Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by alwight
...we are all sinners apparently, right?

Feel free to tell our atheist friend what Jesus Christ wants sinners to do Jed (it starts with the letter "r" and ends with the letter "t" and has the letters "epen" in between).
What about a Christian, who has been deceived by the leaven of sin (1 Corinthians 5:6; Galatians 5:9)-- are they to repent unendingly ?

Such a member of the Body of Christ need ask of Our Lord, "Increase my faith," and He will do it.

Meanwhile, it is clear that Paul wouldn't have a practicing LGBTQ in the New Testament church communities that he and the other Apostles set up, but he doesn't equate excommunication with everlasting condemnation; Paul wants the churches to be pure of such sinning. This is how the leaven got into the Church in the first place.

Our only salvation is the glorious Gospel of our Lord.


Originally Posted by alwight
...we are all sinners apparently, right?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarriorFeel free to tell our atheist friend what Jesus Christ wants sinners to do Jed (it starts with the letter "r" and ends with the letter "t" and has the letters "epen" in between).

What about a Christian, who has been deceived by the leaven of sin (1 Corinthians 5:6; Galatians 5:9)-- are they to repent unendingly ?

Such a member of the Body of Christ need ask of Our Lord, "Increase my faith," and He will do it.

Meanwhile, it is clear that Paul wouldn't have a practicing LGBTQ in the New Testament church communities that he and the other Apostles set up, but he doesn't equate excommunication with everlasting condemnation; Paul wants the churches to be pure of such sinning. This is how the leaven got into the Church in the first place.

Our only salvation is the glorious Gospel of our Lord.

While I have no idea what that rant was about, repentance of sin is the core to Christianity.

I'm not sure why you brought up churches and sinning, because God's laws legislated righteously via the civil magistrate covers all areas of life, the church included (if you think what goes on in churches is immune to the civil magistrate, then you better look into all of those pederast priests who are doing time for child molestation).

Anyway, thanks for stopping by Jed.


Why don't you relax a bit, no one wants to make homosexuality compulsory.

Many gay people, well, mainly gay men (imo) perhaps can be somewhat extravert and OTT, sometimes irritatingly so, but also can be highly entertaining and witty. Why not try to accept people for who they are rather than judging them from what can be derived or cherry picked from an ancient scripture.

After all we are all sinners apparently, right?

Ok homo


More on Dr. Ben Carson, this time from the Loonatarian Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck: Ben Carson’s Prison Sex Comment ‘The Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Heard’

March 6, 2015

According to Glenn Beck, possible GOP candidate Dr. Ben Carson‘s comments about homosexuality being a choice is one of the dumbest things the radio host has ever heard.

After telling CNN on Wednesday that homosexuality is “absolutely” a choice, Carson cited his belief that “a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay,” Carson said. “So, did something happen while they were in there?”

Later in the day, the retired-neurosurgeon-turned-politician told blamed the media for his remarks, suggesting to Sean Hannity that he was simply taken out of context by a network seeking to make him look bad. He eventually apologized for his choice of words.

“Goodbye to his presidential career,” Beck said Friday on his radio show. “It’s over. It’s over. There is no way to recover from that. That just sounds like a lunatic… That is just a ridiculous statement on a million fronts. A ridiculous statement.”

Read more: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/glenn-be...sex-comment-the-dumbest-thing-ive-ever-heard/


I don't need to hear "a million fronts" Glenn, just give us one or two reasons why it's "ridiculous".

Are there any Glenn Beck/Libertarian/LGBTQueer supporters that would like to come forward and speak for Beck as to why Carson's statement was ridiculous?

Give us two good reasons.



New member
Are there any Glenn Beck/Libertarian/LGBTQueer supporters that would like to come forward and speak for Beck as to why Carson's statement was ridiculous?

1: Where are the stats for straight people coming out of jail gay?
Is a future POTUS really going to rely on anecdotal hearsay in making presidential decisions?

