to later in life (the realities of the homosexual lifestyle); page 324, post #4853; page 325, post #4861

Homosexualist Art Brain enlightens the thread with a trailer on the evils of reparative therapy whose "research" was done by proud and unrepentant homosexual Christian Jessen; page 324, post #4860; page 325, post #4867

A review of 'gay' teen suicide articles; Over 4,000 homosexual [youth] clubs have been formed in the past decade, some now at the middle-school level; page 325, post #4875

AFTAH Interview with Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber on bullying, the tragedy of teen suicide and homosexual sin; page 326, post #4876

AIDS Seminar Highlights Dangers of Condoms; page 326, post #4878

Here's the reason this all-women's college cancelled its yearly 'Vagina Monologues' ("transwomen" weren't included); page 327, post #4895

The original 1972 'gay' agenda reviewed showing how much 'progress' has been made by the LGBTQueer movement in the past 40+ years; page 331, post #4951

Racism runs rampant inside the LGBTQueer so-called "community"; page 331, post #4960

aCW shares some laws that are not currently being enforced against the LGBTQueer movement with Libertarian drbrumley; page 333. post #4981

Faith and Football in Seattle: the Christian faith of several Seattle Seahawks shared; page 333, post #4984

What we have come to: teenager announces plans to marry her father: A teenager has revealed in an interview that she plans to marry her father and have children after dating for two years; page 333, post #4989

A tribute to American Sniper Chris Kyle; page 334, post #5009

aCW reminds Art Brain how racist and sexist he and his fellow liberals really are; aCW gives a plug for the annual March for Life in Olympia; page 334, post #5010

Actor Shia LaBeouf dancing in a music video with 12 year old Maddie Ziegler: reeks of pedophilia; page 335, post #5011

aCW reviews the tolerant and loving things that LGBTQueer activists have done to get 'gay' marriage legalized and accepted (threatening 14 year old girls with murder and roughing up little old ladies and pregnant women, etc.); articles by proud and unrepentant homosexuals as to why they're against 'gay' marriage; page 336, post #'s 5029 and 5034

Feds Spent $432,000 Studying Gay Hookup Apps: NIH project studied ‘arousal’ of gay men when using Grindr (your tax dollars at work); page 336, post #5035

Pope Francis compares pushing gay agenda to ‘Hitler Youth’ indoctrination; page 336, post #5036

The GLAAD Awards (formerly the "Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation") :aCW reviews 'gay' culture and what the LGBTQueer movement finds entertaining; page 337, post #'s 5045, 5047 (a review of "The Skeleton Twins") and 5049 (My Gonorrhea Nostalgia, VIDEO: This Gay Teenage Couple Defies HIV Stereotypes, Was I a Teenage Predator?

More from the GLAAD Awards: OUTSTANDING MAGAZINE ARTICLE "Sex Without Fear" : The new pill that could revolutionize gay life is reawakening old arguments; page 337, post #'s 5055, page 339, post #5074 OUTSTANDING DRAMA SERIES "Masters of Sex: other pioneers of the sexual revolution (Masters and Johnson)

aCW links Part 1's most important post for Libertarian drbrumley is questions what the proper role of government is; page 339, post #5083
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The indoctrination of children by the LGBTQueer movement, the close ties between abortion and homosexuality and a major study done (before it was politically incorrect to say so) showing that those who have same sex desires can change are amongst other informative posts found in these 20 pages.

Table of contents for pages 341-360

God, Family, Country: Ezra Taft Benson talks about our 3 great loyalities; page 343, post #5132

Has yet another 'gay' christian* joined the thread? (*not to be confused with incestuous christians or adulterous christians); jsjohnnt does his best to belittle aCW; page 343, post #5136 (johnny's brilliant posts start on page 340).

aCW reviews the origins of US sodomy laws for ill informed homosexualist jsjohnnt; page 344, post #5155

Can Homosexuals Change to Heterosexuals? Masters & Johnson Said Yes (So much for GLAAD giving accolades to a Showtime movie about Masters and Johnson); page 345, post #5174

The Philippines laws on abortion: something countries that value innocent life should model themselves after; page 346, post #5176

10 eye-opening quotes from Planned Parenthood founder/eugenicist Margaret Sanger; page 346, post #5179

The things that don't "haunt" homosexualist annabenedetti (a pictorial); page 347, post #'s 5200 and 5201.

