Christian Liberty
Well-known member
I've pointed out on numerous occasions that Jesus rescinded the penalty of death for those caught and convicted of homosexual acts johnny boy.
I've pointed out on numerous occasions that Jesus rescinded the penalty of death for those caught and convicted of homosexual acts johnny boy.
So CW is stil going with this "kill the queers" theology. It is your theology, right, but without a single hint of justification from Christ's teachings or the New Testament. And Ted Cruz --- seriously? He would call you 7 kinds of moron, you know.
I don't think aCW advocates killing homosexual people, like many of the good Christian folks here at TOL advocate.
But he doesn't have any sort of plan regarding making homosexuality illegal.
He's mostly focused on his descriptions of sex acts or posting pictures of "sodomy chambers" and whatnot in these "WHMBR! (whoops excuse me it must have been something I ate)" threads of his.
Like I said, Cultured Warlord, you have no New Testament basis for your "death to the queers" mentality, nor do you have Christian history on your side (pre-400AD) nor American History ("homosexualtiy" has never been against the law in this country). So what do you have? Nothing but blow. Why you are allowed to sprew this kind of hatred on TOL is beyond me, and I have been a church administer for years. Flat out heresy and nothing more.Quote:
Originally Posted by jsjohnnt
So CW is stil going with this "kill the queers" theology. It is your theology, right, but without a single hint of justification from Christ's teachings or the New Testament. And Ted Cruz --- seriously? He would call you 7 kinds of moron, you know.
As aCW mentioned many times before widdle fella: homosexual people (as opposed to homosexual ameba's?) have it down to a science when it comes to death.
You are correct there Einstein Jr. While there are still laws against sodomy in numerous US States, western civilization has never seen this kind of moral depravity before. While "he" has stated numerous times that a return to righteous laws and cultural mores' is the cure, getting to that point will be the interesting part.
"Sex acts"? Is that what the LGBTQueer so-called "community" is calling this these days? (BTW, the term "sodomy chambers" is so yesterday. "Public restroom toilet stall love nest" has a romantic tone to it don't cha think?).
Warning! Homosexualfilthculture.
Like I said, Cultured Warlord, you have no New Testament basis for your "death to the queers" mentality,
nor do you have Christian history on your side (pre-400AD)
nor American History ("homosexualtiy" has never been against the law in this country).
So what do you have? Nothing but blow. Why you are allowed to sprew this kind of hatred on TOL is beyond me, and I have been a church administer for years. Flat out heresy and nothing more.
Also, the folks should make note that this Bizarre Clown did not cite and New Testament verses for his hatred of gays, nor does he challenge my claim that Ted Cruz would call him 7 kinds of "moron" for his beliefs and for associating him (Cruz) with CW heresy. Gatcha, Slick. Case closed.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm almost under the impression that you're on the side of a bunch of child molesting drag queens, dykes and fairies on this issue Traci, and not those who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Correct me if I'm wrong here.
You are aware that we're talking about a behavior that God detests and an extremely powerful movement that has coined the term "gay youth" aren't you?
Regarding the word "minority": How do you think 1-2% of Americans who engage in this detestable (yet changeable) behavior have gotten so much power?
Yes we do feel sorry for you but remember you can always accept God into your heart and change.You almost have to feel sorry for these sick degenerates:
A life of misery and disease, followed often times by early death, and then they have to face God's wrath for mocking Him...
He has actually advocated that. He briefly put up a post to about that towards the end of part 2, it was only up a few minutes before he edited it.I don't think aCW advocates killing homosexual people, like many of the good Christian folks here at TOL advocate. But he doesn't have any sort of plan regarding making homosexuality illegal. He's mostly focused on his descriptions of sex acts or posting pictures of "sodomy chambers" and whatnot in these "WHMBR! (whoops excuse me it must have been something I ate)" threads of his.
Too bad Josh Earnest :freak: doesn't know the difference between love :straight: and lust. :reals:[Religious liberty vs. Sodomy Indiana] "It's not only amazing how things can change so drastically in a matter of two decades, it's also amazing that a proud and unrepentant adulterer [Bill Clinton] (who by the way jumped on the LGBTQueer movement bandwagon too) said these words.
Remember When Democrats Used To Support Religious Freedom?
Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993..."
A blatant lie. While sodomy used to be against the law in a number of states, homesexuality was never against the law, per se. And, it certainly is not against the law, today, and that is where you should give some attention.Pay attention or you'll spend an hour after class cleaning chalkboard erasers (the poor kid probably doesn't even know what one is).
Dem queers have death down to science; we Christians are here to not only help them leave their deathstyle behind, but show them the path to eternal salvation.
(Someone has been listening to little Mattie Vines a tad bit much).
Other than Thomas Jefferson wanting to castrate those miserable souls who engaged in the detestable behavior known as sodomy/homosexuality, it's been a felony in every US State for most of the history of the US (refer to Part 1's table of contents or do your own internet search).
Can I honestly say that I don't take some pleasure in thinking about the wrath that God is going to lay on this little defender of buggery when they meet?
Not quite. As your church's "administer", is it your job to hand out condoms at the door and make sure that all of your congregation get HIV tested?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...After 4 years of putting up with the 2nd worst President in US history, the American people were ready for a huge change, and they thought that they were getting that in Ronald Reagan. He fooled social conservatives into believing that he was one, I've shown that he wasn't...
You haven't understood a single word I've said have you?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...Unlike Ronald Reagan, Ted Cruz has the credentials of a true social conservative...
...I do believe I hear a theology thread calling your name (politics isn't your forte').
Dear aCW,
Are you saying I'm a homophobic, like I have a phobia about homos, or a fear of them?
You're very mistaken. I just thought I could tell you how I felt. Jesus forgave the thief next to Him on the Cross. So you might want to work on your forgiveness capabilities too. Just saying. Everyone can have their own opinion.
Either homosexuality or Christianity will be in the closet (Enyart)...
God has implemented the death penalty for Sodomites (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:13]).
The death penalty shall not be remitted (Nu 35:31).
A blatant lie. While sodomy used to be against the law in a number of states, homesexuality was never against the law, per se.
And, it certainly is not against the law, today, and that is where you should give some attention.
Romans 13 is being completely ignored by the wannabe tough guys driving this thread. Put your money where your mouth is, Slick. Start your purge and we will all laugh at what happens next.
And where are all those New Testament scriptures that order us to go out and kill the queer?
Lincoln kept the republic together. FDR won WWII, Kennedy averted nuclear war, and W endured 9-11. Could you imagine what Al Gore would have done with 9-11 ?
You'd be decent at theology.
You are aware that FDR, because of his "New Deal", is responsible for the economic mess that we're into today aren't you?
FDR: Great President Or Socialist Disaster?
How many times was FDR elected ?
And he won WWII.
How many times was B. Hussein Obama elected? (and he personally killed Osama bin Laden)...
...Give it a rest Jed.