2: Clearly some people do seem to think that they can choose which sex floats their boat, you being a prime example of such a person aCW.
I don't understand it personally but I am happy to accept your word for this, presumably from your own personal experience. :e4e:
So, for you, and those like you aCW, perhaps a period in jail may indeed lead them to a gay experience that they choose to carry on with when outside? :idunno:
However, unlike you aCW, and those like you, most people really don't have that choice, yes really it's true. It would therefore be truly ridiculous for them to even contemplate the very idea of choosing a sexual orientation, but not you obviously... :think:


The tolerance, love and joy just oozes out of you. :plain:

Thank you. Homo living is a sin. It's a forgivable sin but there are consequences that the offender lives with. There are homos who struggle with impure thoughts and temptations and then there are predators such as the emperor Caligula was. The bottom line for me is that sin is forgivable but before one receives forgiveness that one first agrees with God that it is a sin. Then allrong, one can be forgiven and given a new heart and a new mind from the God of the bible. Make no mistakes, God calls the sin of homosexual lust an abomination. The world, the flesh and the evil one try to persuade otherwise. Furthermore the word teaches that once a man or woman reaches a point of no return in continual habitual homosexual fornication that God will give them up to a reprobate mind, they will no longer have any capacity to repent because they have convinced themselves that their lives are not sinful but are an option for the creation.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
1: Where are the stats for straight people coming out of jail gay?
Is a future POTUS really going to rely on anecdotal hearsay in making presidential decisions?

2: Clearly some people do seem to think that they can choose which sex floats their boat, you being a prime example of such a person aCW.
I don't understand it personally but I am happy to accept your word for this, presumably from your own personal experience. :e4e:
So, for you, and those like you aCW, perhaps a period in jail may indeed lead them to a gay experience that they choose to carry on with when outside? :idunno:
However, unlike you aCW, and those like you, most people really don't have that choice, yes really it's true. It would therefore be truly ridiculous for them to even contemplate the very idea of choosing a sexual orientation, but not you obviously... :think:

Furthermore, if aCW is of the opinion that being locked up in jail can "cause" people to become gay it's ironic that he would see it as a solution to the "problem"...


New member
Thank you. Homo living is a sin. It's a forgivable sin but there are consequences that the offender lives with. There are homos who struggle with impure thoughts and temptations and then there are predators such as the emperor Caligula was.
I'm not sure how reasonable or honest it is to offer Caligula as a typical homosexual since his "sins" were just as likely to be heterosexual in nature as homosexual plus being crazy and a despotic emperor is hardly typical or representative of any group of people.
I presume here that you are speaking for God as to what exactly is sinful and abominable, not simply your own possibly homophobic personal opinion that you would like to be given a Godly amplification?
How exactly you know the thoughts of "homos" is rather curious never mind if they actually are "impure" or not, perhaps God tells you? :think:
Anyway on this thread at least I think you'll find that aCW is God's actual spokesperson on Earth. :rolleyes:

The bottom line for me is that sin is forgivable but before one receives forgiveness that one first agrees with God that it is a sin. Then allrong, one can be forgiven and given a new heart and a new mind from the God of the bible.
"allrong" doesn't work on several levels. "wight" is not the same as "wright" or "right" unless like aCW you sometimes have a speech impediment.
"allwrong" might have been a bit better, but mainly intojoy it's just so terribly lame. :rolleyes:

Make no mistakes, God calls the sin of homosexual lust an abomination. The world, the flesh and the evil one try to persuade otherwise. Furthermore the word teaches that once a man or woman reaches a point of no return in continual habitual homosexual fornication that God will give them up to a reprobate mind, they will no longer have any capacity to repent because they have convinced themselves that their lives are not sinful but are an option for the creation.
Do you eat shellfish intojoy?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Are there any Glenn Beck/Libertarian/LGBTQueer supporters that would like to come forward and speak for Beck as to why Carson's statement was ridiculous?

1: Where are the stats for straight people coming out of jail gay?
Is a future POTUS really going to rely on anecdotal hearsay in making presidential decisions?

Ben Carson: Many prisoners go in straight, come out gay

"Many inmates who identify as heterosexual change their sexual habits while in prison, possibly as a victim or perpetrator of abuse or due to lack of access to the opposite sex, said Christopher Hensley, a University of Tennessee at Chattanooga criminal justice professor. But a change in sexual behavior does not necessarily equate to a change in sexual orientation.

Hensley recently authored a study that he said is one of the first to examine a shift in sexual orientation in prisons. He and his co-author questioned 142 prisoners at a maximum-security facility in the South about their sexual orientation. They found that of the sample, 24 men changed sexual orientation while incarcerated.

Of those 24, 18 changed from straight to bisexual, three changed from bisexual to straight, and one each changed from bisexual to gay, gay to bisexual, and gay to straight....

It’s possible that people go into prison unaware of their sexuality, and then once they are exposed to homosexual behavior as an inmate, they realize that they are gay or bisexual, Helen Eigenberg, who also studies prison sexuality as a professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, said in an interview with PolitiFact. This isn’t necessarily captured in Hensley’s research, she said.