LaBarbera Statement on 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision Legalizing Abortion: HRC, National LGBTQ Task Force and other homosexual groups work hand-in-hand with Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion lobby; page 348, post #5216

A yapping poodle writes a "Dear everyone" post (Art Brain attempts yet another boycott of the WHMBR! thread); page 348, post #5219

aCW shares with homosexualist alwight the good he could do for others if only he were honest; page 348, post #5220

Transgender Woman Dead After Silicone Injection At Underground Party; page 349, post #5233

Transgender kids (ages 5-12) show consistent gender identity across measures (LGBTQueer study); page 349, post #5234

Link to table of contents for pages 221-240; page 350, post #5242

Texas Governor Declares ‘Chris Kyle Day’; page 350, post #5246

Christian Product Engineer Claims Ford Motor Fired Him for Voicing His Bible-Based Opposition to the Company’s Promotion of ‘Pro-Homosexual Ideas’ — Now He’s Fighting Back; page 350, post #5247

City investigating comments in police newsletter; Chief apologizes to officers [while at the same time gives accolades to a God-HATING lesbian]; page 350, post #5248

AFTAH Transgender Photo-Story – Bruce Jenner: Don’t Try to Become a Woman! (Peter LaBarbera article with link to ex transsexual Walt Heyer's website); page 351, post #5257

Meet the 2015 Sundance Filmmakers #2: Justin Kelly's 'I Am Michael' is About More Than a Gay Activist Going Straight; 10 Great LGBT Films From This Year's [2014] Sundance Film Festival (aCW refutes homosexualist GFR7 attempt at promoting a LGBTQueer film); page 352, post #'s 5271 & 5275

Pedophilia, American Style: Legitimizing Child Rape, Pedophilia may be emerging as the characteristic sexual perversion of the American elite, and many are getting away with it. (Selwyn Duke article); page 353, post #5292

Is Pedophilia Okay if You’re “Born That Way”? "Stating the obvious, the inborn argument could be applied to anything inborn. Logically translated it says: If a feeling is innate, the actions associated with it are okay." (Selwyn Duke article); page 354, post #5296

Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party; page 354, post #5298

Obama Defends Islam, Attacks Christianity at Prayer Breakfast; page 355, post #5325

HRC film: "What do you know? Six to twelve year olds talk about lesbianism", (link to massresistance article); page 356, post #5327

Link to table of contents review of "What happens when homosexuals are allowed to adopt children"; page 357, post # 5346

Childhood experiences of homosexual men: how an absent, distant, or rejecting father heavily influenced same sex desires; page 357, post #5355

aCW shares a link from Americans For Truth About Homosexuality about homosexual bathhouses; page 359, post #5382

alwight the atheist inquires if Islam's (false) prophet Muhammad was a homosexual, aCW responds; page 360, post #5387

Gay and Bi Men Account for 75% of All Syphilis Cases: The rate of syphilis in 2013 was the highest recorded since 1996; page 360, post #5391

Chris Kyle's Killer Was Sporting Islamic Facial Hair When He Killed Kyle; page 360, post #5392

'Gay' christian (not to be confused with an adulterous or incestuous Christian) Heterodoxical attempts to defend homosexuality by prostituting Holy Scripture; page 360, post #'s 5294 & 5295; aCW links article by Professor Robert Gagnon entitled " Theology Expert Says Obama ‘Grossly Distorts’ Scriptures to Support Homosexual Cause"; post # 5397
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Since several people (including my friend serpentdove) still stick with the belief that those who engage in non capital crimes such as adultery and homosexuality should be put to death, I'll link this article from page 250 and open up the thread for discussion of that topic.

This may be a major factor as to why Muhammad reinstituted the punishments found in the Torah. Being merely a human messenger (Sura 3:144), he could not send the Holy Spirit into the hearts of people so that they could be changed from the inside out. On the other hand, as the eternal Son of God, Jesus does in fact send the Holy Spirit into the hearts of all those who ask for him, and now they have living in them the power to be changed from the inside out.



[Lev. 20:10–13]"...t's pretty difficult to evangelize to someone when they're dead."

If you're not willing to do the time, don't do the crime.


Pence backpedals. Wants to required Christians to make their Sodomite cakes, make women look like men, design homo flowers...


