Perhaps then you simply conclude from the Bible that slavery can be justified by there actually being a supposed due process to entitle a person to be owned by another? Tacit approval of slavery in the Bible is clear enough afaic.
I would guess that
annadenebetti doesn't particularly find that trying to have a rational dialog with you is likely to be anything but a counterproductive futile gesture aCW?
She is perhaps rather wiser than me? :think:
Anyway back to my futile gesture: Jesus at least, the guy whom your religion is named after, (remember him?), to my understanding didn't condone homosexuality nor slavery but he didn't mention either as being abominations when he easily could have, but he probably thought that money changers and fig trees were much more pressing matters?
Paul otoh did condone slavery while his homophobic bigotry was probably a match for yours aCW.
Perhaps your religion should have been named after Paul not Jesus Christ?