Eigenberg added that sometimes victims of sexual abuse -- in prisons that can mean gang rape, prostitution or other forms of coercion -- are sometimes confused. They might think that just because they played a role in a homosexual act, they are now gay, which is not necessarily true."

Read more: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...rson-many-prisoners-go-straight-come-out-gay/

I couldn't agree more with the last statement made by Helen Eigenberg (who undoubtedly is a liberal and didn't know that she stepped on her own tongue when she made that statement).

Let's rephrase what she just said:

'Victims (i.e. children) of sexual abuse are sometimes confused (drop the sometimes, they're totally confused because their innocence has been destroyed and their outlook on normal human sexuality has been severely damaged). They might think that just because they played a role in a homosexual act, they are now gay, which is not necessarily true.'

2: Clearly some people do seem to think that they can choose which sex floats their boat, you being a prime example of such a person aCW.
I don't understand it personally but I am happy to accept your word for this, presumably from your own personal experience. :e4e:
So, for you, and those like you aCW, perhaps a period in jail may indeed lead them to a gay experience that they choose to carry on with when outside? :idunno:
However, unlike you aCW, and those like you, most people really don't have that choice, yes really it's true. It would therefore be truly ridiculous for them to even contemplate the very idea of choosing a sexual orientation, but not you obviously... :think:

We're all made in God's image Al, i.e. we come out of the womb with normal sexual desires ( even though your LGBTQueer movement has spent millions and millions trying to find that coveted 'gay gene', they'll never find it because it doesn't exist). I was fortunate that I grew up in an environment that didn't damage my normal sexual desires.

Your turn Al: What happened in your life that caused you to defend perversion?


New member
Furthermore, if aCW is of the opinion that being locked up in jail can "cause" people to become gay it's ironic that he would see it as a solution to the "problem"...
Yes, a kind of gay finishing school perhaps? ;)
Then again I think the concept of irony rather escapes our culturally warrioring friend.


Furthermore, if aCW is of the opinion that being locked up in jail can "cause" people to become gay it's ironic that he would see it as a solution to the "problem"...

What's your alternative to incarceration for murderers, rapists and robbers Art, letting them run free?


Do you eat shellfish intojoy?

(Good ole Al, still using the LGBTQueer lie stating that God disapproves of eating shellfish along with homosexuality).

And a one more time...

"...Third, Leviticus, in addition to prohibiting homosexual relationships (Lev. 18:22; 20:13), also prohibits eating certain foods (Lev. 11:2–31). Unlike homosexuality, there are no civil penalties attached to eating from the prohibited food list. It’s obvious, in terms of the sanctions, that eating shellfish is not the same as engaging in homosexual relationships. With the coming of Jesus, the Second Adam, we are back to the creation ordinances where all foods are once again “clean” because the gospel is for the world (John 4:42; Acts 1:8):

And He said to them, “Are you also as lacking in understanding? Don’t you realize that nothing going into a man from the outside can defile him? For it doesn’t go into his heart but into the stomach and is eliminated.” (As a result, He made all foods clean.) Then He said, “What comes out of a person—that defiles him. For from within, out of people’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immoralities, thefts, murders, adulteries, greed, evil actions, deceit, promiscuity, stinginess, blasphemy, pride, and foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a person.” (Mark 7:18–23)"

Read more: http://americanvision.org/3112/shellfish-logic-and-the-defense-of-homosexual-marriage/


Give it a rest Al, you're embarrassing yourself.


New member
Furthermore, if aCW is of the opinion that being locked up in jail can "cause" people to become gay it's ironic that he would see it as a solution to the "problem"...

He wants to send me to the gay recruiting office (jail) for smoking marijuana.

I think his agenda is to secretly turn us all gay.


New member
We're all made in God's image Al, i.e. we come out of the womb with normal sexual desires ( even though your LGBTQueer movement has spent millions and millions trying to find that coveted 'gay gene', they'll never find it because it doesn't exist). I was fortunate that I grew up in an environment that didn't damage my normal sexual desires.
I would suggest aCW that as evolved creatures, a strong instinctive, innate tendency to favour the opposite sex is a fairly important requirement to procreation, long before any great powers of intellectual choice evolved, but despite that the two genders are clearly not polar opposites mentally.

Your turn Al: What happened in your life that caused you to defend perversion?
What is "perversion" is rather like "beauty" aCW, in the mind's eye of the beholder.:plain:
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