...photograph their porn :BRAVO:

"No one should be harassed or mistreated because of who they are, who they love [aka lust] or what they believe..." Vid: Gov. Mike Pence: Change RFRA law to make it clear discrimination won't be allowed

"...And: We Just Want To Be Left Alone: "Yeah, right. In the public square, Christianity and homosexuality are mutually exclusive. One or the other will be out of the closet", said Bob Enyart. A homosexual replies: "No really, we just want to be left alone. Oh yeah, and you better bake us a cake. Or else. And cookies. And send us flowers. And you better give me a haircut while I'm waiting. And take some photos. Or else. Oh yeah, and did we tell you? You're going to host our wedding! Yup. Even on your church property. And, we want a parade. See below for more. Unfortunately..." Full text: Homosexuality Debate: Bob Enyart vs. Wayne Besen

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement better hope that those who adhere to Old Testament punishment laws don't take control of government, as it's pretty difficult to evangelize to someone when they're dead.

I would surmise that any gay people have as much to worry about there as they would with the likes of you. To put it another way you're both completely ineffectual and give no concern to anybody. SD probably just edges you out on the 'crank scale' (no mean feat) but it's slightly amusing to see the pair of you loons at odds...




If you believe that homosexuals are destined for an eternity in Hell, why do you fret so much over them having 80 years or so to be happy?


New member
Yes your inability to actually respond to the sad response of the president on 9/11 must be very humiliating to you.
Anytime you want to step out from behind the ball boy's shadow, climb out of the dugout, step up to the plate, and admit that the following...
“Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.” 2 Peter 3:15-17

Paul specifically used the Greek word paraphysi here, which does not mean "to go against the law(s) of nature", that would be Ενάντια στο. Rather it means to engage in action(s) which is uncharacteristic or against the nature of that person or more simply an individual denying his/her true nature.

Paul is writing about heterosexual women and men who "exchange" or go against themselves and their normal/inborn orientation for same-sex activities. It's that abandoning that is being condemned
...is completely Made Up; you just go right ahead. We're waiting. :sleep:


Anytime you want to step out from behind the ball boy's shadow, climb out of the dugout, step up to the plate, and admit that the following...
...is completely Made Up; you just go right ahead. We're waiting. :sleep:

I ran across this a couple days ago. It's shocking how many anti-gay Christians either ignore or are unaware of it.

Matthew 19
8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

10 The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.”

11 Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

"Born" eunuchs are what homosexuals were called in Jewish tradition. It's even in the Talmud.

Jesus very clearly states that at least some homosexuals are born that way.

You can still say that it's immoral if you wish but saying it is unnatural is denying what Christ himself tells you


New member

If you believe that homosexuals are destined for an eternity in Hell, why do you fret so much over them having 80 years or so to be happy?
I don't think that aCW is particularly worried about gay people, it's himself he fears for.
I suggest that aCW is the only "Queen of Denial" here since he perhaps spends his time avoiding his own repressed homosexual nature by making out that a person's sexuality is not innate but a choice. He probably wants it to be a choice so that he can then "choose" not to have the same sex attraction he nevertheless clearly has. Clearly he relishes all his, often well illustrated, in depth, "research".
This is all about his own 80 years on Earth imo rather than anyone else's and probably his own supposed salvation based on Christian fundamentalist beliefs, which he thinks is in the balance. :think:


New member
I don't think that aCW is particularly worried about gay people, it's himself he fears for.
I suggest that aCW is the only "Queen of Denial" here since he perhaps spends his time avoiding his own repressed homosexual nature by making out that a person's sexuality is not innate but a choice. He probably wants it to be a choice so that he can then "choose" not to have the same sex attraction he nevertheless clearly has. Clearly he relishes all his, often well illustrated, in depth, "research".
This is all about his own 80 years on Earth imo rather than anyone else's and probably his own supposed salvation based on Christian fundamentalist beliefs, which he thinks is in the balance. :think:

This is usually true. That's why Christians and muslims will never get along either. The people you find to be most obnoxious and disgusting are almost always the people that have the exact same qualities as yourself.


New member
This is usually true. That's why Christians and muslims will never get along either. The people you find to be most obnoxious and disgusting are almost always the people that have the exact same qualities as yourself.

Let me add that this is often why parents and kids don't see eye to eye too


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
[Lev. 20:10–13]"...t's pretty difficult to evangelize to someone when they're dead."

If you're not willing to do the time, don't do the crime.

Tell me that God wants a 12 year old boy who had been repeatedly raped by an older sodomite at the age of 6 and years later is caught in the act of sodomy, stoned to death (if you're going to use the OT penalty phase, you better use the OT method).

Pence backpedals. Wants to required Christians to make their Sodomite cakes, make women look like men, design homo flowers...

Gov. Mike Pence: Change RFRA law to make it clear discrimination won't be allowed

It's really too bad that Christian groups and families didn't counteract the sodomite boycott of Indiana and book conventions and hotel rooms by the thousands.

The buggerites just love playing the victim card even though it's Christian bakers, florists, photographers and innkeepers in other states who are being fined and threatened with jail time for not selling out God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement better hope that those who adhere to Old Testament punishment laws don't take control of government, as it's pretty difficult to evangelize to someone when they're dead.

I would surmise that any gay people have as much to worry about there as they would with the likes of you. To put it another way you're both completely ineffectual and give no concern to anybody. SD probably just edges you out on the 'crank scale' (no mean feat) but it's slightly amusing to see the pair of you loons at odds...


As beautiful and intelligent as sd is, she does have a stubborn streak to her (she often times refuses to listen to the wisdom of her friend aCW).

There is a reason that Christian legislators during the first 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization didn't legislate the ultimate penalty of death against those who were caught and convicted in the act of homosexuality, and redemption was the reason.

On the same note there was a very good reason why Christian legislators during the first 2,000 years of Judeo-Christianized western civilization did see the act of homosexuality as a very serious offense, charging those who were caught engaging in it with a felony.

This 3 part thread has shown what has happened since that very serious offense was decriminalized.




New member
I ran across this a couple days ago. It's shocking how many anti-gay Christians either ignore or are unaware of it.

Matthew 19
8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

10 The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.”

11 Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

"Born" eunuchs are what homosexuals were called in Jewish tradition. It's even in the Talmud.

Jesus very clearly states that at least some homosexuals are born that way.

You can still say that it's immoral if you wish but saying it is unnatural is denying what Christ himself tells you
Some men find other men more beautiful than women, and some women find other women more beautiful than men. Many people (myself included) behold beauty in both sexes, and many people feel that the most beautiful creatures in God's creation are children (e.g., the late Michael Jackson perhaps). There is nothing wrong with seeing pure beauty in children (I see it in my own children), or in our same sex, or in the opposite sex, or in our neighbors or in our neighbors' spouses or family or friends; but it is a sin to permit our matrimonial desire to manifest in any direction save our own opposite-sex spouse.

Eunuchs are those who either do not have, or who tame their matrimonial desire, so that it is not operating at all.

Misdirected matrimonial desire is lust, and lust is a choice. If a man appreciates the beauty of another woman, and is not attracted to her, it is because he is not lusting. Physical attraction is a product of the beholding of beauty, and matrimonial desire.

We are born finding beauty wherever we find it, and the appreciation for the beauty that God creates, is always good and wholesome and pure. If we choose to lust indiscriminately after the beauty that we find, wherever we find it, we are not therefore "born" that way, but we are choosing to lust.


In "poetic justice" news:

Angie’s List Haunted By Huge Fraud Lawsuit As It Criticizes Indiana Religious Freedom Act


Angie’s List, an Indianapolis-based consumer reviews website, has been among the most strident critics of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which allows individuals and business owners to challenge laws they believe impose heavy burdens on their religious freedom.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, a Republican, signed the new legislation Thursday, hailing it as a triumph for “religious liberty,” CNN Money reports.

By Saturday, Angie’s List CEO Bill Oesterle said the company may cancel an expansion of its Indianapolis headquarters in light of the new law...

Meanwhile, Angie’s List cannot stop getting sued by consumers who allege shoddy business practices.

A class action lawsuit filed on March 11 marks the third in four years for the company, which charges consumers to use it and which holds itself out as a trustworthy arbiter of consumer opinion.

According to the lawsuit, however, Angie’s List is little more than a sophisticated racketeering operation that favors businesses that pay for advertising by making those businesses more visible and by quashing negative reviews of businesses which pony up for ads.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/03/30/a...-it-criticizes-indiana-religious-freedom-act/




New member
This is usually true. That's why Christians and muslims will never get along either. The people you find to be most obnoxious and disgusting are almost always the people that have the exact same qualities as yourself.
Yes, someone with say at least some ambiguity about sexual orientation while also having strongly polarised contradictory religious beliefs about the roles of men and women must surely be being pulled in two opposite directions, a cognitive dissonance.
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